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The Dude abides...

Started by jammindude, July 28, 2013, 07:48:26 PM

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Some of you may have see this in the video blogging thing...but I just wanted to give it its own proper christening.    I won't keep beating it to death...I'll just start including a link in my sig. 

I tip my cap to all suggestions and inspiration.     In looking at it now...I think what I would really like to be is a sortof "zen" counterpart to The Metal Madman.   Opposite, but complementary.     But I think I just want to see where it goes....grow where it wants to grow...and have all my OL family be a part of the experience.  I don't know what it's going to be yet.   I have ideas, not just for album reviews, but for maybe some editorial stuff about the life of a music fan in the 21st Century.  (think if Andy Rooney were young and a prog metal nerd)  But I will start with album reviews and maybe do some other things if I'm inspired in that direction.   




The link in the sig works for me...

I am bringing over my comment from the old thread in support:

QuoteGreat job on both videos!   :coolio

Looking forward to more.

Very late Edit:  "Mr. Bungle" sounded intriguing.  I looked it up and this was the first video, for "Pink Cigarette":

Evidently it's a fan-made's amazing, in my book (and so bizarre!!)!  :D  I need to sample more.

If you want to review or suggest any from Mr. Bungle, I think it would be much fun. 

Rock on!  :2metal:



Watched first episode! Pretty cool :)... things are pretty crazy for me lately but I intend to try and follow and catch them as they come.  :tup


Not bad! However, as someone whose main bulk of entertainment comes via Youtube vlogs I have a bit of advice for you.

Jump cuts are your friend! They take the pressure off of you in terms of getting everything right first time. It allows you to retake again and again on a single take of film which you can edit out in post. It can also be used to lessen the moments of silence in the vlog, which are perfectly fine in natural speech, but are generally found sparingly in this medium. Here's an example of a vlogger's introduction before jump cuts.

Secondly, talk a little faster or with a little more energy. This is something most seem to pick up on over time. It's a matter of engagement, plus it shows your passion for your project.

Finally, titles. They're fine if you're just wanting the DTF audience to watch your videos, however, considering that you're wanting to build up into a website eventually I'm assuming that you'll want a larger audience. Therefore, your tags, description, and title need to tell the potential audience what each video focuses on.  Something as simple as [band]:[album title] Review, for the review videos, with related tags and descriptions. By choosing a certain pool of words as well to reference in the description/title/tags, ensures that  you show up higher on searches. So, say that you're doing a Queensryche review. You could mention the term Queensryche once in the title, once in the tags, and twice in the description. A lot of people on Youtube copy and paste their tags into the bottom of their description to reach a wider audience.


I've been noticing the "jump cut" thing....Anthony at The Needle Drop uses them with great results....and I've seen them elsewhere too.   Gives it a bit of a "Max Headroom" feel.   

I see that they are beneficial...need to ponder that one.

The title thing is good.   I can tell there's going to be a learning curve here...

Thank you so much for the feedback!


Quote from: alirocker08 on July 30, 2013, 02:17:23 AM
Here's an example of a vlogger's introduction before jump cuts.

That video is of course mostly for entertainment value, but he also has another video where he edits his own takes:

While jammin won't (and shouldn't) go for the hectic style of that dude, I agree though that pacing is a key consideration in a vlog. One of the main reasons why wedding videos are so hated is not because the actual content is boring; it's the usually excessive amount of dead air time between the content. Music is a much more forgiving medium in that regard, you can have a weak section and the listener will still stick with it. In videos however dead air time is killer; likely the viewer will lose interest and shut it off.


Just doing a little research on the usage of "jump cuts".  Seems it's a bit easier if you have more than one camera, but these sites might be useful in deciding your composition for the next videos:

This whole thing sounds like a cool fun project.  Good times!    :corn



I've filmed a review of the QR record....but there's been a delay with the editing process.  ( editor (my son)'s computer is going belly up...but he's getting a new(er) one on Saturday). 

I'll have it up by the end of next w/e.  Going to experiment with some "jump cut" stuff.


While there's a delay in editing the review....  I was inspired by a thread over at 5/8 about music in general.

So here's an editorial episode of The Jammin Dude Show to tie you over until then.


I'm so proud of my son...who edited this video.

It took awhile...but the Queensryche review is finally up.   Improvised by jammindude, edited by J-Dude Jr.  (aka Blackchibisan)



Just in case anyone is still watching...

I just posted a new episode focusing on "unsung heroes" in rock history.   This first one is focusing on The Galactic Cowboys in honor of their upcoming 25th Anniversary show...


If I may make a suggestion, I think the videos would benefit massively from music snippets. Like, it's a bit like a cooking show, where the hosts talk about the food and how good it smells, but you never find out as the viewer. I think if you identified snippets of the bands that exemplify a certain point you're making and then played them between your talking, that would make it have a lot more oomph.


Quote from: rumborak on September 02, 2013, 05:16:53 PM
If I may make a suggestion, I think the videos would benefit massively from music snippets. Like, it's a bit like a cooking show, where the hosts talk about the food and how good it smells, but you never find out as the viewer. I think if you identified snippets of the bands that exemplify a certain point you're making and then played them between your talking, that would make it have a lot more oomph.

I should do more of that...I'll talk to my son (the editor) about it.   He was the one who included Disney's Spinnin at the end of this I can see it going in that direction. 

Also...did you see from other thread what Monty did?   I about peed myself!!


Just recorded a new episode I'm really proud of.

This one focuses on how grunge is so misunderstood (IMO) both by those that love it, and by those who hate it.

ENJOY...and all feedback is welcome.


I just had to give this a bump because I was so stoked about getting on Between the Buried and Me's tour bus to interview Dan Briggs!!  (I was terrified!)


Just a quick rant to let everyone know how much I appreciate everyone's set the mood for the direction of the show...and what's coming up in the near future.


There's this local music review website that covers the whole local music scene...they get A LOT of hits and are one of the main sources of local music coverage in the Seattle area. 
They sent out an open call seeking out music reviewers.   I wrote back telling them about The Jammin Dude Show and how I felt progressive rock was under-represented in the Seattle media.   *WITHIN 5 MINUTES* the main guy from the site wrote me back saying that he absolutely agreed that progressive rock doesn't get enough attention, that he had actually *heard of me* (that felt weird) and wanted me to submit an article right away.   
I wrote a written revue for local band Odd Logic, and he posted it right away!   I'M AN OFFICIAL PUBLISHED MUSIC REVIEWER BLOGGING FOR ONE OF THE SEATTLE AREA'S MAIN MUSIC RESOURCE WEBSITES!!!
I'm freakin PEEING myself I'm so excited!   Am I just easily entertained?   I honestly don't care if this is nothing in the broad scheme of things...this is honestly one of the coolest things that has ever happened to me as a music fan!   It's like the first time I've ever been acknowledged just for being a music geek!!

Here's the article I wrote that was just posted...

I'm so psyched!! 

:xbones :xbones :xbones :xbones :xbones


Congrats - always nice to be recognised  :tup



I took a bit of a hiatus.   I was in a high stress job, and it was stressing me out so much that it was making me very depressed and effecting my home life.

But I'm back now, and I'm looking forward to a surge of activity.    This is a review for a new instrumental local band called Isthmusia (link provided).    I'm going to be doing a review of Haken's restoration soon....I've got a scheduled phone interview with Jeff Martin from The Tea Party next week...and I'm thinking of doing a series of "album by album" Rush reviews.   

I'm happy to be back on track, and I really owe a lot to my friend Glen Casebeer from Northwest Music Scene for encouraging me that I was good at what I do, and I should get back to it. 


Just did an interview with Jeff Martin from The Tea Party.   Most of the transcription was put into an article I wrote here:

The full interview will be posted as an episode of The Jammin Dude Show in the coming days.

This is fun!!   :xbones


I got away from doing The Jammin Dude Show for awhile.   The biggest reason was that I was starting to gain followers and fans (which is good) but that inevitably led into a lot of pressure from several different avenues to do shows about things that other people wanted me to do, and a lot of solicitations from several avenues to do reviews of people I had never heard of.     At that point, it stopped being fun.    But now I find that I really miss the outlet, and I want to get back to doing it.   But there's a new vision.   I do what I feel like doing.   Period.   This show exists for only a few reasons.   It is a creative outlet for me.  It's a way for me to share what I love and what I've been listening to with others.     I don't want to become a commercial for anyone else's band or label.   I'm just a dude who wants to share what he happens to have stumbled across with others.   It could be music, it could be whatever.   

The recent slew of incredible music (new Iron Maiden, new Riverside, new bands like Odd Logic, Native Construct, and TesseracT) finally inspired me to don the sweater and get back in the mancave.   

Seriously.  Look for a new show (I'm either going to review the new Iron Maiden or the new Riverside...I haven't decided which first yet) before the end of the weekend.    And I've also got a Facebook page devoted completely to the show. 

Hope you guys get a chance to see it.


You Tube Channel:


Quote from: alirocker08 on July 30, 2013, 02:17:23 AM
Here's an example of a vlogger's introduction before jump cuts.

Another nerdfighter on DTF?



My first new episode in almost a year!   This is my review of the new album from TesseracT!  Enjoy!!