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Star Trek: Thread Space 9

Started by Nick, September 14, 2016, 10:28:53 AM

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Pretty fuckin sad that I don't have enough time to come in and talk with y'll about the episodes I'm watching, I'm trying to keep mental notes but I'll probably forget it all heh
This, however, demanded that I take 5 minutes to roll by and ask about. So I'm at a season 5 episode called Unification. To my surprise I saw in the prologue that Spock is in this. If you recall I was turned off from the movie after Wrath of Khan and haven't seen any other remaining ones, so as far as I'm concerned Spock is dead, except I know he's not because I saw Into Darkness and Beyond. Well also cause the follow-up to Khan is laughably titled "The Search For Spock" :lol

So the question, do I need to go back and watch the rest of the.. TOS movies? is that what you call them?, anyway do I need to see them before carrying on Unification?


Not really.  From my rather hazy memories of 'Unification' there is nothing you need to know from the remaining ToS films, aside from Spock returns.


Discovery Season 4 starts next week - That completely caught me by surprise, I thought Picard 2 was coming first.   Appariently the first episode is called 'Kobayashi Maru'.


Nov 18 it starts. I'm gonna get Netflix just for that and then cancel again when it's finished.

As for Picard 2 and Lower Decks 2 - i'm gonna wait til they're both "done" - then get a free trial of Prime and binge watch them both.


I'm pleased to see Doug Jones (Saru) is still listed in the credits, I hope he is still is a main character, rather than a occasional appearance.  I'm not so keen to see 'Grey' is on the credits though, I really didn't like (or understand) him at all.

El Barto

Quote from: Progmetty on November 08, 2021, 09:21:42 PM
Pretty fuckin sad that I don't have enough time to come in and talk with y'll about the episodes I'm watching, I'm trying to keep mental notes but I'll probably forget it all heh
This, however, demanded that I take 5 minutes to roll by and ask about. So I'm at a season 5 episode called Unification. To my surprise I saw in the prologue that Spock is in this. If you recall I was turned off from the movie after Wrath of Khan and haven't seen any other remaining ones, so as far as I'm concerned Spock is dead, except I know he's not because I saw Into Darkness and Beyond. Well also cause the follow-up to Khan is laughably titled "The Search For Spock" :lol

So the question, do I need to go back and watch the rest of the.. TOS movies? is that what you call them?, anyway do I need to see them before carrying on Unification?
You don't need to watch them for the sake of Unification (good episode, BTW). You should watch them because for the most part they're quite entertaining. Since your main objection to them is [bizarrely] Khan, you won't have that problem again.

And find some time to post about episodes. People watching these things for the first time is about the only thing worth a damn in this thread. 


Quote from: soupytwist on November 09, 2021, 07:56:32 AM
Discovery Season 4 starts next week - That completely caught me by surprise, I thought Picard 2 was coming first.   Appariently the first episode is called 'Kobayashi Maru'.

Oh wow, I thought it was going to be Picard first too.


Quote from: soupytwist on November 09, 2021, 08:03:15 AM
I'm pleased to see Doug Jones (Saru) is still listed in the credits, I hope he is still is a main character, rather than a occasional appearance.  I'm not so keen to see 'Grey' is on the credits though, I really didn't like (or understand) him at all.

I'm all for inclusion OBVIOUSLY. It's Star Trek after all. But it's like - they've had zero LGBT characters in trek until Disco came along which was always odd to me - but now they're going a bit too

far in the opposite direction just a bit.

Quote from: El Barto on November 09, 2021, 08:09:47 AM
And find some time to post about episodes. People watching these things for the first time is about the only thing worth a damn in this thread. 

I don't think i've ever seen you say anything positive about Trek EVER...And if anyone does - here comes El Barto to explain why you're wrong... so yeah irony and all...


Quote from: Kotowboy on November 09, 2021, 08:14:26 AM
Quote from: soupytwist on November 09, 2021, 08:03:15 AM
I'm pleased to see Doug Jones (Saru) is still listed in the credits, I hope he is still is a main character, rather than a occasional appearance.  I'm not so keen to see 'Grey' is on the credits though, I really didn't like (or understand) him at all.

I'm all for inclusion OBVIOUSLY. It's Star Trek after all. But it's like - they've had zero LGBT characters in trek until Disco came along which was always odd to me - but now they're going a bit too far.

I just hated the character and the actor was dreadful.  For context when I said I didn't understand them, I meant what was he (a ghost? a memory? - but no he ended up being real somehow?) - kind off didn't make sense too me.


The biggest problem with Disco is everything is all about 'feelings' and hard science is out the window.

In this season - everyone ends up seeing Gray . How does that work ? A memory becomes corporeal ?

But yeah i'm a little bored of all the emoting and things that happen because "our feelings" and not because Stamets figures it out a la Geordi.

And the opening monologues are just rhetoric and meaningless platitudes so the writers can slap themselves on the back.

I DO LIKE DISCO THOUGH ;D ;D Honestly I do. It just needs to be less Teen Instagram Quotes.

El Barto

Quote from: Kotowboy on November 09, 2021, 08:14:26 AM
I don't think i've ever seen you say anything positive about Trek EVER...And if anyone does - here comes El Barto to explain why you're wrong... so yeah irony and all...
"Ever," huh. Sounds pretty definitive to me. How bout a mere two sentences prior to that where I said the remaining TOS movies were "quite entertaining?" Or the sentence before that where I said Unification was a "good episode?"

I say plenty of good things about ST. The thing is, you're easily one of the most negative people on this forum. If it weren't me saying this in this thread you'd be the first to agree. You've commented on your own negativity plenty of times. It's not surprising that when I do harp on something awful in ST that's what you'd remember, while ignoring the many fine things I have to say about it in general. I wouldn't bother posting here if I didn't love the original franchise.


Errr no...

I'm almost never dissing Trek . I love TNG Voyager Enterprise and all 13 movies. I just don't like Insurrection as much as most people.

I even love Into Darkness and The Motion Picture.  I like Disco despite it's problems and i'm gonna reserve judgement on Picard until its 3rd season or so.

TNG S1 was terrible. And we all know how good that got.

El Barto

Quote from: Kotowboy on November 09, 2021, 09:10:37 AM
Errr no...

I'm almost never dissing Trek . I love TNG Voyager Enterprise and all 13 movies. I just don't like Insurrection as much as most people.

I even love Into Darkness and The Motion Picture.  I like Disco despite it's problems and i'm gonna reserve judgement on Picard until its 3rd season or so.

TNG S1 was terrible. And we all know how good that got.
I'm speaking in general terms. If somebody asks if you're a positive or negative person you're almost certainly going to go with negative. With that in mind I think you only notice the negative things I have to say about ST, as evidenced by your quoting of a post where I say several favorable things about ST to point out that I never, ever say anything good about the franchise.


The odd thing about Disco - is that we're now on Season 4 and we've still not even seen Discovery's Warp Core or met The Chief Engineer.

When it started it was billed as " a Star trek show that's not about the Captain - but about the lower decks crew instead "

Yeah that didn't last long . S1 was all about Lorca. S2 was all about Pike.

Ironically Lower Decks is that show.

I wonder if Burnham will remain as Captain for the show's duration or if She and Saru will take turns etc.


Quote from: El Barto on November 09, 2021, 08:09:47 AM
People watching these things for the first time is about the only thing worth a damn in this thread. 

I've been continuing my first time through Deep Space Nine, and was on the fence about posting my reactions, but if Bart says it's okay, then I will.

I just watched the unofficial two-part episode from Season 3: Improbable Cause and The Die Is Cast.  Great stuff!  I only say "unofficial" because DS9 is clearly becoming more serialized at this point, something I've heard much about but am only now starting to experience, but the episodes themselves weren't "Part 1" and "Part 2".  Season 2 had the amazing three-part arc which also had separate episode titles but were basically the Frank Langella trilogy.  Anyway, Improbable Cause ended with a twist and a cliffhanger and "To Be Continued..." then the next episode starts with a "Previously on..." and "And now the conclusion..." so yeah.

So this is some serious shit.  Disobeying Star Fleet Command (okay that's not exactly new to Star Trek), sabotage, Cardassians, Romulans, Founders, Jem'Hadar, space battles, torture, intrigue, pretty much every scene moved things along.  And those that didn't (a minor recurring story about some kind of chocolate) even served a purpose, even if that purpose was only to give us a little breather between the more intense scenes.

