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Opinions that are held by the majority you don't agree with.. .

Started by Kotowboy, March 30, 2014, 07:38:41 PM

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I like megadeth's super collider (the album, not the song itself.)

I thought Ozzy's Scream album could have been one of his best if not for the extreme overproduction. Time is becoming one of my favorite ozzy songs.

Halloween III season of the witch is one of my favorites, and I think they should've stayed with the anthology idea.

Avatar is a very pretty but only alright movie


Quote from: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on March 31, 2014, 03:30:47 PM
Speaking as an American, I have no idea who Oasis are.

Not that I'm necessarily a representative sample of the country at large.

You really need to hear Whats The Story ( Morning Glory )


Quote from: jammindude on March 31, 2014, 03:28:49 PM
Quote from: Kotowboy on March 31, 2014, 03:22:46 PM
Quote from: jammindude on March 31, 2014, 03:19:20 PM
Love them or hate them....Nirvana will be the last *BIG* band.   The change in the shape of the music business and the way music is bought and sold (or shared...or stolen) has splintered the entire music industry.    This is not necessarily a bad thing.  It just opens up the way for everyone to be into their own artists...and for "niche audiences" to become the new standard.    I honestly don't believe you will ever have a single band or artist that is as huge, or will have the same unifying effect across all genres like The Beatles or Zeppelin or Pink Floyd or Michael Jackson, or Guns n Roses, or AC/DC....or Nirvana.  The age of the *HUGE ROCK BAND* is over.   Nirvana was the last band to unify everyone under one banner.   And I don't think there will be another band of that caliber ever again. 

Even if you hate can't deny that they were as universally adored as all the other bands I mentioned....they weren't better, they just happened to be the last in a line of "earth shattering" bands that the current business model will no longer support.    It used to be that we could just wait for the next "big thing"...but there won't be a next "big thing"...

Nirvana ended just as Oasis were warming up. Oasis were *huge*. I think it will be a while before anyone is as big as oasis were - at least in the UK.

I've heard this before.  I've heard they were hailed as "the next Beatles" before they imploded.    And while they *did* have hits stateside...they just weren't nearly as big in the US as they were in the UK. 

My scope of how huge Nirvana is doesn't simply stem from the fact that I live in's because Kurt's home in Aberdeen has become a FREAKIN MECCA!!  I mean seriously....people travel from *all over the world* just to come to a tiny town in the middle of freakin nowhere (about 2-3 hours away from Seattle) just to look at the house he grew up in.    That leads me to believe that Nirvana is a slightly more worldwide phenomenon. 

Is it also the house he shot his face off in?


Quote from: jammindude on March 31, 2014, 03:19:20 PM
Love them or hate them....Nirvana will be the last *BIG* band.   The change in the shape of the music business and the way music is bought and sold (or shared...or stolen) has splintered the entire music industry.    This is not necessarily a bad thing.  It just opens up the way for everyone to be into their own artists...and for "niche audiences" to become the new standard.    I honestly don't believe you will ever have a single band or artist that is as huge, or will have the same unifying effect across all genres like The Beatles or Zeppelin or Pink Floyd or Michael Jackson, or Guns n Roses, or AC/DC....or Nirvana.  The age of the *HUGE ROCK BAND* is over.   Nirvana was the last band to unify everyone under one banner.   And I don't think there will be another band of that caliber ever again. 

Uh, Radiohead?


As far as I'm concerned, Radiohead is a one hit wonder band. I think I may have heard one new song by them recently, but since it came out, I've only ever heard Creep on the radio, whereas Nirvana has tortured me with several hits over the past 20 years.


Good, Radiohead more than make up for that being one of the best bands ever, glad that they didn't go that path.


Quote from: XJDenton on March 31, 2014, 12:15:57 PM
Quote from: bosk1 on March 31, 2014, 11:59:19 AM
"Flash Gordon (1980) is an awful movie."

Flash is pure epic win.  Yes, it is campy and silly, but it is meant to be.  Hands down, it is one of the greatest movies of our time.

It is terrible. But in the most fantastic way possible.

The forum is an M. Night film.



Just so I know, is there anything I can do to change this, or am I stuck with it for now?


This is the most awesome theme this forum has ever had!!   :xbones


Quote from: ozzy554 on March 31, 2014, 03:31:32 PM
I like megadeth's super collider (the album, not the song itself.)

