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Sacul's controversial roulette v2. UNNECESSARY EPILOGUE

Started by Sacul, January 10, 2016, 04:46:40 PM

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Pain of Naught
Kevin Moore

Train of Naught

Parama - Dream Theater - My Last Farewell

Lol a Dream Theatre, cya




I was literally going to make that post and then "btw new reply warning"  :lol

I should listen to the Astonishing again, but I won't


Quote from: Parama on March 17, 2016, 01:12:48 PM
I should listen to the Astonishing again, but I won't
I won't even bother listening to it ever again, except for a couple tracks :P

Farewell might be one of the most cliched song titles ever, so I ain't checking any songs with that name, and definitely not if they're power metal tracks  :angel:


Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.



actually, it's evermind's loss since he's being cut along with me  :tup


Oh yeah, I heard this Dream Theatre guys released a new album some time ago. Maybe I should check that out someday. ::)

Also, is youtube loading videos reaaaallly slooooooowwwww and constantly buffering for anyone else today? I'm literally downloading a game at 15 MB/s right now, but I can't even watch a single Youtube video :lol.

Hype for Results could be higher, since my chances of making the finals are purely theoretical.


Oops, real life stuff and crap, couldn't finish them all and have classes now, so this is my only deadline.

Quote from: Sacul on March 16, 2016, 09:31:17 PM
More info on that after posting results, which should happen within the next 24 hours :tup


Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


Shadow Ninja 2.0





every thread change is an oceansize song i'm sending you if i somehow make it to the finals

so, if i'm not in the finals, feel free to keep changing the thread title i guess


Ok, song writeups done, time for farewells and motivations. And dinner.



Sacul, more so than any other roulette host I've seen, hypes the hell out of every single post.

I've not had blue balls this bad in years. Just get it over with, please!


i already know my score his going to be 3/5 because sacul has the worst tastes



So, a bit of a weak round I guess - although an improvement from the last one, it's far from the best. My guess is that some of you just sent whatever because it's the end. I've gotta admit I haven't been the best roulette host besides keeping a good pace - some of my writeups were pretty short and kind of useless, my posts overhyped, and my tastes still seem cryptic for some of you despite having written almost 5 pages on them :P

Enough mumbo-jumbo, have your results!

(Elite) Girl Band - Songs for Pears
I've been getting into experimental and all kinds of weird music this last year, so I've developed an strong appreciation for the unconventional. With a place in the finals assured, I guess you allowed yourself a little risk - yes, this and Fluffy's song are the two "fucked-up" tracks.

Sadly, this is a big fail in my eyes for several reasons: 1) I don't really like the approach the, uhm, singer takes. At all. Feels very amelodic, and although it fits the mood, I don't dig it. 2) It all feels very mechanic, and while I don't mind it at all on bands like Nine Inch Nails, it's different here, but not in a good way. 3) Although the guitars make some pretty interesting stuff, and they have an interesting sound to them, overall I feel this song goes nowhere.

All in all, a pretty curious effort that tries to push what's possible to make with rock instruments (I respect them for that) but just fails on the songwriting department. If this was the most accessible track, I don't want to imagine the others :lol 2.5/5

You ended up at #4 in my first roulette and now are at #3! Maybe if you play two roulettes more you'll end up first :neverusethis: Just kidding, you did pretty well overall with just a few duds, and are into the Finals!

(senecadawg2) GLORYHAMMER - The Unicorn Invasion of Dundee (Live)
I enjoy the Converge track you originally sent quite more :P

On a more serious note... well, it's kind of hard to be serious about this band, really - this is probably the cheesiest thing I've ever listened to, with those keyboards, a guitar solo, the dumb lyrics, the dull drumming. It's basically the genre summed up for me - maybe Evermind would love this :P My distaste for cheese has grown bigger with time, and although I may have enjoyed this two years ago, now I find myself watching the time for it to finish it. So, power metal is something I can't take seriously, and although I'm aware most of it isn't meant to, this is just ridiculous to the point of laughability with no taste. I'd rather listen to Ladybaby or something. 2.5/5

First of all, I apologise if some of my roulette behaviours and/or decisions quite bothered you - it wasn't really my intention, but I can see how I may have came across as rude or plain dumb. Sorry for that. Second, well... actually expected you to end up in the top 5 or even the top 3. Maybe you couldn't read that well into my tastes (they're all over the place, I admit), or just we aren't that compatible. Despite that, you sent some great stuff like The Antlers song, the Sylvan tune, and Like a Rolling Stone - I'll be looking into those albums. I'd like you to play in my v3 if you're around then, so you can have your vendetta. Thanks for playing!

