THE WALKING DEAD - Season 6 - Full Discussion

Started by gmillerdrake, October 08, 2015, 08:01:16 AM

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Which Major Character wil Die in the Finale

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Total Members Voted: 22

Voting closed: March 29, 2016, 09:46:01 AM


Thought I'd start a thread for Season 6. The 'Full Discussion' is aimed at the fact that this thread will include small font talks that may refer to comic related story lines/issues.

I know there are a handful of you guys that detest that but if that's the case then feel free to start a strictly TV show thread for TWD. This threads intention is for cool TWD conversation with those of us who've read the comics to feel free to talk about them as well....BUT....I'd ask that 'we' still small font those discussions because I think it'd be a much more fun thread if all TWD conversation took place in this one.

Anyway...the show. I'm glad it's a 90 minute opener. Can't wait to see the relationship between Morgan and Rick and how that goes forward. I'm predicting this season will be one of the best, if not THE best. Just based off of how far the show has come since Gimple took over and knowing what material is in the near future. I think this season is going to be awesome!!!


Great idea! I'm really excited for this season as well and seeing how this relationship develops into a rivalry. It's actually going to be sad to see them fight if it gets serious at some point, but I'm really hoping that something good comes out of it for one of them or hopefully both (but I'm not holding my breath on that one). Boy, the AMC fellas sure are timing this perfect with FTWD. Brilliant! Anyway, bring on THE HORDE!



Man, no shit. That motherfucker needs a horribly agonizing, torturous death. Him and that ugly piece of dirty dog shit Nicholas... I get why Sasha (who I'm annoyed with but am hoping for a redemption if only because she's the sister of the bro of all bros, Tyrese) and Glenn didn't kill them but...they deserved it in SPADES. And at this point, the group has their so called humanity in tact and now I want them to be walker food. So. Many. Walkers. On their ass. Promptly.


Thinks he's going to die at the hands of walkers or wolves?


I want him to die by walkers simply because that is without a doubt the most powerful symbolism, it's what he deserves, and unless the Wolves are fantastic torture experts, it'll be the most painful and horrific; and I hate that character enough to want him to have the most horrible death he can have.

But as for what I think will happen...I think it'll be the Wolves simply because the group is going to need a reason to go after them at some point. Maybe Morgan will tell the group of them (but I doubt that given his new look on life), but sooner or later they're going to have to have some kind of interaction aside from seeing the 'W's on the foreheads of walkers. Having the Wolves kill off some useless members of the group is a great way to make that happen.


Quote from: TioJorge on October 08, 2015, 11:30:41 AM
Great idea! I'm really excited for this season as well and seeing how this relationship develops into a rivalry. It's actually going to be sad to see them fight if it gets serious at some point, but I'm really hoping that something good comes out of it for one of them or hopefully both (but I'm not holding my breath on that one). Boy, the AMC fellas sure are timing this perfect with FTWD. Brilliant! Anyway, bring on THE HORDE!

I don't think Rick and Morgan will be at each others throats as the previews have led us to believe. I think Morgan will try and restore some humanity to Rick, but will ultimately support him no matter what.

Quote from: Chino on October 08, 2015, 11:32:22 AM
I can't wait to see how they off Gabriel!

Yeah....that character is a wasted opportunity and especially after his little meltdown let all the walkers it, it's time for him to go. I'd imagine being that he's a 'Holy' figure his death will be some sort of self sacrifice to save another member of the group.

I'm more interested in seeing how Daryl pans out this season. I don't think I can take another season of him just 'being there'....getting a stand alone episode....then just being there some more. IMO either kill the guy off and let that be that or make him a bigger part of the show. My brother and I seem to be on the same page in thinking that he will be the one who's head gets bashed in by Negan, being that all the comic fans expect it to be Glenn....but if you think about it, Daryl being the one would be the 'fitting' way to have his character killed off on the show and garner the emotion that was there in the comic when Glenn got it. 


Call this number: 571-279-0003
You-know-who pretty much confirmed for Season 6

With them announcing the casting of Jesus along with Xander Berkeley playing a yet unnamed character in the back half of S6 (most likely Gregory) it should come as no surprise, but exciting nonetheless.


WHOAAAAA THAT'S AWESOME! Not gonna lie, I googled it first to make sure you weren't fucking with us or something... That is awesome. Wowowowowow.


Quote from: Metropolaris on October 08, 2015, 10:20:48 PM
Call this number: 571-279-0003

I didn't get that at all. I could hardly make out what was being said.


Quote from: Chino on October 09, 2015, 04:53:41 AM
Quote from: Metropolaris on October 08, 2015, 10:20:48 PM
Call this number: 571-279-0003

I didn't get that at all. I could hardly make out what was being said.

It says, "Half. Half of your crops. Half of your bullets. Half of your medicine. Half of your homes. Half of your people. You belong to the Saviors now."


Quote from: Metropolaris on October 08, 2015, 10:20:48 PM
Call this number: 571-279-0003

First off....what's that number? I called it and listened and sure it says that but it's not like it's a recording from set.....I could have recorded that. Not trying to give you a hard time I'm just looking for reference as to how that confirms the player to be named later.

And, my brother and I were talking....when it comes time for Ezekiel to come around do you think they'll actually have a live Tiger on set? Can they pull that off? There aren't too many instances where the Tiger would have to be right in the thick of the action but there are enough. I'm curious to see how they do that.

And, Who do you guys think/would you like to see cast as Negan? I've always thought Henry Rollins would be good....or Dwayne Johnson (you'll never get him to commit for that big a commitment)....I could see Christopher Meloni doing it. I think that is just as important of a casting call as Rick was.


Quote from: gmillerdrake on October 09, 2015, 07:24:49 AM
Quote from: Metropolaris on October 08, 2015, 10:20:48 PM
Call this number: 571-279-0003

First off....what's that number? I called it and listened and sure it says that but it's not like it's a recording from set.....I could have recorded that. Not trying to give you a hard time I'm just looking for reference as to how that confirms the player to be named later.

I may have jumped the gun a bit on calling that.
Apparently Negan and the Saviors are gonna be on some mobile Walking Dead game. That same game previously asked people to give them their phone numbers as part of some promotion thing where they would receive a call from Woodbury. This is probably another promotional thing.
That actually makes more sense since all the things he listed in the call are key items within the game.

Regardless of whether the call is connected to the show, I'd still say Negan is definitely coming this season.
Look what they recently finished building for the show:

**Slight Spoiler? If you haven't read the comics, then this picture probably means nothing to you.**

That is definitely the Hilltop Colony. I am willing to bet Xander Berekeley will be Gregory.

Quote from: gmillerdrake on October 09, 2015, 07:24:49 AM
And, my brother and I were talking....when it comes time for Ezekiel to come around do you think they'll actually have a live Tiger on set? Can they pull that off? There aren't too many instances where the Tiger would have to be right in the thick of the action but there are enough. I'm curious to see how they do that.

Doubt it. The cast alone is getting too big at this point. Adding an actual real life legit tiger + trainers would be ridiculously expensive. CGI would be just as expensive if she's is a recurring character. If they do add her I'd imagine she'd die off quickly or just appear very rarely.

Quote from: gmillerdrake on October 09, 2015, 07:24:49 AM

And, Who do you guys think/would you like to see cast as Negan? I've always thought Henry Rollins would be good....or Dwayne Johnson (you'll never get him to commit for that big a commitment)....I could see Christopher Meloni doing it. I think that is just as important of a casting call as Rick was.

Peter Dinklage

There have been reports that Kevin Durand tweeted something like "He is coming ;)" and then immdiately deleted the tweet. Could be bullshit. Probably is bullshit. But personally he's my pick.


Quote from: Metropolaris on October 09, 2015, 07:58:23 AM
There have been reports that Kevin Durand tweeted something like "He is coming ;)" and then immdiately deleted the tweet. Could be bullshit. Probably is bullshit. But personally he's my pick.

I could see him in that role, certainly a capable actor and would 'fit' the picture that is painted of Negan in the comic. I wonder how that would impact him continuing his character on THE STRAIN....if at all? But he definitely has that charisma that is needed for Negan's character. Because, for as 'bad' as he is.....he is still very likable. In fact, I'm not so sure in the comic that Negan won't become a valued member of the group. I'd be perfectly happy if he were cast as Negan. Kirkman, Gimple and Co. HAVE to know how vital a casting choice that is....IMO it makes or breaks the show once that arc comes in to play.


That was an awesome premier! Loved how they addressed the emotion and turmoil of Rick shooting the wife beater, some of the residents who distrust them....and how they showed how they got where they are. Very cool.


I thought the premiere was great. I don't get the point of the black and white flashbacks though. Just make the aftermath of the finale the first part of the episode, then have the rest of the episode dedicated to herding the walkers. The flashbacks kept slowing down the pace of the episode and got pretty annoying after the first few times.
Speaking of zombie hordes, that horde at the quarry  :o

I definitely feel some tension rising between Rick and Morgan. I can understand Rick's stance of "I don't take chances" but he is getting a bit too trigger happy. We don't know what Morgan's been through but I doubt it's anywhere near as bad as the world of shit Rick's been through since they last spoke.
Maybe they'll do a Morgan centric episode showing what he's been up to since S3 and his journey last season. I'm kinda tired of them doing bottle episodes(Which have been done to death in the last 2 seasons), but this is one I would like to see. Who taught him how to use that staff? Why did he decide to venture off to Terminus?
Where was Carl? He had one scene in the whole episode.
I'm glad to see Heath join the group. One of my favorites from the comics.
I'd say the Wolves were the ones blaring the horn at the very end of the episode.


Carl's in next week. Next week is going to be what's going to happen in the safe zone while Rick and his group steer the walkers away


I thought the tension between Morgan and Rick was just enough to draw a moral line but not to make them enemies. Hence Morgan telling Michonee "I know what has to be done" but he just doesn't like it. And that's the difference between Rick and Morgan now. Rick just does what needs to be done without regret because he's buried his humanity only to share with Carl, Judith....and maybe a couple others in the group.

I don't think there's any doubt the Wolves are blaring the horn. The only other option is the teenage kid who's dad Rick killed....but I can't imagine he'd be on the horn for that amount of time without someone at Alexandria stopping him.

I love the casting of Heath....his demeanor and everything about him is how I envisioned him while reading the novel.

Eugene cracked me up this episode with a couple good scenes.....

And, I knew that pretty much every 'teaser' scene they had shown leading into the season was part of the first episode. I love how they can edit it to make it feel like it's more than what it is....but it was no surprise that 99% of it all has been covered already.


Really good premier. Excited to see where it goes. That being said, my love/obsession for the show is starting to wain. I still like it but it's no longer the top of the heap. That honor belongs to game of thrones.


Wow, this episode was great! I was just hoping that they'd keep up the quality they had in the last few episodes of last season, but I thought this was even better. Some truly great moments in here. And some genuinely funny ones too.

I've been pretty harsh on this show before, since it's been bad for so long. It hasn't yet won me back, but I'd say that it's on a good track. I just hope they didn't put all the good writing in this one episode, we'll see.

CGI's still pretty wonky though.


Quote from: BlackInk on October 12, 2015, 10:20:50 AM
CGI's still pretty wonky though.

That cliff section with the CGI was brutal to watch. Not exactly top echelon CGI  :lol

Quote from: BlackInk on October 12, 2015, 10:20:50 AM
I just hope they didn't put all the good writing in this one episode, we'll see.

Without knowing for sure I'd say they haven't. That's just based off of knowing the material to come that they can's pretty thick with great opportunities to write and I really don't see them dropping the ball on it. I mean, even last nights episode.....there are 'loose' moments in the comic that resembled that but all in all that was a complete stand alone TV show that drew upon the influence and material from the comic without doing it verbatim. It worked out beautifully was really well done.

That fact gets me excited to see how they will handle some of the things to come and is what makes the show thrilling for me despite having read the comic. Gimple does a great job IMO of using the comic for inspiration yet he makes the show stand alone.

Fluffy Lothario

I like how quickly Morgan saw through Carol's act. Like it's painfully obvious to anyone who's been out in the wide world.

This episode is a great example of why having shit tons of established characters pays dividends, and why I've always been against thinning the herd. I don't care if they're only honing in on certain people and giving certain subplots special attention at one time, the richness the show gets from little things like Eugene's asshattery, the Tara/Eugene dynamic (which had literally one or two lines), Gabriel getting shut down (again, two lines of dialogue), Jessie now being less keen on Rick, Abraham seeming slightly off his rocker, etc is neat. Plus, would it be even remotely believable that they could pull off something like that if they only had a handful of characters?

The possibilities of whether the horn is the Wolves or not are both exciting. It could be that the defences are compromised briefly by Alexandrian ineptitude/ walkers somehow and they have to fall back and are calling for help, regardless of the other consequences. I doubt Carl and the veterans of the old group would do it, though it could be a move to get walkers away from a house with vulnerable people or something. OR Alexandrians could be doing it from a different house and the old group are going, WTF?!

Or it could just be the Wolves.  :lol


Quote from: Fluffy Lothario on October 12, 2015, 05:45:49 PM
I like how quickly Morgan saw through Carol's act. Like it's painfully obvious to anyone who's been out in the wide world.

That was awesome. Like you mentioned...he's been out in it and seen it all and is keenly aware of what it takes to survive and has the ability to identify that in other people. Very neat.


AWESOME episode. That was fantastic, and nothing of what I expected. I'm not one to complain about the lack of action, but boy was it nice finally seeing THE HORDE. That was one hell of a show and worthy of the name, that was some crazy shit to find right after getting into a safe zone. I actually liked the back and forth of black/white flashbacks and the current organized chaos; I thought it was really well done and actually added to the tension of the current situation. I'm also really glad to see that Carter was a one-episode character, I was worried he'd be a nuisiance and they'd try to play it off like some half-baked 'threat'. Good to see the show knows where its actual threats are with people and the looming threat of the walkers; he got exactly as Rick said. I'm also glad to see that the tension of the Morgan and Rick dynamic was overplayed in the previews (it was funny seeing how one of the previews totally cut Carter out and just showed Rick saying the whole 'do you think you can take this place' speech and it was completely set up as if he were talking to Morgan; one of the few occasions I'm glad they veiled the truth). I'll echo the awesomeness of Morgan just completely seeing through Carol like she was made of glass. That was awesome, there wasn't a single second of denial and he was so straightforward yet non-confrontational about it.

Really awesome set up and my jaw was agape when that horn came on. SO CLOSE! They had it... But yeah, fucking Wolves. I'm excited to see where the season goes from here and really hope that they didn't blow their load on this episode both with the walkers (they talked up the episode so much, I didn't think they'd deliver but...they did in I hope they don't just coast off of it; I'm all good with slower episodes but I really don't want another S2...but I have faith in Gimple ten fold now) and with the advancement of the story. I don't mind them playing up the Wolves so much damn, I'm ready for another main antagonist to roll up on the scene. I'm expecting the Wolves to take up at least half the season but beyond that it'll begin to drag, I think. They're clearly dangerous and crafty, but the group the way they are now, plus with the added benefit of Morgan, which is pretty much like having a messiah of death who just so happens to not kill you...they're in for a fight. I mean they're obviously fucked, using the horde like this; but I'm interested in seeing how they actually try and take Alexandria. Rick is going to go ape shit on those fools.  :lol



To the comic readers:

I'm thinking next week the hoard breaks through the walls and it's that invasion that kills a bunch of folks....AND the time where Carl gets shot in the eye. Do you think the show is going to shoot Carl in the eye and disfigure him like the comic did? It'd be cool if they did but that'd be a TON of CGI/make-up for EVERY scene Chandler Riggs would be in.


Quote from: gmillerdrake on October 13, 2015, 10:05:33 AM
To the comic readers:

I'm thinking next week the hoard breaks through the walls and it's that invasion that kills a bunch of folks....AND the time where Carl gets shot in the eye. Do you think the show is going to shoot Carl in the eye and disfigure him like the comic did? It'd be cool if they did but that'd be a TON of CGI/make-up for EVERY scene Chandler Riggs would be in.

I sure hope so. That being said they didn't with Rick losing an arm so it's hard to say. Personally, I just wish they would skip the wolves and go straight to Neegan.[/size]


Quote from: kaos2900 on October 13, 2015, 10:22:13 AM
Quote from: gmillerdrake on October 13, 2015, 10:05:33 AM
To the comic readers:

I'm thinking next week the hoard breaks through the walls and it's that invasion that kills a bunch of folks....AND the time where Carl gets shot in the eye. Do you think the show is going to shoot Carl in the eye and disfigure him like the comic did? It'd be cool if they did but that'd be a TON of CGI/make-up for EVERY scene Chandler Riggs would be in.

I sure hope so. That being said they didn't with Rick losing an arm so it's hard to say. Personally, I just wish they would skip the wolves and go straight to Neegan.[/size]

I remember reading Andrew Lincoln was all for Rick losing his hand. But, the producers knew how costly it'd be to CGI that out the remainder of the series/show so they decided against it. That's what I'm worried about with Carl's injury. Although, I think a good prosthetic would do the trick....essentially eliminating costly CGI. Plus, that injury is a pretty crucial plot point between Carl and Negan. It almost forges that relationship....i don't know how they create that relationship without Carl being maimed. As far as 'when' Negan comes.....I've got a hunch that't either happening in the finale or maybe the show before the finale this season. We will probably meet the couple Saviours somewhere near or after the Mid Season shows....and that would lead into meeting Negan. and, I'm maintaining Negan kills Daryl in the fashion he killed Glenn in the comics....probably in the finale.


Quote from: gmillerdrake on October 13, 2015, 10:29:55 AM
Quote from: kaos2900 on October 13, 2015, 10:22:13 AM
Quote from: gmillerdrake on October 13, 2015, 10:05:33 AM
To the comic readers:

I'm thinking next week the hoard breaks through the walls and it's that invasion that kills a bunch of folks....AND the time where Carl gets shot in the eye. Do you think the show is going to shoot Carl in the eye and disfigure him like the comic did? It'd be cool if they did but that'd be a TON of CGI/make-up for EVERY scene Chandler Riggs would be in.

I sure hope so. That being said they didn't with Rick losing an arm so it's hard to say. Personally, I just wish they would skip the wolves and go straight to Neegan.[/size]

I remember reading Andrew Lincoln was all for Rick losing his hand. But, the producers knew how costly it'd be to CGI that out the remainder of the series/show so they decided against it. That's what I'm worried about with Carl's injury. Although, I think a good prosthetic would do the trick....essentially eliminating costly CGI. Plus, that injury is a pretty crucial plot point between Carl and Negan. It almost forges that relationship....i don't know how they create that relationship without Carl being maimed. As far as 'when' Negan comes.....I've got a hunch that't either happening in the finale or maybe the show before the finale this season. We will probably meet the couple Saviours somewhere near or after the Mid Season shows....and that would lead into meeting Negan. and, I'm maintaining Negan kills Daryl in the fashion he killed Glenn in the comics....probably in the finale.

Chandler Riggs(Carl) has been seen on set with bandages covering one of his eyes around the time they were filming the Mid Season Finale. I can link you to a picture, but I'd rather not post it here in case someone accidentally clicks it.
In the comics, Carl has the wound covered up most of the time with bandages or an eyepatch. Greg Nicotero and the crew have a gnarly set of tools and I'm sure they can make it look pretty bad without much CGI. As for Rick's hand, I'd say if it hasn't happened yet, it won't ever happen. Same with Judith dying.

The title for Next week's episode is "JSS". Any ideas as to what that could possibly mean?


I keep clicking this thread thinking there is going to be new discussion and get disappointed when all that's new is small text


Oh, it's discussion. You're just not in it.  :P :-*

Man, I can't see them not doing Carl's huge loss of an eye simply for the CGI aspect; as it's already been said, a simple patch would suffice after showing it the first few times in a few episodes. Lord knows they have enough of it in the show, what's a little more for such an awesomely brutal, important event? After that, it could be used very sparingly to show the few times he loses the patch to show those he's close to and/or during the battles down the line when it just comes off (plus he looks like a damned demon without the patch, in the best way). I really hope they do it, but I don't expect it.

As for Negan, I could see him entering in the last handful of episodes this season, as I think it'd be a little predictable to have him be the cliffhanger into next season. Plus all the talk and hints thus far make it seem like while he certainly won't be the big bad of this season, he'll be there in some form. Kind of like Thanos in the MCU. He's there...but we won't feel his wrath for a little while longer.


Quote from: gmillerdrake on October 13, 2015, 10:29:55 AM
Quote from: kaos2900 on October 13, 2015, 10:22:13 AM
Quote from: gmillerdrake on October 13, 2015, 10:05:33 AM
To the comic readers:

I'm thinking next week the hoard breaks through the walls and it's that invasion that kills a bunch of folks....AND the time where Carl gets shot in the eye. Do you think the show is going to shoot Carl in the eye and disfigure him like the comic did? It'd be cool if they did but that'd be a TON of CGI/make-up for EVERY scene Chandler Riggs would be in.

I sure hope so. That being said they didn't with Rick losing an arm so it's hard to say. Personally, I just wish they would skip the wolves and go straight to Neegan.[/size]

I remember reading Andrew Lincoln was all for Rick losing his hand. But, the producers knew how costly it'd be to CGI that out the remainder of the series/show so they decided against it. That's what I'm worried about with Carl's injury. Although, I think a good prosthetic would do the trick....essentially eliminating costly CGI. Plus, that injury is a pretty crucial plot point between Carl and Negan. It almost forges that relationship....i don't know how they create that relationship without Carl being maimed. As far as 'when' Negan comes.....I've got a hunch that't either happening in the finale or maybe the show before the finale this season. We will probably meet the couple Saviours somewhere near or after the Mid Season shows....and that would lead into meeting Negan. and, I'm maintaining Negan kills Daryl in the fashion he killed Glenn in the comics....probably in the finale.

I would be shocked if Daryl gets killed off over Glenn. I think that they are going to kill Glenn especially since Maggie is pregnant.


Loved the episode.  Was wondering where Carl was the entire time though until the scenes from next week.


Quote from: kaos2900 on October 13, 2015, 01:00:42 PM
I would be shocked if Daryl gets killed off over Glenn. I think that they are going to kill Glenn especially since Maggie is pregnant.

I think they will switch it up....Daryl is a massive character on the show and Negan is a massive character also, this will demonstrate just how bad ass he is and gives that Daryl character a 'meaningful', memorable death....not like a zombie bite or from something small in'd be from THE most bad A$$ character the show/comic has seen. I really think it'll be Daryl.


Quote from: gmillerdrake on October 13, 2015, 05:25:27 PM
Quote from: kaos2900 on October 13, 2015, 01:00:42 PM
I would be shocked if Daryl gets killed off over Glenn. I think that they are going to kill Glenn especially since Maggie is pregnant.

I think they will switch it up....Daryl is a massive character on the show and Negan is a massive character also, this will demonstrate just how bad ass he is and gives that Daryl character a 'meaningful', memorable death....not like a zombie bite or from something small in'd be from THE most bad A$$ character the show/comic has seen. I really think it'll be Daryl.

I'd be ok if it was Daryl. Yeah he's a badass but other than getting woman to watch the show his character really has no where else to go unless he bangs Carol. I would love to see the look on my wife's face if it is Daryl who gets beat with Lucielle.