I find Garak to be a very interesting character.  I like how we've learned more and more about him, but very slowly.  He's just a tailor who's chosen to keep operating his shop on DS9 despite the Cardassians leaving it to the Federation.  Then there are hints that he's something more; an operative or maybe former operative.  Then we find out that he was exiled, but not why.  Now we know that Enabran Tain is the one who brought about his exile, but Garak is still completely devoted to him for some reason.  Even the short scene with Tain's housekeeper hinted at something more.  What the heck is going on?  I mean that in a good way.  The way they're meting out the story makes me crazy to learn more, but we only get it a little at a time.

Eddington is a dick.  Someone should just punch him in the face.

One negative thing I don't see mentioned a lot.  Much is said about Odo's appearance, due to his inability to perfectly emulate the intricacies of the human face.  When we meet the Founders, they all look basically like him, with somewhat blocky, imperfect faces.  There's even the one female Founder who I thought would turn out to be Odo's "mother" (if they even have parents in that way) but no, she's just a Founder and she looks a lot like Odo because of the blocky face.  But then there's the episode where Odo and Kira are stuck on a moon or something and Kira is trapped in crystal, but it turns out that Kira wasn't Kira; she was the Founder lady.  How was she able to emulate Kira perfectly if they can't do faces?  Same with the Romulan Lovok in this episode.  Turns out he's a changeling as well, but he was able to perfectly emulate a Romulan.  Can they emulate Bajorans and Romulans perfectly, but not Terrans?  That doesn't make sense.  I know; the correct answer is "because, you know, plot convenience" but it bugs me that they're introduced specific details, then broke the rules when it made for a good twist and hoped you were so amazed by the twist that you didn't notice the plot hole.

El Barto

Not that you need my permission or anything, but by all means, keep posting on them. I've been re-watching them, myself, but at this point I'm easily a season ahead of you.

Garak is probably my favorite character on the show. I've always said that the best characters in this series were the bad guys or anti-heroes that weren't part of the ensemble cast (though Garak pretty much becomes a regular by the end). If I were to list my favorite five characters on the show by the time it ended it'd be Garak, Dukat, Kai Wynn, Weyoun (you haven't seen him yet), and Damar. A series or movie is only as good as its badguy, and those five really elevate the show. Mostly because they're not straight up bad guys. They've all got complex motivations, faults, and, in a couple of cases, redemption arcs. A bad guy you wind up being sympathetic to is a wonderful thing.

I've asked the question about Odo, myself. The two most logical answers are that the Odo look represents the appearance the Founders have adopted for themselves in humanoid form over the centuries. It's just innate to him. The other is that the Founders choose to take Odo's appearance just for familiarity. If they waded out of the pool looking human or romulan it'd be confusing to everybody. Choosing to look like Odo simplifies things a great deal.


True, but then it kinda begs the question: Can Founders in general emulate faces properly and it's just Odo who can't quite get it right?  We've seen him turn into pieces of equipment, furniture, a drinking glass, sometimes apparently breaking the law of conservation of mass (if it even applies here) but he can't do a human face, something he's seen and studied for years?

Basically this is just what Odo looks like, and in the beginning there was a justification/explanation for it that has become a bit specious over time and inconsistent with what we've seen and how things have developed.  It's probably one of those things that they really would rather the viewers just not think about.

El Barto

Quote from: Orbert on November 09, 2021, 10:17:51 AM
True, but then it kinda begs the question: Can Founders in general emulate faces properly and it's just Odo who can't quite get it right?  We've seen him turn into pieces of equipment, furniture, a drinking glass, sometimes apparently breaking the law of conservation of mass (if it even applies here) but he can't do a human face, something he's seen and studied for years?

Basically this is just what Odo looks like, and in the beginning there was a justification/explanation for it that has become a bit specious over time and inconsistent with what we've seen and how things have developed.  It's probably one of those things that they really would rather the viewers just not think about.
Founders can not only imitate humanoids perfectly, they can emulate specific people of any race. They're very good at it. Odo is simply not good at it. He does get better, but it takes him a few hundred years. Thinking back, the only time I recall him taking on the appearance of another person it was one of the other founders, so not much of a stretch.

Honestly, his suckiness at being a changeling is a minor mystery, at best. If you really want to get into the weeds try figuring out his combadge.

Also, I don't know if you've picked up on it or not, it's not obvious, but Garak is Scorpio. Not only is it fitting, but it kind of makes you see him differently.


It's funny when people have relationships with Odo - but only cause he APPEARS humanoid.

They're basically in love with a puddle.


Quote from: El Barto on November 09, 2021, 10:44:32 AM
Honestly, his suckiness at being a changeling is a minor mystery, at best. If you really want to get into the weeds try figuring out his combadge.

I suppose the in-universe explanation is that if Odo can shape-shift into a person, complete with clothes and shoes and (new starting this season!) a belt, then his attire can also include a combadge.  A fully-functioning combadge, because he's that good.  But he still sucks at emulating faces.  I know, we're not supposed to think about it.

Quote from: El Barto on November 09, 2021, 10:44:32 AM
Also, I don't know if you've picked up on it or not, it's not obvious, but Garak is Scorpio. Not only is it fitting, but it kind of makes you see him differently.

At first I thought you were trying to say that the character of Garak is somehow analogous to Scorpio in the Dirty Harry universe, then I realized that it's the same actor.  Yeah, not obvious at all.  Mostly, especially on shows like Star Trek: Whatever, I prefer to just think of the characters as the characters.  Star Trek helps us out with that by usually casting relative unknowns so that they can create the character.  I prefer it that way.


Quote from: Kotowboy on November 09, 2021, 12:00:04 PM
It's funny when people have relationships with Odo - but only cause he APPEARS humanoid.

They're basically in love with a puddle.

That's racist, or something.  It is the mind within that matters.  Physical appearance matters not in when you're in love.


Is this how you're telling us you're engaged to a Bowl of Cheerios ?


Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Quote from: El Barto on November 09, 2021, 08:09:47 AM
You don't need to watch them for the sake of Unification (good episode, BTW). You should watch them because for the most part they're quite entertaining. Since your main objection to them is [bizarrely] Khan, you won't have that problem again.

Ok good deal. I read this and figured I need a TNG break anyway, not cause I'm bored with it, but more like cause I want it to last, I've been enjoying it immensely.
20 minutes into The Search For Spock and  :hefdaddy CHRISTOPHER LLOYD AS A KLINGON COMMANDER!!!! SIGN ME THE FUCK UP haha
And just one year away from Back To The Future, that's prime Lloyd right there. Perfecting casting for a Klingon! Which, btw, I think it's been a while since I've seen white guys Klingons heh
Remind me, is this the same Enterprise from the TOS days? Or is it a ship that's modeled after it so Star Fleet called it Enterprise? Kinda like the TNG Enterprise.

Quote from: Kotowboy on November 09, 2021, 08:14:26 AM
I don't think i've ever seen you say anything positive about Trek EVER...And if anyone does - here comes El Barto to explain why you're wrong... so yeah irony and all...

The hell? Barto encouraged my Trek fandom big time and gave a lot of recommendations when I was starting out!

That being said; all of you guys have varying amount of cynicism about the franchise, which I think comes natural for people who've been passionate fans of something for a long time, it's kinda why I try to limit my participations in the Metallica thread for example, unless I have something positive to say. I have a worrying amount of knowledge of their music, history and releases; I think I'm the nerdiest most hardcore Metallica fan that I've ever come across, BUT I'm reliably sure everybody will think I hate them if I post in that thread often. Like I said, it seems like if you're a long-time fan of an on-going anything, you're very prone to eventually become cynical about it.

* EDIT: Search For Spock presumably takes place a century before TNG?


Maybe a little less.

Kirk on the Enterprise B in Generations happens 80 years before all the post - TNG portion of the film.


Quote from: Progmetty on November 10, 2021, 08:41:22 PM
20 minutes into The Search For Spock and  :hefdaddy CHRISTOPHER LLOYD AS A KLINGON COMMANDER!!!! SIGN ME THE FUCK UP haha
And just one year away from Back To The Future, that's prime Lloyd right there. Perfecting casting for a Klingon!

At the time, reactions were much more mixed than yours.  Lloyd was known primarily for his role on the TV show "Taxi" as the guy who is either perpetually stoned, or had done so many drugs in his past that his mind was literally blown away.  It was hard to say, and ultimately didn't much matter.

