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Scorpion's Roulette, The Third (Final Results)

Started by Scorpion, February 06, 2015, 03:27:09 AM

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I wasn't expecting that score, not at all. I thought I'd get like a 5 at best...

Anyway, I have a lot of awesome stuff to choose from for this round, I'll probably send tomorrow.


Quote from: mikemangioy on March 03, 2015, 10:25:16 PM
Glad you've enjoyed it. There's also "Vodka", if you're interested.

And Tequila, if I'm remembering correctly...


Still missing mike, Elite and Tyrias. Since I'll be gone over the weekend, this will unfortunately take a little longer, but I'd appreciate it if all songs were in by Sunday at least, when I come back. Sorry for the delay, but this has otherwise been a fairly quick roulette, so yeah.


Oh crap, I though I had until today to send, but now I see that you posted the results the evening before I read them. Sorry about that, sending now.
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


Okay, results tonight. Sorry for the delay, but I wanted to get a good listen in and not rush judging.


Oh lol, I just remembered what song I sent. Fingers crossed for a good score :lol
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey



Quote from: Scorpion on March 10, 2015, 07:45:25 AM
Okay, results tonight. Sorry for the delay, but I wanted to get a good listen in and not rush judging.

Given how quick the pace has been thus far, you've certainly earned a bit of leeway.


Results! Some really good songs and a couple of misses here as well.

Shadow Ninja 2.0: Triospheres - The Heart's Dominion

This reminded me of a mixture of Nightwish and Luna Mortis, which, as weird as it sounds, works pretty dang well. It's less orchestral than Nightwish, which works in its favour, but not as heavy as Luna Mortis, which really compliments the vocals quite well. In a time when female vocals in progressive metal are a dime-a-dozen, these are some female vocals that defy the operatic trend are have plenty of balls ('scuse the sexism), making this a very enjoyable listen. The instrumental work is solid, but nothing mindblowing, but it doesn't need to be. While this won't be my new favourite thing of all time, it's definitely a very good song with little to criticise. 8.5 points.

Sacul: Bent Knee - Way Too Long

This is certainly an interesting song, no doubt about that. What it also is is pretty awesome. I love the theatrical delivery of the female vocals, it fits very well with the sparse instrumentation in the first part of the song. The vocals move away from the spotlight a little when all the instrumental craziness happens, and while I prefer the vocal-driven sections of the song, I like how the dynamic keeps shifting. If there was one thing I would complain about here is that there is nothing in this song that really sticks with me when I'm done listening to it, but that might just be due to the way its written - it's certainly not a bad song, it just didn't quite click on the same level that some others did. 7.5 points.

senecadawg2: Mazzy Star - Fade Into You

Haunting and relaxing, you say? I'm interested. "Roads" by Portishead in the similar videos sidebar? Yeah, this is going to be good, I can feel it. And it was. Spare drumming, careful strumming and restrained lead guitar playing create the perfect canvas for Mazzy Star's amazing voice to paint its vocal masterpiece on (it's my birthday and I'm slightly drunk, I'm allowed to be pretentious, shut up). While I wouldn't call it dark, really, it is certainly introspective and melancholic, but most important, it's really just an amazing song. I'm not sure what else I can say, really, and I feel like I should, because this song deserves a good write-up, but I can't really articulate why I love this so much. I just do. 9.5 points.

kingshmegland: Sarah McLachlan - Fumbling Towards Ecstasy

This started out promising - very cool subdued instrumental stuff going on. Unfortunately, I don't really like her voice that much - it feels like she artificially injects a lot more dramatic...ness into her singing than necessary and that drags it down for me, sadly. And while on another song, the instrumental stuff would be a saving grace, here the whole spotlight is on her vocals, with the one exception being that brilliant guitar solo in the middle of the song - not a big fan of the outro guitar solo to be honest, and I just can't really get into them. I wish I could, I like the lyrics, but something about her voice just irks me. Like I said, that guitar solo is pretty awesome, but most of the song just isn't really for me. Sorry brah. 5 points.

She's hot though.

Elite: Blood Stain Child - Sirius IV

Techno metal? Well, you sure know how to intrigue me in your descriptions. Second thought: holy shit that is an atrocious cover. Those were the two thoughts I could have because the guitars raped my ears in the best possible way. Unfortunately, it was all downhill from there. While I dig the instrumentation, I absolutely abhor those female vocals - mainly the cleans, the harshes are alright, but ugh. While this could be a decent track - I really like how they combine metal and techno elements, and the vocal melodies themselves aren't half bad, the singer just completely ruins it for me. Disappointing - this could have been so much better. 3 points.

Tyrias: Susanne Sundfor - Memorial

seneca wanted to send one of her songs. Is there a better sign that this will score well? I can't think of one. And, lo and behold, I love this. The instrumentation is minimalistic, with some haunting strings, a little acoustic guitar and a simple drumbeat, but all of that takes the backseat to Susanne's mesmerising vocals. Both the her voice and the way she utilises it in her songs is amazing. One small complaint here could be that I think the strings get a little overwhelming in the later parts of the song - not when they are actually the spotlight, but when there's singing on top of them, but it's still amazing and she's definitely an artist that I will check out further in the future. I actually have The Brothel sitting around on my computer, so that's going to get a listen after I finish my final listens of this. 9 points.

mikemangioy: The Gentle Storm - Endless Sea

Well, this certainly sounds epic. From the intro, I thought that this would be a Nightwish knockoff, but then I was like "hey Anneke, sup". Much like on Devin's stuff, she's brilliant here, and carries the song extremely well. What I like, however, is how this song manages to flirt with the line between epic and cheesy while never quite crossing it - the choir here is very appropriately used, and only enhances the song instead of feeling gimmicky like it does with so many of their peers. The instrumental work is a little underwhelming though, aside from the guitar solo, which is stellar.

Huh, apparently, this is some Arjen stuff. Who knew? Apart from The Dream Sequencer and parts of Guilt Machine, I never dug any of his work. This might change that, though - this project is definitely something that I will check out, at least. 9 points.


senecadawg2: 66.5 points
Shadow Ninja 2.0: 63 points
Sacul: 59 points
Tyrias: 57.5 points
mikemangioy: 53.5 points
kingshmegland: 50.5 points
Elite: 50.5 points

So. Eight rounds in, and it's time for the final round. This round is open, and worth double points. Have at it. 48 hours, and thanks in advance for playing. I love you all. :heart

Shadow Ninja 2.0


Kind of expected you to like it more, but I'm ok with this ;D . By the way, what do you mean by worth double points?


Glad you enjoyed one of my favorite songs- always a nice feeling!

I've sent the final round. Look forward to seeing what you think  :azn:


Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey

King Postwhore


Hey, to each her own.  I love her voice and yes she is Scorp. :lol

That album came out in the early 90's so it had a nice blend of electronica that I was just getting into.

Oh well, I'm going to send a song tonight.
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


Glad you liked it so much. I do not agree about the strings being to loud, in fact I think they could be a bit louder in the mix if anything, but I'm glad we agree that this song is awesome ;D.
Also sent for the last round.


Memorial hasn't quite clicked for me yet, Tyrias, but the album still has a few other gorgeous songs. I was thinking of sending Scorpion "Kamikaze", since that's my favorite so far.


Sweet, a 9 and not in last place anymore.


King Postwhore

"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


Damn, I'm between 9 amazing songs - will send later, if I can decide on one :lol .


Just missing Sacul. If I have his song tonight, results on Sunday.

EDIT: Also missing Elite. Silly me.



Messaged Elite about the missing song. If I don't have it by tomorrow morning, I'll start judging anyway. Either way, results will be in by Tuesday evening at the latest.


And I have everyone! Results Tuesday at the latest.


Sounds good! This has been such a well-paced roulette



Final results! Before posting them, I want to thank everyone again - all of you sent me at least one amazing song that I have already listened to multiple times. You are all awesome. :heart

Shadow Ninja 2.0: The Dillinger Escape Plan - Widower

Ok, I've listened to some of their stuff, but I only know their debut, so I let this through. And boy am I glad that I did. This is a side to Dillinger Escape Plan that I never knew existed, and that I never knew I wanted so badly. While they do the complete batshit insanity that I find best exemplified in "43% Burnt" very well, this is a totally different beast, and while I can't really compare the two, this is definitely really cool as well. Some great vocals by Greg here, and I really dig how restrained the music here is, until it finally breaks loose - it reminds of Ki in mood a little, even though the music is nothing alike. Really good build-up here, I have to say, and I enjoy how that is contrasted with the final bit that deliberately skips any kind of buildup, the contrast is really nice that way. Awesome song. 19 points.

senecadawg2: Braveyoung - The Weight of Loss Is Whole

More post-rocky goodness? Don't mind if I do. While I'm not really hearing the Godspeed elements of their sound, this is quite similar to Sigur Ros, though a lot more sombre. I love how the vocals are kind of buried in the mix here, it really works very well with the atmosphere that this song conveys. Also, they're not in Hopelandic, so that's a plus. :P Some really good guitar melodies as well. Overall, I really like the stripped down fell of this - great song for when I just want to close my eyes and lose myself in the music. I won't always be in the mood for this, but when I am, this is just perfect. 18 points.

Tyrias: Oceansize - Trail of Fire

I've heard a lot about this band, but I never checked them out. Now I did, and... I'm not sure I like it? There's lots of things that I like about this - there's some great instrumentation, and I really dig the vocals, but this song just fails to really catch my attention all the same. I enjoy it when I force my attention on it, but when I don't, my mind wanders off and after the song is over, I could tell you that the dude has a cool voice and that there were some guitars on this song, and that's it. I wish I would dig this, because all the elements are there, but it fails to captivate me. 7 points.

mikemangioy: Caligula's Horse - Vanishing Rites

You had some trouble finding stuff I liked initially, but your last few submissions have been very good, and this is no exception. This was the second song that I got this round that felt Ki-esque, and much like the Dillinger song, the restrained tension throughout, only to explode into aggression at the very end worked very well. I also really dug the Floyd-ian solo and the singer's voice was a nice bonus. Amazing song, will definitely check this band out further. 19 points.

kingshmegland: I Mother Earth - God Rocket (Into the Heart of Las Vegas)

I've seen you send this band in other roulettes, and they often got a good score. Will the trend continue here? Yes, it will. I really dig the calm intro and how it goes into the more rocking part that still takes its time and is all the more effective because of it. The vocals required a few listens to get used to, but I really like them now, they work very well with the music. All in all, this is a really good track, though I do wish that it were a teensy bit more varied - while the switches from rocking parts to calmer parts are really well done, I do find that the song doesn't quite have the musical ideas to justify its length of nearly seven minutes, even though no individual part is bad - it's just that it starts to run together at the end and feels a little less focused as a result, especially at the very end, which repeats a tad too often. Still a good tune, but it could have been amazing with some trimming. 15 points.

Sacul: JUNIUS - Forgiving the Cleansing Meteor

And yet more post-rock! That's cool, I like post-rock. Especially when it's done well. Sadly, this isn't. Sure, there's good stuff - I like the guitars, and the drums, while initially weird-sounding, add a great vibe, but all in all, I'm just not really feeling this. Post-rock with vocals is very hit and miss for me anyway, and while seneca's song was a hit, this one is a definite miss, and that's mainly because I feel that the song doesn't really develop enough - it's very monotonous, especially in the vocals, and while that is sort of the point of post-rock, it can be done badly too, and it just falls flat as a result. Again, not a bad song per se, but I was expecting better things after that really cool guitar intro and given the quality of your other submissions, so I can't help but be disappointed. I will give you that the ending was pretty cool, but it's too little and too late. 8 points.

Elite: Moonloop - Strombus

Holy shit! I have no idea why, but I was expecting some Floyd-ian ambient-y stuff, so the main riff here definitely surprised me, but it's a good surprise, because it's awesome. I really dig the guitar playing here, it seems like standard death metal riffage at first, but it's actually surprisingly nuanced, and of course you have that awesome contrast with the clean parts. I don't dig the clean vocals quite as much as I do the growls, but the contrast still works splendidly. The guitar soloing is pretty awesome as well, never venturing into the shred-for-the-sake-of-it territory. All in all, this is a really neat tune that surprised me in a very positive manner. 17 points.

Final standings!

Tyrias: 64.5 points
kingshmegland: 65.5 points
Sacul: 67 points
Elite: 67.5 points
mikemangioy: 72.5 points
Shadow Ninja 2.0: 82 points
senecadawg2: 84.5 points

To nobody's surprise, seneca took this one. Congratulations, bro!

Again, thank you all for playing - you all sent some awesome stuff, so don't despair if you ended up near the bottom of the rankings, that's just the way these things go. I still love you all. :hearts:

Well, that's it. Scorpion out!

Shadow Ninja 2.0

Oh man, so close. Congrats, seneca!

Also, re: Oceansize. Don't give up on 'em. I literally had the exact same thoughts as you about every song on Frames, and now it's one of my favorite albums.


Also I second Shadow Ninja's remark on Oceansize, only their best album is IMO Effloresce. I had a good time playing in your roulette, and I hope you will continue to listen to at least some of the stuff I sent you  ;)


Oceansize does take a bit to click yeah

But damn. Did they make some utterly amazing stuff.

The two songs on the Colossus EP are the two Caligula's Horse songs I'm not very familiar with, I should fix that.

And yes, Widower is fantastic, about the only TDEP song I ever really want to listen to but it's stellar.



Glad you liked the Braveyoung song! I suppose that song is more dissimilar than similar to GY!BE, but I think there are some similarities in the rest of their music. Glad you liked some of the other ones, along the way, as well! I had a blast playing... Though I was a little skeptical about things from the beginning because of the false start on your last roulette, you ran a super tight ship. So thanks

I agree with you on Oceansize. I can't tell you how many times I listened to that album, moderately enjoyed it, and still didn't ever have it 'grab' me the way I was hoping.

King Postwhore

Congrats Seneca!! Thank you for letting me play. I had a blast.
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


Damn, not again :lol :rollin . Oh well, at least you got another recs to, eh, make up this one, but feel free to ignore them anyways - it seems you already have lots of stuff to check now.

This was a great roulette; an excellent pace, and a cool host ;) . Congrats seneca - Btw, I'd like you to participate on my v2 (in a year or so :lol ), just to see if you can keep up with the victories  :P .


Quote from: Sacul on March 17, 2015, 07:26:17 PM
Damn, not again :lol :rollin . Oh well, at least you got another recs to, eh, make up this one, but feel free to ignore them anyways - it seems you already have lots of stuff to check now.

This was a great roulette; an excellent pace, and a cool host ;) . Congrats seneca - Btw, I'd like you to participate on my v2 (in a year or so :lol ), just to see if you can keep up with the victories  :P .

I'd definitely be interested. In fact, I was interested in playing in your first roulette when I looked at your top 50 around that time and thought that we had similar tastes, but decided to sit out because I'd been in almost every roulette for half a year before that  :lol


Quote from: senecadawg2 on March 17, 2015, 08:17:10 PM
Quote from: Sacul on March 17, 2015, 07:26:17 PM
Damn, not again :lol :rollin . Oh well, at least you got another recs to, eh, make up this one, but feel free to ignore them anyways - it seems you already have lots of stuff to check now.

This was a great roulette; an excellent pace, and a cool host ;) . Congrats seneca - Btw, I'd like you to participate on my v2 (in a year or so :lol ), just to see if you can keep up with the victories  :P .

I'd definitely be interested. In fact, I was interested in playing in your first roulette when I looked at your top 50 around that time and thought that we had similar tastes, but decided to sit out because I'd been in almost every roulette for half a year before that  :lol

That allowed me to get my first win, so you did the right thing. :lol
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


I'm glad I've finally liberated from the "'few points, last place" thing. I'm also glad you've enjoyed the songs. I'm also really glad for the 19 points  :rollin