Sacul's controversial roulette v2. UNNECESSARY EPILOGUE

Started by Sacul, January 10, 2016, 04:46:40 PM

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Pain of Naught
Kevin Moore









Another good round! Sorry for the typos - haven't spellchecked everything, but I hope it's understandable. And yes, Fluffy, those tidbits have been included here and there - try to find them ;)

(Tyrias) The Legendary Pink Dots - Russian Roulette
Just... no. Sorry, but I don't really dig this track - the vocalist is lame and it's highly repetitive without any noticeable evolution. The atmosphere is pretty gud tho. But... that's it. 2.5/5

(splent) M83 - Midnight City

Nah just kidding. I can't really stand that main sound - it's like a distorted sample of a yelling monkey, and it really annoys me when it appears. And the sounds in general aren't really original imo. The only thing that saves it from total oblivion is the nice sax solo near the end, but just a bit. If you send me another song this bad, I will cut your face off and throw it in the ocean :) 2.5/5

(425) Voices from the Fuselage - Meteorites
Yup, as you predicted: meh, generic. I'll only give it that it has a nice atmosphere, but that's it. 3/5

(Mikemangioy) Foo Fighters - Rope
This song has am interesting TMV vibe to it, which made it stand out a bit before falling into a generic chorus, and a nice instrumental after the middle. It's ok, but this doesn't really prompt me to check the band further other than giving this album a listen because it's on the list - feels like a poor man's Flying Colors, if that makes any sense lel. 3/5

(Shadow Ninja 2.0) Sleep Party People - Change In Time
This song is okay, I guess. Well... this has a pretty nice atmosphere. But... I kinda don't dig this melodic-wise, nor the sounds used, really. don't have much to say other that while it's enjoyable, it's nothing too special for me. 3/5

(home) God Is an Astronaut - Fire Flies And Empty Skies
U I wish I could say that this one has been a big grower, but sadly it isn't. From the go it underwhelmed, and with repeated listen it has only gotten a bit better. Now I remember why I never came back to this album - it just lacks memorable melodies. Not bad, but doesn't stand out among all the generic post-rock bands out there imo. The rocker bit near the end was nice tho. +3/5

(sneakyblueberry) Kaki King - Can Anyone Who Has Heard This Music Really Be a Bad Person?
I recall this angry bitch (no seriously, she looks mad on every pic I see of her) from an excellent TED show in which she did some pretty unusual stuff with her guitar, and even added a couple of her albums to the list. While the song she played, Pink Noise, was pure wank, this is completely different. A pretty nice tune that, sadly, works better as background music imo. Still quite enjoyable. 3.5/5

(senecadawg2) Sylvan - Not Far from the Sky
Well this is a pretty epic into to what I guess must be an epic prog metal album. Short writeup this time: I quite dig this one for it's cinematic sound. It ends too abrupt, like what seems the intro to the next track? Anyways, great entry. 4/5

(Evermind) Amadeus Awad - Noir
Well this is a pretty unusual track. It's kind of dark and folky but with subtle electronics? I have no clue what this is, but I dig it. Dunno if it's noir tho. 4/5

(Parama) Gorillaz - El Mañana
I remember quite liking the previous song, Feel Good Inc, and jammed this album several times, but never with much attention so I kinda forgot about it until a few days ago. And this track makes me want to revisit it soon. RYM lists it as trip-hop? I can only hear that on the background guitars a la Portishead, and the drumming, but that's all. So, a pretty good, enjoyable track. Feels a bit busy at times, and the production could be better tho. 4/5

(Fluffy Lothario) Rob Dougan - One and the Same (instrumental)
Good song. This album was already on my sight some weeks ago, and was considering adding it to the list, then you send up sending something from it! You were almost right about the use of strings on trip-hop: it's excellent here. But I believe Portishead's Roads is perfect in that sense, because it's not just something on the background - the other day, relistening to Dummy and that particular track, I couldn't stop thinking: "This song is a masterpiece." Out of curiosity I checked the original version of your entry, and his vocals aren't the nicest I've heard honestly, so good choice here. +4/5

(Train of Naught) Arctic Monkeys - From the Ritz to the Rubble
Yup, another album I recall quite digging one song, but being a bit underwhelmed with the record as a whole. So yeah, added it to the list to revisit it. And It's quite worth it, actually. Pretty groovy and badass track, yeah I dig this. +4/5

(Elite) Theodor Bastard - Umbraya Erze
I have no clue what kind of music this is, for it reminds me of Dead Can Dance, but with very different influences yet a similar approach. I dunno why, but I have a bit of a crush with this kind of music for whatever reason. Had this been a bit better written it would have been a greater hit, but I quite dig it and will surely add this album to my list. +4/5

(Bolsters) Afro Celt Sound System - Deep Channel
One of my favorites of the round. A nice, interesting electronic beginning, that slowly introduces the world instrumentation. The it just gets awesome. I love how pure joyful it sounds - these musicians were having tons of fun. I love the inclusion of Celt/Irish parts. Overall, an excellent song that appeals to my taste for unconventional stuff. 4.5/5