When he was fighting with Kirk and shouted "Give me Genesis!!" the theater was laughing because it was so absurd.  Jim Ignatowski in Klingon makeup fighting James MF Kirk.  His voice was exactly the same, and in an odd way, his mannerisms as well.


Quote from: Progmetty on November 10, 2021, 08:41:22 PM
Remind me, is this the same Enterprise from the TOS days? Or is it a ship that's modeled after it so Star Fleet called it Enterprise?

NCC-1701 is the same ship.  It had a major overhaul refit at the start of Star Trek: the Motion Picture.  When they get a new ship it gets a new letter designation  NCC-1701-A appears in IV, V, and VI.  The ship on TNG is the Enterprise-D  (NCC-1701-D).


I'm nearing the end of Season 3 of my DS9 watch, and a few episodes ago there was a brief scene with someone named Leeta who is pretty and has large breasts.  She lamely approached Dr. Bashir about having a (fake) cough for a few days.  Bashir gets a lewd smile and offers to examine her right away.  That's all we see of her.

I just watched "Facets", the episode where Jadzia Dax gets to "meet" her previous hosts via their memories being extracted telepathically and placed temporarily into others, who then act as "hosts" so Jadzia can actually converse host-to-host with Curzon, Tobin, and the others, not through the Dax symbiont.  Sure, okay, whatever.

But it starts with the volunteers for this little project, people that Jadzia has chosen because she's closest to them, and for some reason Leeta is one of them.  Apparently she's gone from a walk-on to regular cast and one of Jadzia's closest friends in the span of a few episodes, without even appearing on screen during that time.  Well she is pretty, and has large breasts, but come on.  Can Star Trek casting be any more ridiculous?  (Wait, don't answer that.  This was before Voyager axed Kes for Seven of Nine.)


Quote from: Orbert on November 11, 2021, 07:27:38 AM

At the time, reactions were much more mixed than yours.  Lloyd was known primarily for his role on the TV show "Taxi" as the guy who is either perpetually stoned, or had done so many drugs in his past that his mind was literally blown away.  It was hard to say, and ultimately didn't much matter.
When he was fighting with Kirk and shouted "Give me Genesis!!" the theater was laughing because it was so absurd.  Jim Ignatowski in Klingon makeup fighting James MF Kirk.  His voice was exactly the same, and in an odd way, his mannerisms as well.

That's very interesting :lol, I'm aware of Taxi and I've been wanting to see it cause I also like Danny Devito, but I just can't stand the Independence Day guy at all.
To me he is, and only ever was, Doc. Brown. But I think he makes a good Klingon in a TOS context, he definitely wouldn't work with the TNG Klingons at all haha

Make up wise, there's a very good consistency between the Klingons I saw on The Search For Spock and the ones on TNG.

Quote from: Kotowboy on November 11, 2021, 03:15:54 AM
Maybe a little less.

Quote from: ZirconBlue on November 11, 2021, 07:51:32 AM
NCC-1701 is the same ship.  It had a major overhaul refit at the start of Star Trek: the Motion Picture.  When they get a new ship it gets a new letter designation  NCC-1701-A appears in IV, V, and VI.  The ship on TNG is the Enterprise-D  (NCC-1701-D).

Thank you for that!

El Barto

Quote from: ZirconBlue on November 11, 2021, 07:51:32 AM
Quote from: Progmetty on November 10, 2021, 08:41:22 PM
Remind me, is this the same Enterprise from the TOS days? Or is it a ship that's modeled after it so Star Fleet called it Enterprise?

NCC-1701 is the same ship.  It had a major overhaul refit at the start of Star Trek: the Motion Picture.  When they get a new ship it gets a new letter designation  NCC-1701-A appears in IV, V, and VI.  The ship on TNG is the Enterprise-D  (NCC-1701-D).
Until you pointed that out, I hadn't really noticed that 1701-B, the Excelsior class version, would have been built and launched only a few years after 1701-A. Looks like they got 7 years out of it. According to MA, it was a refit of a different Constitution class starship redesignated Enterprise. Interesting idea, and goes to show how much they loved them some Kirk. While the rest of Starfleet was moving forward, Excelsior was already in service, they threw together another ship (to replace the one he stole and blew up  :lol), so that he could wind down his career in his own ship.


