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Work Related Gripes V The Wrath Of Jay..

Started by Kotowboy, February 15, 2015, 03:23:12 PM

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Quote from: Kotowboy on September 17, 2015, 04:10:24 PM
Today I was QUITE CLEARLY AND OBVIOUSLY carrying food to a customers table and a customer ACTUALLY starting ordering food at me as I was walking.

:facepalm:  J.F.C.


Also I love when someone on a table goes " can I have X " as you walk past. They don't get your attention and wait for you to come over. Nope they just shout " CAN I HAVE APPLE CRUMBLE " as you

walk past.

Have none of these people ever been in a restaurant situation before ? :lolpalm:

I've done that.  I don't know your situation, but sometimes you get tired of trying to wave them down to no avail, so you take it to the next level and call them as they pass your table again ... without service.  One time I waited so long for a drink that I finally just got up, went to the bar, paid for one and brought it back to my table before my food got cold.  Suddenly the waiter appeared ... to tell me bar drinks weren't allowed in the restaurant (it was just a soda to boot).  I told him "I didn't understand a word you just said.  Are you here for my refill?  Bout time."  He said I'd have to pay for a new drink for a refill.  I then recalled I had a drink in my cooler in the car.  So I just walked out and got that, and did my own refill.

Then I took my bill which actually charged me (again) for the drink I never got and the refill I never got.  At first I was just going to leave no tip.  At that point, I took it to the manager and told him I wouldn't be paying for dinner tonight.  The food was fine, but the waiter ruined the entire night.  Did he get fired?  Who knows.  Never went back.


While that is an extreme example by Calvin, I agree about ordering sometimes when the waiter isn't actually serving you ATM.  We've all been in situations you are waiting some time and sometimes you as the customer need to make the move.  I personally would rather not do that because I understand the waiter may be busy, but at the same time, I am the paying customer and am usually at the point that I've waited long enough to make that move.  Normally eye contact or a wave down works, not always.  Even asking another waiter to assist happens, but also usually when I am getting desperate.


I should probably add that in my situation above - the guy came in off the street - just walked in the door and came right up to me delivering food and started ordering.

I was on kitchen duty today and some guy came up to the kitchen hatch where we collect dirty crockery / put out clean crockery to be collected and put away in the dining area.

He tried ordering from the kitchen when there is clearly a counter directly opposite where you order from :lolpalm:

We had a good laugh in the kitchen about how dense some people can be.



Quote from: Kotowboy on September 18, 2015, 06:53:29 AM
I should probably add that in my situation above - the guy came in off the street - just walked in the door and came right up to me delivering food and started ordering.

I was on kitchen duty today and some guy came up to the kitchen hatch where we collect dirty crockery / put out clean crockery to be collected and put away in the dining area.

He tried ordering from the kitchen when there is clearly a counter directly opposite where you order from :lolpalm:

We had a good laugh in the kitchen about how dense some people can be.

yea, that's a bit more rude than the situations we were talking about. 


The idea of staring at a computer screen to make money for the next 40 years makes me sick to my stomach.


Better than manual labour.

My boss is one of THOSE who will saunter in when we're really busy and struggling to get all the customers seen to AND clear tables and will just go up to a table with dishes left on it and go
"::) this table needs clearing" when I've got three tables of customers to see to.



And he's ALSO one of those bosses who does the absolute bare minimum to "help" then just walks around "jokingly" telling customers how shit the staff are and how he has to do everything.

Oh that'll be why five staff have walked out recently ? Because they're rubbish at their job?

Definitely not because you TELL them to work more hours AS THEYRE LEAVING and not ASK them if they CAN when their shift starts.


It's really not all that bad I guess but lots of little things over time really build up.


So basically my boss' daughter's "boyfriend" showed up to have an argument with her and he'd already assaulted her that day. So my boss intervenes and gets "his ass handed to him" as the americans

like to say. Cue police and ambulance showing up and closing the cafe

and I saw it happen. Pretty upsetting. :(

I was in side and I heard a woman screaming and looked out the window and my boss was on the floor with this guy laying into him.

Apparently he's done this several times as well. What a total prick. Beating up girls too.

King Postwhore

I hope they lock his ass up a long time.
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


It was pretty bad. I hope he at least. AT LEAST. Gets a restraining order.


Should be jail time for hitting a woman and then beating up her father.


Yeah boss has 3 broken ribs. And the guy broke his parole conditions as soon as he was on bail.

Fucker's going down. Our staff know a LOT of bodybuilding labourers who could probably pay him a visit. . .



All right, I'll bite:

Fucking activity offices! I don't know if it's even a thing outside of "cool" IT offices outside of Sweden but it's basically this: no one has a permanent place where you sit every day. Instead, all the employees has their own laptop and they bring that laptop to the part of the office where they want to sit today. So today, I might sit at the first floor, tomorrow I could go to the second floor.

The point of it? To encourage interaction between employees that don't usually interact with each other. But it's a fucking hassle - what if I like my spot next to the window, next to a colleague I really like?

It's bullshit!


Quote from: Lynxo on April 07, 2016, 04:19:35 AM
All right, I'll bite:

Fucking activity offices! I don't know if it's even a thing outside of "cool" IT offices outside of Sweden but it's basically this: no one has a permanent place where you sit every day. Instead, all the employees has their own laptop and they bring that laptop to the part of the office where they want to sit today. So today, I might sit at the first floor, tomorrow I could go to the second floor.

The point of it? To encourage interaction between employees that don't usually interact with each other. But it's a fucking hassle - what if I like my spot next to the window, next to a colleague I really like?

It's bullshit!

I wouldn't like that at all, I like to have my own desk and space.  My company which would be considered "cool IT" company in the US, our office has all open desks and assigned seating but they have couches and seats and plenty of places to work besides at your desk.  I like that idea much better, freedom to move, but still having your own personal space.


Quote from: cramx3 on April 07, 2016, 08:09:37 AM
Quote from: Lynxo on April 07, 2016, 04:19:35 AM
All right, I'll bite:

Fucking activity offices! I don't know if it's even a thing outside of "cool" IT offices outside of Sweden but it's basically this: no one has a permanent place where you sit every day. Instead, all the employees has their own laptop and they bring that laptop to the part of the office where they want to sit today. So today, I might sit at the first floor, tomorrow I could go to the second floor.

The point of it? To encourage interaction between employees that don't usually interact with each other. But it's a fucking hassle - what if I like my spot next to the window, next to a colleague I really like?

It's bullshit!

I wouldn't like that at all, I like to have my own desk and space.  My company which would be considered "cool IT" company in the US, our office has all open desks and assigned seating but they have couches and seats and plenty of places to work besides at your desk.  I like that idea much better, freedom to move, but still having your own personal space.

As much as I bitch about working in a cubicle, I couldn't fathom working in an office without one.


Question for Bosk of any other law type people.

The guy who assaulted my boss and broke his ribs is claiming that my boss lashed out first.

He is not that type of guy. He's obviously just trying to get away with it.

Now - in a court hearing or whatever - would it even matter " who started it " if my boss got his ribs broken ?

Does it matter "who started it" if actual bodily harm has been committed ?

For example - if I trespassed on someones lawn and got beaten up - would " he trespassed " hold up in court

If I suffered serious harm from being beaten up ?

Anyone ? :)


Quote from: Kotowboy on April 07, 2016, 08:25:58 AM
Question for Bosk of any other law type people.

The guy who assaulted my boss and broke his ribs is claiming that my boss lashed out first.

He is not that type of guy. He's obviously just trying to get away with it.

Now - in a court hearing or whatever - would it even matter " who started it " if my boss got his ribs broken ?

Does it matter "who started it" if actual bodily harm has been committed ?

For example - if I trespassed on someones lawn and got beaten up - would " he trespassed " hold up in court

If I suffered serious harm from being beaten up ?

Anyone ? :)

I think those laws depend on where you are, even in the US, the states have different laws regarding self protection and trespassing.  Some places, yes, it is OK to beat the shit out of or shoot a trespasser.


Quote from: cramx3 on April 07, 2016, 08:36:01 AM
Quote from: Kotowboy on April 07, 2016, 08:25:58 AM
Question for Bosk of any other law type people.

The guy who assaulted my boss and broke his ribs is claiming that my boss lashed out first.

He is not that type of guy. He's obviously just trying to get away with it.

Now - in a court hearing or whatever - would it even matter " who started it " if my boss got his ribs broken ?

Does it matter "who started it" if actual bodily harm has been committed ?

For example - if I trespassed on someones lawn and got beaten up - would " he trespassed " hold up in court

If I suffered serious harm from being beaten up ?

Anyone ? :)

I think those laws depend on where you are, even in the US, the states have different laws regarding self protection and trespassing.  Some places, yes, it is OK to beat the shit out of or shoot a trespasser.

This isn't my bag, necessarily, so I'm probably giving you the extent of my knowledge, but I will say that the details are somewhat dependent on where you are.  Generally speaking, you are entitled to defend yourself if attacked.  The criteria is usually that you feel imminent harm and the person threatening you (assault) or actually hitting you (battery) is capable of inflicting that imminent harm.  Generally you can use force in response, but that force must be that which a reasonable person in similar circumstances would use.  A small number of states require you to retreat if it is safe to do so (meaning you can't fight back unless you have no option to retreat) but most are what are called "Stand Your Ground" states, whereby you can fight back as a first line of defense.  Generally you can only use deadly force if it is threated and imminent against you.    If the girl who thought you pinched her ass slaps you, you can slap her back, but you likely cannot shoot her in the face.

In your case, if you (or anyone else in the room) saw what happened, your testimony would be crucial in determining the order of events.  It would matter "who started it" as a general proposition, but it would depend on the facts of the circumstances.

Trespass is slightly different, at least here in the States.  Regular assault and battery is not typically "trespassing". 

As a general rule, the parties have to act reasonably (to the extent that actually punching someone in the face can be called "reasonable".   I will say this, though:  the law doesn't really care who "wins" or "loses" the fight.   If you punch me first, and merely split my lip, and I then punch you back and cave in your ribcage, you are going to lose both the fight in the office and the fight in the courtroom. 



I work with an adorable Chinese lady in her 50's. She speaks English, French and two or three languages that Chinese people may need to speak. Of the three French is her best. She's constantly studying her English and her interpretation and execution of expressions is priceless. There are too many to list but things like.....telling her it's time to "circle the wagons" came back at me a month later as "circle the dragons" or  "smoke and mirrors" came back as "smoking mirrors" again with the thick Asian accent.

this exchange still leaves me in giggles......we're all in a row of cubicles. The Asian lady is having a coughing fit. Finally the woman next to her asks "are you ok"...."ya"...."are you sure" "cough cough ya ya" "why don't you try a little water, maybe you're THIRSTY"..........Asian lady " it's not Thursday, it's Wednesday"...........................................crickets.................eruption of laughter from all cubicles....


This is my final FULL pay period with my company. I'm already going to be at 103 hours for the pay period... but I have a feeling it's going to hit 110 before the 15th. I even went in today for a half of a shift. What REALLY pisses me off is that we have another open shift tomorrow morning. The other lead (who is going to be taking my responsibilities and what not when I leave) decided he'd like to work that shift instead of his afternoon shift that same day... so he put himself on the morning shift and left the afternoon open.

Here's the thing... We have at least 2 people who wanna come in and work that shift... but he put himself on and won't budge... saying he already made plans for the after work... and these 2 people can only work the morning shift. So it's going to wind up remaining open tomorrow... and I'm going to have to fucking stay late. Again.

Also.. I was planning to help them out after I start my county job by working weekend mornings for a few months and then moving to a special filler position. There's going to be a lot of last minute easy as fuck special shifts coming up soon. But they (my supervisor and this other lead) apparently don't want me staying on weekend mornings because it will mess with the schedule. They want me to work the afternoons.

Umm.. No. First of all.. I work security for events at our local Moose Lodge on Saturday afternoons and evenings, making way more than
there, cash in hand at the end of the night. Second, I am NOT going to work the shit shifts on the weekends, and then get off at 11pm on Sunday night when I have to be up at like 530am on Monday morning.

The owner of the company, who REALLY doesn't want to lose me, said he'd make sure whatever I want to do is accommodated and understands that the new job takes priority.. but I am not going to play that card and have him force them to keep me around. If they don't want me for what I want, then they can go fuck themselves. I won't do the filler thing later on. Which... really hurts them... because the client for that particular thing is requesting me specifically for it.

Oh Well


Fuck them. They deserve less than nothing considering how they've empirically proven they'll never stop bending you over.


If youre at your end now, then screw it, it's really not your problem to cover shifts since they arent going to have you at all soon.



Quote from: JayOctavarium on April 07, 2016, 03:34:29 PM
True but...

I need the Money. Lol

then just work the shift and make that money, as much as it sucks your coworkers aren't being responsible, if you need the money, it is there for the taking.

King Postwhore

Plus, if you ever need a reference from this place, your flexibility will be a big plus.
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


Quote from: Stadler on April 24, 2015, 06:16:15 AM
Is there a manager on the planet that is any good?  ; )

Yeah...but it's always been my experience that the good ones get transferred or fired and replaced by pieces of shit.


I am just going to make a point to try to beat the overtime / hours record for the office before I leave. After today I am at 107 hours this pay period and 19 hours of OT.. if no other OT comes up

Quote from: chaossystem on April 08, 2016, 01:36:42 AM
Quote from: Stadler on April 24, 2015, 06:16:15 AM
Is there a manager on the planet that is any good?  ; )

Yeah...but it's always been my experience that the good ones get transferred or fired and replaced by pieces of shit.

This just made me realize my namesake thread is a year old :metal


Quote from: cramx3 on April 07, 2016, 03:07:04 PM
If youre at your end now, then screw it, it's really not your problem to cover shifts since they arent going to have you at all soon.
Quote from: black_floyd on April 07, 2016, 02:50:41 PM
Fuck them. They deserve less than nothing considering how they've empirically proven they'll never stop bending you over.

All, technically, true, but I commend your being classy and professional.   You may not like all their answers, but they do have a business to run, and so for me it's like Bob Dylan:  I don't like his music at all, and don't listen to it, but he comes by it honestly and with integrity, so I have to respect it. 

It's not your call how they run their company; it's your call how you handle yourself in a moment of potential advantage.  It's to your benefit - if not now, then long term - to handle it with class and aplomb. 

I think when you resort to "fuck them, they don't deserve anything" without having been in on all the decisions, and seeing all the information they did or didn't have, then you are no better than them in the long run. 


Quote from: Stadler on April 11, 2016, 06:03:49 AM
Quote from: cramx3 on April 07, 2016, 03:07:04 PM
If youre at your end now, then screw it, it's really not your problem to cover shifts since they arent going to have you at all soon.
Quote from: black_floyd on April 07, 2016, 02:50:41 PM
Fuck them. They deserve less than nothing considering how they've empirically proven they'll never stop bending you over.

All, technically, true, but I commend your being classy and professional.   You may not like all their answers, but they do have a business to run, and so for me it's like Bob Dylan:  I don't like his music at all, and don't listen to it, but he comes by it honestly and with integrity, so I have to respect it. 

It's not your call how they run their company; it's your call how you handle yourself in a moment of potential advantage.  It's to your benefit - if not now, then long term - to handle it with class and aplomb. 

I think when you resort to "fuck them, they don't deserve anything" without having been in on all the decisions, and seeing all the information they did or didn't have, then you are no better than them in the long run.

I commend being classy as well, I just have read enough of Jays post to know he wasn't happy at that job so figuring if you didnt like the job and you are on your last week, then just don't put up with the shit anymore.  I'm all about not burning bridges, but at some point enough is enough IMO.  Not sure Jay reached that point, but for me, if I feel I am being abused, I will stand my ground.  But Jay also said he needed the money so at that point you put up with the shit because you have a need.


I do enjoy it here. That's another reason I want to stick around for weekends / filling in. I just don't enjoy all the extra bullshit. IF I drop to Part Time / Filler status.. I won't be dealing with call outs. I won't be coming in and working 20 hours of overtime in a week's span. I really don't get why my supervisor is giving me shit about wanting to work weekend mornings. As I've said, the owner of the company wants me to stick around, and I have a Security Committee member (an ex Chief of Police), who doesn't much of the internal shit going on here, call the owner of the company a few days ago and told him he would love for me to be kept on.

I don't know if I've said this before but I am gone in 2 weeks and they've done nothing to fill my empty shifts. Yes, someone is getting promoted up to fill the empty lead / assistant supervisor role, but there are still 5 shifts a week that will be left open. They are going to be hurting really bad soon.


Quote from: JayOctavarium on April 11, 2016, 08:47:14 AM
I do enjoy it here. That's another reason I want to stick around for weekends / filling in. I just don't enjoy all the extra bullshit. IF I drop to Part Time / Filler status.. I won't be dealing with call outs. I won't be coming in and working 20 hours of overtime in a week's span. I really don't get why my supervisor is giving me shit about wanting to work weekend mornings. As I've said, the owner of the company wants me to stick around, and I have a Security Committee member (an ex Chief of Police), who doesn't much of the internal shit going on here, call the owner of the company a few days ago and told him he would love for me to be kept on.

I don't know if I've said this before but I am gone in 2 weeks and they've done nothing to fill my empty shifts. Yes, someone is getting promoted up to fill the empty lead / assistant supervisor role, but there are still 5 shifts a week that will be left open. They are going to be hurting really bad soon.

If I had known you actually do like it there, I would not have suggested to essentially "not give a shit" anymore. 

Regardless, 20 hours of OT isn't a bad thing at all.  I had 70 hours worked last week, 30 hours of OT goes a long way and it's how I "make money" since my salary just allows me to pay all my bills and survive, it's the OT that allows me to have fun and put money in the bank.  I typically keep it at 15 hours a week OT, more than that and it starts to have a diminishing effect where I am not as happy because I would rather not be working and doing other things.  It's not always in my control though.


Cram, not a response to you personally, but just as a hypothetical question:  short of something illegal, which is off the table, is there such a thing as "abuse" at work?   Not suggesting we have to like everything about our jobs (hell, my company just got bought and I'm not liking much about the new regime, for sure) but is it really abuse?  We can leave anytime we want if it gets to be too much, but that is a personal decision.  And to say "well, I can't really leave because I have bills to pay" is really just another way of saying "I don't hate it bad enough to make any real personal sacrifices, like spending my personal time finding something else so I can leave". 

I don't say this to be critical or unfair, I'm just asking, because I have the viewpoint that I am at my job out of the mercy of my employers, not that they are lucky to have me - an eagle - soaring amongst the rest of their pack of turkeys. 


Quote from: Stadler on April 11, 2016, 11:05:52 AM
Cram, not a response to you personally, but just as a hypothetical question:  short of something illegal, which is off the table, is there such a thing as "abuse" at work?   Not suggesting we have to like everything about our jobs (hell, my company just got bought and I'm not liking much about the new regime, for sure) but is it really abuse?  We can leave anytime we want if it gets to be too much, but that is a personal decision.  And to say "well, I can't really leave because I have bills to pay" is really just another way of saying "I don't hate it bad enough to make any real personal sacrifices, like spending my personal time finding something else so I can leave". 

I don't say this to be critical or unfair, I'm just asking, because I have the viewpoint that I am at my job out of the mercy of my employers, not that they are lucky to have me - an eagle - soaring amongst the rest of their pack of turkeys.

No, abuse is not the right word for what I describe.  We get paid to do something, if we don't like it, it is not abuse because you are getting paid.  I had a job at Boston Market.  i was a server, but on down time they would make me scrub the toilets.  I hated it, I wouldn't call it abuse, I would just say I hated that aspect of the job.  That's a bit more of what I was meaning, like the you just hate the job and the people there, so maybe you feel abused, but I would not actually call it abuse in the literal sense.