Work Related Gripes V The Wrath Of Jay..

Started by Kotowboy, February 15, 2015, 03:23:12 PM

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So let's hear your employment related woes !!!!!

Not just the bad stuff but the funny stuff too !!!!!

I think it's funny when customers order a drink, tap their credit card on the "contact less" card machine

and walk away before ive even put the order through.

Um. Sir. :p


I work with government agencies a lot, and frankly, most of them are absolute bozos. The other day this one guy suggested he would physically bring some of the product we're working on up to Boston, so we can test them. Mind you, they're tiny Android phones, so all he's really doing is putting them in his suitcase and flying up to Boston. Replies a different gov't guy: "You sir are a great American."
There was a collective forehead-slap in my office when we saw that email.


I just can't bear impolite mumbling customers.

Me : Hello :)

Them : carammamammamemem

Me : What was that ? :)

Them : ( infinitesimally louder ) Caramel Macchiato

Me : To take-away ?

Them : ............yeh.

Me  : That's ( x amount ) please :)

Them : ( gives you money without making eye contact )

Me : And here's your chnage :)

Them : ..................


I worked at a place for a year and didn't do a thing. That really annoyed me. It sounds awesome, I know, but it really sucked.


Quote from: Kotowboy on February 16, 2015, 10:23:37 AM
I just can't bear impolite mumbling customers.

Me : Hello :)

Them : carammamammamemem

Me : What was that ? :)

Them : ( infinitesimally louder ) Caramel Macchiato

Me : To take-away ?

Them : ............yeh.

Me  : That's ( x amount ) please :)

Them : ( gives you money without making eye contact )

Me : And here's your chnage :)

Them : ..................

Someone has a crush on you.

Anyway, my latest work gripe is the fact that my grocery manager is being punished for a not so good inventory when he busted his ass to get everything ready to go. Meanwhile the assistant manager is a hypocritical piece of shit who is constantly bad mouthing him to upper management, and taking credit for all his work, and didn't even help him with setting up inventory. The crew and I did. On top of that, we had a walk the day after inventory, and the assist wasn't there, our frozen guy left early without finishing his job, and the inventory counters completely fucked up the store. We had no chance of making the store look good enough for corporate. So my grocery manager who's the best I've worked under (I've had a plethera of shitty ones) was threatened with being fired, and is now possibly transfered and good old assist, as far as I know as I've had the last couple nights off doesn't get any flak at all. The guy is worthless, no one on the crew likes him, but because he has his lips firmly puckered on upper management's ass, he might be sticking around.

I'll find out more tonight.


Quote from: Zook on February 16, 2015, 10:41:02 AM

Someone has a crush on you.

Unlikely - they're like that with all our staff  :lol



Rude customers, definitely. And shoplifters.

Then again, I don't really have the right to complain about my job (at the University Computer Store), given that I'm the one always messing up. The other day I flat-out sold someone the wrong computer. They didn't notice until an hour later and had to come back to change it out. I felt sooo bad  :blush  It's not for lack of trying, I'm just not very good with anything related to technology and the store doesn't make a point of training new employees...


I just hate the fact that I am underpaid for all the shit I do. I got my "promotion", was given a specific list of duties I was to perform, and I did them. I showed a little initiative in wanting to help my supervisor. My regional supervisor hated the idea. Fast forward a bit, and he (plus the owner of the company apparently) decided to give me the little bit more responsibility I wanted, and then some. I went from a "shift leader" (which tells me that when I am off at 3, I AM OFF" to pretty much second in command there. There is no responsibility my supervisor has that I do not have the ability to take care of as well. The 3 days a week he is NOT there (his 2 days off, and then the one night shift he works), I am running the place. When my regional supervisor bumped my responsibilities up, he said there should be another raise attached to it. Hasn't happened. I don't mind doing all this shit. I feel fucking needed for once in my life. It's just NOT worth what I am making right now.


It's a really hard conversation to have, but you need to be up front about that with your boss.


We're supposed to have a big meeting with the owner of the company coming up. It was supposed to be last week but it keeps getting pushed back. When that FINALLY happens I'm going to talk with him about. The big issue though is the fact that there is nothing in the contract for the account I work that includes supervisor salaries. Basically increases come out of their pockets. Which they really don't like.


Quote from: Kotowboy on February 15, 2015, 03:23:12 PM

Not just the bad stuff but the funny stuff too !!!!!

The thread title says work related gripes.  ???


Quote from: Dublagent66 on February 16, 2015, 02:06:58 PM
Quote from: Kotowboy on February 15, 2015, 03:23:12 PM

Not just the bad stuff but the funny stuff too !!!!!

The thread title says work related gripes.  ???

They could be the gripes of the customer  :biggrin:



So apparently my area supervisor has become aware of my frustrations... after his wife, who is my supervisor's sister, read out loud a Facebook post of mine about my phone getting blown up all the time at night (I am friends with my supervisor on FB. She was looking at his phone apparently). They had a discussion about it... and now my supervisor had a talk with me. He asked if I felt like I was taking on too much and said I can scale back my work load if needed. I told him I enjoy all that I do... It's just the goddamn phone calls I get. Myself and another one of the assistant supervisors / shift leaders take like 85% of the calls when someone has an issue / question. I don't mind answering the phone once in a while... but some of this shit with my phone going off constantly at night... that's gotta stop. He / They agree, saying that they really should be the first people called when there's an issue. Not one of us.  I was told though that I CAN start tallying up my phone time and put it on my time sheet.

I was also given a little flack for the fact that on Fri - Sun, the days my supervisor aren't here, I have gaps in my patrols. Basically... I get going with so much sometimes when it comes to report type shit  that I can't go out and do the basic work. So... I'll have whoever I am working with out for several hours, and then let he / she come in the office and hang out while I finish catching up on shit on the computer. That results in long gaps in our patrols, because I am not going to be the asshole sending someone out for a full 8 hours when that part of the job needs to be split 50/50.

I flat out told him that that's ok... just know that a lot less will be getting done on weekends. I just hope I don't get chewed out for it on Monday. HE says I won't, but it's the area supervisor who does and will get on my ass.


Quote from: JayOctavarium on February 17, 2015, 09:34:09 AM

So apparently my area supervisor has become aware of my frustrations... after his wife, who is my supervisor's sister, read out loud a Facebook post of mine about my phone getting blown up all the time at night (I am friends with my supervisor on FB. She was looking at his phone apparently). They had a discussion about it... and now my supervisor had a talk with me. He asked if I felt like I was taking on too much and said I can scale back my work load if needed. I told him I enjoy all that I do... It's just the goddamn phone calls I get. Myself and another one of the assistant supervisors / shift leaders take like 85% of the calls when someone has an issue / question. I don't mind answering the phone once in a while... but some of this shit with my phone going off constantly at night... that's gotta stop. He / They agree, saying that they really should be the first people called when there's an issue. Not one of us.  I was told though that I CAN start tallying up my phone time and put it on my time sheet.

I was also given a little flack for the fact that on Fri - Sun, the days my supervisor aren't here, I have gaps in my patrols. Basically... I get going with so much sometimes when it comes to report type shit  that I can't go out and do the basic work. So... I'll have whoever I am working with out for several hours, and then let he / she come in the office and hang out while I finish catching up on shit on the computer. That results in long gaps in our patrols, because I am not going to be the asshole sending someone out for a full 8 hours when that part of the job needs to be split 50/50.

I flat out told him that that's ok... just know that a lot less will be getting done on weekends. I just hope I don't get chewed out for it on Monday. HE says I won't, but it's the area supervisor who does and will get on my ass.

Your life, your business, but be careful, man.   FB is the devil when it comes to work, in my humble opinion, and most of what you wrote to me sounds like the groundwork for their justification on why you WON'T get that pay raise.   I don't see any reasonable way that you can make a case for MORE pay when you have it on record that there is more than you can do and some of it will be off-loaded.  Perhaps it is the company I work for (Fortune 5 conglomerate), which often will make it's money by getting less people to do more work for the same pay, but still.  I'm sensing a lot of red flags there.

Again, I may be full of shit on this one, but I know for me, I'm not even ON FB, and if I was, there wouldn't be one scrap of work-related info there.   


All I had said was I woke up to 5 missed calls from work (or something of that sort. I am always VERY careful about posting ANYTHING work related on FB that is more specific than a general "Long day at work" or "slow day" type thing.


Oh man......

Ok, let's start with servers who don't know the menu. YOU ARE A SALES REP SELLING MY FOOD, FUCKING KNOW IT!!!!!!