Quote from: Progmetty on November 11, 2021, 11:18:14 AM
I'm aware of Taxi and I've been wanting to see it cause I also like Danny Devito, but I just can't stand the Independence Day guy at all.
To me he is, and only ever was, Doc. Brown. But I think he makes a good Klingon in a TOS context, he definitely wouldn't work with the TNG Klingons at all haha

Now when I watch The Search for Spock, I don't see Jim Ignatowski, but Doc Brown, in Klingon makeup, same voice and mannerisms.  I'm not saying that Christopher Lloyd is limited as an actor, but he does have a rather distinctive voice and look, and it makes his characters similar in that respect.

I was trying to figure out who "the Independence Day guy" was, and had to look up the cast.  I'd forgotten that Judd Hirsch played Goldblum's father.  Yeah, that character was pretty horrible.  Basically a walking, talking Jewish Dad stereotype.  He wasn't like that on Taxi; he was the main character, the only relatively normal guy in a shop full of odd characters.  So that hopefully alleviates your dread just a bit.  But if you're already sick of Judd Hirsch from Independence Day, it'll be hard to see him in anything else and not be reminded of that character since he too tends to make his characters pretty similar.  But Taxi was a pretty good show, and worth checking out.

El Barto

Quote from: Orbert on November 11, 2021, 08:15:02 AM
I'm nearing the end of Season 3 of my DS9 watch, and a few episodes ago there was a brief scene with someone named Leeta who is pretty and has large breasts.  She lamely approached Dr. Bashir about having a (fake) cough for a few days.  Bashir gets a lewd smile and offers to examine her right away.  That's all we see of her.

I just watched "Facets", the episode where Jadzia Dax gets to "meet" her previous hosts via their memories being extracted telepathically and placed temporarily into others, who then act as "hosts" so Jadzia can actually converse host-to-host with Curzon, Tobin, and the others, not through the Dax symbiont.  Sure, okay, whatever.

But it starts with the volunteers for this little project, people that Jadzia has chosen because she's closest to them, and for some reason Leeta is one of them.  Apparently she's gone from a walk-on to regular cast and one of Jadzia's closest friends in the span of a few episodes, without even appearing on screen during that time.  Well she is pretty, and has large breasts, but come on.  Can Star Trek casting be any more ridiculous?  (Wait, don't answer that.  This was before Voyager axed Kes for Seven of Nine.)
Let's just say that the costume did her a huge favor.

She's there because she's necessary to the development of a different character. In her case I don't think it was sex appeal at all, but rather that they needed somebody for a couple of plot developments moving forward. Better to develop a new character than to go with different babes of the week for what they had in mind. As to Facets (bad episode, honestly), I got the impression Leeta was there because she was closet to Emony, not Jadzia. She was a flighty gymnist, so Leeta was the perfect choice.


Thanks Orbert, I may just give Taxi a try after all!

So The Search For Spock was fun! Fun enough to make me venture into the Voyage Home, I'm half way through it and can already tell you it's my favorite of these movies, it carries the essence of 60's TOS to a much bigger extent than the first 3. It does not try to be epic at all, it's not pushing for me to take it too seriously, just the right amount for me to stay engaged with the main plot while enjoying all the comedy bits.

As far as The Search For Spock goes, that movie has a remarkable abundance of plot holes, but it's emotional drive -with Spock at it's center- sufficiently compensates. I know they wanted David's death to hit me harder but I had totally forgotten that Kirk had a son in the first place when I started watching this movie, that's on me though. Come to think of it, I also have no idea why Kirk, an admiral, is still in a captain's chair of a starship.. I need to read some recaps on the first two movies.

Bird of prey uncloaking next to that small ship = the stuff nightmare are made of, it's magnitude is Lovecraftian as fuck.

I think Kirk overreacted to the driver calling him "dumbass", he was way too offended :lol

They are not the hell your whales  :rollin


The Voyage Home was fun, and meant to be a fun conclusion to the ST II-III-IV movie trilogy.  Lots of great moments in that one.  I even like the new Saavik better than the original.  I just think Robin Curtis makes a better Vulcan than Kirstie Alley.