(Evermind) Helloween - Keeper of the Seven Keys
So... I guess I only made it through this whole cheesefest only twice :lol

Sorry, but this just confirms Power Metal ain't my cup of tea like, at all. I added this album to the list because my theory that on any given genre, the big, iconic classics are way better than all those generic copies - maybe not the case here. So, to the song: it's just that kind of metal I can't get into for it doesn't resonate with me on any level. Not that there's anything wrong with this tune, because the singer is great and not that high-pitched (he reminds me to early James LaBrie), in general the track is well-built and while the guitar doesn't have the best production to it, it does its job well - but the song as a whole does nothing to me, thus I found myself skipping parts to parts whenever it came after the first listen. I wished I could be more specific, but can't find other explanation of why I'm not into this (besides the cheese), and probably never will. At least better than that Seventh Wonder track :P 3/5

Evermind, I realise you won my first roulette by taking advantage of that weird point system I had, and it helped you a lot (except in the last round with that Sonata Artica song), yet you won against Tyrias with the great Telegraph Road. On this v2, there is no point system - add to that the obligatory list songs, our not-so-compatible tastes, and you already got a pretty big challenge. For a good part of it, you got away with sending me some great tracks, but also some duds. You may not have retained your crown, but it was fun at least, wasn't it? Thanks for playing!

(Biskit) Explosions in the Sky - Last Known Surroundings
Oh, post-rock... a genre I feel I have enough of with GYBE! and Sigur Rós, for most other bands I've tried getting into I've found terribly generic, uninspired, and basically bad copies of Explosions in the Sky. And they weren't a good band to start with...

While this song has a nice atmosphere to it, and doesn't feel like it lasts too long, it's one of those tracks that leave little to no impressions on me - much like that Pearl Jam song, they have nothing I find any special. While I appreciate this isn't just one long buildup, it just goes nowhere, really - most post-rock it's just atmosphere and little songwriting, therefore it quite bores me with the exception of the two bands I mentioned earlier. I feel this is the highest score I can give to this track - nice, but unimpressive. 3/5

Oh dude, I'm sorry. I really wanted you to reach the finals, but you lost it with such little margin I almost feel bad about it. Funny how you sent me probably the best song of the roulette, but also some of the worst - quite similar to Parama. I know you may not have the biggest music library, and I kind of regret a bit doing those mini roulettes, but we had fun anyways! Thanks for playing ;D

(Tyrias) Clint Mansell - Death is The Road To Awe (The Fountain OST)
Your entry reminded me I wanted to watch this movie, and finally did so, but not before giving your song several listens. My impressions were that it was kind of a typical neoclassical soundtrack, but with some post-rock elements. While that would normally be a good formula, it falls flat imo. Maybe because it's Mogwai - I don't really like their music, as much as I've tried. Plus, this felt weird without context - what kind of scene does this epic piece illustrate?

So I watched the movie to see if my opinion changed. And... not really. I can see how it fits the movie and that particular part, which was kind of climatic I guess? But I don't feel it works out of that context, really. Not with like 3 buildups wtf. I mean, yeah it's pretty epic as a piece, but I don't really connect with it - felt the same with the movie's soundtrack. Because everybody mentioned it, I felt it would be awesome or something but most didn't sound really special or different to other modern OSTs imo. +3/5

How did you go from #2 in my v1 to bottom half on this one? And how come you're loving most of my championship submissions? These roulette things work in mysterious ways :P Well, even if you didn't do that well overall, you sent me some excellent stuff like Inhaler, and the Thrice and Caravan Palace tracks - I'll get to those albums soon!

(425) Spock's Beard - The Light (Live)
I quite like Neal Morse's work with Flying Colors and Transatlantic yet never felt compelled to check this band. So... it sounds like prog by the numbers, imitating 70s prog at times, but with a bit of a modern approach I guess? Nothing wrong per se with that, but I feel it's been done to death and no longer appeals to me. Like Fluffy said, I feel when listening to this song I have already heard everything I need to listen about his work. A bit of a shame, being such a prolific artist.

A pretty nice song that has some quite cool moments in which the guitars lead, but I don't really like some of the synth sound like that at ~8:45. Also, this song is all over the place, going from theme to theme. I normally wouldn't mid that approach if each section had enough time to develop a bit, and was awesome on its own. This just feels like it constantly jumps from idea to idea with no clear direction. For 16 minutes. I guess I deserve this :P +3/5

I feel you were probably the most affected by my roulette restrictions, but you still decided to play and sent me great music like Midnight (never imagined myself liking Coldplay :lol ), Heaven and Hell, and the Bon Iver song, even if it took ages to click. I hope you play in my v3 for a second chance!

(home) Amelie - La Valse D'Amelie (Piano)
Whys is that I received 3 soundtracks in the same round? :lol

At 2:40, I think it's the shortest song of the roulette - a pretty sweet piano piece. I'm a fucking sucker for piano-based music, but also quite picky about it, and more so if it's part of a soundtrack, for I feel most songs don't really work out of their original context. Or at least I need to experience them in that before listening to them on their own. Anyways, this is pretty nice, and passionate, and although I feel more development could have improved it, it's quite fine for it's length. Nothing too special, but very far from meh. 3.5/5

So after a brilliant beginning, you went downhill for almost 3 rounds then recovered in a magnificent way and managed to get into the Finals! Good luck!

(Shadow Ninja 2.0) Homestuck - Moonsetter
Wait, I think this is actually the shortest song of the roulette with just 2:20 mins. Kind of short writeup: pretty nice, charming song that wouldn't sound weird at all in an RPG. My knowledge of Homestuck is limited to knowing it's a pretty long webcomic with a huge fanbase - is it so dedicated they composed a soundtrack to it? Just curious.

All in all, a short sweet piece that would work great as soundtrack, but doesn't really stand on its own. 3.5/5

For half of the roulette you sent awesome stuff, and the rest just goods tracks or duds. I wonder if you self-sabotaged or something :P Anyway, there are already several albums you are making me want to check so I guess that's what matter in the end. Thanks for playing Mr Ninja!

(splent) The Orb - Little Fluffy Clouds (7" Edit)
Pretty interesting song, based on a spoken-word sample of a girl talking about fluffy clouds or something - I have no clue what she's talking about, but damn her voice is bae. The electronic part is quite nice, maybe not extremely original, but they serve quite well as a background for the samples. There's nor much to say, I quite liked this song, didn't blow me away, will check this album, blahblahblah. 3.5/5

Oh dude, you started so well with La Villa Strangiato and B.O.B., then just went downhill and never recovered - don't worry, I'll check those albums. Roulettes can be tough, and mine wasn't an easy one - I hope you good luck in Bolsters' roulette!

(sneakyblueberry) JOANNA NEWSOM - Emily
This is both beautiful and a weird piece - the instrumentation is gorgeous, yet the structure is kind of all over the place. Probably due to the melodies, but had a tough time telling whether there were several movements and reprises, or if it jumped from idea to idea. After several listens, I feel it's the former. Still, it's all over the place. Also, I kind of got used to her voice, but it's a bit annoying when it gets harsh, for it sounds like she had flu or something. Still, a pretty enjoyable track. +3.5/5

Well, what can I say... that Frank Ocean song was excellent! But besides that, you've had more misses than hits - maybe our tastes aren't really that compatible. At least I can promise you to check lots of classic albums I have pensing ;) Thanks for playing!

(Bolsters) Broods - Superstar
I swear at first I thought it was Lorde who was singing, but maybe it's just the New Zealand accent. Well, both have pretty sexy voices so I don't mind the similarities! To the song: borderline with that crappy pop that it's so common on radio today. But I quite like this one more - nice atmosphere, great vocals, good production. Maybe not the most varied song on the round, but being under 4 mins and not repeating itself too much, it's quite good at what it attempts to do. Not much to say, other than I quite enjoyed it - not as much as some of your other pop tracks, but a pretty good entry anyways. 4/5

With very few duds, you managed not only to crack the top 5, but even surpass Elite, who had been dominating the second spot for most of the roulette! Despite me totally sucking in your roulette with the exception of two songs, I'm surprised how well you've been doing in mine - I guess I didn't read well into your tastes. Congratulations for the temporary silver medal and welcome to the finals!

(Train of Naught) Closure In Moscow - Happy Days
Ugh, I hope you can forgive the short writeup, for I don't have much to say about this track. Reminds me a bit of Arctic Monkeys, Foals, and Oasis. I quite like the vocals and the guitar work overall. But the production could be better - feels compressed and can barely hear some instruments at times. Overall, a pretty good alternative rock song - while it may not be creativity 101, it's quite enjoyable. 4/5

Despite being a bit inconsistent, I guess miracles happen for you managed to crack into the finals! :metal Your best song definitely was Entre 2 Mundos, so if you can find more stuff that basically screams Sacul, you should do fine.

(mikemangioy) Muse - Citizen Erased
Well, finally time to give Muse a listen I guess. I can definitely hear the Radiohead influences, so I'm glad they evolved from them to find their own sound. The song: pretty good, actually. I think this is easily your best song on the whole roulette - a pity it took you so long to 7send it :P

It's structured in an interested way, with that bombastic riff switched with ambient-ish sections and some ballad-like parts. Overall it's a mess, for they feel kind of disconnected, but I quite enjoy all of them. I also like the singer's voice and the guitar tone, yup. That weird "alarm" or whatever sound near the end didn't really distract me, unlike Parama :P 4/5

Where do I even begin? :lol I mean, dude, I fucking won your roulette and got you into David Maxim Micic and Destiny Potato, and other stuff, so at least I kind of expected you be middle of the pack here. Funny how your best song is your last one :P Thanks for playing!

(Parama) Ne Obliviscaris - Forget Not
Ohcrap, this is gonna be tough to write about, because there are many things going on here. So let's start from the beginning.

I *love* the intro with the violin, and when drums appear at 2:20, I'm in total love with the track - the string melodies are magnificent and the rest of the band quite great. So up until the first 6 mins everything is awesome. Then the violin kind of disappears and I'm left with the heavy drumming, and the singer appears out of nowhere in an awkward way - feels like he had been singing before or something, but got used to this thing. So from there it kind of goes ok - the song ain't as awesome as before, but far from bad. Then growls followed by a short breakdown, just to jump straight to shrieks (my least favorite part of the song), but then the violin reappears along with the growls and they make a beautiful contrast. So bad it didn't last longer, for while I don't mind the singer, I quite prefer the violin. And it's not the epic climatic ending I kind of expected, but it's fine for me.

So I find it kind of hard to rate this song - it starts amazing, and stays amazing for the first half. The second one goes a bit downhill, and while it doesn't have moments I actively disliked, some of them didn't do much to me. But the very ending was nice at least. +4/5

So... like the Biskit, you sent some of the best, but also some of the worst of the roulette. But since you don't seen to care, I can only guess your tastes are pretty awful :P Thanks for playing!

(Fluffy Lothario) Fire! Orchestra - Enter, Part One
Your song was one of the two "fucked-up" tracks, and unlike the other, this one is amazing. Like I said on that write-up, I've become more interested in experimental music. But not everything is gold - some artists I respect for their endeavours more than actually liking their music. This is a case were both intersect in a curious, even if weird way.

So, to the song - it's fucking weird. Vocals are creepy, the sax player is fucking insane, and the rest of the musicians are excellent. I really like the flow this track has, how they all get along making this. A remarkable moment is the female vocal performance on the second half - pure lunacy. Although it's one of the longest tracks on the round, it really didn't feel like it. I don't have much to say, other than this was full of great moments. Btw, our secret player submitted something from this band's first album in round one - I told him "nothing generic" and he looked straight into his avant-garde folder :lol So yeah, I can definitely see how "along with the Swans, these guys are about the most awesome band on the planet at the moment." 4.5/5

I dunno how many roulettes you've played, but man, you were on fire on this one - from the beginning you got a good grasp of what I liked and sent according to it, with some little interesting experiments here and there.I think you deserve your #1 spot, and on any other roulette you'd have already been given the crown - but that ain't how we do things here. Welcome to the finals.


41 - Fluffy Lothario
+39.5 - Bolsters
39 - Elite
+38.5 - home
+37.5 - Train of Naught
37.5 - Biskit
37.5 - Parama
+37 - Shadow Ninja 2.0
(37 - Symphony)
+35.5 - Evermind
+34.5 - senecadawg2
35.5 - Tyrias
35 - 425
34.5 - splent
+33.5 - Sneakyblueberry
31 - mikemangioy

To all of you, regardless of your score, thanks for playing! You have showed me at least one great song and artist, and for that I'm grateful. A v3 will happen in two years or three, so if you're still around, you're invited to play! I promise no list and baits that time :angel:


As I said in the OP, there's an EP round for the top 5 players to determine the winner. Rules are the following:

  • Minimum of 3 songs.
  • Minimum EP length of 15 mins.
  • Maximum of 15 mins per artist.
  • The recommended maximum length for the EP is ~30 mins, the absolute maximum is 35 mins.
  • Flow will be taken into account, but it will have a small influence in the score (more on this later)
  • When you send it, include a tracklist with the song names (duh) and the track lengths.
  • A Spotify playlist is preferred since I do most of my listening on my PC and phone. If you can't use Spotify, or some songs aren't available there, send me the files of the whole EP or the missing songs. If you can't in any of both ways, give me the tracklist and I'll get the files or whatever is needed.
  • You have 72 hours to send after round 10 results are posted.
So I didn't want something that would make Fluffy the only winner even if he screwed up, making this final round pointless. But even if his EP sucked, it'd be unfair to make him lose right away without taking the first 10 rounds into consideration, so a "best EP wins" wouldn't work. Ultimately, I've crafted a middle-of-the-road system, so that if he fails, home and ToN might have a chance to steal the crown if they shine, or tie the first place at least. Elite and Bolsters can also take the first spot if they do well ofc. So, how your EP shall be scored:

  • Since not all EPs have the same amount of songs, a way of "normalizing" was needed, so I'll individually score your songs out of 5, multiply each by 4, and take the mean of that, so the EP score will be out of 20.
  • Flow will be scored out of 5 in positive integers, and added to the previous score. This takes into account how well songs transition into each other, and how it all works as a single piece overall.
  • The bottom player's score will act as the zero or base for the "roulette points" (RP) - it's the difference between a given person's score and the player's at #5. This means ToN will have zero RPs, and Fluffy 3.25.
So the score should look like:

Score = EP average out of 20 + flow + RP
Thus, the maximum score you can get on this round is 25+RP.


by a whole .25 points, great  :tup
and i didn't even get a farewell post, awesome


Shadow Ninja 2.0

Quote from: Sacul on March 17, 2016, 08:17:32 PM
For half of the roulette you sent awesome stuff, and the rest just goods tracks or duds. I wonder if you self-sabotaged or something :P Anyway, there are already several albums you are making me want to check so I guess that's what matter in the end. Thanks for playing Mr Ninja!

It's more that I just tend to send songs randomly with no real strategy, and sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. It's probably best that I didn't make it to the finals anyway, since I hadn't even started to think about making an EP. :lol  Also, thanks for having me! It's been fun.

Quote from: Sacul on March 17, 2016, 08:17:32 PMMy knowledge of Homestuck is limited to knowing it's a pretty long webcomic with a huge fanbase - is it so dedicated they composed a soundtrack to it? Just curious.

Homestuck is kind of a mix of a lot of different mediums. Some sections take the form of animations, and those animations have music. There's a group of musicians who compose a lot of songs for Homestuck (like 15+ albums now I think, released on the Homestuck bandcamp page), and sometimes Andrew (the writer/artist) chooses one of those songs to feature in an animation.

Also read Homestuck, because it is awesome, and actually seems like the kind of thing you'd be into. And because it's awesome.


no sacul, it is your tastes that are awful

anyways good luck to fluffy on holding his top spot


First you said:

Quote from: Sacul on March 17, 2016, 08:17:32 PM
Enough mumbo-jumbo

Then you said:

Quote from: Sacul on March 17, 2016, 08:17:32 PM
it's kind of hard to be serious about this band... the dumb lyrics, the dull drumming... power metal is something I can't take seriously, and although I'm aware most of it isn't meant to, this is just ridiculous to the point of laughability with no taste. I'd rather listen to Ladybaby or something.

And then you said:

Quote from: Sacul on March 17, 2016, 08:17:32 PM
I'd like you to play in my v3 if you're around then, so you can have your vendetta.

So it doesn't matter what you'd like--unless you want to pay me or something, I'm not going to open the thread.



for what it's worth i don't understand the appeal of power metal either, but mostly because i find it samey and boring


Hahaha, Gloryhammer in this roulette was bound to be a disaster. Nice one Nelson :tup
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


Quote from: Parama on March 17, 2016, 09:13:50 PM
for what it's worth i don't understand the appeal of power metal either, but mostly because i find it samey and boring

That's fair. You're tastes are valid. I don't like a lot of power metal, myself. But that wasn't really the point

I wasn't going to participate in this roulette until Lucas asked me to. I just wish I'd taken the warning above his avatar more seriously--he's not joking about being a music elitist.

The Unicorn Invasion of Dundee is just my way of sticking the middle finger, Ruslan gets it   :lol

Eta: And I know this comes across as the whining of someone who doesn't take a loss well, which is partially true (I am whining). But damn me to hell if I don't normally enjoy losing more than this.


but you'd play in my second roulette, right?  :corn
which will probably be sometime in 2017, 'cause hot damn even with how much music i'm getting and keeping myself from exploring new bands for a while i still have a ton of stuff to get to


Quote from: senecadawg2 on March 17, 2016, 09:34:49 PM
The Unicorn Invasion of Dundee is just my way of sticking the middle finger, Ruslan gets it   :lol
I did get that, but still wanted to give my opinion on it anyways  :P


Quote from: Parama on March 17, 2016, 09:43:14 PM
but you'd play in my second roulette, right?  :corn
which will probably be sometime in 2017, 'cause hot damn even with how much music i'm getting and keeping myself from exploring new bands for a while i still have a ton of stuff to get to

If it's a good time and I'm not too busy, I'd probably play