The "Christopher Nolan's Interstellar" Thread - Free Spoilers Included!

Started by Mister Gold, November 08, 2014, 07:57:14 PM

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Good things:
- The soundtrack
- Ambitious concept, the movie TRIES to accomplish a lot and that's commendable
- Some of the visuals. The water planet is such a fascinating idea that I hope they would have spent more time on presenting it and done a better work with the giant waves CGI
- The girl that played the daughter was a very good actress for children actor's standards.

Bad things:
- My overall experience was ruined by the movie being extremely loud and basically being unable to understand 70% of the dialogue (English is not my first language and the lead actor's enunciation is ridiculous)
- Too much time wasted on setting up the stage in the Earth, while spending too little time on showing it as a really decaying world (it looked just like a normal world)
- The scene where the lady at the school says that the Moon landing was fake really detracts from the movie, as you would think it was made to please people from the Flat Earth Society. And it's not necessary for the story at all. Actually, the whole "we are a secret NASA, how did you find us?" story line was unnecessary and IMO it gave some stereotyped/cheesy tone that detracts from the speculative science nature of the movie.
- The role played by Matt Damon
- Too many scenes of the spaceship traveling taken from the same angle, there were probably 10 identical shots of the spaceship, that really bored me.
- The emotional parts weren't convincing. I think that's because you can't go full-blown emotional in a sci-fi movie, so you get the lead actor reuniting with his daughter and 2 minutes later he transforms into Luke Skywalker to jump in a spaceship with R2D2 in the back.

Things I never figured out:
If the lead actor is in the future inside the Tesseract sending the NASA location coordinates to his past self, how did he get to the future in the first place? I know there must be an interesting explanation using relativity concepts but I think the purpose in the movie was to show that "the future they" where able to do that, without really exploring exactly how. Am I missing something?

Overall, I had the same experience than with any other Nolan movie I've watched: I just waited impatiently for the movie to end and get done with it. I think it was such an ambitious project and some of the ideas were so fascinating that the end product could have been more concise


Quote from: reneranucci on December 03, 2014, 06:56:12 AM
Good things:
- The soundtrack
- Ambitious concept, the movie TRIES to accomplish a lot and that's commendable
- Some of the visuals. The water planet is such a fascinating idea that I hope they would have spent more time on presenting it and done a better work with the giant waves CGI
- The girl that played the daughter was a very good actress for children actor's standards.

Bad things:
- My overall experience was ruined by the movie being extremely loud and basically being unable to understand 70% of the dialogue (English is not my first language and the lead actor's enunciation is ridiculous)
- Too much time wasted on setting up the stage in the Earth, while spending too little time on showing it as a really decaying world (it looked just like a normal world)
- The scene where the lady at the school says that the Moon landing was fake really detracts from the movie, as you would think it was made to please people from the Flat Earth Society. And it's not necessary for the story at all. Actually, the whole "we are a secret NASA, how did you find us?" story line was unnecessary and IMO it gave some stereotyped/cheesy tone that detracts from the speculative science nature of the movie.

- Too many scenes of the spaceship traveling taken from the same angle, there were probably 10 identical shots of the spaceship, that really bored me.

- The emotional parts weren't convincing. I think that's because you can't go full-blown emotional in a sci-fi movie, so you get the lead actor reuniting with his daughter and 2 minutes later he transforms into Luke Skywalker to jump in a spaceship with R2D2 in the back.

Things I never figured out:
If the lead actor is in the future inside the Tesseract sending the NASA location coordinates to his past self, how did he get to the future in the first place? I know there must be an interesting explanation using relativity concepts but I think the purpose in the movie was to show that "the future they" where able to do that, without really exploring exactly how. Am I missing something?

Overall, I had the same experience than with any other Nolan movie I've watched: I just waited impatiently for the movie to end and get done with it. I think it was such an ambitious project and some of the ideas were so fascinating that the end product could have been more concise

It was to show that civilisation had given up on space travel and were more concerned about Earth.

