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2016 Roulette Championship v. THE CONCLUSION

Started by Bolsters, January 01, 2016, 03:35:44 AM

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So, I really can't state strongly enough how much I loved this round. I suppose that might be bad news to some of you who were hoping to make up some ground... Sorry, but everybody did so well by me. You'll have to hope that the song that Tyrias doesn't like came from someone you need to beat, and that the Red Judge also hates the songs of the people you need to make up ground on.

In fact, I just need to say so: I'm really happy that on my hosted round, everybody hit so close to the mark. It's good to be understood to a pretty good extent and to get a lot of stuff that I'm reacting pretty strongly and positively to. That said, there is not a perfect score this round. This was more of a round where everything had me nodding along, saying "this is pretty awesome, I definitely want to check this artist out" than one where any one particular song blew me away. For that reason, what this round actually is in terms of scoring, is a lot of very good scores. So, Paula is back, everyone is pretty bunched up together, and the result of this is that I'm leaving a lot for Tyrias and the Red Judge to sort out.

I also realized this round that I don't really know off the top of my head what the standings are, because Bolsters in charge of all that stuff. This is an advantage for me because I don't really even know in my head what each person needs. I know general who I think is ahead and who is behind, but I don't have any idea what any spreads are. What that means is that I can focus completely on giving the score I think each song deserves, let the other two judges do the same, and then be surprised when I look at the standings. And then promptly forget the finer details of the standings by the time I'm listening to the next round.

Also, yay, I'm finally the first judge to post! This is definitely the last time this will happen.

Enough of me ranting now. Here are some writeups.

Evermind: Avantasia - Savior in the Clockwork

Okay, so Evermind sends the longest song of the roulette so far… which has many different vocalists. Of course.

This is a really awesome epic song. There’s some really good epic metal instrumentation, and of course some great big melodies. I like the choral stuff on the chorus quite a bit.

I’m sure there’s a difference between all the different singers that I could identify if I was trying to pick it out. I can discern some of the differences, but a lot of them it’s hard to tell, because most of them are kind of the stereotypical power metal singers. Nothing against any of them at all, the vocals on this song are good. I just want to be clear about why I’m not going to comment on each individual singer, and am just saying, basically, “vocals = good.”

Obviously, this being an almost-11-minute track, there are numerous different sections. And this is one of those epics that feels meaty and long, while flowing pretty natural from one part to another. There are some awesome loud, anthemic parts, and some nice soft verses. Some good soft guitar work at least one epic little solo. Essentially, this song has everything and the kitchen sink in terms of good prog metal.

The best part is the building section at around 8:30-9:00. There’s a lot of nice mounting tension there, and then when the chorus absolutely explodes out at around 9:20, it’s an awesome moment. The double bass is a nice touch on that chorus as well.

This is a song that I imagine I will get even more out of on future listens. What I’ve gotten out of it already is that it’s pretty awesome, and it manages to throw in a lot of different and good parts while feeling like one cohesive unit, held together by a great chorus.

jingle.boy: Flaming Row - Rage of Despair

Another metal song here. Everyone seems to have gotten the pattern that I like metal pretty well, but there’s always a danger of something edging into a little too heavy territory for me. It’s hard to quantify, but it can happen and can be a slight detriment. The riff at the beginning of this song edges on that territory. It’s not a big detriment because it’s a brief part, but it’s a good thing to know for the future.

This is one of those rock operas where there are a lot of different singers, which I always think is pretty cool. I like the multi-part harmonies we hear in this song, and the female sung part and that big chorus are really awesome. The instrumentation is pretty good, too. There’s a lot of cool proggy stuff in the instrumental section. Again, there are some parts that are a bit heavy for me, but the instrumentation as a whole is pretty epic. I could definitely tell that this is a climactic moment in the concept.

I was quite frankly not too crazy about the growler at the outset. Something about his style of growling just isn’t my favorite. I tend to prefer lower, thicker growls, like most of what Åkerfeldt goes. Higher, “snappier” growls are hit or miss with me. After a few listens, I’m more or less used to this guy, and he wouldn’t dissuade me from checking out this album because there are clearly so many other singers here, but he’s definitely my least favorite part of the song. Still, on balance, this song has a lot of really awesome parts, so it gets a big thumbs up from me.

Nekov: Faunts - Feel.Love.Thinking.Of

Here is one of several songs this round that has an atmosphere that I just love. This is the type of electronic music that I like quite a bit, and here it’s accompanied by a really good singer whose voice I enjoy. The instrumentation is a bit busy, but they somehow just make it work to perfection, so I have no complaints there.

The chorus here is a huge selling point for me. It’s a really good chorus, emotionally powerful and just really, really cool. It feels like the song just runs through this chorus picking up a ton of musical momentum. I like it a lot for that.

This is one of those songs where it’s a short song, and I don’t have a lot to say about it in my writeup for whatever reason, but I like it a whole lot. So I'll just leave it at that.

Sacul: Lord Huron - Ends of the Earth

The best rule when listening to Sacul roulette submissions is to expect the unexpected. I would not have pinned a song like this as a Sacul submission, but it’s a really good song that just reminds me how crazy diverse our friend Sacul's musical taste is.

So this song is a really beautiful, folky song. The big thing here is that the vocal melodies are really awesome. The lyrics have a lot of emotional power and the singer totally expresses that in his singing. I really appreciate that. I also like the slight echoing effect on his voice, that really contributes to the vibe created here. I also like the folky vibe we have here, but the way that that vibe is combined with some elements of the sound that you wouldn’t normally expect in a folk rock song.

Like a few other songs this round, I really like the atmosphere here. It just really feels… wide open, and hopeful. That combined with the music and lyrics actually make this a pretty emotional song for me. So you could say that I like this one a lot.

Scorpion: Beyond the Bridge - Doorway to Salvation

This is another instance, where, as I mentioned in my writeup for Jingle’s song, the metal riff edges on being a bit too heavy for what I prefer. The riff that begins this song is a little much for my usual tastes, but that’s something I can abide if the rest of the song is good. Which it is.

I got the finale from this concept album in my roulette, and much to Evermind’s chagrin, I was slightly underwhelmed by it, though I enjoyed it. While I’m not going to compare the two songs here, I think that this song was similarly a very good song, but not the perfect ten that some people want me to make it. Which could just be a function of not having the full-album experience, since this seems to be one that benefits from having that full experience.

I very much enjoy the interplay between the male and female vocalists. She has some good parts in her verses, and then does well at backing him up in that big epic chorus (anybody notice yet that I like choruses that I can describe as “big”?), and then taking the lead on it later in the song. Am I wrong in saying that the theme of this chorus is partially reprised in All A Man Can Do, but with different lyrics? Anyway, the instrumental section here is fun and proggy. The first part isn’t extraordinary, but I like the keyboard parts.

I definitely am going to get this album. I suspect that I’ll like it better as a full experience, and I already like this song quite a bit, though not unreservedly (don’t really love the opening riff, is the main thing).

senecadawg2: James Blake - Overgrown

This is a really great song. I’m always looking for music with this type of atmosphere, so I’m happy whenever I get something like this (I would say that I love the atmosphere of the Pure Reason Revolution song in a similar way).

I’ve been very clear all along that music with electronic elements is very hit-or-miss with me. This is the type of electronic music that is a very big hit. I really love the way it sounds like his voice is drowning in a sea of sound. The lush, echoing synth sounds just create an awesome atmosphere that perfectly fits with the beautiful vocals crooning “everything’s overgrown.” This song just has a beautiful atmosphere, just the type of atmosphere that I love, and there’s a great marriage of music and lyrics.

The one misgiving I have is that there’s a part near the end where things get a little dissonant (if that’s the right word), and it’s a little distressing for a moment there. I would prefer if that part wasn’t there, but it only greatly bothered me on first listen—on subsequent listens, it was more of a mildly off-putting moment.

wolfking: Pyramaze - Back for More

Yet again, wolfking sends a melodic metal anthem, and, yet again, I like it quite a bit. From the very start, this song has a lot of energy and a nice keyboard hook. There are a lot of memorable vocal melodies in the verses as well as in that huge anthemic chorus, and the singer has a pretty solid emotional range. The prechorus is an especially strong part of this song. The instrumental section is decent, and then the part where most of the instrumentation briefly drops out going into the last chorus is a good moment.

If you can’t tell by now, I like songs like this a fair bit. I like the combination of heavy guitars and melodic keyboard and guitar work, and the big, anthemic vocal melodies. Rarely will a song like this be my pick for my very favorite of the round, but I really do enjoy pieces like this and if there are enough memorable parts, they will score well with me. This one definitely meets that threshhold.


QuoteThe best rule when listening to Sacul roulette submissions is to expect the unexpected. I would not have pinned a song like this as a Sacul submission, but it's a really good song that just reminds me how crazy diverse our friend Sacul's musical taste is.

Yup, knew you'd love this track - thanks Bizkit for showing it to me. Now I hope it's not Tyrias' dud :lol


Damn, first time in this where I'm not first with results. Anyway, since I already have some pretty solid opinions on the songs, I read through 425's write-ups. Interestingly, many times the things I loved were written as criticisms, and my main problem with my dud wasn't even mentioned :P. You can expect my write-ups in about 24 hours, I'm still unsure if some songs might actually be worth a 5.


You're not wrong, Doorway to Salvation is reprised in the very end of All a Man Can Do.
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


Rage of Despair probably has more growls in that one song than there is on the entire rest of the album... so don't let that be a deterrent for you.

Elinoire and Old Man and the Spirit are two of my favourite modern concept albums.  The two are practically flawless.  Both finished in the Top 5 of my Top 50 v2.

Some nice choices that round.
Quote from: TAC on July 31, 2021, 06:55:07 PMIf I can do it, it's idiot proof.
Quote from: Stadler on January 03, 2024, 09:00:00 AMThat's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
Quote from: hefdaddy42 on November 04, 2021, 05:14:36 AMI fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".


Quote from: 425 on February 23, 2016, 01:51:56 PM
If you can't tell by now, I like songs like this a fair bit. I like the combination of heavy guitars and melodic keyboard and guitar work, and the big, anthemic vocal melodies. Rarely will a song like this be my pick for my very favorite of the round, but I really do enjoy pieces like this and if there are enough memorable parts, they will score well with me. This one definitely meets that threshhold.

Fuck, a glimmer of hope.  :lol


Quote from: wolfking on February 23, 2016, 09:23:49 PM
Quote from: 425 on February 23, 2016, 01:51:56 PM
If you can't tell by now, I like songs like this a fair bit. I like the combination of heavy guitars and melodic keyboard and guitar work, and the big, anthemic vocal melodies. Rarely will a song like this be my pick for my very favorite of the round, but I really do enjoy pieces like this and if there are enough memorable parts, they will score well with me. This one definitely meets that threshhold.

Fuck, a glimmer of hope.  :lol

You, my friend, need much more than a "glimmer".  You need a 'bat-signal' beacon of hope.   :lol
Quote from: TAC on July 31, 2021, 06:55:07 PMIf I can do it, it's idiot proof.
Quote from: Stadler on January 03, 2024, 09:00:00 AMThat's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
Quote from: hefdaddy42 on November 04, 2021, 05:14:36 AMI fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".


Yeah, I want to temper any expectations right now... what you are looking at from me is much more in the "glimmer" category than the "bat-signal" category. Emphasis on "Rarely will a song like this be my pick for my very favorite of the round"—this should be read "this is not one of my very favorites of the round."


Quote from: 425 on February 23, 2016, 11:58:05 PM
Yeah, I want to temper any expectations right now... what you are looking at from me is much more in the "glimmer" category than the "bat-signal" category. Emphasis on "Rarely will a song like this be my pick for my very favorite of the round"—this should be read "this is not one of my very favorites of the round."

Oh shit, not really how I read that then.  My lack of attention skills at it again.  :lol


I was probably too vague... I know what I intended that sentence to hint at, but I think it could be read a couple of ways.


I tried a new approach for write-ups this round. I just listened to the songs and wrote whatever came to my mind, completely unstructured and without deleting anything (unless it was just so grammatically messed up it made no sense. And the big dud I was talking about? Well, turns out it just needed a few more listens to grow on me and is actually quite a good song (actually pretty excellent). So, my lowest score this round is a 4 (and the dud was originally a 2), so this was definitely the strongest round of the roulette so far. Unfortunately this also means that there's not that much of an opportunity to catch up for the people further back in the scoreboard.

wolfking      Pyramaze - Back For More

You should stop thinking about your submissions, because this is definitely a lot better than your song last round. It has really good riffs, nice melodies, an amazing chorus. It's just powaahh all the way through, and it absolutely excels at doing that. Yeah, I can't really say much else about this song, because it's fairly simple, but I think this is your best submission yet. It's a pretty average song for this round in score, but that only shows how strong this round was overall.

jingle.boy      Flaming Row - Rage of Dispair

This takes everything about Prog Metal that I love and does it splendidly. While the growls are nothing special in itself, they fit amazingly well here, especially with the contrast of the female vocals. This is also the heaviest song this round, has some really nice, chunky riffs and some amazing solos. It's epic, its loud, it's still really melodic, and I enjoy the hell out of it. This is your best song yet, I love the epic chorus, good job.

senecadawg2      James Blake – Overgrown

It took a bit for me to get used to his voice, but I think I fell in love with it. Everything about this song is great. I love the quiet, laid-back vocals, the subtle electronics in the background, the piano/keyboard notes that appear from time to time. As strong as the first half is, I feel the second half with his main vocals in the background, with some weird effect over them, is even stronger. Love the strings that appear here. I don't have much else to say about this, except that I've been wanting to check out James Blake for quite some time now and I'm glad you sent me this song, because I definitely will check him out further after how awesome this was.

Evermind      Avantasia - Savior in the Clockwork

I really love the orchestral beginning in this. I feel the guitars could have a bit more punch when it suddenly gets louder, but that's a really minor criticism. This song is nothing but great parts, and they flow well together. I do feel it would have benefitted from being a bit shorter, because I start to lose interest for a few seconds here and there in the second part of the song. My favourite thing about this is probably the chorus, I've had it stuck in my head when I woke up today, because it's just so catchy and epic. Also, even though this has like 4 different singers, I really wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't told me. Why do you even go for more than one singer if all of them sound the same anyway? Wouldn't it make more sense to have singers that actually sound different, or just have one (you know, less wages to pay)? That's not really a criticism of the song, because I still think it's great, more of a general remark.

Also, I'm not sure why you said this wouldn't score to well with me or Mr. Red, but the bands that got me into music are Nightwish, Kamelot and Dream Theater, so that's actually really more in favor of this style of music. Still, this in one of the weaker songs this round. It won't really reflect in my score very much because everything is so close together and pretty much everything was awesome (except for that one song), but I just wanted to have it said.

Sacul         Lord Huron - Ends of the Earth

This wins the award for strongest atmosphere. It feels so wide, so vast. It makes me want to go somewhere far, far way and just travel and spend a nice evening in a tent somewhere in the mountains or in the desert and just watch the sun set and be calm and happy. That little melody, I think it's some kind of string instruments, is just absolutely amazing and happiness and joyfulness made into music. Everything about this song is just so fantastic, oh my gosh. I love the chill percussion, the violin that appears at times. I have no idea if this high pitched sound behind the vast string melody is a voice or some kind of instruments, but it sounds amazing. Soooooo atmospheric.
I think we have the second perfect score of the roulette here, and you've now sent the best song for my tastes 3 rounds in a row, congratulations on that. I'd follow this singer to the ends of the world, if he asked me like that.
And that vast string melody. Amazing.

Nekov         Faunts - Feel.Love.Thinking.Of

This is the shortest song of the round, but it excels in it's shortness. I love the hectic drumming contrasted by the calm voice and keyboard atmospheres. It's really weird how a song with this kind of hectic, electronic drumming can still be so good in terms of atmosphere. I'm pretty sure it's his voice that makes it so good.

Scorpion      Beyond The Bridge - Doorway To Salvation

I quite like the heavy intro in this, felt like it could have led into something awesome. Then it just stops and it feels like the whole song starts anew and the part before it was really unimportant and just there for randomness. I mean, there's lots of parts I really like here, but the transitions between are just often so awkward that I can't really love this song as much as I would like to. Also, there are lots of parts where it builds up to something awesome and then just leaves you hanging, and unfortunately not in a good way. So sorry, this is the dud I was talking about earlier. It's not as bad as it used to be though. I would still say I quite like this song, it has pretty good vocal harmonies, solos, riffs and some epic moments. Maybe the awkward transitions make more sense in the context of the album. Without these awkward parts, this could have been a perfect score, even though I needed some time to realize that I loved most of the song. It's still strong, but one of the weaker songs this round.

Also, just because both of my perfect scores have been rather folky in nature doesn't mean you should all send folk for Round 7, you can totally score amazingly high with most other genres as well. ;)


QuoteI really love the orchestral beginning in this. I feel the guitars could have a bit more punch when it suddenly gets louder, but that's a really minor criticism. This song is nothing but great parts, and they flow well together. I do feel it would have benefitted from being a bit shorter, because I start to lose interest for a few seconds here and there in the second part of the song. My favourite thing about this is probably the chorus, I've had it stuck in my head when I woke up today, because it's just so catchy and epic. Also, even though this has like 4 different singers, I really wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't told me. Why do you even go for more than one singer if all of them sound the same anyway? Wouldn't it make more sense to have singers that actually sound different, or just have one (you know, less wages to pay)? That's not really a criticism of the song, because I still think it's great, more of a general remark.

Also, I'm not sure why you said this wouldn't score to well with me or Mr. Red, but the bands that got me into music are Nightwish, Kamelot and Dream Theater, so that's actually really more in favor of this style of music. Still, this in one of the weaker songs this round. It won't really reflect in my score very much because everything is so close together and pretty much everything was awesome (except for that one song), but I just wanted to have it said.

Alright, I want to address this because both you and 425 said this and you said it much more intently... so this ticked something off I guess. The singers on this song don't "sound the same anyway". In fact every singer sounds quite distinctive. Byford has this rough trademark delivery, Kiske has this pristine, clear singing with the obvious accent of his, Sammet is unmistakable there too, Turner is obvious on the first verse (you could mistake his with Byford if you're not into the genre, but that's about it). They don't sound alike except that one small bit. You guys make it sound like you want Akerfeldt growling, Roy Khan doing the deep, low and soulful vocals, Peter Nicholis singing progressive rock, James Hetfield going all "aaah, yeah", Durga McBroom doing the back-vocals and Floor Jansen belting out her operatic vocal style on one song. I dunno, it's probably something to do with me, but no, they are distinctive. They don't sound alike at all.

If Tobias Sammet (one of the vocalists here who is also the mastermind behind the project, who writes all the melodies and lyrics) sang this song alone, it would've sucked big time for me.

Rant over.
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

Train of Naught

Wait, so which song did seneca send, Retrogade or Overgrown? You and 425 both list them differently  :lol

Anyway Retrogade is fantastic, I really hope it becomes the new Bird of Sorrow though I doubt it'll do as good.


Yeah; I'm kind of confused as well right now. Bolsters shared a Spotify-playlist with us that has Overgrown in it, but in the PM he sent us afterwards it apparently says Retrograde? :huh: I only skimmed the PM so far but copied it into my word document to use as a title for the write-ups, and never paid attention to it. I listened to Overgrown, so I'll correct that in my write-up. If seneca actually sent Retrograde, I guess I'll have to do a relisten :lol.

@ Evermind: I mean, yes, when you know there are different singers you can tell them apart obviously. But if I hadn't known, I probably would have thought it was just one singer who's just really accomplished at Power Metal singing and can vary his voice a bit so he doesn't sound exactly the same all the time.
For example, Jingle-Boy's song had this really different singers that added something extra to the song, and it's absolutely obvious because there's a man, a woman and a growler at least. But in your song, it could have just been one, albeit very versatile and skilled, singer.


I know that Chad's song had the very distinguishable singers, I know this album and it's great. ;) But it doesn't have to be a man, a woman and a growler to be obvious. You just need to be a bit familiar with the genre and pay attention. Speaking of that, 425 wasn't able to distinguish male vocals from female in his roulette in one of the songs I've sent... so I was clearly off the mark sending the song with different vocalists, and all male non-growlers to boot. :lol

I mean, yeah, well, you think it could have been one singer; I vehemently disagree. I think the small nuances every singer in my song adds to the vocal delivery make this song so awesome. This song wouldn't have worked without any of them except maybe JLT. I know you think otherwise. It's fine and let's leave it at that.

Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


Hell yeah, now I only hope Mr Red loves it too  :metal


I just read through all the writeups and I still don't know which was the dud  :P

Also, I'm glad you liked that song, I wasn't sure you would




I'm not saying that all the singers sound exactly the same. I could definitely tell that there was a difference in styles—one had a pretty strong accent, some had a softer voices versus rougher voices. If I had no idea it was multiple singers, I would still probably guess that it was on account of the accent that the one had. But if you told me it was one singer, yeah, I would probably believe you, and just kind of wonder why that guy inflected a particular accent sometimes.

I think some of your complaint might be meant for Tyrias, but let me be completely clear: The fact that I couldn't clearly distinguish all four singers did not factor into my score or how well I liked the song at all. I thought all the vocals on the song were good, and said as much. Me saying that they all are fairly similar stylistically was a) a comment on my thoughts about the song and b) an explanation for why I wasn't going to go down the line and say "this one was my favorite, this was my least favorite, etc."

Quote from: Evermind on February 24, 2016, 11:25:39 AM
I mean, yeah, well, you think it could have been one singer; I vehemently disagree. I think the small nuances every singer in my song adds to the vocal delivery make this song so awesome. This song wouldn't have worked without any of them except maybe JLT. I know you think otherwise. It's fine and let's leave it at that.

I don't necessarily disagree with any of this, but I feel like, having not heard the whole album, I'm not really poised personally to judge this either way. I'm inclined to believe that you're correct, though.

Quote from: Evermind on February 24, 2016, 11:25:39 AMSpeaking of that, 425 wasn't able to distinguish male vocals from female in his roulette in one of the songs I've sent... so I was clearly off the mark sending the song with different vocalists, and all male non-growlers to boot. :lol

:rollin I almost forgot about that!  :facepalm:

You were not off the mark by me at all. The multiple vocalist aspects did not significantly add to the song for me (nor did it detract in any way), but that does not mean that I didn't really like this song. I think you'll lose whatever sense of exasperation you have towards me when the scores come out.

Note also that the only vocalist this round who detracted from the song even in the most minor way for me was actually the growler in jingle's song (by the way, @Chad: good to hear that there aren't too many growls on the album as a whole—I will definitely being checking it out :tup )

Greater diversity in vocalists also means a greater risk that I'll like some and not like others.


Quote from: Nekov on February 24, 2016, 11:50:05 AM
I just read through all the writeups and I still don't know which was the dud  :P

Also, I'm glad you liked that song, I wasn't sure you would

I spelled it out pretty clearly though :P. In retrospect, it was more of a "late bloomer" than a dud. It was just really underwhleming in my first 2-3 listens, but grew immensely after that.



Quote from: 425 on February 24, 2016, 12:56:02 PM
Quote from: Evermind on February 24, 2016, 11:25:39 AMSpeaking of that, 425 wasn't able to distinguish male vocals from female in his roulette in one of the songs I've sent... so I was clearly off the mark sending the song with different vocalists, and all male non-growlers to boot. :lol

:rollin I almost forgot about that!  :facepalm:

You were not off the mark by me at all. The multiple vocalist aspects did not significantly add to the song for me (nor did it detract in any way), but that does not mean that I didn't really like this song. I think you'll lose whatever sense of exasperation you have towards me when the scores come out.

Well, I was just teasing you about that here.

I wasn't getting at you or even at Tyrias, if you guys thought the vocalists were sounding the same, fine, it's your opinion and it's alright. But well, it's just that comment about "why would you even hire the four singers to perform if all of them sound the same anyway" set me off. They don't sound the same. Not for me they don't. Tobias knew what he was doing here, and this album features some very unexpected yet incredibly satisfying singer choices for Avantasia. That's why I'm in love with this album, that's why it made my Top 50.

Sorry, I just was upset by this comment (despite apparently getting somewhat high score) and I overreacted a bit. I tend to get like that when it comes to my favourite music.
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


I understand being a bit defensive about stuff like that. I'll freely acknowledge that I'm no expert in distinguishing singers... :tup

And I still find it absolutely hilarious that I couldn't tell the difference between a man and a woman.


Quote from: Tyrias on February 24, 2016, 11:19:32 AM
Yeah; I'm kind of confused as well right now. Bolsters shared a Spotify-playlist with us that has Overgrown in it, but in the PM he sent us afterwards it apparently says Retrograde? :huh: I only skimmed the PM so far but copied it into my word document to use as a title for the write-ups, and never paid attention to it. I listened to Overgrown, so I'll correct that in my write-up. If seneca actually sent Retrograde, I guess I'll have to do a relisten :lol.

Sorry for the double post, but I'm somewhat concerned about this as well. I listened to Overgrown, too, since that's what was on the playlist. Bolsters, can you shed some light here?


God fucking dammit.

Get a taste in music, people. :P


Failure Swift pt. 2: The Curious Case of James Blake


Mr. Red has been delayed:

Quote from: Mr.redTyrias and 425 are making me look bad. I've only done two listenings so far!!! I'll try to have write-ups tomorrow, but I can't guarantee it... Life has really gotten extremely busy for me the last 4-5 days or so. I will do my best. I will have writeups by Friday for sure.

Quote from: 425 on February 24, 2016, 01:27:06 PM
Sorry for the double post, but I'm somewhat concerned about this as well. I listened to Overgrown, too, since that's what was on the playlist. Bolsters, can you shed some light here?
I've already deleted the original PMs to make room in my inbox, seneca is going to have to confirm which song you were supposed to listen to. Hopefully it is Overgrown because it's starting to piss me off how much I am fucking everything up these last couple of weeks.


Well wouldn't that be interesting if 2 different songs were evaluated.
Quote from: TAC on July 31, 2021, 06:55:07 PMIf I can do it, it's idiot proof.
Quote from: Stadler on January 03, 2024, 09:00:00 AMThat's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
Quote from: hefdaddy42 on November 04, 2021, 05:14:36 AMI fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".


I'll second Ruslan's wtf/head scratcher thoughts on the comments of similarities between vocalists in Saviour in the Clockwork.  Sammet/Kiske/Byford/Turner are all very different vocalists (I could maybe understand not being able to distinguish JLT and Kiske), but it's pretty easy to distinguish them apart from Tobi and Bill.

And for the record, Rage of Despair has 2 growl vocalists; 3 clean male vocalists; 3 female vocalists.  When you really listen to the singing - and follow the lyrics - I find it pretty noticeable to here the differences.
Quote from: TAC on July 31, 2021, 06:55:07 PMIf I can do it, it's idiot proof.
Quote from: Stadler on January 03, 2024, 09:00:00 AMThat's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
Quote from: hefdaddy42 on November 04, 2021, 05:14:36 AMI fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".




Are there any news from Mr. Red? At this point I'm less worried about the results and more worried about him. I know he said he'd been extremely busy so I hope he's OK


My last correspondence with him was less than 24 hours ago, he should be done any time now.


Quote from: jingle.boy on February 24, 2016, 07:35:55 PM
I'll second Ruslan's wtf/head scratcher thoughts on the comments of similarities between vocalists in Saviour in the Clockwork.  Sammet/Kiske/Byford/Turner are all very different vocalists (I could maybe understand not being able to distinguish JLT and Kiske), but it's pretty easy to distinguish them apart from Tobi and Bill.

I'll third this too.

If Tobi thought the singers sounded the same and one person could have sung it, it would have been Edguy.


I'll have my updated write-up for senecas song up tomorrow probably. Turns out we did listen to the wrong  song after all. :lol
