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*Official* The Astonishing discussion thread

Started by bosk1, January 28, 2016, 05:44:54 PM

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Now that the album is becoming available in various time zones, we pretty much have a green light for discussion of legally obtained music/lyrics/album art/etc.  Since the other thread was a it long-ish, it was requested that we have a new one, so here you go.  Enjoy and discuss away, DTF.  Do what you do!

***SPOILERS BELOW***  (obviously)



First impression:

This is some of the most special, most melodic and beautiful music Dream Theater has even written.



Easily some of their most varied and emotional music for me.
Thankfully, the snare doesn't bother me here. I was worried about this from the 2 singles but honestly those are the worst spots for the triggered sound. The snare does have some dynamics in the more dynamic songs.


It definitely takes more listens...more over any other album they've made.

That said, it's truly original and refreshing.

Musicality is absolutely fantastic.

There are some low points but the high points expand it into some fantastic territory that is some of the bands best.

I had no hope for this album so Im quite surprised. Infact it's excellent.

That jazz/blastbeat breakdown...I WANT MORE OF IT.


Mangini's Billie Jean beat on

" A New Beginning "


Dream Team

Yes, many great sections end too soon - a first for DT.


Quote from: Kotowboy on January 28, 2016, 05:54:06 PM
Mangini's Billie Jean beat on

" A New Beginning "


I loved that! I dance everytime I hear this section  ;D


Some posts from the last thread quoted below (sorry, since they were posted chronologically before I posted this thread, I cannot import them here; I have to just quote them):

Quote from: Kotowboy on January 28, 2016, 04:05:26 PM
LISTENING NOW  :metal :corn :corn

Quote from: Kotowboy on January 28, 2016, 04:10:22 PM
:biggrin: I like the West Side Story section in Dystopian Overture

Quote from: Kotowboy on January 28, 2016, 04:25:17 PM
A Saviour In The Square.

DAT INTRO  :'( :'( :'( :'(

Quote from: rumborak on January 28, 2016, 04:30:30 PM
For me, the track that completely stands out is Our New World. That is DT at its best. Like, easily beats anything they've done in the last 5 years. And more.

Quote from: Kotowboy on January 28, 2016, 04:35:09 PM
Act of Faythe now.

Ahhhh. When a 4th is played and it resolves to a 3rd. :lol

Quote from: rumborak on January 28, 2016, 04:37:02 PM
Quote from: Kotowboy on January 28, 2016, 04:35:09 PM
Act of Faythe now.

Ahhhh. When a 4th is played and it resolves to a 3rd. :lol

That's been one of my criticisms. This album is a bit "death by plagal cadence".

Quote from: craig1928 on January 28, 2016, 04:38:48 PM
this album is fucking amazing, best since SFAM IMO

Quote from: DreamerTV on January 28, 2016, 04:39:55 PM
Quote from: rumborak on January 28, 2016, 04:30:30 PM
For me, the track that completely stands out is Our New World. That is DT at its best. Like, easily beats anything they've done in the last 5 years. And more.

If that track is not going to break into radio stations i'll lose any hope in human kind (the very little i still have)

Quote from: Kotowboy on January 28, 2016, 04:40:50 PM
Three Days :lol  :metal :metal :corn :corn

Did they let Primus in the studio ? :lol


Quote from: Pragmaticcircus on January 28, 2016, 04:41:48 PM
Quote from: rumborak on January 28, 2016, 04:37:02 PM
Quote from: Kotowboy on January 28, 2016, 04:35:09 PM
Act of Faythe now.

Ahhhh. When a 4th is played and it resolves to a 3rd. :lol

That's been one of my criticisms. This album is a bit "death by plagal cadence".

As a composer it pissed me of a little.

Quote from: Kotowboy on January 28, 2016, 04:45:10 PM
Brother, Can You Hear Me sounds like a song from church  :biggrin:

Quote from: Kotowboy on January 28, 2016, 04:43:23 PM
For me I don't like when a 4th doesn't resolve to a 3rd :lol

Quote from: rumborak on January 28, 2016, 04:46:52 PM
Quote from: Kotowboy on January 28, 2016, 04:43:23 PM
For me I don't like when a 4th doesn't resolve to a 3rd :lol

That's the very point of it though. Just like a seventh chord tries to "pull" you towards the root note, the 4th tries to pull you towards the third of the tonic.
But, it is a rather hamfisted songwriting device. It should be used sparingly.

Quote from: Kotowboy on January 28, 2016, 05:09:23 PM
I like the chorus to "Chosen".

Digital Discord now.... DAT NOMAC.

Uh oh it's the tripods from the 2005 War Of The Worlds  :biggrin:

Quote from: Kotowboy on January 28, 2016, 05:14:17 PM
The X Aspect.

Bagpipes ahoy ...and demonic choir :D

Quote from: Kotowboy on January 28, 2016, 05:14:36 PM
A New Beginning.

Dat surf intro  :biggrin:

I'm going to bed at the end of ACT I and will continue my "review" tomorrow :rollin

Quote from: Kotowboy on January 28, 2016, 05:16:58 PM
Well this album is definitely for those that thought DT were stuck in a creative rut.

It's the "weirdest" they've sounded since Six Degrees. And is by far the most of the Mangini Era.

*maybe* the RoadRunner era.

Quote from: Kotowboy on January 28, 2016, 05:19:29 PM
Seriously. They've bought back that - whatever it is - they lost after Six Degrees.

Nutty sections. Some sections so bizarre and awesome I was like :lol fuck yes.

Quote from: Pragmaticcircus on January 28, 2016, 05:19:55 PM
Quote from: Kotowboy on January 28, 2016, 04:45:10 PM
Brother, Can You Hear Me sounds like a song from church  :biggrin:

Yeah, it sounds like a hymn  :mehlin

Quote from: Kotowboy on January 28, 2016, 05:20:16 PM
Mangini's Billie Jean drum beat on " A New Beginning " - groovy as fuck.  :metal

Quote from: Kotowboy on January 28, 2016, 05:23:53 PM
The Road To Revolution....

Final track of ACT I.

:clap: thoroughly enjoyed ACT I.

Some songs stand out more than others. But that always happens on first listen.


I'm getting the album tomorrow...but please someone tell me this:

Does the lyric book show which character is "speaking" in each song?


So who's gonna start our lengthy SFAM-esque analysis of The Astonishings story?


Quote from: MegaDTSX on January 28, 2016, 05:58:26 PM
I'm getting the album tomorrow...but please someone tell me this:

Does the lyric book show which character is "speaking" in each song?



Quote from: MegaDTSX on January 28, 2016, 05:58:26 PM
I'm getting the album tomorrow...but please someone tell me this:

Does the lyric book show which character is "speaking" in each song?



Gonna continue my play through this evening.

Thanks for all the quotes. :bosky:



Quote from: DarkLord_Lalinc on January 28, 2016, 05:59:17 PM
Quote from: MegaDTSX on January 28, 2016, 05:58:26 PM
I'm getting the album tomorrow...but please someone tell me this:

Does the lyric book show which character is "speaking" in each song?


Oh thank god.


Quote from: Pragmaticcircus on January 28, 2016, 05:59:28 PM
Quote from: MegaDTSX on January 28, 2016, 05:58:26 PM
I'm getting the album tomorrow...but please someone tell me this:

Does the lyric book show which character is "speaking" in each song?


Yes. It's written in script form.


I really enjoyed what I heard but honestly there's only a few tracks that really hit me and stood out to me. I think this will be one of those albums that I rarely spin but when I do I enjoy it. I gave it a 7 in the rating thread. I really, REALLY liked Ravenskill. Like a lot. It's gonna take a few more spins and sadly this album seems so dependant on being listened to in full and is also so long that I probably won't spin it again till Sunday. But good stuff. It's definitely something singular and special. Dat orchestra. Big sound. Some feels here and there. Pretty awesome.


IMO, NOMACS track are very make sense for break time in the album, rather than break time like Illumination Theory & The Count of Tuscany
NOMACS Track really raise my fantasy about the story, love it. Especially "Descent of NOMAC" & "Power Down"
I can imagine in Track "Descent of NOMACS", that noises is about how NOMAC turn on from off
And, I can imagine in Track "Power Down", that noises is about how NOMAC turn off from on

Sorry about my bad english hahaha  ;D


This album gets better with each listen. I was worried at first because I wasn't feeling it, but it gets more coherent the more I hear it.

So yeah, this album is a grower. There are still some silly moments, and I'm not too keen on the sound effects, but overall, me likey.


Quote from: Kotowboy on January 28, 2016, 06:00:36 PM
Gonna continue my play through this evening.

Thanks for all the quotes. :bosky:


No problem.  Sorry that it is kind of a clunky way to do it, but I couldn't think of a better way.


Did Jp write the lyrics to "chosen" in an ambiguous way so that it could work as a single?
If it makes the radio it will be a massive hit.


Can someone tell me who Evangeline is in relation to the other characters? 


We've got one of the most wicked solo's ever played by JP and people bring up the drums?  I didn't hear the drums during that


RIP Refresh button for the HD Tracks website.  :lol Come on, show up already!


Waiting for the release tomorrow, but just out of curiosity, wouldn't it make more sense to have different threads, one for the music and one for the story?  Some might want to discuss the music while just starting to listen and not want to read spoilers about the story.


Regarding NOMAC tracks - I find myself quite enjoying breaking the album up into "acts" or "parts" by the NOMAC tracks.

It really makes sense and gives the story a much more natural flow (only considering the lengthiness of ACT 1), as well as making the climax-like tracks much more impactful.

Kind of like:

Part 1 - (37:00) tracks 1-10
Part 2 - (25:00) tracks 11 - 17
Part 3 - (16:00) tracks 18-20
Part 4 - (23:00) tracks 21-27
Part 5 - (27:00) tracks 27-34

Might just be because I like to organize things, but it's just a different way to look at the music itself :coolio


Quote from: KevShmev on January 28, 2016, 06:34:39 PM
Waiting for the release tomorrow, but just out of curiosity, wouldn't it make more sense to have different threads, one for the music and one for the story?  Some might want to discuss the music while just starting to listen and not want to read spoilers about the story.

Yeah, but the flipside is, then there are multiple threads to follow, which just seems unwieldy and confusing. 


Quote from: bosk1 on January 28, 2016, 06:38:25 PM
Quote from: KevShmev on January 28, 2016, 06:34:39 PM
Waiting for the release tomorrow, but just out of curiosity, wouldn't it make more sense to have different threads, one for the music and one for the story?  Some might want to discuss the music while just starting to listen and not want to read spoilers about the story.

Yeah, but the flipside is, then there are multiple threads to follow, which just seems unwieldy and confusing.



I mean, I'm not against it per se if the majority decide that that is what they want.  But I am leaning toward "no" right now.


So far, there are several tracks I love, but the rest just blur together, and so far I don't really like Act II at all.
The high points on this album are way up there, and reminds of the type of writing they haven't done since SFAM/SDOIT, and are easily the best I've heard in the MM era, but there are too many misses for me at this point, and too many songs that felt like they started the same. Three Days is classic DT, and the kind of thing I've been itching to hear for a long time. Hits the spot goooood. I've already listened to it more than anything from ADTOE and DT12 combined.

Let's see how I feel after a few more listens though. :)


The most brutal thing ever is "A New Beginning" fading out in the middle of that incredible Petrucci solo.  :facepalm:


I'm 12 tracks in and so far with out a doubt this is the most interesting and intriguing DT record i've heard in years.


The only thing that disappoint me about the story is, there is no actual fight & war between The Great Northern Empire & Ravenskill Rebel Militia
The story just about the 8 character, I hope something bigger like there is a war, including Imperial Guards & Ravenskill rebel troop. Why Ravenskill Rebel Militia always training then if there is no war at all? Poor troop :facepalm: ;D


Can I point out how beautiful Act of Faythe is? It reminds me of sections of Octavarium. Great buildup, satisfying payoff, beautiful harmonies and melodies, and JLB of course slays it as usual.


Wow, wow. I love it. There is indeed some songs that I wouldn't listen without the context of the album, but the album as a whole is just beautiful. I actually liked the story!

Quote from: BlobVanDam on January 28, 2016, 06:59:10 PM
Can I point out how beautiful Act of Faythe is? It reminds me of sections of Octavarium. Great buildup, satisfying payoff, beautiful harmonies and melodies, and JLB of course slays it as usual.

Indeed. It is what I like to call "the love theme". You hear it the first time at the end of A Savior in the Square when Gabriel first sees Faythe.