24 Legacy

Started by jammindude, February 06, 2017, 09:37:29 PM

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I was extremely skeptical.   (and my wife was all like, "No Keifer....no 24")   But I hate it when people pre-judge things like that....so I watched the premiere yesterday out of curiosity.     It was decent enough that I watched tonight.   

I like it.   In fact I like it quite a bit more than I thought I would.     Anyone else watching?


Yep. I think I'm one of three people who didn't watch the original 24. I was late to the party and never thought i could catch up so I never watched it. Always heard how good it was. So I was curious.

I've enjoyed the first two episodes thus far, but have no frame of reference to compare it to as far as 24 is concerned. I like it though.


HUGE 24 fan as well, and so far I like it. It's fresh in the sense that the new main guy, Eric Carter, isn't a retread of Jack Bauer. Carter is an Army Ranger and not a CTU Agent, and he seems to have a moral compass...probably will hesitate before using any tortute. The new cast is good...Dr. Dre, Senator Bail Organa, and Eowyn. Looking forward to more episodes!


I watched the premiere and was generally pleased.  Enough intense moments to keep me interested, and Corey Hawkins was good, but it all feels like a little bit of the same:

How many times are there going to be moles in CTU? 
How many times will someone in CTU run a covert operation without the directors knowledge?

Aside from that, I'll keep watching, since they're bringing back one of the original characters. 

Big Hath

did anyone say "with all due respect"?


Or "Dammit! We're running out of time!"


 :lol No. Not yet anyway

But Grappler is correct. The situation does feel samey. Smart aleck analyst. Middle Eastern terrorists. A Senator in the middle of a Presidential election. etc.


Well....to be fair.....we're talking about the Counter *TERRORIST* Unit.....so they deal with terrorist attacks.....it's what they do.  ;)

I just remember being happy that it centered around several planned strikes and no mention of a nuclear bomb.   


Quote from: Accelerando on February 08, 2017, 01:52:47 PM
:lol No. Not yet anyway

But Grappler is correct. The situation does feel samey. Smart aleck analyst. Middle Eastern terrorists. A Senator in the middle of a Presidential election. etc.

I've watched 5 and a half seasons of Game of Thrones within the past six weeks.  Sitting down to watch 24 Legacy was feeling a little boring...."why aren't people's heads being chopped off yet?"   :lol

The second episode had a few moments where I was on the edge of my seat.  That old "put the hero in jeopardy until next week" situation came up again, which is 24's trademark  :facepalm:.  Agree with jammindude - there's not much else they can do since it is a Counter Terrorism show on network TV. 


Im giving it one more episode. I have an easier time believing the things that happen in The Walkikg Dead than what's happened thus far. Robbing a police station then being escorted out, the buddy of a father of a senator fixing ATM video, the father of a senator stealing passwords and framing a Muslim whilst giving up American soldiers....and on and on.

It's a bit much.


Quote from: gmillerdrake on February 13, 2017, 10:09:56 PM
Im giving it one more episode. I have an easier time believing the things that happen in The Walkikg Dead than what's happened thus far. Robbing a police station then being escorted out, the buddy of a father of a senator fixing ATM video, the father of a senator stealing passwords and framing a Muslim whilst giving up American soldiers....and on and on.

It's a bit much.

The show has always required viewers to suspend their beliefs in favor of just enjoying the ride.  It's no different than any past season with Jack Bauer.  He'd get into some crazy scenario and then have to figure or shoot his way out of it, knowing that he's not being truthful to other "good" guys like cops for reasons of national security. 

That's just the MO of the show.  Sacrifice some believability for great action.


Quote from: Grappler on February 14, 2017, 06:39:35 AM
Quote from: gmillerdrake on February 13, 2017, 10:09:56 PM
Im giving it one more episode. I have an easier time believing the things that happen in The Walkikg Dead than what's happened thus far. Robbing a police station then being escorted out, the buddy of a father of a senator fixing ATM video, the father of a senator stealing passwords and framing a Muslim whilst giving up American soldiers....and on and on.

It's a bit much.

The show has always required viewers to suspend their beliefs in favor of just enjoying the ride.  It's no different than any past season with Jack Bauer.  He'd get into some crazy scenario and then have to figure or shoot his way out of it, knowing that he's not being truthful to other "good" guys like cops for reasons of national security. 

That's just the MO of the show.  Sacrifice some believability for great action.

Yeah...I totally get it. I didn't watch the Kiefer 24....was giving this one a shot. At this time I watch entirely too many shows and I thought I'd give this one a try. I'm all about suspending disbelief t enjoy a show....but having no real 'connection' to the 'old' 24 this one is on the cusp of going bye bye for me. It's neat and all but I can use the 'free' time  :lol


I'm a huge 24 fan (I own most of the seasons on DVD and try to watch them every once in a while).  Having seen at least a few seasons in the past year, I don't feel like the new show 24 Legacy really lives up to the original.  But then again neither does Keifer's new show Designated Survivor.  That said, they are the only two shows I am keeping up with this year.  Nothing really great, but good enough to keep watching.

All that said, it's entirely possible that 24 Legacy is as good and I just don't have the "care factor" for the new characters yet like I did with the old.  Now that I reread that I'm thinking it's probably a stretch....  The original series was just soooo good (my personal favorite tv show of all time).


I've been sticking with this out of obligation due to already have wasted so much time on it. All I can say is that if this is what the other 24 was like with Kieffer then all y'all who liked it need your heads examined  :lol

This is just one utterly ridiculous thing after another. I get that it's a show and I need to suspend some level of belief but at least give me savvy storytelling.

This show is comical at this point.


Quote from: gmillerdrake on March 25, 2017, 07:44:54 PM
I've been sticking with this out of obligation due to already have wasted so much time on it. All I can say is that if this is what the other 24 was like with Kieffer then all y'all who liked it need your heads examined  :lol

This is just one utterly ridiculous thing after another. I get that it's a show and I need to suspend some level of belief but at least give me savvy storytelling.

This show is comical at this point.

It's always been a shoot-em-up show as opposed to perfect storytelling.  Keifer would get into some crazy situation and he was so fucking awesome to watch as he would just decide to get himself out of the situation with a gun rather than follow any sort of protocol or care about the ramifications of his actions. 

I don't mind the character of Eric Carter, but the show is pretty similar to prior seasons - stories that seem to be wrapped up but then expand into a different direction for the next few episodes. 


Quote from: Grappler on March 27, 2017, 06:08:30 AM
Quote from: gmillerdrake on March 25, 2017, 07:44:54 PM
I've been sticking with this out of obligation due to already have wasted so much time on it. All I can say is that if this is what the other 24 was like with Kieffer then all y'all who liked it need your heads examined  :lol

This is just one utterly ridiculous thing after another. I get that it's a show and I need to suspend some level of belief but at least give me savvy storytelling.

This show is comical at this point.

It's always been a shoot-em-up show as opposed to perfect storytelling.  Keifer would get into some crazy situation and he was so fucking awesome to watch as he would just decide to get himself out of the situation with a gun rather than follow any sort of protocol or care about the ramifications of his actions. 

I don't mind the character of Eric Carter, but the show is pretty similar to prior seasons - stories that seem to be wrapped up but then expand into a different direction for the next few episodes.

I think that I had heard about how awesome the Kiefer 24 was that I had a totally different idea of what the show 'was'. It really is nothing more than a bang em up, blow em up show. Which is fine. Just not sure how this 'lore' about 24 got so big when that's all it is.


Quote from: gmillerdrake on March 27, 2017, 07:47:05 AM
I think that I had heard about how awesome the Kiefer 24 was that I had a totally different idea of what the show 'was'. It really is nothing more than a bang em up, blow em up show. Which is fine. Just not sure how this 'lore' about 24 got so big when that's all it is.

Season 1 debuted in November 2001.  It was scheduled to debut earlier, but Fox pushed it back a month or two due to 9/11.  So you have a major terrorist attack on the US, and then a TV show featuring a character that can almost single-handedly combat terrorism premiers on TV. 

It was big on real-time, where a character would say "I'll be there in 10 minutes," and when ten minutes passes on the clock on the wall in your house, the character shows up where they're supposed to be.  Every episode had some serious tension filled moments and cliffhangers leaving you dying for next week.  So there were serious hooks and novelty - 24 episodes, one for each hour of the day, in real time.

Even then, the show had to fill 24 hours of content (Keifer said in a recent interview, it's the equivalent  of an actor filming 12 movies in a year) so each season had it's ups and downs, various subplots, and strining goofy things along to fill time.  Season 2 featured Jack Bauer's daughter trapped in the desert and being threatened by a mountain lion for 2 hours. 

It truly does require you to suspend belief and just enjoy the action, tension and thrills.  Real counter-terrorism would never work like it does on the show, and each season features the same plot twists (a mole!  CTU on lockdown!  Torture the bad guys for info!) but when you're a nation reeling from the deadliest terrorist attack in history, the show hits all the right nerves and you love seeing a character take it to the bad guys with zero mercy.


Season 5 of 24 is some of the finest hours ever made for television