And even worse is the really really dumb fucking servers. This happened....I swear to god it happened....

Servoid- "Chef, is the sorbet dairy free?"

Me- (inner facepalm as heads in the kitchen turn to me) Yes, it is the nature of sorbet to be dairy free....

Servoid- "how about the gelato?"

*everyone else in the kitchen cringes*

Me- (dies a little inside) No, all gelato is made with cream....

I really really hate life sometimes.

Much more for this thread later


I love when customers in Starbucks of all places ask for  " an ordinary Coffee "


I recently found out that sorbet is pronounced "sorbay" I've been calling it shirbit for years and years. Why? I really don't know. I think I even called it shirbert on occasion.

Oh, and my manager is being transferred in 2 weeks, and the assist gets to stay. Hopefully whoever replaces his isn't a dick, and gives assist the boot, cause he really needs to go. We finally got a hard working, nice and fair grocery manager that actually cares and doesn't just blow everything off like that last one, and then they transfer him.


Quote from: lonestar on February 18, 2015, 06:04:53 PM
Oh man......

Ok, let's start with servers who don't know the menu. YOU ARE A SALES REP SELLING MY FOOD, FUCKING KNOW IT!!!!!!

And even worse is the really really dumb fucking servers. This happened....I swear to god it happened....

Servoid- "Chef, is the sorbet dairy free?"

Me- (inner facepalm as heads in the kitchen turn to me) Yes, it is the nature of sorbet to be dairy free....

Servoid- "how about the gelato?"

*everyone else in the kitchen cringes*

Me- (dies a little inside) No, all gelato is made with cream....

I really really hate life sometimes.

Much more for this thread later



Quote from: Zook on February 18, 2015, 06:18:53 PM
I recently found out that sorbet is pronounced "sorbay" I've been calling it shirbit for years and years. Why? I really don't know. I think I even called it shirbert on occasion.

It's "sherbet", and at least in the States, it is different (it has dairy in it) than a sorbet (which does not have dairy).  That's if the people making it know what they are talking about.   In France, the products are different, but the names are "dairy sorbet" and "sorbet". 

I know this because my family and I have had three French exchange students. 


I :heart when someone's laziness causes me twice as much work. I also love how we have our night shift leader out for personal reasons for lord knows how long, and we just lost another full timer... We are going to be stretched so thin next month.


Woman: "Ummm... you gave me a parking citation. I am parked in an area clearly marked as "Guest Parking" and I don't live here so I am clearly a GUEST"

Me: "Well, You did not have a Guest Pass on your vehicle"


Me: "It is stated in the CC&Rs that the resident you are visiting should have read. Guest parking is for guests with a 72 hour guest pass. Residents have guest passes which they can give you to hang off of your mirror. "


Me: "I apologize but the resident is responsible for making sure you have a pass. Best thing to do would be talk to them.."

Woman: "whatever"  *click*

It's not that complicated people. And it's not even like they are being fined. Its A WARNING. YOU GET 3 OF THEM. STFU.


So... the company seems like it's going to force me to work at least one swing shift a week next month. It's fucked up because there's no public transport when I get off (11p), meaning I'd be stuck riding home... but the problem with that is I'm going to be riding through a fucked up section of town (lots of stabbings and shit), getting home at midnight, and then going to have to turn around and get up at 5am to get shit together to ride back to work the next morning.  Not fucking cool.

"we need you to step up"


And what do you call all the other shit I've been doing? I'm there almost an extra half hour after every shift. I don't put that on my timesheet. Last thursday my regional manager decided to start having all of our discussions via 4 person group text. My phone s going off from 6am till sometimes up till 1am. And I am expected to reply or at least acknowledge that I've read most of it.

I wouldn't mind that but I'm making a dollar (or less depending on the employee) more than a basic employee and I am working my ass off. In our last meeting, raises for the supervisors (meaning me) came up and I was told they will come once Overtime is cut. Well.... They are going to start having to give more OT out seeing as their most reliable employee (Myself) might start fucking calling out.

I've been there almost 2.5 years, and I have called out twice. And those were within my first fucking month there. Since then... I have NOT missed a shift. I was more than half an hour late like... 3 times. (two of them almost 2 years ago), and one of them only since I became a supervisor, which was only because I missed a fucking bus because I bike and bus into work. We've got people, including my supervisor, who come in 15+ minutes late at least once a week.