It was built by fifth dimensional beings. In a five dimensional universe - you can see all of history at once and can interact with it at any point. There is no past or future in a 5D universe - everything is just there ALL THE TIME. in a Fifth Dimensional universe you can see everything that has happened and will happen at the same time. Cooper ended up there because it had always been there. The scene in the Tesseract was kind of meant to explain that. It's sort of like a predestination paradox but not quite.

Actually i thought that was cool. It was made to represent that one shot you always see on actual NASA footage. The same shot as when Cooper is driving away from the house for the final time with the countdown over the top.


Agree about Matt Damon though. I thought he really over acted. He did serve as comic relief though when he was killed mid sentence. Both times I saw it - people laughed at that.

Actually - I love the movie right up to the black hole then it goes too weird and emotional for me. Both times I saw it I felt really down afterwards. :emo:

Brand is on Edmunds planet on her own til humanity reaches her.

Murph is about to die when Coop finally gets rescued.

His house is now a replica piece in an exhibition.

Then he just sets off on his own to try and reach Brand in a tiny little ship. [ I've said before I assume he and TARS know how to create another wormhole but's really unclear what his motives are...]


I disagree with pretty much all of your cons. After weeks of thinking about it, I still love it all the way to the end.


Quote from: Kotowboy on December 03, 2014, 08:24:45 AM
Quote from: reneranucci on December 03, 2014, 06:56:12 AM
Good things:
- The soundtrack
- Ambitious concept, the movie TRIES to accomplish a lot and that's commendable
- Some of the visuals. The water planet is such a fascinating idea that I hope they would have spent more time on presenting it and done a better work with the giant waves CGI
- The girl that played the daughter was a very good actress for children actor's standards.

Bad things:
- My overall experience was ruined by the movie being extremely loud and basically being unable to understand 70% of the dialogue (English is not my first language and the lead actor's enunciation is ridiculous)
- Too much time wasted on setting up the stage in the Earth, while spending too little time on showing it as a really decaying world (it looked just like a normal world)
- The scene where the lady at the school says that the Moon landing was fake really detracts from the movie, as you would think it was made to please people from the Flat Earth Society. And it's not necessary for the story at all. Actually, the whole "we are a secret NASA, how did you find us?" story line was unnecessary and IMO it gave some stereotyped/cheesy tone that detracts from the speculative science nature of the movie.

- Too many scenes of the spaceship traveling taken from the same angle, there were probably 10 identical shots of the spaceship, that really bored me.

- The emotional parts weren't convincing. I think that's because you can't go full-blown emotional in a sci-fi movie, so you get the lead actor reuniting with his daughter and 2 minutes later he transforms into Luke Skywalker to jump in a spaceship with R2D2 in the back.

Things I never figured out:
If the lead actor is in the future inside the Tesseract sending the NASA location coordinates to his past self, how did he get to the future in the first place? I know there must be an interesting explanation using relativity concepts but I think the purpose in the movie was to show that "the future they" where able to do that, without really exploring exactly how. Am I missing something?

Overall, I had the same experience than with any other Nolan movie I've watched: I just waited impatiently for the movie to end and get done with it. I think it was such an ambitious project and some of the ideas were so fascinating that the end product could have been more concise

It was to show that civilisation had given up on space travel and were more concerned about Earth.

It was built by fifth dimensional beings. In a five dimensional universe - you can see all of history at once and can interact with it at any point. There is no past or future in a 5D universe - everything is just there ALL THE TIME. in a Fifth Dimensional universe you can see everything that has happened and will happen at the same time. Cooper ended up there because it had always been there. The scene in the Tesseract was kind of meant to explain that. It's sort of like a predestination paradox but not quite.

Actually i thought that was cool. It was made to represent that one shot you always see on actual NASA footage. The same shot as when Cooper is driving away from the house for the final time with the countdown over the top.
Great explanations (although a little difficult to read with the dark blue background). Thank you!  :)


I can get my head around most of the concepts in this film ..

... But can someone explain how a worm hole is a sphere ?

I mean - you can nearly see the full width of it... Is the "back" of it where you exit in another galaxy ? How does it work ?

Is the other galaxy in the heart of the sphere and you just emerge from another sphere ?


These are extra-dimensional concepts here, so there is no way to use the laws and rules that we understand to fully explain it. What we have to do is convert it into concepts we can understand in order to sort of explain what is happening, like the paper illustration.

It would technichaly be a spherical shape because like they said, that's what a higher dimensional 'hole' would be. But it's not as simple as it just being a doorway to where you're going. It warps space and time in weird ways make something beyond human comprehension.

Not a full explanation perhaps, just what I think is going on.


The wormhole sphere thing is a good question

But, what other shape would it be? Aside from nebula, most objects in space are spheroids or on the way to becoming spherical. In fact, nebula would eventually collapse into a spherical shape as it births stars (I think!).

I guess its just a very natural, uniform shape. Aren't wormholes created from Blackholes which are also are spherical.

Just the way I see it.


The black hole itself, or the singularity isn't spherical, it has no definable shape since it's endlessly small. But the effects on space around it through gravity is spherical, like the event horizon, the large black 'ball' which is what you can actually see when looking at a black hole.

Theoretically, a rotating black hole can form a wormhole, but that wasn't the feeling I got from the wormhole in the movie. I think that was something else, since it didn't quite look or behave as a black hole.


I've always visualised a singularity as one of these-----> . with the universe inside it.


Well, maybe there is a universe inside the singularity, no one really knows, though most likely not.


I don't mean literally a universe.

It just gives me some sort of feel for the ridiculous density that's present in such a small area.

Although, I absolutely do know that one of these ------> . is infinitely larger than a singularity. And if one of these ----> . had the same density as our universe then I also know that the density of . would still be infinitely lower than an actual singularity. It just gives my feeble human mind something to comprehend since no one has ever seen a singularity.


Actually, the mass of the singularity isn't infinite, only it's density. It's mass is the combined mass of everything it has 'eaten', and gets larger the more it eats.


Quote from: puppyonacid on December 05, 2014, 01:19:24 AM
The wormhole sphere thing is a good question

But, what other shape would it be?

I know most astronomical bodies are spherical - but I meant that - as it's a sphere - and you can see around it and behind it in the film - where do you come out ?

I assume it's like another tesseract and you can enter anywhere and come out somewhere else.



I'm not really understanding you question Kotow. Are you asking where you come out if you enter the hole, or where on the sphere one would come out coming back from beyond the hole?


Quote from: BlackInk on December 05, 2014, 06:32:03 AM
I'm not really understanding you question Kotow. Are you asking where you come out if you enter the hole, or where on the sphere one would come out coming back from beyond the hole?

Yes the 2nd part. I'm not sure how it works if you can see the entire sphere when you go in but you come out hundreds of light years away.


It's the thing about travelling that distance in a higher dimension. Like the paper example in the movie -- to a 2-D being, the idea of folding the paper isn't fathomable. Same thing here -- we can't conceptualize a 4th dimension so we can't physically understand how it works to travel through it.

the change to the other location doesn't happen in 3-D space, it happens in 4-D or higher, so we can't put an exact place on it.

maybe if you though about the two spheres actually being the same sphere?


That's what I was thinking too - you enter one sphere in our solar system and exit the sphere in another galaxy - but it's the same sphere.


If that is what you mean, then yeah that's pretty much how it would work. To once again bring up the paper illustration, the hole through the paper is technically the same hole, but with both ends at vastly different places on the paper


one of the things I appreciate about this movie is that we can take a hard scrutinizing look at details like this and find that they are thought out and make sense. 


Reating through Wikipedia's page on wormholes is fascinating. Everything from the descriptions to the artist's representations are exactly in line with how it was represented in the film.


Just saw it. It was pretty sweet.

So, the space station/colony that picked up MM was on its way to Brand's planet right? (since I thought that was the plan all along

Or are they on self sustaining colonies. I is confused.


I was thinking...and this may not be an original theory, I'm sure it's on the interwebz somewhere but I haven't seen it talked about.....I think it'd be neat that if by  chance there were a sequel....that the story behind the sequel would be a 'history' of the ancestors of the plan 'B' humans that Brand 'bore' and raised?? That however many generations it took for 'us' to become these 5th dimensional thinking/living beings was explored and 'documented' somehow to show how we basically saved ourselves from extinction.

Yeah / Neah ??


That idea itself is cool. But I would prefer them to leave it at one movie. Just like Inception, with a concept as interesting as that, there's a lot of potential for more cool stories. But they're not needed, both stories are finished, tied up nicely, and I think are stronger as single movies.


Quote from: BlackInk on December 13, 2014, 03:33:56 PM
That idea itself is cool. But I would prefer them to leave it at one movie. Just like Inception, with a concept as interesting as that, there's a lot of potential for more cool stories. But they're not needed, both stories are finished, tied up nicely, and I think are stronger as single movies.

I agree. I think you'd do more harm that good (to either movie) if you try to explore any of the cool possibilities that these stories created.


Ressurecting this thread because Interstellar recently came out on video. Still am in love with it.

Has anyone read details from the original script? It reads like a Stephen Spielberg more fantastical thing with more ridiculous ideas. Like the Chinese had colonized the ice planet before dying, and Murph was Cooper's son, not daughter, and them actually finding a strange lifeform. Kind of schlocky to be honest. I'm glad that wasn't the case in the end.


Quote from: Implode on April 08, 2015, 12:51:33 PM
Ressurecting this thread because Interstellar recently came out on video. Still am in love with it.

Has anyone read details from the original script? It reads like a Stephen Spielberg more fantastical thing with more ridiculous ideas. Like the Chinese had colonized the ice planet before dying, and Murph was Cooper's son, not daughter, and them actually finding a strange lifeform. Kind of schlocky to be honest. I'm glad that wasn't the case in the end.

I did read some of the intended storylines from the original script. I agree....I'll take what was actually presented to us over some of those concepts. Still love the movie.


John Nolan said the wormhole is gone in the "original" script so I assume that means it's there in the

final version.

There's nothing in the film to say it's not there and why would Cooper Station be orbiting Saturn if

they weren't intending to go through it.

Unless the 5th dimensional humans deposited Cooper at Saturn so he would get rescued because that's

where Cooper Station was at that point ?


I assume Coop was going to Edmunds via the Wormhole.


Yeah. I agree with all of you on that. I'll just take what the film presents. That's where it should start and where it should end. That's the point of the art form.+


I'm a sucker for extra features and bought the Walmart Neo packaging edition that comes with the printed book and IMAX film cell. I haven't watched the main documentary 'The science of Interstellar' yet but have seen all the other features and they are excellent. Nolan's helm at directing and crafting are fascinating and I think he should really concentrate a lot on just that. His stories also have interesting premises and I'm curious to see how a project would be if he sticks to just the directing part. It's often said/joked/ciriticized about how much exposition there is all his movies and maybe that's his MO and is none too abundant than Interstellar. I mean I don't mind some explanation but it seems this movie had the most.

I wrote my thoughts on rewatching the movie and still have some issues with the 3rd act, this movie could've been a 9/10 but turned out to be more of a 7/10 for me. There is no doubt about the music and visualization being absolutely engrossing and jaw dropping at times but a lot of the dialogue and some plot points just fell flat to me.


One of the things that bothered me is that on Earth, they used a Saturn V rocket to launch the Ranger to the Endurance. Then later, even on planets with higher gravity than Earth's, the Ranger can reach escape velocity on its own no problem.


That doesn't bother me much because it makes sense to conserve the fuel of the ranger before embarking on a journey. They never mention it can't work on earth. Also on the wave planet they sorta ride the wave and then get air borne so while it can be interpretated as inconsistent it makes sense. At least to me it did.



I've been hoping for a re-release of this film, and since we are coming up on the 10 year anniversary, I've been checking regularly for it. Some random theaters in a few states had showings over the last several months, but it seems that many more will be playing it on April 17 and the 18. In case anyone is interested:


Very cool. I have one theater near me doing it, but the times are in the evening tomorrow. I was hoping to catch something in the morning. I could always fire up the 4k though at home. Has it really been 10 years?! Wow. Love this film.