Do you put the shopping carts back in the corral?

Started by The Walrus, November 03, 2017, 07:59:45 AM

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Quote from: bosk1 on November 21, 2017, 03:47:28 PM
Every single one of us in that role felt that the right answer was "take your cart back to the corral, return it to the store, or leave it in a place where it won't roll into a car."  Any of those were acceptable.

I don't think people are necessary talking about people who actually take care with the cart, bosky. It's the cart that is just sitting loose and fancy free that can be a danger to cars. I get that you probably live in a place where it's no big deal, but I live in Utah where the wind howls (Nevada blows and Wyoming sucks, so...) and the inconsiderate breed at a frightening pace--It's not uncommon to see a cart rolling by itself.

I also suspect that the level to which this "problem" bothers one can be correlated with the love they have for their car and/or the amount they paid for it.  :biggrin:

[edit] I take it back, Kattelox is talking specifically of corrals. My mistake [/edit]

The Walrus

Quote from: bosk1
Quote from: Kattelox on November 21, 2017, 03:50:30 PMEDIT: Also, I do consider it my business, because a rogue cart DOES have the potential to, indeed, damage my vehicle or someone else's.

Irrelevant.  Again, I'm not talking about "rogue" carts that can roll into someone's car.  I'm talking about carts that are properly stowed so that they CAN'T roll, but aren't in the corral.

If one can expend the energy to place it somewhere that it doesn't roll... why not just put it back in the corral, where it not only won't roll away, it'll be with all the others. The only excuse is laziness...


Quote from: Kattelox on November 21, 2017, 03:50:30 PM
Man, I dunno, bosk. I see a designated place to which one should return a cart, I return it there. 

Is it Kattelox, or "Cattle"ox?
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: DTwwbwMP on October 10, 2024, 11:26:46 AMDISAPPOINTED.. I hoped for something more along the lines of ADTOE.


Quote from: Kattelox on November 21, 2017, 04:01:16 PM
Quote from: bosk1
Quote from: Kattelox on November 21, 2017, 03:50:30 PMEDIT: Also, I do consider it my business, because a rogue cart DOES have the potential to, indeed, damage my vehicle or someone else's.

Irrelevant.  Again, I'm not talking about "rogue" carts that can roll into someone's car.  I'm talking about carts that are properly stowed so that they CAN'T roll, but aren't in the corral.

If one can expend the energy to place it somewhere that it doesn't roll... why not just put it back in the corral, where it not only won't roll away, it'll be with all the others. The only excuse is laziness...

I can't tell you about "excuses," because that implies that one is looking to get out of conduct that is expected.  And as I mentioned, there is no such expectation here.  But I can tell you that, for many, the reason has nothing to do with laziness.  But again, nice job on passing judgment on people whose intentions you obviously know nothing about.


Quote from: TAC on November 21, 2017, 04:03:54 PM
Quote from: Kattelox on November 21, 2017, 03:50:30 PM
Man, I dunno, bosk. I see a designated place to which one should return a cart, I return it there. 

Is it Kattelox, or "Cattle"ox?

Oooh, TAC, you're such a rebel! *tigger growl*

The Walrus

bosk, why are you getting so personal? Of course I'm passing a LITTLE judgment, generally: it is an incredibly easy thing to do, and you clearly have only made me believe more in my reasons for thinking what I do, instead of making me see it your way. But I'm not personally digging at anyone in particular, it literally just strikes me as lazy behavior. You don't need to be condescending with your 'nice job passing judgment on things that have nothing to do with you' statements. Make me see your point instead of being snarky, because that certainly isn't going to help your argument. I'm not getting snarky with you.

EDIT: I made this thread so there would be an interesting back and forth. There are no personal attacks going here and there's no need for the conversation to turn sour.

The Walrus

Quote from: TAC on November 21, 2017, 04:03:54 PM
Quote from: Kattelox on November 21, 2017, 03:50:30 PM
Man, I dunno, bosk. I see a designated place to which one should return a cart, I return it there. 

Is it Kattelox, or "Cattle"ox?

:lol :lol


Quote from: Podaar on November 21, 2017, 04:05:19 PM
Oooh, TAC, you're such a rebel! *tigger growl*

Yup..Total Badass.

I don't return my carriage! Living on the edge!!
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: DTwwbwMP on October 10, 2024, 11:26:46 AMDISAPPOINTED.. I hoped for something more along the lines of ADTOE.


Quote from: Kattelox on November 21, 2017, 04:07:10 PMbosk, why are you getting so personal?

I'm not.  Take a step back and take another look at your posts.  YOU are the one namecalling at those you misunderstand.  Which is why I responded in the first place.  I am amused at this topic whenever it resurfaces, because I know there are some in other places where the custom is different than here who (1) don't understand that the custom is different in other places, and (2) can't fathom that any opinion than theirs is acceptable.  So, to answer what I think you are really asking, my purpose in posting is to try to get you to see that.  As for me, I don't take it personally, because the debate really doesn't effect me. 

Quote from: Kattelox on November 21, 2017, 04:07:10 PMEDIT: I made this thread so there would be an interesting back and forth. There are no personal attacks going here and there's no need for the conversation to turn sour.

I don't think it has turned sour, other than you calling names when you disagree. 

The Walrus

Sigh. All right then. Enjoy the thread, I'm out. Not gonna argue with you over this...

EDIT: To be clear, I'm not sure where I was namecalling anyone. My posts that I made here this evening were written with an intended sense of humor, apparently that didn't get across. So, sorry for that, but no, I haven't "namecalled" anyone, and I would apologize if I had!


Well, saying someone MUST be "lazy," "rude," "inconsiderate," "disrespectful," etc. IS namecalling.  My point is simply to try to get you to see another point of view and not make assumptions.  To back up and re-cap, there are two potential groups of people who could be impacted: (1) the clerks who have to round up the carts; and (2) customers whose cars may be damaged if the carts roll.  I'm not talking about leaving carts where they are likely to roll, so let's take #2 off the table.  We are largely in agreement there.  (other than the fact that, for reasons I still have not figured out, you seem to think that not putting a cart in the corral equates to leaving it rolling around the lot, but maybe parking lots are different where you live)  And as to #1, it really just depends.  Within reason, the clerks not only don't care, but they don't EXPECT everyone to put the carts in the corrals.  They just don't, and they aren't bothered in the least when carts aren't there.  In the average Costco lot out here, for example, you will probably find about 50% of carts in the corrals and 50% propped on the planters so they don't roll.  That is what is expected, and nobody cares.  So, since precisely nobody is offended, it's a bit silly to pass judgment on that situation, isn't it?

Now, that said, if it's different where you live, and the CUSTOM is to put them in the corrals, such that the clerks ARE bothered when they aren't there, then cool.  When in your backyard, that is the custom that should be followed.  And it would be equally out of place for someone from out here to start namecalling people that think that way, wouldn't it?

Here's an analogy for you.  Let's say you are raised in a "proper" American or British household where you are taught from birth that you don't slurp your food.  Ever.  That's all well and good.  But if you get on a soapbox about how anyone who ever slurps their food MUST be uncouth, rude, savages who shouldn't be afforded a place in civilized society, you best make sure none of your audience are east Asian.  Because, not only will your cultural assumptions not apply in their eyes, but they will be outright insulting.  Best not to pass judgment when you aren't the one being impacted by the given behavior, no?

Oh, and for the record, the corrals are a great idea.  The vast majority of the time, I use them.  Just so you know.

The Walrus

Bosk, we'll agree to disagree, I hope. I actually strongly disagree with your first sentence, too, but that gets into semantics territory and isn't fit for this thread. So, I've said my piece, I'm done, there you have it. If I owned that business and saw 50% of the carts in the corrals and 50% out there, I'd think, hmm, how can we clean this up and not make this look like a video game level? :) That's rhetorical, please don't take that as a rebuttal, I'm done here.


Gotta call bullshit here.  I have never seen a place, other than a corral, where a cart is truly "secured" from causing damage to other vehicles.  I'm not sure what kind of parking lots you all have, but putting something on free rolling wheels any where else that the corral is indeed taking a chance it will move.  In between the concrete stops at the front of the care is not even close to secure.  Neither is one set of wheels on the curb as one end of the cart sticks out and can damage cars.  Please tell me where this magical "secure" area is in the parking lot other than a corral?


What about the human centipede cart chain they usually have in front of the store?



In my opinion if you're physically able and choose not to walk a cart to the corral you're a lazy asshole.

The Walrus

Quote from: kaos2900 on November 22, 2017, 06:52:14 AM
In my opinion if you're physically able and choose not to walk a cart to the corral you're a lazy asshole.

*gasp* Careful, you'll end up on notice like me :lol


:lol  Not sure what "on notice" means.  But Kaos' post was clearly over the line, and a warning has been issued.

The Walrus


Quote from: Kattelox on November 22, 2017, 07:38:43 AM
You know. On notice.

I just wanted to clarify that my comment was not pointed at anyone here specifically. I apologize for the harsh language.


This thread is turning into a Sons of Anarchy Apollo thread.



Because shopping carts and their placement in corrals is a deeply personal subject for many people.


So more importantly, what's the point of Colbert's board (though I have to say, the personalization is a VERY nice touch).   But why is Batfleck on notice?   

The Walrus

Quote from: Stadler on November 22, 2017, 01:50:57 PM
So more importantly, what's the point of Colbert's board (though I have to say, the personalization is a VERY nice touch).   But why is Batfleck on notice?

Watch this.

Basically it's just Colbert putting things on notice if they do something that offends him. It's just a silly thing.

Batfleck is on notice for using machine guns instead of his batfists.


Quote from: bosk1 on November 21, 2017, 02:24:55 PM
Quote from: Dublagent66 on November 21, 2017, 02:16:45 PMIt's rude, inconsiderate and down right disrespectful.

No it isn't.

:lol Opinions vary.  You have yours and I have mine.  Coming in here and dropping absolutes certainly isn't a good show by example.

Quote from: bosk1 on November 21, 2017, 04:33:57 PM
Well, saying someone MUST be "lazy," "rude," "inconsiderate," "disrespectful," etc. IS namecalling.

Oh, do you mean the same as, or opposed to passing judgment on someone you don't even know by calling them a "rude prick" because they said something you disagreed with?  The words above are not name calling.  They are descriptors for certain behaviors, actions or lack thereof.  Name calling is just the use of highly uncalled for and derogatory slang towards another person.  There's a difference.

Quote from: bosk1 on November 21, 2017, 04:33:57 PM
Best not to pass judgment when you aren't the one being impacted by the given behavior, no?

So, it's ok to pass judgement if we are impacted by the given behaviors?  Is that why you're passing judgement on other's opinions because they're impacting you somehow?  This is a thread about shopping carts and those who may or may not feel entitled to leave their empties wherever they damn well please without thought or consideration for others.  This isn't a court of law.

Quote from: bosk1 on November 21, 2017, 03:08:17 PM
If it doesn't effect you (and it doesn't if the cart isn't left to roll into your car and if you as a customer can get a cart in the cart bin in the store), you don't get to judge whether it is rude or inconsiderate.  The people to whom it does matter do not consider it rude or inconsiderate, so your opinion is irrelevant.

I believe the word you're looking for is "affect" and that's what we are talking about.  We are all "affected" by people who are unaware of their surroundings and don't do their part simply because they are too busy and just don't care.  Shopping cart corrals are there for a reason.  Employees roaming through the parking lot collecting stray carts is a safety hazard.  It's time consuming.  It presents certain liabilities to the company.  Carts that are placed so they don't roll is irrelevant to the thread.  They are not where they belong.  Period.  So the cart doesn't roll, but it's right in the middle of a parking spot.  Tell me who that doesn't "affect".  Your argument of "but if the cart doesn't roll" is not the point of this thread.

In closing, I think it's very disturbing that a forum administrator condescends to others and calls their opinions irrelevant.  It's at least relevant to them in some way that may not be entirely apparent to you.  If people are judgemental, who are you to judge them?  You're supposed to be a leader by example here, are you not?  I'm thinking it might behoove you to take a step back and look at your own posts.  After all, none of us are perfect.

The Walrus

I get off work in 5 minutes and am gonna raise a beer to that post when I get home, Dublagent66.  :tup


Quote from: Dublagent66 on November 22, 2017, 02:30:27 PMIn closing, I think it's very disturbing that a forum administrator condescends to others and calls their opinions irrelevant. . . .  I'm thinking it might behoove you to take a step back and look at your own posts.

Thanks for the suggestion.  If you don't care for my posts, you know where the door is, right?


You know what is funny is how strongly people feel about this issue. But maybe I shouldn't be surprised. Personally I feel that "common decency" seems so lost on today's society. I work with the public, so I see it.

I just never would've put returning shopping carts under the "common decency' umbrella. But I can understand how people may. But I am shocked at the loathe that not doing so brings about.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: DTwwbwMP on October 10, 2024, 11:26:46 AMDISAPPOINTED.. I hoped for something more along the lines of ADTOE.


^Pretty much that.  :lol   But I think it's really just yet another example of the "I'm right, so I'm not willing to consider that other points of view might exist" judgmental mentality that is all too prevalent.  Kind of ironic that so many folks get so indignant about their own subjective view of "common decency" that they forget to extend common decency to those who may have a different perspective.


I think it's moreso just annoying if you are someone who returns carts to know that others (who are able) do not.  For me, I always do and will, it's just common sense.  So it does bother me (and maybe it shouldn't) that other people leave it in the middle of a parking spot in a busy parking lot creating an inconvenience to others to save themselves 10 seconds.  Obviously I think it's completely different if someone puts it up on the curb where it can't move and doesn't hog up a parking spot. I know that there are workers there to move carts.

I've even seen people leave their cart and while sitting in their vehicle doing nothing I'll walk over to their abandoned cart and let them watch me bring it to the corral for them 10 feet away.  I'm not angry with them, but I do like the fact that they are watching someone else do something that they could do themselves (and yes, I do realize that they do NOT care, but I still get a little satisfaction out of it somehow).


Quote from: bosk1 on November 22, 2017, 06:18:17 PM
Kind of ironic that so many folks get so indignant about their own subjective view of "common decency" that they forget to extend common decency to those who may have a different perspective.

Yeah, that's funny.

(which is the best I could come up with after spending 10 minutes.Google Imagining Alanis Morrisette ironic memes.)

Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: DTwwbwMP on October 10, 2024, 11:26:46 AMDISAPPOINTED.. I hoped for something more along the lines of ADTOE.


You thought this thread was dead?  Well, think again!

I held off on posting in this thread because everything I could possibly think of, on either side of the argument, had already been said.  People were pushing their opinions back and forth, and nobody was changing their minds, so it was purely for entertainment value.

Then it happened.

I stopped by the grocery store the other night, saw a great, open parking space in the front row as I was coming around the corner, and as I finished coming round, I saw that the space was not empty, but instead there were two shopping carts sitting in that space.  Since it was right on the end of the row, both carts had their front wheels up on the curb.  There was no danger of the carts rolling anywhere.  But a primo parking space was sitting empty, unusuable.  I ended up maybe six or seven spots down the row.  Not a huge deal, but an unnecessary inconvenience.  I thought of this thread.

On the way out, I had to hit the brakes as a rogue shopping cart went rolling in front of me.  I looked to either side, and there was nobody around.  This cart was just off on a joy-ride, apparently.  Had I arrived at that juncture two seconds earlier, it would have hit my car, probably causing at least a little damage.  I thought of this thread.

I was inconvenienced twice within 20 minutes by people who did not properly take care of their shopping carts.  Two actually took the time to secure them, but in a place that rendered a primo parking space unusable.  They earn zero points for that.  Another clearly just left it where it could and very nearly did cause property damage.  They suck monkey balls, but don't realize it.

Thank you for reading.

Destiny Of Chaos

People that don't return carts to a reasonably close corral are inconsiderate at best for reasons stated multiple times in this thread.

The Walrus

Oh, jeeze, Orbert. Glad you were able to avoid that one.

Round 2 has officially begun, folks.  Or 3. 4? :lol


Quote from: Orbert on November 25, 2017, 12:41:16 PM
I was inconvenienced twice within 20 minutes by people who did not properly take care of their shopping carts.  Two actually took the time to secure them, but in a place that rendered a primo parking space unusable.  They earn zero points for that.  Another clearly just left it where it could and very nearly did cause property damage.  They suck monkey balls, but don't realize it.

Removing the donkey balls long enough to say that it's the store's responsibility. OK, back in.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: DTwwbwMP on October 10, 2024, 11:26:46 AMDISAPPOINTED.. I hoped for something more along the lines of ADTOE.