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THE WALKING DEAD - Season 6 - Full Discussion

Started by gmillerdrake, October 08, 2015, 08:01:16 AM

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Which Major Character wil Die in the Finale

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Total Members Voted: 22

Voting closed: March 29, 2016, 09:46:01 AM


Quote from: Metropolaris on October 24, 2015, 07:08:03 AM
So Michael offered to take on on his phone and text it too my dad later.
So now my dad has Michael Cudlitz's phone number.

That is very cool.....I mean, what big time actor would do that? I consider Cutliz 'big time'. I loved him as 'Bull' in Band of Brothers.


Quote from: gmillerdrake on October 24, 2015, 07:41:42 AM
I'd think it has something to do with those Walkers being 'fresh'....and now that there's a couple year decay of the brain there's not much left?

Yeah sure, but there are still new people dying all over the place. And it re-raises the question of whether the people who have turned are actually gone forever or not. Those two scenes from the season 1 premiere would suggest that no, they're not. That would create some moral confliction within the group, or even within the people within the group.

Quote from: gmillerdrake on October 24, 2015, 07:41:42 AM

"According to science"? According to science, a moving corpse is impossible, so these kinds of articles trying to aply science really don't hold any merit. But the detail that the walkers are getting more and more rotten each season is cool.


Quote from: BlackInk on October 24, 2015, 07:59:22 AM
"According to science"? According to science, a moving corpse is impossible, so these kinds of articles trying to aply science really don't hold any merit. But the detail that the walkers are getting more and more rotten each season is cool.

Well....sure. You have to 'look past' the fact that zombies aren't real  :lol  Once you can do that then these types of articles are neat.


Quote from: BlackInk on October 19, 2015, 01:37:34 AM
I liked the episode, lots of intense stuff happening. There were things I didn't like as well, but they were outnumbered by the things I did like.

And, wasn't Morgan with Rick when the horn went off? Why is it that only him returned and not anyone else?

Quote from: gmillerdrake on October 18, 2015, 08:17:19 PM
also, It seemed like that Enid chic tried to admit something to Carl while they were alone....when she said Alexandria was to big to defend....then she said "that's how we...." and Carl cuts her off. So, is SHE a Wolf as well? She's always had that 'questionable' aura about her....she could be?

That bothered me. A real person would have heard that, and wouldn't have cut her off at the exact moment to make it more dramatic for an unseen audience.

Re-Watched this episode last night and Enid's comment before getting cut off was...."This town is too big to protect, it has too many blind spots.....that's how we were able to....."   and then Carl cut her off?

It really comes off as if she was a 'wolf'.....that comment along with her minimal concern and lax attitude during the raid. Then she vanishes seemingly along with the fleeing Wolves?

The only thing that doesn't add up is that we were made to believe the Wolves had no idea Alexandria existed until the bag with the pictures was found?

Or....she's not a wolf and she was just referring to her and her family when she said 'that's how we'...meaning when they were out in it just driving around 'they' had too many blind spots and were overtaken.

QuoteSTARTING TONIGHT: Record, upload, and send us YOUR reactions of you watching The Walking Dead and YOU could be in a viral video. Message us your video tonight!

They want videos of people's reactions to tonight's episode...

Something big is gonna happen tonight.


God, those things annoy the fuck outta any context. So. Fucking. Stupid. Even amongst all the other social media wankery.

Here is a reaction of my reaction to people's reactions:

BUT it is indeed a good indication... I'm excited for tonight's reactions! episode!


Dammit... I did not want to know that something worthy of reaction videos is going to happen, now it won't be a surprise. I don't get posting things like that (and by that I mean the official Walking Dead facebook page, not you Metropolaris).


Yeah, the marketing team for this show seems really thick. This isn't the first time they've said something like that.


Remember back in season 4? They posted a picture saying RIP Hershel after the mid season finale aired for the east coast, thus spoiling it for west coast viewers.

EDIT: Or was it last season with Beth's death? either way, bad move.


Also when someone dies they usually bring them on Talking Dead and you'll know by the first commercial break who it is.



Quote from: Metropolaris on October 23, 2015, 07:48:14 AM
Next episode looks like it will be full of walkers, so surely someone will probably die. We haven't had a main character death this season, only Carter and a bunch of Alexandria redshirts.
My money's on Nicholas. But if they really wanna shock us, I'd say kill someone bigger. Maybe Glenn?.

....called it.... :-\



Denial mode: activated

Nicholas fell on Glenn. Maybe the walkers were devouring him and he had a chance to escape?
Nicholas was very out of his head this episode....maybe it was a hallucination...?




That would be so lame if the show didn't kill him.


The first three episodes has been amazing, I can't believe the pace they're keeping so far. I friggin can't wait for next weekend's 90 min show.


Quote from: orcus116 on October 25, 2015, 07:17:58 PM
That would be so lame if the show didn't kill him.

I don't think so. Michonees speech about being covered in so much blood that you didn't know who's it was......him saying he'd find a way to let them know he's alright....her writing that on her arm.....there's a way he's alive.

But, in all reality he should be dead as dead as dead.


Just re-watched that scene....the color shirt the Walkers were tearing into was Nicholas' and behind Glenns head there appeared to be an avenue to get under that Dumpster. Just sayin'....

although he should be dead.


I assume he died. He was screaming like he was in a ton of pain.

That sucks though, Glenn was one of my favorites and the fact he went out this way upsets me.


Lost in the Glenn death is the fact that Rick not only confirms his badassness by whooping two alpha male wolves in close quarters then blowing their heads off....then dispatching the rest of the litter with a brutal ambush of sorts.....but, he now appears to be F'd big time with the tip of the split off hoard hitting his position.

Not that Glenn is untouchable by any means but I think this is where both reading the comic and watching the show competes...

I'm totally fine with the Glenn death....and actually it bolsters my opinion even more that Daryl will be the one who Negan uses to 'make a point'....but, he was such a vital character that I felt like he deserved a 'better' death. It was noble that he was trying to lure the herd away and took 200 freaking Walkers to finally kill him....but his death in the comic was so much more 'honorable'.

I'm still debating internally whether or not I think he was killed there. The lack of love from the Talking Dead.....him not being on that show in the aftermath like EVERY other main character that has been killed off peeks my suspicion. I do think they left a way for his character to have escaped that by having Nicholas fall on him and having that dumpster directly behind him.


Another thing...
Steven Yeun has been on set all during this season, even after the filiming for this episode.
Scott Gimple did confirm that Glenn would be back in some capacity(Flashback/Zombie/Remains/Hallucination/Whatever), but keep in mind that Lori was around for all the filming for Season 3 despite dying in episode 4. It may be an attempt to throw off people spying on the set, or he really may be alive.

The fact that he wasn't in the In Memoriam, plus the fact that Gimple felt the need to elaborate vaguely on his death leads me to believe he is alive.
Like I said before, Nicholas wasn't 100% mentally there this episode. Notice that anytime he phased out, Glenn was always the one to get him to snap out of it. Maybe he just a had a hallucination.
Plus, it seemed obvious from the beginning of the episode that Glenn was gonna die. A bit too obvious to the point where it seemed cliché. They were going through the motions of a main character death. He kept bringing up his wife. He said goodbye to Maggie back in episode 1, and there was the hint that she may be pregnant. There was a callback to his very first line in the series.
The whole time it felt like they were just leading us along.

Remember Season 4 when we all thought Judith was dead?
Remember Season 3 when Carol was missing for a couple episodes and we thought she was dead?
They've led us along before, though not to this capacity.

Until I see a body and I have some more substantial proof, I say he's alive.


Now that you mention it and I think about it more....Nicholas 'spacing out' was always closely followed by Glenn 'bringing him back'. It's possible Nicholas was hallucinating Glenn.

i do think it was a tad too vague of death for such a vital character for him to really be dead.

One thing is for sure though.....they've cranked it up a notch this season and are petal to the metal :metal  Man it been such a great first three episodes and I'll be honest, I'm concerned that the 90 minute next episode may be a let down if it's strictly 'Morgan centric'. Although, Gimple wrote it and he has a solid history of writing great episodes. 

Fluffy Lothario

I think Glenn will show up in some vital moment and surprise everyone a few eps down the line.

I also think it makes sense to tell Morgan's back story now that Rick is in the position he is - because of no response on the walkie talkie, he has all the reason in the world to believe Glenn is dead, and with him the whole fleeing group; because of the baby food on the Wolves and the gunshots, he has all the reason in the world to believe Judith is dead, and with her potentially Carl and all of Alexandria. In his mind, everything is gone, and there's very little reason to keep fighting. So now it would be fitting to show how Morgan picked himself back up.


I kinda hope they start killing off more main people. The entire cast needs a shakeup.


Quote from: orcus116 on October 25, 2015, 07:17:58 PM
That would be so lame if the show didn't kill him.

100% this. The idea that Nicholas fell on him came to mind instantly. It would be HUGE mistake to let him as in the context of that story there is NO way he should survive. One, him screaming would have attracted one of the 100+ walkers to his face. Second, he's seen enough shit that he would know not to scream if there was even a remote chance of survival. Does he really care about Nicholas that much? Killing Glenn off in this fashion not only takes a lot of balls but would also be very successful in throwing off the comic readers. Letting him live would feel like a big cop out and unnecessary and unsuccessful twist.   Long story short, if Glenn is really dead my cudos to the show for growing some balls. If he isn't dead, my interest for the show is going to take a major it. Especially when you throw in the social media bullshit that other were talking about. Seems like a cheap ploy.

Other than that, was another great episode. This could turn out to be my favorite season since the first.


How awesome would it be if Glenn is dead but shows up in town as a walker and Maggie has to put him down?


Quote from: gmillerdrake on October 25, 2015, 10:09:44 PM
Now that you mention it and I think about it more....Nicholas 'spacing out' was always closely followed by Glenn 'bringing him back'. It's possible Nicholas was hallucinating Glenn. every scene where Glenn and Nicholas were running from the herd.....when they'd stop Glenn was waiting for Nicholas for direction on what to do. I don't see Glenn sitting and waiting for Nicholas to figure out where they should go. He'd have been decisive and led them, not allowing Nicholas to determine what they did once the plan fell apart.

Quote from: kaos2900 on October 26, 2015, 06:01:07 AM
Quote from: orcus116 on October 25, 2015, 07:17:58 PM
That would be so lame if the show didn't kill him.

100% this. **snip** If he isn't dead, my interest for the show is going to take a major it. Especially when you throw in the social media bullshit that other were talking about. Seems like a cheap ploy.

I don't know, I have a feeling that he's not dead and a bunch of people are gonna be ticked about it.....and happy about it.


Quote from: kaos2900 on October 26, 2015, 08:13:31 AM
How awesome would it be if Glenn is dead but shows up in town as a walker and Maggie has to put him down?

They've kind of 'done that' type of thing with Daryl and Merl....Andrea....Bob. I don't think it's a 'tough' thing to watch them have to do any longer.


I also found it neat that in back to back episodes now the 'top 2' people in the group whose bravado attitude and no holds barred approach the the world now have been knocked down a few pegs. Carol got hers last episode and now Rick is getting his. From 'assuming' that Michonne and Glenn would be the ones who made it back unscathed and then 'assuming' that Alexandria would be alright and not to go back....he sees that baby food....Glenn doesn't answer....his truck won't start......he's getting a dose of 'back to reality' it seems, that for however bad a$$ he is.....he still really doesn't have a whole lot of control over it all.


So what happened to Rick's hand? Did it cut or was he bit? Just wondering if they may finally be introducing a major comic plot point.


Quote from: kaos2900 on October 26, 2015, 09:10:05 AM
So what happened to Rick's hand? Did it cut or was he bit? Just wondering if they may finally be introducing a major comic plot point.

He sliced it on that machette that was buried through the Walker when he grabbed him. and I agree.....I don't think they'd have made it such a big deal if they weren't planning on something?

Maybe they can afford the CGI now to remove his hand in every scene?


Quote from: kaos2900 on October 26, 2015, 09:10:05 AM
So what happened to Rick's hand? Did it cut or was he bit? Just wondering if they may finally be introducing a major comic plot point.

He definitely cut it when he pulled that machete out of the walker's head. If he was bitten they certainly would have made a bigger fuss about it on the show and Talking Dead.

As for the comic thing, If the wound did get infected, then he would need to cut off the wounded hand ASAP. We don't know 100% if blood-to-blood contact with walker blood speeds up the infection. If it does then it's had too long to spread to the rest of his arm.
I think the time has passed for them to cut off his hand and have any real impact.
Also in the comics he lost his right hand, whereas his left hand was cut last last night. To my knowledge he is right handed in both universes, so if he lost his left hand it wouldn't be as bad, but again it would not have the impact.


Yeah, I think it's pretty clear Glenn is not dead. Nicholas fell on top of him, the zombies are eating him, Glenn is safe because the show has established that if you smell like the dead you're safe from the dead. IMO, this only serves to cheapen death in the show. If you gonna kill a main character, kill him, shit or get off the pot!

I doubt Rick slicing his hand is an indication to that part of the comics, since Kirkman has stated he regrets ever doing that.


If Glenn isn't dead; fuck this show.

If Nicolas hallucinated Glenn; fuck this show right up the ass, that would be the most cheap and dumb shit I've ever seen. Bad writing 101.

Before I came into this thread, I was prepared to post that this might be the best episode of the entire show, at least one of the best. Thanks to the idiots at marketing, Glenn's death was 0% a surprise, which was definetely a bummer, but the episode was still great. The tension was sky high all throughout, and there were great action happening. That final scene with Rick was wonderful. Lincoln's acting, the music, everything about how those final moments were constructed were breathtaking. A true moment of pure desperation and dread for a character.

Now though, you guys have made me sceptical. Like I said, if Glenn is alive, it would be such a dreadfully bad move that I don't know if I could take it (I mean, it's blowing my mind just thinking about how bad that would be). We'll see how this turns out. If we later find out that he's actually dead, I'll give the episode all the praise I was prepared to give it before coming here. But if not, it will forever be the episode when the show made such a bad move that I lost all enthusiasm.


Here's a clip of the death scene if anyone wants to analyze it more

The main thing that makes me wonder if he's dead is the mere fact that it is debatable. In the past when a main character dies, there's no doubt that they're dead. No one doubts that Amy is dead. No one doubts that Shane is dead. No one doubts that Lori is dead. No one doubts that Andrea, Hershel, Bob, Noah are all dead.
People still doubt that Beth is dead, but we'll ignore that.

Look at the shot of the walkers feasting with Glenn's head in frame.
1. Whatever they're tearing into is definitely higher off the ground than his chest.
2. They don't show Glenn below the chest. They've had no problem showing people be torn limb from limb in the past so why couldn't they the rest of his body?
3. Those look like intestines to me. I'm no expert on anatomy, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think those are in the chest area..