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A Momentous Decision

Started by Sir GuitarCozmo, November 18, 2014, 10:01:27 AM

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Sir GuitarCozmo

Posted recently to the Book of Faces:

QuoteTo my friends and fans:

Just wanted to address the recent goings-on, before any more opportunity for speculation begins to take root.  I've been touring Pennsylvania, the east coast, and half of the country for the better part of 17 years now.  I have seen a lot and have played with many, many talented individuals, and for that, I am eternally grateful and the memories made across all the miles will always be treasured.  I've recently come to the conclusion that I just need to take a break for a while.  Playing guitar is one of the few things I take pride in.  It is one of the very few things in life that I feel confident in saying "I think I do this well".  I still love to play and I love to perform, but I'm mentally and spiritually exhausted from it.  Gary, Glenn, Dan, Mike, Rick, and Ray are like brothers to me.  It pains me to feel like I'm letting them down like this, but at the same time, continuing to try to push forward when my heart isn't 1000% in it would be a disservice to all of them, to all of our fans, and to myself.

My loving and always supportive wife has been to every single one of my shows since the beginning.  She tried valiantly to get me to reconsider my decision and warned me that I might really regret making this choice.  Possibly, at some point down the road, I might, but I know that this is something that I need to be able to miss doing, in order to be able to start appreciating it properly again.  Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and such. I need to recharge the batteries and allow time for the fire to start to grow again.  And it will, some day.  Just not today.  To boot, I will now have even more time to aid my stepson in surpassing me at the guitar.  He's very well on his way already, at 14 years old.  Keep an eye out for him.

So to all of you, thank you, for your support and for your friendship.  Please continue to support Override and Brokin Cyrcle, as they're projects I'll still continue to be proud of.  This isn't goodbye.  It's "see you around".

So yeah.  Time to take a break.  It was a tough call, but I know it's the right choice.  No more driving over icy mountain roads at 3 AM, half asleep.  No more paying half the money I made back to the club for dinner and drinks, because we had to leave so early there was no time to make dinner before going.  No more having friends over to swim in the summer, then saying "Nice to see ya, but it's 3:00, so I have to start getting ready to leave!"  No more making my wife engage in 12 hours worth of band hassle, to sit in a bar and listen to the same 45-ish songs once again.  No more grimacing when someone calls to ask if I'm available for a gig and having my first thought be "Great, another weekend I don't get to myself", as opposed to "Great, another opportunity to jam!"  No more people outside my immediate family relying on me being available for them.  No more worrying about who might get upset about what and who they might end up alienating over it.  No more wanting to drink heavily, but knowing I can't, because I have to drive home still.  No more.

I'm not quitting forever, for good.  I just need time for us to have free weekends together.  Time for her to get to spend more weekends with her 14 year old who's growing up fast.  Time to do random things that we might not have had time for before.  When you spend so much time out and in bars, the weekends you DO get off, all you want to do is stay in and go nowhere.  Now we'll be able to go places and do things, and who knows, maybe once in a while, we'll actually go see someone else's band (I'm constantly getting invites from other bands to come see them).  It has been a hectic year.  This Saturday will be my last full show (still doing an opener in January), and it will be my 22nd gig this year.  My 11th since August 30th.  And while that may not sound like a lot, it is.  Especially when it wrecks almost your entire Saturday, then you're tired and lazy all day Sunday.  Friday shows are even more trying, as you have to hurry up and get your shit together after leaving work.

It is a glamorous thing to be in a band and be able to take the stage and entertain people, even if it's just a random crowd of drunken rednecks.  When we're playing, everything is right.  It's just all the time OFF stage that I'm tired of.  There are so many things that go into being in a band that most people can't even begin to realize.  It takes a toll after a while and a LOT of my musician friends have encouraged me, saying "I've been there - sometimes, you just have to walk away for a while - I did!"

So at some point, I will get back into it again.  Doing what?  I don't know.  It will depend on who I can recruit.  My first thoughts are either some sort of retro 80's party band, a la Rubix Kube ( or a 3-piece blues band.  The 80's thing will certainly have wider appeal, but the 3-piece blues thing will be easier to sing and will require less effort.  We'll see what happens.

So at any rate, that's the goings-on lately.

King Postwhore

My friend who was a touring drummer for years was still doing the cover band circuit but stopped that as well.  He was gassed with the few hours of sleep on the weekends while having a young son.  He still fills in once in a while and still has the cravings to play but he had to make the same choice.

My brother is going through that now.  He gets upset when the singer books to many shows.  I feel for you Coz.  Such a hard choice.  Fill in once in a while to fill your need but enjoy life......and sleeping on weekends!
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


Sometimes, you definitely have to stop and get away from it for a while.  I only play at my church, and I know how much effort goes into THAT, so I certainly respect what you do.  Completely understandable.  Take the time away and enjoy each other while you can.  If you get the bug later, you will always be able to put a band together.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Coz...I'm sure that wasn't an easy decision and a choice that you've made after much thought and contemplation. I hope that you are able to get the peace, relaxation and rekindled appreciation that you are seeking and that this experience/break pays off and is fruitful for you in ways you may not have even considered!!

Sir GuitarCozmo

Thanks for the encouragement, guys. It is a tough place to find yourself when all the associated things that surround what you love doing are irritating enough to make you not wanna do it as much anymore.


That's incredibly admirable of you, Coz.  I faced a similar situation with my band earlier this year.

Eventually, the time away from family catches up with you, and I feel like I know the place you're in at the moment.  I took a break from my band to focus on family for a bit, and have recently just started back up again but have insisted on a lighter schedule.  Its been so good being home with my girls, and having free time to do whatever we feel like, rather than being tied down to the almighty gig, like you described.  Kudos to you for knowing when enough is enough.

Peace, Coz.  I hope you find what you're looking for and come back with a vengeance when the time is right!


Definitely not an easy decision but hopefully a lot to be gained from it.  A couple buddies of mine that I used to jam with just quit their band recently for the same reasons.  They were pretty much local and didn't travel a lot but it still took a toll.  Staying up late and getting home late.  When they were off, still didn't want to do much but relax and recuperate.  Tough to keep up that pace when family members are involved.

Hope everything works out well for you Coz.  Best wishes.  :tup

- AAgent66


Just seeing this now.

Quote from: gmillerdrake on November 18, 2014, 10:21:57 AM
Coz...I'm sure that wasn't an easy decision and a choice that you've made after much thought and contemplation. I hope that you are able to get the peace, relaxation and rekindled appreciation that you are seeking and that this experience/break pays off and is fruitful for you in ways you may not have even considered!!

Yeah, that about says it all. Stay happy bro!
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol