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Train of Naught Debut Roulette - And the winner is...

Started by Train of Naught, November 03, 2015, 06:36:44 AM

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Quote from: senecadawg2 on January 16, 2016, 12:01:39 PM
Quote from: jingle.boy on January 16, 2016, 09:48:20 AM
Damn, Nellie is in line to take down back-to-back wins, and be the first to double digits.

C'mon Rich/Ruslan... block him!   :biggrin:

It's definitely possible, but I wouldn't hold your breath. Me winning back to back, that is.

FlyingBizkit's roulette, on the other hand, is certainly lining up well for me.

I hadn't been following that one too well.  Possible triple play, eh?  Nice.
Quote from: TAC on July 31, 2021, 06:55:07 PMIf I can do it, it's idiot proof.
Quote from: Stadler on January 03, 2024, 09:00:00 AMThat's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
Quote from: hefdaddy42 on November 04, 2021, 05:14:36 AMI fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".


If I'm in the Finals, I'll try to do everything to make this triple play impossible.
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


Quote from: senecadawg2 on January 16, 2016, 12:01:39 PM
Quote from: jingle.boy on January 16, 2016, 09:48:20 AM
Damn, Nellie is in line to take down back-to-back wins, and be the first to double digits.

C'mon Rich/Ruslan... block him!   :biggrin:

It's definitely possible, but I wouldn't hold your breath. Me winning back to back, that is.

FlyingBizkit's roulette, on the other hand, is certainly lining up well for me.

I had you sweating though. I hope there's a rematch in our future.

Train of Naught

Results will be up in about an hour, start biting some nails lads, it's a tight race.


Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

Train of Naught

Round 10 results!!
Going from 12th to 1st.. Things got reaaally close towards the top of the board though, I exceeded the character limit, so the final results/standings will be in the next post.

12th place!

Gentle Giant – River:

First impressions: Doesn't sound as much as a closer as some of the other songs on here, but works very well for what it is. It's actually a very fun groovy song, which was the main reason I liked some of your best submissions in this roulette, like Roundabout and SOYCD. The singer feels like a classic prog rock version of Ray Alder, pretty neat. Quite liking this so far.

It's still a good song, the fact that you're hooking me up to stuff from the 70's alone should be taken into account already, too bad this ain't a contest of risktaking though. I stand by my first impression descriptions, just a very fun song with groovy elements mostly in the guitar solo. I'm not too fond of the singer in the very beginning but it got better over the course of the song. 'Solid' is all I can add to my thoughts. A very solid and enjoyable song, I get the feeling that it totally slipped your mind that this was a closing themed round though. I'm not going to bother with it though, since it won't make a huge difference on the final results.

If I had been around this community for a bit longer it may or may not have affected your submissions, probably not, because you seem to just send some of your all-time favorite songs, I always encourage that, and have done it sometimes too. As long as you had fun doing so it's fine, after all you got me to like a Queen song other than Bohemian Rhapsody, as well as a Yes song, SOYCD which I would probably check out some day either way, and this song was pretty neat too. You almost winning Tom's roulette and almost ending up last place in my roulette probably says more about the difference between our music than it does about your music in general, it was fun to have a classic rocker in almost every round, regardless of the scores I gave them.


11th place!

Shadow Ninja 2.0

The Dillinger Escape Plan – Parasitic Twins:

First impressions: Okay I kinda asked for this. To be fair though, when I say I can't get into the singer of TDEP, you should know I mean the harsh vocals, this song, whatever the score, will not disprove my point. Alright, the song has all kinda of cool stuff going on in the background, interesting percussion bits, cliché horror-movie bells, the chilling opening makes for a great amount of suspense, interesting song so far..
So the first one and a half minute were very interesting, the core of the song didn't really add much to that but it was consistent, but the ending is pretty awesome, they manage to mix a dark sound with groovy guitars which somehow sounds pretty good.

Now that I've heard it a couple more times, I realize that the creepy atmosphere in the beginning reminds me of the Korn debut album. But yeah I still like this song, my opinion about the middle section has changed though, beginning to like that more, so it's pretty consistent. Ending is magnificent, and in the end that's what the song for round 10 should be all about, will it be enough to save you from last place? MAYBE!

From the very first song you sent me I was worried that there wouldn't be anything at all from you to keep my interest, I could not stand those Tom Waits vocals. The Tallest Man on Earth almost had me confirm that statement, but soon enough it got way better, and you've slipped in some amazing songs, also being one of the four people to get a 10/10 (which I'm sure you still can't believe). I know when I participated in your roulette it was my very first time, and being #1 after the first two rounds I thought I did something wrong or something, it seemed too easy. So I started doing the worst thing possible and send some basic stuff of which mostly I don't even listened to myself (Darkness Within is an exception, that song is amazing). But I'm glad I had someone with the mindset of "Hey, just found out about this song and I think it's pretty neat, what do you think of it?". I think my run in your roulette was too uninspired, but I learned from that, and I strongly believe that if you'll ever do one again I can come up with some better stuff.


10th place!

Nirvana – All Apologies:

First impressions: I find it quite odd that I never heard this song, I've heard a fair amount of Nirvana songs from Nevermind and In Utero but this doesn't sound familiar. Never been a huge fan of Kurt's vocals to be honest, I liked him on Heart-Shaped Box and Lithium but that's about it. And this song I feel doesn't qualify for that category. Frankly, I'm a bit annoyed by the overly distorted guitars as well, so it's not just Kurt. I will not harm your Grohl fandom though, because the drumming is still tight as hell. Don't think I'll be enjoying this song as a whole though.

I hear Foo Fighters songs all the time when my friends listen to them, but never Nirvana, can definitely hear some simi-larities though, for obvious reasons. I'm not going to talk around it, I'm not fond of this song, like I said, not a huge fan of Kurt's vocals, he has a very unique touch to his singing voice that simply isn't for everyone. Simple instrumentation can definitely work, but this is the kind that does not stick with me. Tough luck, not my cup of tea.

Well, apart from the Italian song in the first round, there wasn't really any obscure stuff coming from you I don't think, but what you've gotten me to do is open my eyes for bands like Rush, who apparently have an album with a song I did quiet like, that also sounded like they didn't stick to their old sound, Clockwork Angels. An Ayreon song from an album I won't try to type out showed me that The Human Equation shouldn't be my only album by Arjen to check out. Colors could be forgiven for the bad first impression it had on me, because Veridian/White Walls kicked ass. The Twelve Foot Ninja song, though being amazing, I feel was a fluke, I don't think I will like the album as much, but I will give it a chance. So yea there was a lot of  cool stuff that has been added to my list. Sign up for that v2 right now!


9th place!

Kyuss – Odyssey:

Stoner metal? I've heard one Kyuss song before on the Guitar Hero Metardica I believe, and it fucing sucked, hope this one is better (that song was called The Demon Cleaner I think). This song is definitely a little more upbeat, which I like, because that other song was so depressing, and in a way that plain bored me. This is the kind of distorted guitar that I can kinda dig, but I would probably not be able to stand an entire album of this music. Judging this song, I think it'll work out fine, energetic and likable vocals, cool guitar riffs, very loudly mixed bass, groovy as fuck instrumental section, yeah this one's cool.

I still fucking hate Demon Cleaner and I don't get how a band that puts out a song like that can make something this 'cool'. Cool is definitely the word to describe this song. I've gotten more used to the distortion, and it's definitely not as distracting as with the Nirvana song. Yeah this one was a grower, I already kinda liked it but now I really like it to the point where I might return to this album.

Kicking off I was sure I was going to get DMM, but overall I've gotten some very unexpected songs from you that I did enjoy in the end, you were definitely one of the bigger risktakers, a lot of different genres included, even though you seem to return to prog quite often (that's not a crime, everyone did it at atleast some point(except maybe Shadow)). I think the Ulver song was the breaking point, from there on it seemed like the only way you could get back into the top was with big risks, it didn't particularly work out, but for what it's worth I thought the Igorrr song was enjoyable even though I didn't really like the song. Odyssey had its moments and I might even return to this artist at some point.


8th place!

Circle of Illusion – Nightmare:

First impressions: A 16 minute symphonic rock/metal piece, I don't have a whole lot of symphonic music, but it tends to do well for me so far. About 5 minutes in and I feel this song is taking the term "theatrical" to a level that I can't yet handle, like with a lot of the avant-garde metal stuff.  The instrumental sections are kinda intriguing but the entire thing is a LOT to take in, more than anything I've received in round 6 (epics round), so, after my standard routine of 4 listens I might be able to shed some more light on this.

I can handle stuff like A.C.T, in fact, I really enjoy them, but this is so much to take in, I've heard it 3 times now and will listen to it one more time after this, but it's still very hard to get into. The song has some cool parts tht I can appre-ciate, like some of the guitars, dramatic keyboards in the background, a slim amount of the vocals, but in my head they don't connect, I hear various cool parts spread across a 16 minute song, filled up with lots of stuff I can't digest. I must say that this all sounds more negative than it is though, because it's all wrapped up in a very cool epic ending, which kinda reminds me of Octavarium.

From someone who sent me Journey in the very first round, the prejudice of you being a classic rock dude had to be made. However, it got followed up by the craziest things. Metal with electronic/dubstep/DnB influences, a Final Fanta-sy soundtrack cover, the fascinating craziness of rock legend Meat Loaf, a 26-minute piece of prog-rock, whatever you get the point. I like how you started out saying that you had no idea what you were getting yourself into, a roulette with themes which you hadn't done before, on top of which my musical tastes were completely unknown of. I like that attitude, just going for it and sending some great tunes.


7th place!

Celesty – Legacy of Hate Pt. 3:

First impressions: Okay, wasn't really into the female vocals in the beginning, I thought I was in for a really boring 14 minute piece, and I personally didn't get the resemblance of this singer and Brent Smith, but as soon as the pace changed it got way, way better. Some amazingly energetic symphonic/power metal. I don't think this song could beat your second-most epic song, because that's pretty much my favorite song of the roulette (after Meteorites and maaybe Forget Not), but this is some very solid epic power metal.

It's a shame that beginning doesn't appeal to me as much, but from like 5 minutes towards the end it's all amazing, some very DT Systematic Chaos-ish stuff in the instrumental section around 7 minutes in that gets me every time. This song overall has that theatrical vibe that Bolsters' song has as well, but this band doesn't over-do it, it comes in doses that I can comprehend/get used to in a considerable amount of time. The death growls at 10 minutes were a little bit uncalled for IMO but I still very much enjoy this song.

You may not have won this, but I think we both know you and I have some very similar tastes, and it showed. Excellent score after excellent score, the only thing that kept you from entering the finals were one or two songs you were aware of yourself were risky things (I think, atleast you said that about Oceansize, Unexpect might've been self-explanatory). 


6th place!

Amplifier – Airborne:

First impressions: Getting a really eerie vibe from that intro, which may or may not be good depending on how the song turns out to be. This music is a very typical choice for an epic closer, that's definitely not a bad thing though, it carries a great atmosphere, it has tearing guitar riffs near the end that still live up to the term 'epic', and the vocals are very soothing for the music, I can't see anything beating this song at this point, we'll see.

Seems like I got it right the first time around, I wasn't too vocal about my opinion there though. This song is amazing, just like the dredg song you sent me, it has this great atmosphere that pretty much defines the song. That crushing musical breakdown is just outright epic, all sorts of epic. Definitely a contender for #1 of the round, it's hella close though.

I had been lurking the forums a bit and had been around a couple months already before starting the roulette, but I never saw you before, you don't post as much. From what I understand, 2 and a half month and 10 songs later, you're a fairly young fellow with a very wide variety of songs, including some plain fun electro-swing, Russian turbo-polka, a live-recorded version of a MrSuicideSheep song, and tons more. 'T was definitely something else, that's for sure.


5th place!

.fun – Take Your Time

First impressions: I honestly had my expectations set to 0, you came off as if you didn't have hope in your song anymore. This is great though, because that mindset apparently made you stray away from the dark stuff, and send me this super fun song. It has the pop-like vocals that the Thank You Scientist song you sent also had elements of. What I like most of all is you seem to have everything planned out a bit, and prog is mostly (not only for you but for everyone) the thing people tend to fall back on if they have nothing extra-ordinarily special to send, here you are like "whatever let's just send a cool pop-rock song" and it's amazing. Some catchy melodies, fun instrumentals, and a good fade-out.

God this song is so joyful! I'm still liking this a lot. Don't know if it will be a round winner but it's definitely way better than your last two songs, glad you took this uplifting turn for the last round. I think all I wanted to say about this has been said in the first paragraph, so, that's it, ended it with a bang for sure!

Throughout the roulette I was a bit undecided about most of your songs, most were middle-of-the-pack without any real standouts. Then suddenly you got the best two-round run with Forget Not and My Famed Disappearing Act. Round 8 and 9 cost you the cup, but you still delivered some kickass songs that I'll be checking out albums of.



Lesoir – Battle:

First impressions: Everything about this song suggests that I should like it, the style, the metal, but that's only to a certain extent. It has some memorable vocal melodies, but the memorable parts are not necessarily memorable for good reasons, the ,,I used to" in the  chorus annoys me a bit. Instrumentals are on par, but while the vocals are kind of soothing, they keep me from thinking more than ,average' of this song.

Definitely not the most fitting song to a closing theme, you might've forgotten about it or something. But it wouldn't change much anyways, I think parts of this song are very good, in the sense that they are powerful and energetic. However, as a whole I don't enjoy this song and would probably not return to it. Why? The chorus still annoys me a fair bit, while the vocals in the more quiet parts do appeal to me. In the end it doesn't balance out eachother in the best way possible, this is probably my least favorite song from you so far.

Starting round 2, I think you never left the #1 spot in this entire roulette, the consistency throughout the entire thing was pretty impressive. Also got me some quality songs, like the Navarone song, whose name I was already slightly familiar with, the Transatlantic epic, Forced Entry, that Mantiis album is also something I'm eager to explore, and of course Ben Folds Five. I liked the length of your writeups in the PMs, it doesn't really affect the score directly, but you describe the song without writing an entire fucking essay like some do :lol. After the first two rounds I was sure you would keep performing well and you did, this final round made the top 4 participants closer than ever though, so unless you already checked the results, now is the time to scroll down and see for yourself..



Bruce Dickinson – Arc of Space:

Alright, will this 4 minute song by Bruce Dickinson be the song that will wow me enough to get you into the finals? Let's see.
First impressions: Onto a great start, I have actually never heard his solo work, but basically, this is what had first drawn me to Iron Maiden in the first place, that magnificent voice. I did not know he created such beautiful music! Soaring guitar solo, crushingly strong vocal deliverance in the chorus, has a great touch of closure to it. I'm through my first listen, but I already know I want more of Bruce's solo project.

This is fucking beautiful man.. I fail to understand why I never bothered with Bruce's solo work, I didn't know he could create and sing such beautiful ballads. Three listens in and I already kinda want to make this song my soundtrack, one hell of an emotive song. Yeah my final verdict: This song seems flawless.. it's one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard, I'm not just saying that. I would never be able to forgive myself if I didn't give this the full 10/10, holy shit.

Regardless of if you're making the finals right here, you were one consistent candidate. Not only that, you were also the only person to score a 10/10 outside of the epic round. On top of that, probably the best average score of the last two rounds (this being after you said you were running out of artists :lol). I was always kinda uncertain of what to epect from your songs, going from power metal, to prog metal, to pop, it wasn't the most diverse bunch of songs, but the difference between the different styles were huge (if that makes sense). This #3/#4 race is going to be close as hell, but you definitely have a chance, which means you would quickly need some new artists. (Who am I kidding you probably already skipped to the results before reading this) 


Train of Naught


Kauan - Äidin Laulu:

First impressions: Dang, talk about soaring soundscapes. I dig the intro, a lot. Absolutely love the piano throughout the song, it returns fairly often and nicely fits to the theme. The harsh vocals here are a bit much and a lot to take in, but other harsh vocal songs I've grown to like, so maybe I could see past that after 3 or 4 listens. I don't know what this "doom" genre is, but it probably has to do with the harsh vox, I don't think I'll be looking too much into that. The clean Russian vocals are good, but nothing I'd come back for. So let's see if these vocals that I'm apparently not digging so much will remain a burden.

The intro is still peaceful as ever, yeah I'm on the same page regarding the "beautiful" atmosphere, that piano melody never fades away. What a shame that I still don't like those vocals following it up, I just don't 'get' the vocals, in the beginning they feel misplaced. Later on they do a better job of it, fair enough, and I'm pretty sure I like the second half of the song better for that.
All in all the second half of the song became a tad better, but if after four listens I'm still undecided then at some point I just have to cut to the chase, I embrace the beautiful part of this song, but I can't get into the vibe the same way people that listen to this music do.

I found it kinda hilarious how the round 1 top three were in the exact same order as Parama's roulette final, thought maybe it was a fluke and you would do worse over the course of the roulette, but after a 'meh' round 2 you kept getting them 9's IIRC, very consistent stuff, and mostly with the singer-songwriter stuff that I typically don't listen to, so that's pretty awesome. I got kinda terrified by your first heavy song just because of the thought that the David Gray/Glen Hansard guy sent me a fucking Enslaved song. Apparently when you go heavy you're all business, no sloppy inbetweeners. It's been showing for the rest of the roulette, though this last song had less of an impact on me, it was still good.


1st place!!

Absolute Priority – Fear of the Night:

First impressions: Well, as for dark themed songs, you could pretty much have picked any of your songs and it would probably have sufficed, with one or two exceptions (and the uplifting round ofc). So as a wrap-up aftermath kinda thingy I'll go ahead and say my favorite dark song of yours was Lonesome Clown, that song really gets you thinking.
I think I've already declared my love for the big intro's that pretty much all these power metal songs seem to have, I can't stress how much I like that. The vocals are quite nice in the first verse, not as much a fan of the singer later on but he's still on par. Like I mentioned in other writeups, I like when they fade-out with a song when it's the best solution, and that's the case here, sometimes it can ruin the song though. I wouldn't call the conclusion of the song mind blowing myself, but I can conclude that this song is a result of just really great power metal craftmanship.

Confined between the boundaries of my limited ability of creative writing, I couldn't have summarized my thoughts better than I did in the first part of my writeup. That is, if I were to do it again based on first impressions, I've come to like some parts a lot more than I did before though. The keyboard connecting the first chorus between the suspenseful second verse, the second verse itself, the chorus, everything is packed with epicness, and I can't stop to think during the song that this would make one hell of a closer on any other album. You talked about the song cutting off during the fade-out like it's a bad thing out of the context of the album, but I love it. If a song ends on such an epic note, I really don't mind it fading out. This song ends at the #1 part, and so do you, 10 rounds and 2 and a half months later, I hereby congratulate you for finishing in first place! You know what's gonna happen already, so I wish you good luck with picking out the right songs. 

So, you might not have been the modern rock/metal guy I need to fill up my music library, but I'm sure you have tons of great music, and I have all the trust that whatever genre it is (power metal proven to be your most consistent), it's gonna be good. Not too big on the Mark Knopfler song, but if I recall correctly, that was the only sub 8/10 song you've sent. I'm not gonna both too long with this, you're not done for yet, so I'll cya in the finals.


425 pretty much needed that 10/10 to have a chance to get into the finals (in hindsight, a 9.5 would also have given him the edge in the tiebreaker), and I find it sad that Rich, who basically has been leading the whole roulette (not by a huge margin though) now loses his final spot, but in the end it's just a matter of adding up the scores. 425 was not as consistent, but getting two perfect scores, not even in the epic round, is just phenomenal. I shouldn't have to explain myself, but I did not like seeing Rich go out like this. I gave the Bruce Dickinson and Lesoir songs tons of spins to be entirely sure of my scores, more than normally, and these are the definite results.

Also, Bruce Dickinson might be seen as cheating but I honestly never heard any of his work, and without this song I probably would never have. To quote Chad: "Win if you can; lose if you must; but always cheat."

Evermind: 78.5 + 9 = 87.5
425: 76.5 + 10 = 86.5
senecadawg2: 79 + 7.5 = 86.5

Elite: 79 + 7 = 86
Tyrias: 74 + 9.5 = 83.5
Parama: 74.5 + 9 = 83.5
Bolsters: 75 + 8 = 83
LordCost: 74 + 9 = 83
Sacul: 73.5 + 8.5 = 82
mikemangioy: 74 + 6.5 = 80.5
Shadow Ninja 2.0: 70.5 + 9 = 79.5
splent: 70.5 + 8 = 78.5

Evermind, 425 and Seneca will be heading to the finals, Evermind was already aware of this, sent him a PM so he could have some time deciding what position he wanted to be for the final round, he told me he'll decide today, as soon as I have an answer I'll ask the #2 (which is 425, has the edge in a tiebreaker against Seneca) his choice, and naturally, #3 is left with the remaining option. If you don't know what this hassle is about, read the original post about the final round.

Scores in the final round will be graded out of 30. 20/30 points will be awarded according to the average quality of your individual songs, 10/30 bonus points will be awarded if your ,EP/piece' has perfect flow/overall quality of the piece itself, etc..

Thank you all for participating!! And to the finalists, I'd say I give you about a week to get this done, choose wisely, and most of all, wow me!


Glad you liked it so much! Even though it's the second song on the album, it definitely has that epic closer feeling, especially the riffing in the last few minutes. I enjoyed playing in this and I hope I could introduce you to some new bands! Thanks for hosting this, and congrats to the top three. I'll follow the final round to see who wins this.


83/100 is success as far as I'm concerned, can't complain about that and I know at least some of the stuff I sent will be checked out and enjoyed by you. Very glad to have been a part of this roulette, thanks for having me! :tup

Edit: Congrats to the finalists aswell...I'll be watching this one. :corn


Fun roulette! I've already signed up but didn't remember doing it  :lol
Anyways, I'm glad I could help you to give a chance to lots of stuff  :tup


Oh hell yeah.

I've composed two excellent EPs as of now, one is a full-blown progressive metal one, one is more on progressive rock and ballads-filled side... just need to choose one. I'm going to listen to both for a day or two and will send the one I like more Tuesday evening at the latest.

Oh, and regarding my EP placement pick... I don't want to depend on anyone, so naturally I'm picking the opening EP. Since I'm at #1, the other participants should tune their EPs for mine, not the other way around.

However, I'm going to help the person who will pick the middle spot. I pretty much know what my final song will be, so if you want to know which song will be a closer on my EP so you can reasonably pick the song for yours to keep up with the flow, hit me up with a PM and I'll tell you which song will be the last one on my EP.

I'm not going to do it for free though. In exchange, you have to tell me what is the first song on your EP when you make a decision. I think it's a fair deal.

Good luck to 425 and Seneca, and hopefully you'll suck so I win this one. :biggrin:

Edit: oh, also:

Quotebut you describe the song without writing an entire fucking essay like some do

I'm guilty of that.
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


Train of Naught

@ Evermind, I've allowed this, already gave 425 the heads-up, keep in mind I won't be nitpicking on flow inbetween EP's too much, because you simply can't guess on what song someone is going to close/open their EP. If I did take into account the flow between EP's I wouldn't allow it but yeah.

Everyone is a winner Parama!  :heart I received a total of 120 songs (more if you count the combined stuff like Mantiis and The Apologist), and there's like 30-40 albums in the top tier of my list, and some more stuff that I'll probably check out some day.


Quote from: Train of Naught on January 17, 2016, 08:37:05 AM
@ Evermind, I've allowed this, already gave 425 the heads-up, keep in mind I won't be nitpicking on flow inbetween EP's too much, because you simply can't guess on what song someone is going to close/open their EP. If I did take into account the flow between EP's I wouldn't allow it but yeah.

Well, while it's still a tight competition and all that, I think we've got to put our best effort into wowing you in this round. After all, that's what these roulettes are all about. And, well, since you're going to listen to all three EPs back to back... see, I thought I'll put some effort to make your listening as flawless as it can be, telling the player next to me about my song so he could make the transition as seamless as he can.
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

Train of Naught

If seneca and 425 can agree with that it'd be very cool  :metal though I can imagine they don't want to be limited because they have to make their first song connect as well as possible to the last one. If you guys want to agree on this I'm totally cool with it. Only better for me  :biggrin:


Quote from: Train of Naught on January 17, 2016, 08:43:36 AM
If seneca and 425 can agree with that it'd be very cool  :metal though I can imagine they don't want to be limited because they have to make their first song connect as well as possible to the last one. If you guys want to agree on this I'm totally cool with it. Only better for me  :biggrin:

Well, I was seriously considering the scenario where I would've been the last one / the second one out of three participants, and I was going to ask people which song will end their EP to make mine flow perfectly. Now that I don't have to do it, I thought I'll offer the same possibility to the rest of the finalists.
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


I was about to send Demon Cleaner  :rollin

But yeah, that band and album are a bit of an acquired taste, and its full of amazing riffs and cool grooves.

Well, this was fun! Thanks for hosting this  :tup


If I'm last (don't know if I misunderstood that correctly or not) and if 425 does want to tell me what his closing track is then I'll do my best to make my first one flow with his last. Though, no promises that I'll be able to succeed. Because if his last song is a ballad or some such... Might be really hard.


No, I definitely did not follow the theme for that last round, as I had no idea. I would never have sent that song if I had read better that it should be some kind of closing song. I sent a fucking album opener for Christ's sake :lol Well, that's my own fault I guess, bye! Good luck to the remaining three.
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


Any preference on how we submit? I know I've been doing youtube for the most part this roulette (maybe a bit of Spotify), but with an EP round I know some folks sometimes prefer mp3 zip files or something along those lines...

Train of Naught

No sweat, if you want to line up your EP with 425's (yes, you're 3rd so it's up to 425 what positions the both of you will be in), that's good. But I don't want you to limit yourself doing so.

Regarding submissions, I'll take whatever. Been getting some mp3 files over the course of this roulette and I don't see any problem with it. It's all the same to me honestly, youtube, spotify, e-mail, whatever suits you. My e-mail adress is in the OP.


I'm glad that you liked even this song! When I heard the voice of the Celesty singer I tried to relisten to 45 of Shinedown because I remember I felt a certain similarity of the voice, but I understand that you may not agree with it!
Amplifier are one of my favourite bands (but I don't like Mystoria album..) and I'm not sad to be beaten by that song.
It has been a great roulette for me, it was fun to partecipate  :tup


Hey, sorry, I was traveling yesterday and couldn't get on DTF. Wow, I did not expect this at all! I was just hoping that Brucie would get me a solid 8-9 and a respectable 4th place finish. I guess this is just Bruce outperforming expectations as usual.

I honestly did not expect this at all. I have a bit of a busy afternoon and evening as well, so I'm not sure I'll have a full EP figured out today, but I'm going to try to get started and at least figure out where I want to be in the order by the end of the night.

Well done to everyone else. It's been a fun roulette with a lot of close, fun competition. Congratulations to the other finalists, as well! Now I guess I have to get to work on an EP.

Train of Naught

Yeah no prob, if you made up your mind you could PM it to Seneca aswell so he knows where it's at for him.
I have tons of albums to dig through for the time being so I won't be too bothered by a few days delay.


I'm absolutely sure I won't make it in the deadline I set for myself (today's evening), so I think I'll send my EP Thursday evening instead. As I said, I'm terribly unproductive first two evenings of the week. :lol
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


I doubt I'll be able to get mine in before Friday, since ToN doesn't seem to rushed and since I'm still not sure if I'm middle or last


Quote from: senecadawg2 on January 19, 2016, 10:04:49 AM
I doubt I'll be able to get mine in before Friday, since ToN doesn't seem to rushed and since I'm still not sure if I'm middle or last

I'll make it Friday too then. :biggrin:
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

Train of Naught

Yeah hoping 425 will report in soon so we can atleast get the positions sorted out. I thought I was being so clever with notifying Evermind in advance to have the positions decided ASAP so you would all have plenty of time to think of your songs. Not to worry, you'll still have plenty of time to think of it. I just hope I'm not holding up other roulette hosts because this thing has gone on for pretty long now.


Yeah, sorry... I'm going to go ahead and take the second position. I know that there's probably a perceived advantage to going either first or last, but I don't really feel like I have any dynamite closers in store here, so maybe it will be to my benefit to not have the pressure of closing the whole thing out.

I'll try to work something out as quickly as possible and let seneca know what my last song is.

EDIT: What, if any, is the limitation on how much can be sent from any one artist?


I asked ToN before and he told me you have to feature minimum 4 different artists in your EP. Otherwise, there are no limitations I think.
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

Train of Naught

Yep, that's the only requirement apart from the length limit of 20-30 minutes.



I think I have five artists and songs picked out. I'm going to send tomorrow night or friday probably

Train of Naught


I have a rough draft of mine. I plan to listen to it tonight and see if there's anything I want to change. So I'll send mine either tonight or tomorrow as well.