The Video Game Music Thread, The top ___ video game music...

Started by ASacrificedSon, February 03, 2016, 08:04:21 AM

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22.David Wise - Battletoads (1991)

Ok, who didn't get past the Turbo Tunnel (stage 3)? A picture to remind you of your trauma...

This game is awesome though, and so is its tune-age. I do not think there really is a bad cut. Maybe stage 10 Rat Race, but it PERFECTLY fits the insane, frantic nature of that stage. I really cannot say much more about the music, just that it is top to bottom awesome. Of course, once one gets past stage 3. But the music overall is also really fast, and thus makes covering a lot of it on rock instruments basically impossible.

...And so begins the individual who populates my list the most. And I reckon they will appear on other's lists. A true master, honing their craft in a beloved RPG franchise...


Great memories to those whimsical Battletoads songs.

Oh yeah and SacrificedSon, it might be best to put me on the 'in the future' list. I'm not gonna be able to sit down and organize a list for a while, my life is becoming intensely populated with shit. Some day though. I might have to necro the thread but that's okay. I always wanted to be a Necrothreadanser.


21. Nobuo Uematsu - Final Fantasy 6 (1994)

I know this game's music is probably higher on most lists. Or at least would outrank where I place some of his other stuff. But I honestly cannot remember a whole lot of it. The stuff that I do is incredible- Battle Theme, airship music, the Opera for Uematsu doing what he can with what he has, Kefka's Tower music and ALL of his battle music Dancing Mad. Actually, Kefka's Tower and his battle music might be some of my most cherished VG music ever. I am also guessing at FF6 is when Uematsu started getting on people's radars, and if not with this, then certainly with FF7.

...Blue bomber anyone?




It's a must have on any list consisting of SNES-era games!



That pause beat in Battletoads though.

FFVI has fantastic music. :tup


20. Yasuaki Fujita & Harumi Fujita - Mega Man 3 (1990)

One of two for the mighty blue bomber on my list. This is my favourite MM game, as it does so many things well. The music, while not my tops, is absolutely no slouch. Another game that doesn't really have a bad cut. Standouts such as TopMan, Shadowman, Snake Man, both of Wily's main theme stages, and oh man that INTRO!!!

...For Adun!!!


19. Derek Duke, Jason Hayes, Glenn Stafford, & Tracy W. Bush - Starcraft (1998)

For the Terrans' music ALONE basically! Whoever composed them out of the four is awesome. The Terran's songs pumped me up so much. Check out this guy and his bud's amazing cover of Terran2

To me, the let down here is the Protoss and Zerg's music. Both have music that absolutely support their style and overall theme. But the Terran's music is so incredible, that I was a bit let down. Or maybe it's because the Terran's stuff is so rocking.

...And so that one guy returns for round 2...


I can't really pick out which classic Mega Man game has my favorite music. They're all really solid, but 3 has gotta be up there.


Quote from: ThatOneGuy2112 on February 08, 2016, 08:51:10 PM
I can't really pick out which classic Mega Man game has my favorite music.
Yeah no kidding. The X series is pretty good for the mostpart too. I'm not really familiar with anything after those though.

The Letter M

Quote from: ThatOneGuy2112 on February 08, 2016, 08:51:10 PM
I can't really pick out which classic Mega Man game has my favorite music. They're all really solid, but 3 has gotta be up there.

The first three Mega Man games are some of the best NES soundtracks I've ever heard (next to Kondo's stuff with Mario and Zelda), and even all these years after the games, I still find myself randomly humming Robot Master Stage Themes from any of those first three games, especially 3.



Props for Shadowgate, FF6 and Megaman 3 (that's my favorite classic Megaman OST btw)  :tup


There really isn't a bad MM soundtrack IMO for the classic series. I only played MMX1 from the X series, and that ends my MM experiences outside of playing a bit of MM9. I feel the classic MM1-MM6 games are like the soundtracks too, in that there isn't a bad one. But nothing really stands out either. I never really thought about it until now, in that the X series was needed to branch out. MM classics had a recipe after MM3, and while the recipe still made solid games, it was at the cost of MM4-MM6 not standing out on their own.


18. Nobuo Uematsu - Final Fantasy (1987)

If this was at the time Square's actual final game as predicted, would Uematsu still be considered a genius? Thankfully we don't have to wonder.

I love this game, and I played it on the real mccoy way back in the day. This game also set out some of the classic themes, mainly the arpeggiated/harp like motif of The Prelude. Also The Opening Theme, when you cross the bridge and start your adventure.

Outside of that, this game has so many wonderful tracks. The castle, the town, the airship, Gurgu Volcano, Matoya's Cave, Temple of Chaos, Undersea Shrine, Floating Castle  - so great. Shoot, after naming all of these, maybe Uematsu would be well known if Square sunk with this game!

It is interesting to write out my thoughts on these soundtracks. I tend to downplay Uematsu's legend. But when I went through the tracks and re-listened, track after track after track was stellar. More so when comparing them to other soundtracks that I thought I liked more.

...up next, a WTF block of three games which some have probably never heard of. First up, we have four family members and their pet going out to find some crowns...


 :metal :millahhhh

Great stuff.

I totally forgot how great Starcraft's music is, even the more ambient, minimalistic tracks are really gorgeous. Nostalgia out the wazoo on that one.

The Letter M

Uematsu is a genius, and it blew my mind to learn that he composed the music for Rad Racer...which makes sense to me in retrospect. Spin the 8-minute sound track and you'll know what I mean!



17. Yuzo Koshiro & Mieko Ishikawa - Legacy Of The Wizard (1989)

Two years nearly to reach the US from its Japan release, but well worth it. Not many tracks on this one, but EVERY SINGLE ONE is a standout, and awesome. The one flaw is they are repetitive, but factoring in that A) chiptune, and B) early into the NES, it's not so bad.

Pretty much all to say here. Probably a lot of nostalgia here, but there is just something to the songs that I enjoy. Meyna's stage sounds pretty sweet rocked out >

...Next up, help the elves, fight AND save those dwarves...


16. Jun Chikuma - Faxanadu (1989)

Huh? What is this game? This one also took two years to reach the US.

It is a little odd, but basically in the vein of Legend of Zelda 2: Adventure of Link. It has more RPG elements, and is a fun game to me. The soundtrack is top notch from top to bottom. StopSkeletonsFromFighting compared it Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest also. So really, Zelda2 or Castlevania2.

About the soundtrack- he also makes the splendid point that I never thought of in the past; the Land Of Mist/Fog has virtually no low-end bass, generally playing in a high register. It does really add to the unsettling, long and murky journey through the Mist/Fog. The other tracks are just solid to me. Not much more to say, I just enjoy all the tracks, and at times fit the moods of what they accompany well.

...and wrapping up the WTF block next. Mesia and you are awoken to save the world, even though she hangs out in a floating tower...


I remember playing the shit out of Faxanadu, but I don't remember the soundtrack for some reason.



Awesome Bolsters & J- I didn't think anyone would have heard of either! Faxanadu is apparently a side story of Dragon Slayer, which LotW is one of those. The music may not be as memorable as I make it out to be, and probably just stuck with me through multiple play throughs when I was older.


So last for this chunk, and then should be only one more ??? game.

15. Author not known - Crystalis (1990)

Time for some controversy- this game is better than the original Zelda and its soundtrack. That said, this game is clearly a clone of the former, and would not exist without the former.  ;)

Anyway, I love this soundtrack. So many great tracks, and they all can be quite fitting of their environments. The pinnacle is the final stage track of the Tower In The Sky.  Some music does drone on and on, during stages that go on and on. I'm thinking of the Earth Cave theme, and the Underground Rivers theme.

I think the town is called Sharon or something like that, and it has a somber theme. When you visit it for a second time, the town was wiped out. The theme then really fits. So there are at least a handful of themes like that, in which they fit really well the conveyed mood. The main map theme is solid too.

These last three soundtracks in hindsight probably should be near the back or bottom of my list. I see similarities, especially with Faxanadu & LotW in that they are not varied. Nostalgia played a heavy role here. At the same time, the melodies of the tracks were very powerful. Despite the lack of diversity or fit to the moods, there must be something to less varied approach at times.

...Dracula spelled backwards...


14. Michiru Yamane - Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night (1997)

Bought this game before the 1million selling hype. Also got tipped off to MGS inside the book of the game, and being that I played MG on the NES I was excited.

Anyway, this soundtrack SLAYS. Fits the game to a tee. I cannot many really specific tracks other than Dracula's Castle, which is worth the price of admission alone. Some others I remembered when playing back the soundtrack. I don't recall any weak tracks. And the soundtrack made a greatly enjoyable game even more enjoyable.

...Next, a true cult classic. Enter into Quasi-Space!


Helllllllllz YUH! So nostalgic. So Gothic. So yes. Marble Gallery is always going to be my absolute favorite and it's just...gawwwd it evokes so many awesome memories. It's just downright groovy too while still somehow being medieval and Gothic.


13. Aaron Grier, Erol Otus, Eric E. Berge, Riku Nuottajärvi & Dan Nicholson - Star Control II (1992)

To start, this game is playable for free. So hop to it if you are interested. I am talking about the PC soundtrack here for those that go and play it or have played it, not the 3DO port soundtrack.

Another limited soundtrack via the time it was created. But this game was in a transition phase for PC, in that it used Mod format or whatever. So the soundtrack sounded a bit more real vs. MIDI and Chiptune like songs.

So this soundtrack has an interesting history, in that the developers Paul Reiche III and Fred Ford were not given a lot of money to develop the game by Accolade. So they basically found young people, I think via an online post to do music for free. Which is saying something, as computers and music if not the internet were less useful back then.

That said, the results are fantastic. Also, every race/species in this game is so unique, they all have unique themes. And pretty much their themes all match the characteristics IMO of the race. That says a lot about how the pieces were chosen and implemented, considering five authors of music are listed.

...and now a game everyone has heard of. Another lovable blue character, who just needs to slow down...



Loving the list so far! Mega Man 3, Faxanadu, Chrystalis, SotN, FF1&6... this is pretty much a list of favorite games. Killer soundtracks as well! Waiting/hoping for Castlevania 3.


Wow, Crystalis!  I had a blast playing that game at a friend's house, still remember the day we beat it.  Fightin' words that it's better than Zelda, but...a case can be made for it I think.

Now i have to pull up the soundtrack on youtube.



Thanks for the feedback!  :tup Glad some are enjoying reminiscing.


12. Masato Nakamura - Sonic The Hedgehog (1991)

I will just spoil it right here; Sonic wins over Mario here for me with music. Maybe because I have heard Mario songs over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. The original theme  also is commonly covered, and I don't even think it's THAT good. I much rather take The Legend Of Zelda's theme song over Mario when talking Koji Kondo songs.

ANYWAY, Sonic! The themes are so charming to me. They kind of fit the game, and the stages at times. From Green Hill, to Marble Zone, to the dreamy Star Light zone. All are top notch, and so much fun to me. The Special Stage song fits there too.

...Ready for some Belmonts instead of Alucard?


Those classic Sonic tunes. :heart

Each zone's music is just so stunningly appropriate with the level itself, it's hard to even talk about a level without the music for it playing in your head at the same time. :lol Green Hill is so iconic. Scrap Brain has that Blade Runner shit going on, and Marble Zone was definitely underrated, and is just gorgeous on piano.


the classic sonic games all have great music. sonic 1 is probably my least favorite out of the bunch and it's still great.


11. Masanori Adachi & Taro Kudo - Super Castlevania IV (1991)

Simon's Theme *drops the mic and walks away.*

My word, if one doesn't like pipe organs, listen to this track. The reprise when fighting Dracula is absolutely chill inducing. Another game where every single song IMO is unbeatable. Also, when you get to the heart of Drac's castle, we have some wonderful re-hashing of some favorites like Bloody Tears & Vampire Killer.

How can one go wrong here!? The game is great to boot, with my only gripe being the difficultly is way down vs. its three predecessors.

...Where is my frog? How did he grow so big and dig a hole? And why is there a tank at the bottom of it?


10. Naoki Kodaka - Blaster Master (1988)

Eight tracks, all great. Well, maybe stage 4 kind of is meh. That fricking croak sound, even if it was fitting due to one frog being the boss. I would actually race through from stage 5 to 1 because I could get through 4 without hearing it. But every other one is great. Even stage 8, because it fits the tough nature of the stage. Not much more to say, but I'm a bit biased because I played the fock out of this game growing up. I still fire this one up a fair amount too.

Stage 7 apparently is playable on guitar. Also, first of two hypes for Vomitron and what he did with this soundtrack (album cover NSFW)

...up next, what many may feel is that one guy's crowning achievement.