Halloween III season of the witch is one of my favorites, and I think they should've stayed with the anthology idea.

Agreed... Super Collider is a pretty cool album aside from one or two tracks and Halloween III is awesome!  :biggrin: I've never understood why so many people hate it so much.


That Jimmy Page is revered as some super awesome, technically superior guitar player - generally by Led Zep fans and people that don't play an instrument.

JP was OK for what they did but he wasn't a patch on Clapton, Hendrix, Gilmour or May.

And for that matter; Led Zep were nothing special either. A few great songs but nothing so amazing that warrants the pedestal they're on.



Quote from: puppyonacid on April 01, 2014, 06:33:25 AM
That Jimmy Page is revered as some super awesome, technically superior guitar player - generally by Led Zep fans and people that don't play an instrument.

JP was OK for what they did but he wasn't a patch on Clapton, Hendrix, Gilmour or May.

And for that matter; Led Zep were nothing special either. A few great songs but nothing so amazing that warrants the pedestal they're on.

For your consideration I suggest the album of The Soundtrack From The Film Led-Zeppelin The Song Remains The Same (not the movie itself). Page's brilliance as a player and performer is on display or so it seems to me--Dazed and Confused alone is worthy of every accolade he's ever received. Oh, and I don't ever remember hearing anyone claim that Jimmy was a "technically superior guitar player". Is that really a thing? He would improvise so much that sometimes it seemed even he wasn't sure about what was coming next. And, doesn't this go back to the tired canard about "feel" vs. "technical?"

The most important thing about him being a guitar god though is that he is so incredibly cool!

No one else could have ever pulled off wearing a dragon suit, slinging the guitar down so low, and pulling off the kind of pyrotechnics he did and not look like a complete dork!  :biggrin: Instead he came off as being mesmerizing. No mean feat when your commonly blasted like he was.  :lol


Quote from: puppyonacid on April 01, 2014, 06:33:25 AM
That Jimmy Page is revered as some super awesome, technically superior guitar player - generally by Led Zep fans and people that don't play an instrument.

JP was OK for what they did but he wasn't a patch on Clapton, Hendrix, Gilmour or May.

And for that matter; Led Zep were nothing special either. A few great songs but nothing so amazing that warrants the pedestal they're on.

I agree with this. I cannot stand when bands are seem as infallible simply because they're 30+ years old.

If I don't agree a band is "classic" i'm damn well gonna say it.

And it is a well known fact that Led Zep stole a lot of their songs. There were numerous court cases for plagiarism.

And yes - Jimmy Page is not a super amazing guitar player. I have a friend who's a huge Zep fan and he says he was always regarded as sloppy.

But more to the point - I disagree entirely with people's over the top reaction when you say you don't think Zep were that great - or Sabbath etc etc.

No band is bulletproof. It's my opinion. Get over it.


ITT: people saying stuff they think under the blanket of "everyone else has the majority opinion"  :rollin


Quote from: Jaq on April 01, 2014, 10:14:49 AM
ITT: people saying stuff they think under the blanket of "everyone else has the majority opinion"  :rollin

Care to contribute ?

Dark Castle

I don't have all of Led Zeppelin's albums, but I can't see how you can say:

aren't great. THEM albums be god damned radular.


It's not Led Zep Per se...

I just have a problem with you not being *allowed* to say you don't like certain bands as much as everyone else does...

Dark Castle

People just can't say, "I don't really like them that much." because that'd be too simple I guess.

There has to be all these following statements about how one can't understand how people even like them, and that they're just shocked at the fact that people like something they don't.


Quote from: Kotowboy on March 31, 2014, 03:22:46 PM
Quote from: jammindude on March 31, 2014, 03:19:20 PM
Love them or hate them....Nirvana will be the last *BIG* band.   The change in the shape of the music business and the way music is bought and sold (or shared...or stolen) has splintered the entire music industry.    This is not necessarily a bad thing.  It just opens up the way for everyone to be into their own artists...and for "niche audiences" to become the new standard.    I honestly don't believe you will ever have a single band or artist that is as huge, or will have the same unifying effect across all genres like The Beatles or Zeppelin or Pink Floyd or Michael Jackson, or Guns n Roses, or AC/DC....or Nirvana.  The age of the *HUGE ROCK BAND* is over.   Nirvana was the last band to unify everyone under one banner.   And I don't think there will be another band of that caliber ever again. 

Even if you hate can't deny that they were as universally adored as all the other bands I mentioned....they weren't better, they just happened to be the last in a line of "earth shattering" bands that the current business model will no longer support.    It used to be that we could just wait for the next "big thing"...but there won't be a next "big thing"...

Nirvana ended just as Oasis were warming up. Oasis were *huge*. I think it will be a while before anyone is as big as oasis were - at least in the UK.
Oasis wasn't huge in the U.S.  They were just another 90's band.  Good, but nothing special.  Certainly not anywhere near the size of Nirvana.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


"The Beatles are the best band ever" The Beatles were a terrible boy band that took a lot of drugs and decided to write extremely pretentious convoluted songs. Abbey Road and Let It Be are decent albums, everything before is garbage. Each member of The Beatles was much better in their careers after the band broke up, except Ringo :lol. Imagine, Band On The Run, and All Things Must Pass are 100 times better than anything The Beatles did.

"Baseball is great, I'm so happy the season started" The only time I ever watch baseball is when I have insomnia, it cures that right away.

"Michael Bay is the worst film maker in the world" While I agree most of his movies have been bad, The Rock is fucking great.


Led Zeppelin IV is one of the best albums ever.


I'm not stating that as an opinion I don't agree with; it definitely is. :lol

Quote from: son_ov_hades on April 01, 2014, 12:23:26 PM
"The Beatles are the best band ever" The Beatles were a terrible boy band that took a lot of drugs and decided to write extremely pretentious convoluted songs. Abbey Road and Let It Be are decent albums, everything before is garbage.



Quote from: Jaffa on March 30, 2014, 09:45:13 PM
Quote from: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on March 30, 2014, 09:36:06 PM

With regards to Twilight, I too think it is merely average. What I imagine bothers most people about it is that such mediocrity is adored.

I do understand that.  And for what it's worth, the Twilight phenomenon got on my nerves in ways, too - for a while there, the teen section of every bookstore was dominated by vampire stories, and it seemed like pop culture in general was drowning in vampires.  That trend pretty much started with Twilight, and it was extremely annoying. 

So when people say that they're sick of Twilight, I get it.  What I don't get is when people act like Twilight is an insult to fiction and Stephenie Meyer should be crucified for being so terribly awful at writing.

I've read all of the Twilight books and seen all of the movies-
I didn't want to get sucked in but at the time I was managing tanning salons and all of the girls who worked for us were obsessed, and I wanted to know what the hype was about.  And you know me...if I read one book in a series, I have to read all of them on principle.

My main issue with Twilight is that it's actually a really good idea, just really poorly executed.  I can live with the teeny bopper element- the main characters are all in high school, so that's to be expected.  But the way the books are written really are poor- there are a ton of grammatical errors in the books, and there's a lot of redundancy.  I can't believe the final drafts got past a team of professional editors.  And in the fourth book, as the series is wrapping up, it's all very anti-climatic.  All of these "ruling" vampires show up and they're all gearing up for this big epic battle that winds up never actually happening.  Throughout the series, some vampires have "abilities" that don't work on Bella (for example, Edward can hear everyone's thoughts except hers)...and it turns out that she's actually got a special "ability" too in that she's able to shield everyone else from harm.  So again it's one of those...."cool idea, but damn that's boring" endings.  Sorry for the lack of a spoiler alert but I figured no one on this board is actually going to read these books anyway  :P

My main problem with the entire series is the movies- the absolute, god awful atrociousness of the movies.  Horrible script, horrible direction, horrible acting.  And I won't even hate on Kristen Stewart that much because for as arguably bad as her acting is, I think she actually nailed the character pretty well.  But it's just pure cheese all around (and not the good kind).  But everything else about the movies is just laughably bad.  The first movie for the last book was so bad- I really thought I was watching the blooper outtakes the first (and only) time I saw it.  (And WHY they felt the need to make the last book into two movies I'll never know, seeing as how nothing actually happened).


And to weigh in on some other topics on this thread:

I like dogs but I would never want to own one.  Too much of a PITA.  (And yes, I'm a cat person).

I'm not much of a bacon fan either.  I like it on my breakfast sandwich or as a side with my pancakes but otherwise I'll pass.

I love Nirvana.  I am at the age where grunge ruled the airwaves when I was most impressionable- Kurt died when I was 13 (FML).  I will always attest that grunge paved the path that eventually led me to metal.  To this day "Scentless Apprentice" gets me every time for how absolutely brutal it is, and I was always most drawn to that tune. 

I love Led Zeppelin.  They were always one of my dad's favorites so I kind of grew up with them.  I get when people say, "They're overrated," or "They just ripped off a bunch of old blues musicians" or whatever, but they're definitely one of those bands that you either "Get Them" or you don't.  And if you get them, you know there are very few bands that could ever or will ever compare.  Granted, they are definitely overplayed- if I never heard Led Zeppelin IV again, I don't think I'd miss it.  But if you took away Physical Graffiti, I'd cry. 

I hate Creed.  I worked for a major market rock radio station when they broke big and hearing them every hour on the hour ensured that I would absolutely fucking hate that band for life.  But I'll give props where it's due:  I saw them live and they really were great.  I wanted them to be terrible because I wanted another reason to hate them- but I was really impressed- and Tremonti really is a fantastic guitarist.  Can't take that from him. 


Quote from: son_ov_hades on April 01, 2014, 12:23:26 PM
"The Beatles are the best band ever" The Beatles were a terrible boy band that took a lot of drugs and decided to write extremely pretentious convoluted songs. Abbey Road and Let It Be are decent albums, everything before is garbage. Each member of The Beatles was much better in their careers after the band broke up, except Ringo :lol. Imagine, Band On The Run, and All Things Must Pass are 100 times better than anything The Beatles did.

April Fools?

Uh Revolver, Sgt. Peppers Lonely Heart's Club Band, And The Beatles would like to have a word with you.

King Postwhore

Quote from: son_ov_hades on April 03, 2014, 04:03:10 PM
All of those albums suck. Sorry

I love it when young kids bash old albums.  They may not be your cup of tea, hell, I was born only for 2 Beatles albums but that's just plain silly to say that.
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


From Hard Day's Night to Let It Be it's all gold, some of the best pop and psychedelic music ever (only two bands rivals this consistency, Pink Floyd and Radiohead).


Quote from: Outcrier on April 03, 2014, 04:26:15 PM
From Hard Day's Night to Let It Be it's all gold, some of the best pop and psychedelic music ever (only two bands rivals this consistency, Pink Floyd and Radiohead).

Swap out Radiohead with Yes and we're golden.


Quote from: son_ov_hades on April 01, 2014, 12:23:26 PM
"The Beatles are the best band ever" The Beatles were a terrible boy band that took a lot of drugs and decided to write extremely pretentious convoluted songs. Abbey Road and Let It Be are decent albums, everything before is garbage. Each member of The Beatles was much better in their careers after the band broke up, except Ringo :lol. Imagine, Band On The Run, and All Things Must Pass are 100 times better than anything The Beatles did.

"Baseball is great, I'm so happy the season started" The only time I ever watch baseball is when I have insomnia, it cures that right away.

"Michael Bay is the worst film maker in the world" While I agree most of his movies have been bad, The Rock is fucking great.

1.) just no.

2.) You can go to hell [spoiler]its a joke. but for real, baseball is the best sport in the world[/spoiler]

3.) Worst? of course not. The Rock is great and I enjoyed The island. Brett Ratner might be the worst.


Well, i said that based on the majority opinion (and i greatly agree with it), OneGuy.


That would have to be my dissent from where the majority stands, as I've stated earlier. I don't wanna come off as though I hate Radiohead either. Kid A and OKC are good, but when people refer to them as the "best albums ever" is where I draw a bit of a line and have to disagree.


Quote from: ThatOneGuy2112 on April 03, 2014, 04:45:46 PM
That would have to be my dissent from where the majority stands, as I've stated earlier. I don't wanna come off as though I hate Radiohead either. Kid A and OKC are good, but when people refer to them as the "best albums ever" is where I draw a bit of a line and have to disagree.

My problem with Radiohead is how successful they are juxtaposed with how miserable they all are and whinge about the pressures of success.

Why do they keep going then ?

Must be all that money they make...

If Tom York seriously hates being in a band - he should try being a cashier for 8 hours a day.