
Video of online chat between fans and members of Dream Theater: (*no chickens were harmed during the filming of this chat)

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Things That Shouldn't Piss You Off But Do Anyway Thread v.cockroach up the butt

Started by Hyperplex, June 08, 2017, 08:24:48 AM

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I'll admit this is super lazy, but having to switch out discs everytime I want to play a different game on PS4. Its 2017, I just want everything to be digital at this point. My model of PS4 has shitty harddrive space, so I will get something much bigger when PS5 comes out.


Quote from: Phoenix87x on July 06, 2017, 06:10:34 PM
I'll admit this is super lazy, but having to switch out discs everytime I want to play a different game on PS4. Its 2017, I just want everything to be digital at this point. My model of PS4 has shitty harddrive space, so I will get something much bigger when PS5 comes out.


Kingshmegland, you want this one........?

Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

King Postwhore

"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


Quote from: kingshmegland on July 06, 2017, 06:29:10 PM
Fuck, I'm not even that lazy! :lol

I am.  Sometimes I'm have a BluRay concert in the PS4, but then I either A) get pissed when jingle.son switches it out to play, and I have to re-load it or B) I can't be bothered to switch it out, so I don't even play games much.

I don't even think this qualifies as a 1st world problem.   :lol
Quote from: Jamesman42 on September 20, 2024, 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on September 20, 2024, 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


When someone downstairs in the house texts me and I hadn't looked at my phone and then like 30mins later, they are mad that I hadn't texted them back yet despite them being like 10 feet away in the same house  :P

Its a brave new world we live in  :lol

King Postwhore


When a pedestrian darts out into the street force a car that is a weapon to stop.  Twice today that happened.   
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


Quote from: Phoenix87x on July 06, 2017, 06:10:34 PM
I'll admit this is super lazy, but having to switch out discs everytime I want to play a different game on PS4. Its 2017, I just want everything to be digital at this point. My model of PS4 has shitty harddrive space, so I will get something much bigger when PS5 comes out.
Remember when you had to switch discs in the middle of a game? (Final Fantasy 7 comes to mind)


Fucking goddamn FedEx. Have a package scheduled for delivery tomorrow that arrived in the last stop before my local depot 2 days ago. It has literally spent 36 hours and 3 tracking updates sitting in the same location. Like what the fuck, how is it AT ALL productive to let a package sit for a day and a half, not moving, when you could deliver a day ahead and get it out of your pipeline?


Quote from: Hyperplex on July 11, 2017, 05:55:04 AM
Fucking goddamn FedEx. Have a package scheduled for delivery tomorrow that arrived in the last stop before my local depot 2 days ago. It has literally spent 36 hours and 3 tracking updates sitting in the same location. Like what the fuck, how is it AT ALL productive to let a package sit for a day and a half, not moving, when you could deliver a day ahead and get it out of your pipeline?

It's scheduled for delivery tomorrow.   It's extremely productive to have it sit for several reasons:
- It's scheduled for TOMORROW.  Isn't that what the customer asked for?   Will people even be there to accept delivery?
- To make a special run to move THAT PACKAGE out of inventory costs more than to have it "piggy back" with a delivery that is already scheduled for that run.
- There is a metric that almost all manufacturing/production/operations people use called "span".    It's the difference - PLUS OR MINUS - from the scheduled production/delivery date.  I sell trains; if the train I'm delivering is scheduled for July 1 delivery, there is no difference (in terms of "bad") between a delivery on October 1 (late) or April 1.   
- Our sales guys; if they have a commitment for $5 million in sales, and they do $2.5 million, that's bad. Really bad.  if they do $7.5 million, that's bad too.  Really bad.  Why? Because they didn't know their customer, and they weren't in there influencing at least 50% of their sale requirement.


This is why the thread is titled "things that shouldn't piss you off but do anyway." ;)


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  Yeah, you're right.  Sorry about that.  :)   (And I know the feeling of WANTING YOUR PACKAGE and knowing it's sitting in a warehouse somewhere!)


Yea I think that feeling of seeing it on the tracking just sitting there is what sucks, it's like you'd rather see it being moved across the country and seeing "progress" than just nothing and wondering why it's not delivered yet.


One time I drove 115 miles to pick up my 3D TV from a warehouse because I didn't want to wait the for the weekend to pass  :lol


I've absolutely done that.   100%.  And for dumb stuff!   I need a filter for my garage vac.  I can get it from the Sears website for like $6 shipping, delivered to my door, and I'm likely going to drive down to Wethersfield - 45 minutes through the City - to get it.  Forget that I'm going to procrastinate until Friday to do it (by which time it would have been delivered).   I did that with a bracket for my truck too; could have had it from the dealer in three days, instead I'm walking through Duvalier's Junked Cars to "u pick it" off an old truck so I could have it NOW.

Fucking humans.  :)  (Though the latter was at least fun). 


Yeah I mean it isn't so much a necessity, and while it would be nice to have it already, the real frustration lies in this image of the tracking info:

Notice how for 3 consecutive timestamps, it's been In Transit, Hagerstown, MD. That is literally the last stop before hitting and being sorted at my local depot. What this means is today sometime, it will arrive at my local depot, get sorted, and be put on the truck for delivery tomorrow.


Ok so now FedEx tracking says it's at the FedEx Hagerstown. I think tracking has encountered a bug, or it thinks Hagerstown is a lot bigger than it is.


When I'm watching something (Glow) with Victoria and she makes a comment like "her body is fucking perfect". I just reply with "no comment"  :lol


Quote from: Hyperplex on July 11, 2017, 08:58:07 AM
Yeah I mean it isn't so much a necessity, and while it would be nice to have it already, the real frustration lies in this image of the tracking info:

Notice how for 3 consecutive timestamps, it's been In Transit, Hagerstown, MD. That is literally the last stop before hitting and being sorted at my local depot. What this means is today sometime, it will arrive at my local depot, get sorted, and be put on the truck for delivery tomorrow.

Shipping and logistics drive me crazy.  I've ordered items from Amazon, who hold the order for a month, and then I get 2-day shipping.  Because I'm not always a Prime member, it doesn't ship right away.  That's fine, but it's weird that they hold it for so long and then it goes out 2-day shipping.

Also, my personal favorite, is the back and forth past my house.  I live south of the Amazon depot in Kenosha, WI.  Maybe 10-15 miles away.  An item just went even further south, past my house, to another location in a different Chicago suburb.  It then traveled BACK NORTH to my house to be delivered today.  Wouldn't it be easier to just drop it on a truck with local deliveries, rather than send it way further south than the delivery address, then have to move it back north to deliver?


FedEx never fucking came. Been in the truck for delivery since 5am and it never came to my office. Guaranteed delivery by end of day. But it's a business address. No one will be there at 8pm. Bastards.


7:41. Business delivery at 7:41pm. Delivery exception bc duh the building autolocks at 6.

I hate FedEx.


I feel your pain Hyper. I was supposed to get my tired in yesterday when I got a notification that my address is undeliverable even though I've had countless packages dropped off here. Had to call them and it's now 8:35 and I'm still waiting for my tires.


Wanted a sandwich but didn't want to go out. So I called Jimmy Johns up to get a sandwich delivered. They can't deliver to me because I'm out of their delivery zone. It's two miles away  :-[

I realize that's really close, I just didn't want to change and go out.


Quote from: SystematicThought on July 12, 2017, 05:43:59 PM
Wanted a sandwich but didn't want to go out. So I called Jimmy Johns up to get a sandwich delivered. They can't deliver to me because I'm out of their delivery zone. It's two miles away  :-[

I realize that's really close, I just didn't want to change and go out.

But you have to go and get your free smells!  :lol


Projection christmas lights

I'm a guy that just likes the old school physical bulb lights. To me they just have a better look and feel than the projection lights, which I am not into at all.


I'd say 40% of the homes in our neighborhood have those lights, doesn't look special when three homes in a row have them.


Quote from: Phoenix87x on December 03, 2017, 05:54:46 PM
Projection christmas lights

I'm a guy that just likes the old school physical bulb lights. To me they just have a better look and feel than the projection lights, which I am not into at all.

Go you one better:  the guy across the street - he's a very nice guy, but he's one of those guys (40" deck walking mower, blows his leaves about every two weeks in the fall, spotless, perfect edging) - has the OLD SCHOOL big bulbs on his house, all in perfect order (red, blue, yellow, green, orange, red, blue...) and it's oddly the best decorations on the street.  I personally like the LED lights that have the same shape but the 'lenticular' cut to them, but this guy went old school and delivered the goods.


Quote from: Phoenix87x on December 03, 2017, 05:54:46 PM
Projection christmas lights

I'm a guy that just likes the old school physical bulb lights. To me they just have a better look and feel than the projection lights, which I am not into at all.

That's just... lazy.

Have these people not ever watched Christmas Vacation?  Do they not know the joy of freezing your baguettes off while stringing lights that you forgot to check before hand, then you plug them in and half of them don't work, then your wife tells you that the Christmas tree that you just spent an hour cutting down with your own hands with a saw that was last sharpened at the century's turn has fallen in the living room and your couch is now covered with broken ornaments, needles, and sap? 

That's just... lazy.


Was just discussing this with my parents in Jacksonville where I saw their neighbors had the projection lights.  My Dad said he wanted them.  I don't blame him.  It's the easy solution and he has a bad back so I wouldn't want him lighting up the house, but I do agree with you guys.  I don't like the look and when everyone is doing it, it looks like shit.  Granted, this is coming from someone who doesn't do one bit of holiday decorating on his house.  I'm lazy and uninterested so if forced, I would go this route too, but no one is forcing me.  I'd rather just keep the lights off.  I don't want people driving through my street anyway to see lights.