(Biskit) Trioscapes - Blast Off
This track is just tons of fun, and while each member is crazy, the saxophonist is insane - the thing he does at 1:45 is more astonishing than DT's last album. I'm sure one of the bandmembers must have asked him: "Are you on crack?" or something similar. This vibe reminds a without-steroids LTE, and they both seemingly are pretty much Jazz Fusion, which I think might be my gateway into jazz. As with LTE, I could just focus on what one of these musicians are doing, and be amazed by the variety of their playing. How do you do to send one of your best tracks after your worst song? 4.5/5

33 - Fluffy Lothario xxxxx
33 - Elite xxxxx
32 - Bolsters xxxx
30.5 - home xxxxx
+30 - Shadow Ninja 2.0 xxxxx
30 - Parama xxxxx
30 - Train of Naught xxxxx
(30 - Symphony)
+29.5 - Evermind xxxxx
+29.5 - Biskit xxxxx
+29 - senecadawg2 xxxxx
+27.5 - Tyrias xxxxx
27.5 - splent xxxxx
+27 - 425 xxxxx
+25.5 - Sneakyblueberry xxxxx
24.5 - mikemangioy xxxxx

Elite and Fluffy are still tied for first place! I've gotta say, they both have been very consistent, and along with Bolsters, deserve their spot in the top 5. But there are 6 people with legit chances of getting into the finals, and all they need is someone to screw up - there's less than a full point between home and the bizkit, and with two rounds left, who know what might happen!

I'll update the banned list and stuff this Thursday after exams - but you still have 48 hours to send. Good luck!.. some will need it.


Shadow Ninja 2.0

Dammit, one day I'm gonna find someone who loves Sleep Party People as much as I do.

Also sent.


See I knew it. I should have sent the other song I was going to send.


Dat one line writeup doe. :lol

Inching towards the bottom... About to throw another random song at Sacul I guess.


I really need to have more confidence after I send things.

By the way, the link I sent you is a compilation, which I did because the compilation is remastered and significantly more dynamic. But the actual album that song is from is called Seed, if you'd rather check that out.

I'll send my next song :soon:

Train of Naught

Nice. Only .25 points removed from the top 5.

Gotta say I wasn't all that confident in my pick, you liking this more than Beneath the Savage Sun, did not expect that. Don't worry about the album, this song isn't even the best song on it  :tup lots of good and fun stuff. Sending now!


umbraya erzeeeeeee

I don't even know what it means, glad you liked it though :) yeah, the whole album is as nice, could indeed be a nice addition to your list
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


Sent some electro-swing. Also, If you continue to prove horrible taste in music I might just send my favourite Justin Bieber song for Round 10.



I was going to send some dj0nt but I changed my mind at the last minute. Sent some R&B synthpop sort of stuff instead.

Also, do you have any plans to add more albums to the list before round 10, or are you done?


I have a short list of albums I could add, but I'm afraid half of the records are either obscure or not in the genres you normally listen to, so I'd recommend you giving the list a deep look - you may find a few classics that haven't been sent yet :P


You know, I don't exactly mean to criticize your way of running this, and I get that you have 15 participants too, and it's been eight rounds... but getting only a few short sentences along the lines "hey, it's dark and folky and I dig it. 4/5" is about as non-satisfying as it gets. :lol

I'm rather glad with my score, but I don't really make the Finals because I won't win there anyway, so this time it's definitely going to be a metal track.
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


Quote from: Evermind on March 01, 2016, 07:33:06 AM
You know, I don't exactly mean to criticize your way of running this, and I get that you have 15 participants too, and it's been eight rounds... but getting only a few short sentences along the lines "hey, it's dark and folky and I dig it. 4/5" is about as non-satisfying as it gets. :lol
Sorry, I wrote these at the end of the day, and only slept 3 hours, so that's the best I could  :smiley:


Quote from: Evermind on March 01, 2016, 07:33:06 AM
You know, I don't exactly mean to criticize your way of running this, and I get that you have 15 participants too, and it's been eight rounds... but getting only a few short sentences along the lines "hey, it's dark and folky and I dig it. 4/5" is about as non-satisfying as it gets. :lol

Hey, at least you didn't get "Yup, generic, nice atmosphere I guess, 3/5"  :lol

Train of Naught


Quote from: Sacul on March 01, 2016, 08:52:33 AM
Sorry, I wrote these at the end of the day, and only slept 3 hours, so that's the best I could  :'(



Fluffy Lothario

For my own curiosity, here are the highest scorers in each round so far

R1: Bolsters
R2: Elite, home, Parama
R3: Tyrias
R4: Bizkit
R5: Parama
R6: home
R7: Elite, home, Naught
R8: Bizkit, Bolsters

home has had 3, Parama 2, Bolsters 2, Bizkit 2, Elite 2.




Sent. Read the PM to let me know if I should send another song or not.

Also, I decided I'll save you some time. Just copy and paste this in your next results post:

Well, just as I thought, this is just outright cheesy. A whiny vocalist and electric guitars? This is so generic. Besides, who even writes this kind of lyrics? Really meh overall. 2.5/5
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


I'm pondering whether I should send something with growls and polyrhythms (completely different from stuff I've sent earlier in this roulette, think in the style of motW) or something else entirely.
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


It probably won't be as intense as the song I sent so I say go for it


Well, I hope my scores for Bath on the list, and Sikth and Kayo Dot on the roulette tell you something :lol

But it'd be pretty difficult for you to drop from the top 5 so you could take a risk now :P


Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey