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Accidental Marijuana Consumption v. REALLY?

Started by Tick, January 06, 2015, 11:21:31 AM

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What a complete joke!
No accountability for anything anymore, just blame! Someone please tell me how 3 to 7 year kid "ACCIDENTALLY SMOKES MARIJUANA"??? If you are a parent using medical marijuana its your responsibility to make sure your little children have no chance to get there hands on it. Just as a kid shouldn't be able to accidentally shoot themselves with a firearm. ACCOUNTABILITY!!!!! NOT PLACING BLAME WRONGLY ON ANYTHING POSSIBLE EXCEPT YOURSELF!!!! :facepalm:


I stopped reading at "The number of children treated annually for accidental pot consumption". You don't treat a child who consumed pot. You wait an hour or two and nothing bad happens.

Okay. I kept reading. You are referring to "At least 14 Colorado children ages 3 to 7 were sent to hospitals in the first half of 2014 for accidentally ingesting marijuana products, compared with eight in 2013 and four between 2008 and 2011, SAM said of state data.". I will bet my left testicle that all 14 of those cases were due to a child eating it rather than smoking it.

This is clearly the bigger issue.

QuoteAs many as 225 youngsters aged nine or under have been admitted to hospital for alcohol abuse.



This is laughable. And I don't think this is a matter of accountability but more of a political move to try to stop the drug consumption really.

So, inb4 this gets moved to the political/religious subforum.


Quote from: Nekov on January 06, 2015, 11:32:53 AM

This is laughable. And I don't think this is a matter of accountability but more of a political move to try to stop the drug consumption really.

So, inb4 this gets moved to the political/religious subforum.
You are right, but its still really annoying!


I need to be treated for accidentally reading this thread.


The internet and people not fit to be parents are more of a danger to children than a pot brownie.



Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Quote from: bosk1 on January 06, 2015, 11:40:24 AM
I need to be treated for accidentally reading this thread.
Maybe someone will accidentally treat you. Hang in there!


Just knowing you is enough of a treat, Tick.


King Postwhore

Quote from: bosk1 on January 06, 2015, 11:40:24 AM
I need to be treated for accidentally reading this thread.

I'd though other threads by now would have sent you to rehab. :lol
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.



Quote from: bosk1 on January 06, 2015, 11:40:24 AM
I need to be treated for accidentally reading this thread.

Was thinking the same thing!
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.



All kidding aside, though.  I can see how this could happen pretty easily.  "Accidental Ingestion" not "Accidental Smoking" though.

I think anyone claiming they "accidentally" smoked weed is either lying or stuck on stupid from purposely smoking too much weed.  :lol

But I can see where edibles could easily be mistaken for candy by a kid.  They've got all kinds of edibles in Colorado.  Gummy bears, swedish fish, chocolate bars, cookies, brownies, taffy, fudge, lollipops, just about every type of candy you could think of.

I think it's inevitable that some kids are going to either purposely (teenagers) or accidentally (babies/toddlers) pick something up that was dropped unintentionally or left somewhere in a common area of the home.  And really, Chino's right that not much true harm to these kids will come of this.  I'm absolutely positive that Mom & Dad's liquor cabinet and medicine chest are FAR more dangerous than a pot Gummy Bear  :lol


I read that article this morning, and my thoughts were:

What the hell is the point of this article?  So a few kids ate pot infused food and got really really high. 

First of all, its 100% the parents fault. 

Second, there is no "treatment" just sit and wait it out. 

Third, the number went from a few kids to a couple more.  These numbers are bogus because they are too tiny.

Fourth, this is clearly propaganda against legalization that actually doesnt hold any value.  I can take an anti legalization article if there is any weight to it, there is none here.

El Barto

I'll only point out that edibles will really fuck you up if you're not prepared for or expecting it. I can certainly understand how people would wind up in the ER after such an event. And while no harm will come of it, I'd like to think that a decent ER doc would at least give you a Xanax or something to help smooth things out a bit. That's just simple decency.

Lastly, it's funnier when it happens to cops.


^^^^  That vid is classic

"i think we're dead"  :rollin

and yeah, don't mess around with eating it, it will sneak up on people if they aren't careful and then your in for a real bad time.


So what does a doctor prescribe to a stoned kid? A bag of Doritos and a nap?


Quote from: MetalJunkie on January 06, 2015, 07:11:07 PM
So what does a doctor prescribe to a stoned kid? A bag of Doritos and a nap?

All kidding the point EB and Phoenix were making about how potent consumed THC is....I'd imagine the 'treatment' is more psychological. Calming them, helping them understand what's going on and so forth. We all know the physical effects won't be detrimental.... But I can't imagine what that must feel like when you have no idea what's going on mentally? At least as an adult and when you mean to do a drug you are prepared mentslly for whatever happens to an extent.

El Barto

Quote from: gmillerdrake on January 06, 2015, 07:23:21 PM
All kidding the point EB and Phoenix were making about how potent consumed THC is....I'd imagine the 'treatment' is more psychological. Calming them, helping them understand what's going on and so forth. We all know the physical effects won't be detrimental.... But I can't imagine what that must feel like when you have no idea what's going on mentally? At least as an adult and when you mean to do a drug you are prepared mentslly for whatever happens to an extent.
That's actually interesting. I'm not sure a kiddo would actually be all that concerned about it. Ingested weed tends to be more of a body high than a head high, so depending on the weed he ate he'd probably either be pretty lethargic or bouncing off the walls hyper; neither being unusual conditions for the wee ones. He'd probably also be a bit of a dumbass for the next couple of hours (also not unsual  :lol). It's the adults who freak the fuck out because they already have a working frame of reference. Someone who's been smoking for 20 years eats 5g of KB and it's a whole new ballgame. The difference often being great enough that they panic. Demi Moore did the same thing Johnny did in that video a couple of years ago after smoking Spice and getting blindsided. What amazes me is that people take their kids to the ER in the first place. If they're buying edibles then they're already familiar with the effects. Not sure what they think a hospital doc is going to do for them that few hours of patience won't do without a visit from those pesky child welfare folk.

Quote from: MetalJunkie on January 06, 2015, 07:11:07 PM
So what does a doctor prescribe to a stoned kid? A bag of Doritos and a nap?
Something from the benzodiazepine family if they're freaking out, observation for the tachycardia if still present and a phone call to the CWS to make sure social workers remain inside your intestines for the next 5 years.

bout to crash

Quote from: El Barto on January 06, 2015, 02:57:40 PM
I'll only point out that edibles will really fuck you up if you're not prepared for or expecting it. I can certainly understand how people would wind up in the ER after such an event. And while no harm will come of it, I'd like to think that a decent ER doc would at least give you a Xanax or something to help smooth things out a bit. That's just simple decency.

Lastly, it's funnier when it happens to cops.

:lol, that's amazing. "What's the score on the Red Wings game?"

But yeah, I have a friend who ended up in the ER because of a pot cookie. I also had a horrible panic attack thanks to a piece of fudge once, so I totally understand how people end up in the hospital, as useless as it is. Thankfully I had a patient roommate and Can't Hardly Wait to calm me down.

Regarding the kid thing, people just need to learn to put their shit away where kids can't get to it, just like any kind of medication or other substance not meant for kids. I saw a story on the news a while back about kids getting into edibles and there being possible legislation to outlaw them here in CO, and it's fucking stupid. It's not the edibles that are the problem, it's the negligence of parents.

As someone else said, the change in the numbers is really not significant... and what is up with this "statistic":
QuoteUse among people ages 18 and older from 2011-2013 in Colorado and Washington has risen about 3 percentage points

Are you sure the rate of marijuana usage is really something you can quantify that easily? I'd love to know where they got those numbers.

Stupid. The laws aren't perfect and the pot culture in Denver is quite frankly getting kind of annoying, but arguments like these are weaaaak.

El Barto

Quote from: bout to crash on January 06, 2015, 10:24:16 PM
Regarding the kid thing, people just need to learn to put their shit away where kids can't get to it, just like any kind of medication or other substance not meant for kids. I saw a story on the news a while back about kids getting into edibles and there being possible legislation to outlaw them here in CO, and it's fucking stupid. It's not the edibles that are the problem, it's the negligence of parents.
Seems to me that better packaging is certainly a reasonable thing to demand. Something to make it harder for kids to get into (and yes I see the concern that stoners might have an equally rough go at it) and some sort of descriptor as to the potency. My understanding of it is that you really don't know how much you're ingesting with edibles up there, and when it's too the point that long-term dopers with tons of experience are willing to go to the ER because the potency kicked their ass so severely then that's problematic.


I'm 100% in favor of a more accurate THC content labeling, as well as wrappers that upon just glancing at indicate that it's weed. Do I think it's necessary? No. We don't do it with booze. But if that's all it takes to get people to lighten up and potentially legalize it in other states, I'm all for it.


I think the OP had it right, regardless of the details:  it's your weed, you're responsible for it.  Like anything else. 

As for "why the ER?", having gone through what could be called an amicable divorce, I can tell you that even in that situation, if something happened to my kid and my ex even remotely disagreed with it, the ER would be high on her list of places to visit, just to put it on paper.  Point being, there are too many variables to question that aspect of it. 

I do say, though, that while using this scenario as the argument for more legislation is, as was already said, weak, the argument that "XYZ is just as dangerous" is equally weak.  That killing you by torture and mutilation is a gruesome way to go doesn't mean I can kill you in a more humane way.  While I'm for legalization of marijuana (I'd actually go further, but that's me) I also think that it is likely that research will show that much like alcohol, the "benign" effects of marijuana are likely only on a developed brain, and that young children are harmed by pot use in the same way that they are harmed by alcohol use.  There is a condition known as "fetal alcohol syndrome" for a reason, you know, and estimates are that to a 16-year-old (and up, to as late as early 20's) brain, substance abuse is harmful in a way that it is not for fully mature (physically) adults. 


If the weed has a high THC level and a low CBD level, it'll cause paranoia, anxiety, and over-thinking (like thinking if this is really reality and if your dead). Reverse the levels and you've got a calm, soothing, mental state of mind. They have edibles that are strictly for medicinal use that are sold recreationally, I bought some and the CBD was pretty high while the THC was up there but not a lot, Its main purpose is for pain and it helped.

What this shows me is how uneducated most are about cannabis and its chemical compounds.


Quote from: Ben_Jamin on January 07, 2015, 09:18:11 AM
If the weed has a high THC level and a low CBD level, it'll cause paranoia, anxiety, and over-thinking (like thinking if this is really reality and if your dead).

I have never once thought anything even remotely close to this.


Quote from: Chino on January 07, 2015, 09:37:19 AM
Quote from: Ben_Jamin on January 07, 2015, 09:18:11 AM
If the weed has a high THC level and a low CBD level, it'll cause paranoia, anxiety, and over-thinking (like thinking if this is really reality and if your dead).

I have never once thought anything even remotely close to this.

It depends really, I know people who begin to question themselves,  I guess really evaluating their life. Hence the "this is not reality" that SOME can get.

Ingesting it can cause that because it does suddenly creep up on you.

El Barto

Quote from: Chino on January 07, 2015, 09:37:19 AM
Quote from: Ben_Jamin on January 07, 2015, 09:18:11 AM
If the weed has a high THC level and a low CBD level, it'll cause paranoia, anxiety, and over-thinking (like thinking if this is really reality and if your dead).

I have never once thought anything even remotely close to this.
Not on grass, at least.  :lol


Quote from: kirksnosehair on January 06, 2015, 02:20:24 PM

I think anyone claiming they "accidentally" smoked weed is either lying or stuck on stupid from purposely smoking too much weed.  :lol


Quote from: Ben_Jamin on January 07, 2015, 09:18:11 AM
If the weed has a high THC level and a low CBD level, it'll cause paranoia, anxiety, and over-thinking (like thinking if this is really reality and if your dead). Reverse the levels and you've got a calm, soothing, mental state of mind.

I think thats a pretty broad statement.  I have met people who have been paranoid from marijuana use or have anxiety but I havent met someone who lost touch with reality.  I also know many people including myself who use high THC but dont experience any of that.  Also, I have never experienced a high CBD low THC marijuana, but my understanding was that CBD had no "high" effect.

El Barto

Quote from: dparrott on January 07, 2015, 12:19:50 PM
Quote from: kirksnosehair on January 06, 2015, 02:20:24 PM

I think anyone claiming they "accidentally" smoked weed is either lying or stuck on stupid from purposely smoking too much weed.  :lol

While I suspect Bill smoked plenty of grass in his day, his remark is actually pretty common. Youngins often don't know how to properly inhale. You really gotta get it down deep in the lungs. If you're a newb and somebody passes you a joint it's not uncommon for you to just take a quick hit and blow it out. Then tell your constituency 25 years later "it didn't even do anything to me."

El Barto

Quote from: cramx3 on January 07, 2015, 12:22:42 PM
Also, I have never experienced a high CBD low THC marijuana, but my understanding was that CBD had no "high" effect.
CBD is not psychoactive. It is what makes some smoke more mellow than others, however. They're both "gethighs" as far as I'm concerned. And if you've smoked an indica strain then you've smoked a high CBD/low TCH weed. Sativa will go the opposite direction. That's why one turns you into a couch-log and one prompts you to write operas.