I think I am a damn good employee. I know I am not perfect but no one is. If I were to leave, the company would be fucked. I could even see them losing the account.

I know being asked to work a single off shift like that shouldn't be a big deal... if I had my own fucking vehicle it would NOT be an issue. slightly annoying but that's it.

Sorry for the rant but I've been off for 2 days and my phone has not stopped going off. It's pissing me off.


^^^ That sucks, and I have definitely dealth with stuff very similar. Its never fun.

My current issue is that management is retarded. They are just incapable of managing.

Our best person is leaving. She's tired of the bullshit and finally decided to leave. She stated to management, all the way back in December, that she would be leaving May 1st.

Management has done nothing to fill the position, and despite having months of notice, no replacement has been hired. I usually work every other weekend, but in come the emails to me to bail them out. But working full time hours doesn't really mesh well with a full time graduate school doctorate program.

Them just harassing me, because they fucked up is incredibly annoying.


That's kind of our issue here as well. The reason they want me working that shift is we are short staffed on supervisors as well as just normal staff. Our night supervisor has been out for months for medical reasons. It's unsure that she'll even be back and if she is, if she'll be back full time. (I sent her a text yesterday wishing her a happy b day and she responded with "Thanks. I'll be back soon!"... but I'll believe it when I see it.) Our afternoon / swing supervisor is filling in at another account (adjacent to us.. so he is still around but his MAIN focus is not on us)... plus we have lost a few other employees recently, and those that we have aren't spectacular. We have part time people working full time and everything. I totally get needing help but I just CAN'T do it at the moment. :/


So I work in a data center and we got this brand new shiny oracle rack for a new database and well Oracle has messed something up along the way during the whole process and they have another guy out here for the third week in a row and he told me he was going to take me and one other guy (a DBA who has been here to assist) out to lunch today.  So he wanted to go to Chipotle and when it came time to pay he tried to not pay for me! Luckily the DBA stepped in and made him pay (which I wasnt about to do because I didnt want to force someone to pay even though they offered the previous day and told me not to bring lunch like I normally do).  So I am kind of wowed by how completely unprofessional Oracle is and that is besides the fact that they completely messed up the install.  And it seems like they will have to be back tomorrow since its got so many new issues now and the deal was, the DBA paid for lunch Wednesday, Oracle paid for lunch today, and if they have to stay till Friday then I will pay for lunch.  Friday lunches are on the company anyway so ill just expense it all  :biggrin:


Quote from: Zook on February 16, 2015, 10:41:02 AM
Anyway, my latest work gripe is the fact that my grocery manager is being punished for a not so good inventory when he busted his ass to get everything ready to go. Meanwhile the assistant manager is a hypocritical piece of shit who is constantly bad mouthing him to upper management, and taking credit for all his work, and didn't even help him with setting up inventory. The crew and I did. On top of that, we had a walk the day after inventory, and the assist wasn't there, our frozen guy left early without finishing his job, and the inventory counters completely fucked up the store. We had no chance of making the store look good enough for corporate. So my grocery manager who's the best I've worked under (I've had a plethera of shitty ones) was threatened with being fired, and is now possibly transfered and good old assist, as far as I know as I've had the last couple nights off doesn't get any flak at all. The guy is worthless, no one on the crew likes him, but because he has his lips firmly puckered on upper management's ass, he might be sticking around.

I'll find out more tonight.

Someone has a crush on you.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


Is there a manager on the planet that is any good?  ; ) 


Quote from: Stadler on April 24, 2015, 06:16:15 AM
Is there a manager on the planet that is any good?  ; )

Ive had a couple who I really enjoyed working for.

King Postwhore

"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


I like mine. It's the guys above him that are the headaches.


I've had a few managers I didn't like over the years (back when I was tending bar, but the majority of restaurant/bar managers are clowns anyway), but I've had a lot that were good. 

My current one threw me at first, as I am used to have managers that are chatty, and he isn't at all, but what I have learned, and this has been confirmed by others at work, is that if he doesn't talk to you a lot, that is good.  It means you aren't messing up.  And he is always friendly, just not chatty.  But his management style works well, and he doesn't micro-manage, which is always good.


Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol