DT Forums, what is your personality type?

Started by npiazza91, March 13, 2015, 10:58:24 PM

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This is known to be the best (or one of the best) personality test(s) out there. If you're interested, feel free to share.

I'm INTP, by the way.


I'm a weirdo. 

I'm an EXFP, which I've been told isn't possible...but whatever.

My mother is an ESFP, and I actually default to an ESFP myself.   But the biggest influences in my life (my father, best best and closest friends, both my current wife and my ex) were all N's.   The strong influence over the course of my lifetime has totally changed the way I think.    When I test, my results come out ENFP...but with about a 55/45 split on the N/S questions.    And everyone that has interacted with me says that my outward personality leans toward ESFP.   So I gave up and just adopted the EXFP tag.

Prog Snob


I knew I would be introverted. That's just a given. 



My results have changed quite a lot since the last time I took a test like this.  It's actually amazing how much I've changed (or learned about myself) in the past eleven months. 



What a curious thing, I had several times thought of making this thread since I discovered the site. :P

My personality: INTJ - Turbulent. I'm still surprised at how precise the test results are - they have helped me learn a lot about myself.


INTP-T. I think I used to get INTJ on these long ago, I can't remember.

The description beneath is so close to spot on for me that it's scary.


Quote from: BlobVanDam on March 14, 2015, 12:02:45 AM
INTP-T. I think I used to get INTJ on these long ago, I can't remember.

The description beneath is so close to spot on for me that it's scary.

Yeah, I feel the same way.  I found this site like a week ago.  Strange for me, since I usually over analyze everything and try to figure everything out and I would think I would have found that site by now but...I guess not.

Yes, it really was a bit scary to read that.  I thought I was reading about my life, I mean INTP is EXACTLY how I think.  It's amazing.



66% Introverted
2% Observant
6% Feeling
25% Judging
54% Turbulent




I think I took a test like this about a year ago, got the same ISTJ.

Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


I did the official Myers Briggs a couple of years ago and got ENTJ, but none of them were very strong.

E - I'm somewhat into the extrovert end of the spectrum, but not that far, and certainly exhibit a lot of introvert qualities as well.

N - This was the strongest I think - I definitely look at themes and patterns, but at the same time I'm also an empiricist who relies on factual evidence, so there's definitely some S in there as well.

T - Again not very strong, I prefer to act on logic and reason but often go with instinct and judgement as well.

J - Basically bang in the middle on this, but technically came down on the J side. If I took 20 different tests I'd probably get P half the time.

Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on May 10, 2023, 05:59:19 PMAriich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
Quote from: TAC on December 21, 2023, 06:05:15 AMI be am boner inducing.


Mediator INFP-T

56% Introverted
31% Intuitive
11% Feeling
9% Prospecting
65% Turbulent




bout to crash

I think we've had this thread at least 3-4 times but it's always fun  :lol

I pretty much always get the same, INFP-T, "the diplomat" and "turbulent" variant. Very accurate for me. I like how this one has those scales. I only got 6% toward introvert, which I think is pretty accurate. I easily go into hermit mode and get easily drained by people but I am still very social. The rest of them are less "on the fence."


QuoteYour personality type: "The Executive" (ESTJ-A)
Strength of individual traits: Extraverted: 1%, Observant: 39%, Thinking: 41%, Judging: 46%, Assertive: 31%.
Role: Sentinel
Strategy: People Mastery

Never done one of these before, the relationships was spot on, but I don't see myself as a presidential type of person lol




My Dad will be pleased - he is a Civil Engineer  :coolio


INTJ- Mastermind

And so is my fiancee, which is probably why we get along so well.


ESFJ, I think but the test are a pain in the ass. Every single one i take calls me something different.


ENTJ-A "The Commander"

I've taken this sort of test a few times and always come up with one of ENTJ or INTJ. This test scored me unusually high in extroversion; most tests score me as 5-10% extroverted, whereas this one put me up at 50%.

The description nearly has me spot-on, although I do think of myself as more sympathetic and patient than what was described in my results. Efficiency has always played an important role in the amount of respect I have for a person because I strive for maximum efficiency myself. "The underlying thought running through the ENTJ mind might be something like 'I don't care if you call me an insensitive b*****d, as long as I remain an efficient b*****d.'" I'm pretty sure I've said those exact words before.



Quote from: Implode on March 14, 2015, 01:04:49 PM
ESFJ, I think but the test are a pain in the ass. Every single one i take calls me something different.

Just took a test again and it said I'm ENFJ with only a 1% preference to E over I. So who even knows?


Ahhh...Myers-Briggs. I love it. Spot on for me.

I've been an ENTP-A most of my life.

I think I first found that out in high school. I've probably taken the test 5 or 6 times since then. I haven't taken it in many years now; so I expected the results to change at least a little bit as we tend to grow softer with age. But nope. This time it was the same. ENTP-A.  :metal

Another awesome test, and one that I believe would make the world a much better place if we focused on it is the "Strengthsfinder" test. Set up by Gallup, with over 60 years of research- it truly focuses in on an individuals strengths or as they call them "talents". I have used it in my personal life as first an employee and then as an author, husband, and father. I really believe it helped me be a better parent to my son. I had him take the test when he was 12, and again last year. It really helped him understand to work on focusing on and seeking out opportunities to utilize his strengths and not his weaknesses.

In the United States, we have this almost pathological need to point out faults in ourselves and each other. Corporations are built on focusing on and eliminating the weaknesses of their employees. In our culture we're practically taught this from birth. Dog eat Dog; only the strong survive; take no prisoners; eliminate the weak...Its really bad.

I'll give you an example of how it happens every day.

For all of you parents out there---if your son or daughter came home with a report card with the following grades, how would you honestly react:


What would you do? If you're honest, most of you would freak out on the F grade in Maths (I know it's MATH, I just wanted the Brits to feel good so I called it maths).

So you'd get little Johnny a tutor perhaps, or make him spend extra time at home on maths during homework, or you'd threaten him by taking away privileges, or maybe go to see his math teacher, or call a guidance counselor. If you're like some parents you'd even go to the family doctor to have Johnny tested for ADhD. So Johnny would REALLY then struggle mightily to get the F grade up to a passing grade. He'd work tirelessly on improving his grade. And while you as a parent shouldn't ignore the F; even with all that extra work, little Johnny pulls that grade up to a.....D, or maybe if he's lucky a C. Instead, what you should do is, of course get Johnny help with his Maths (you can't ignore it..it's important); but more importantly focus the bulk of the work and attention on his strengths. Help him develop that which he's already strongest in to help him further develop his talents and skills. Help Johnny really soar in what he's great at with his Science and Reading.

Strengthsfinders focuses on an individuals personality strengths and characteristics. Which is what more companies and society as a whole should really be focusing on instead of what it does today.

If you get the chance, buy the book and take the test. It could just change your life.

With Strengthsfinder it gives you your top five strengths or more appropriately Talents, out of 34 possibilities.

Mine are:
1. Ideation-- People strong in the Ideation theme are fascinated by ideas. They are able to find connections between seemingly disparate phenomena.
2. Individualization-- People strong in the Individualization theme are intrigued with the unique qualities of each person. They have a gift for figuring out how people who are different can work together productively.
3. Input-- People strong in the Input theme have a craving to know more. Often they like to collect and archive all kinds of information.
4. Strategic-- People strong in the Strategic theme create alternative ways to proceed. Faced with any given scenario, they can quickly spot the relevant patterns and issues.
5. Woo-- People strong in the Woo theme love the challenge of meeting new people and winning them over. They derive satisfaction from breaking the ice and making a connection with another person.



INTP here. Was INTJ and one point and ENTP at another. I really can't fault that because I've changed a lot over the years and INTP probably does suit me best.

King Postwhore


57% Extraverted
21% Observant
18% Nature
6% Tactics
12% Indentify
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


Quote from: kingshmegland on March 14, 2015, 01:38:02 PM

57% Extraverted
21% Observant
18% Nature
6% Tactics
12% Indentify
Just like our hockey teams, the opposite in every way. ;)



Shadow Ninja 2.0


"Your personality type is:
Virtuoso (ISTP-T)"

That sounds about accurate. Not sure how that makes me a virtuoso, but I can dig it.



King Postwhore

Quote from: LieLowTheWantedMan on March 14, 2015, 01:43:38 PM
Quote from: kingshmegland on March 14, 2015, 01:38:02 PM

57% Extraverted
21% Observant
18% Nature
6% Tactics
12% Indentify
Just like our hockey teams, the opposite in every way. ;)

"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.