Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rise of Skywalker / Mandalorian (merged)

Started by XJDenton, December 13, 2017, 03:06:08 PM

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Quote from: Adami on December 28, 2019, 07:13:02 AM
Quote from: Zook on December 28, 2019, 07:00:36 AM
Those biker scouts were my favorite part of the episode.

Until they did the unforgivable.

But yes. Prior to that, that was great.

Yeah, seen the episode twice, and cringed hard both times at those moments. I've never wanted an instant and gruesome death for characters as much as I did at that moment, and I knew it was coming. I can only imagine what the reaction in a big theater would've been.


I'm a fan of baby Yoda, but it is just a puppet. It wasn't hurt. Yeah, they diserved to be taken out, but their actions didn't upset me.

In fact, I laughed when they punched him.


Quote from: Zook on December 28, 2019, 10:08:16 AM
I'm a fan of baby Yoda, but it is just a puppet. It wasn't hurt. Yeah, they diserved to be taken out, but their actions didn't upset me.

In fact, I laughed when they punched him.

You monster.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com

The Walrus

I kinda laughed, too. But only because of those adorable wittle sounds the baby makes  :heart


Quote from: Adami on December 28, 2019, 10:38:53 AM
Quote from: Zook on December 28, 2019, 10:08:16 AM
I'm a fan of baby Yoda, but it is just a puppet. It wasn't hurt. Yeah, they diserved to be taken out, but their actions didn't upset me.

In fact, I laughed when they punched him.

You monster.

This  :heart


Quote from: Adami on December 28, 2019, 10:38:53 AM
Quote from: Zook on December 28, 2019, 10:08:16 AM
I'm a fan of baby Yoda, but it is just a puppet. It wasn't hurt. Yeah, they diserved to be taken out, but their actions didn't upset me.

In fact, I laughed when they punched him.

You monster.



I've never seen The Mandalorian, but I've seen Baby Yoda everywhere for a while now.  I thought Yoda told Luke he'd trained Jedi for 800 years or something.  Is The Mandalorian set in the same universe but 900 years before the OT?


Quote from: Orbert on December 28, 2019, 07:14:48 PM
I've never seen The Mandalorian, but I've seen Baby Yoda everywhere for a while now.  I thought Yoda told Luke he'd trained Jedi for 800 years or something.  Is The Mandalorian set in the same universe but 900 years before the OT?

Baby Yoda is just a nickname.  It's not Yoda.   It's the same species as Yoda...but that species has no name.   So people gave it the nickname "Baby Yoda"


Thank you; that makes sense.  Does the character actually have a name?  I've honestly never seen him referred to as anything but Baby Yoda.


Quote from: Orbert on December 28, 2019, 07:51:11 PM
Thank you; that makes sense.  Does the character actually have a name?  I've honestly never seen him referred to as anything but Baby Yoda.

Nope.  He is referred to in the credits as "The Child" I believe.   

And the events take place just a few years post ROTJ and many years before TFA.   Post "Fall of the Empire" and the early stages of the splintered factions that will eventually become The First Order.


And you really should watch the show.   It's got the feel of the old Kung Fu TV series and the old Clint Eastwood "Man With No Name" spaghetti westerns.     It's extremely well done and well written.   

For the first time in decades, Star Wars fans are NOT arguing about the pros and cons of a Star Wars product.   Everyone pretty much agrees that this show is all thumbs up.


Very cool to see the DarkSaber introduced, especially given its Mandalorian ancestry.


I currently have a dumb TV (no means of connecting directly to the Internet) and my Blu-ray player was apparently one of the last ones made before they started putting wi-fi in them standard.  I bought a cheapo "smart" Blu-ray player specifically because it has wi-fi, and haven't hooked it up yet because it means crawling down under and behind the entertainment center.  Pain in the ass.  Now that the holidays are mostly past, I don't really have any excuse any more.  Basically, I already bought the thing, might as well hook it up.  I'm just not looking forward to the hassle involved.  It's literally been years since I was back there.  But once I do, I plan to check out some online stuff, see what all the fuss is about.


You have internet, right?  Even if you watch online, it's worth $9 to get Disney+ for a month, and binge watch the 8 episodes (they're only 35-ish minutes in length each; the finale is 50 minutes).
Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


Yeah, I could watch TV on my PC.  I just don't.  The idea of sitting for even 35 minutes in a desk chair watching a monitor sounds painful.  If I'm gonna sit and watch something, I need my recliner and the TV in the living room.  Don't worry, I'll get there.


Quote from: TheOutlawXanadu on December 27, 2019, 04:37:31 PM
Decided to plow through the prequels today. Haven't seen Episode I in probably a decade. I have to say that I really enjoyed it. Going in with extremely tempered expectations made a huge difference. Even though the movie is definitely a bit dull at times, and I don't feel a pressing need to see it again soon, the imagination of George Lucas was something to behold. That's really the one area where I feel the prequels have a significant leg up on the sequels - their creativity and originality. On to Attack of the Clones!

Oh, and I 100% endorse everything that has been said about Jon Favreau.

Plowed through Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. It was fun going back through the prequels, but as someone said a few pages back, you kind of have to watch them once a decade to remember their problems. Attack of the Clones was pretty dull IMO and I was covering my eyes during the loves scenes because of the cringe factor. :lol Revenge of the Sith has some great stuff and an amazing final 30 minutes (I almost teared up), but also has some issues. One big compliment I will give is that Lucas did a great job of worldbuilding... Coruscant and Naboo are both very distinct and memorable.


So those chatty troopers that couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with their phasers were none other than Jason Sudeikis and Adam Pally.

Second City tweeted about it as Jason is an alum:

The Second City does not condone the punching of Baby Yoda by alumnus Jason Sudeikis. Please respect our privacy during this difficult time. #TheMandalorian

That whole inside joke about them missing so badly was brilliantly hilarious.
Quote from: ProfessorPeart on November 14, 2023, 11:17:53 AMbeul ni teh efac = Lube In The Face / That has to be wrong.  :lol / EDIT: Oh, it's Blue! I'm an idiot.
Quote from: Indiscipline on November 14, 2023, 02:26:25 PMPardon the interruption, but I just had to run in and celebrate the majesty of Lube in the Face as highest moment in roulette history.


Quote from: gmillerdrake on December 28, 2019, 07:59:11 PM
Very cool to see the DarkSaber introduced, especially given its Mandalorian ancestry.

YES! I geeked out hardcore at that part. Makes me even more excited for the upcoming Season 7 of The Clone Wars which will finally show the siege of Mandalore.  There is lot's of speculation that characters from the Mandalorian may appear in Clone Wars and vice-versa.

Also, just about done with my re-watch of The Clone Wars. I really love this show. Season 5 is a must watch for any Star Wars fan. Plus, I didn't realize the Favreau did the voice of the head Death Watch guy.


Finally saw Rise of Skywalker.

Overall, I liked it.  A lot.  I like pretty much all of the things that happened.

I would just say that I DIDN'T like the hyperspace jumping at the beginning of the film, or how Palpatine's return was not really explained at all, or who the hell all of those people in the Sith temple were and where did they come from (given the godforsaken Rule of 2).  I also thought it would have been better storytelling if C3PO's memory weren't restored before the end of the film.  That kind of takes away the sacrificial element of what happened to him.  Also, the fact that Finn never got to tell Rey what he was trying to tell her is kind of unforgivable.

Having said all of that, it was extremely enjoyable, and none of the OT films were perfect either. 
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Quote from: hefdaddy42 on December 30, 2019, 06:33:05 AM
the hyperspace jumping at the beginning of the film, or how Palpatine's return was not really explained at all, or who the hell all of those people in the Sith temple were and where did they come from (given the godforsaken Rule of 2).  I also thought it would have been better storytelling if C3PO's memory weren't restored before the end of the film.  That kind of takes away the sacrificial element of what happened to him.  Also, the fact that Finn never got to tell Rey what he was trying to tell her is kind of unforgivable.

These were my largest issues as well. But, I can overlook Palpatine's return not being explained well.....I assume the folks in the Sith temple were just worshipers of some sort, not really 'sith'. Totally on board with C3PO's memory restoration ruining what should have been a good 'send off' of sorts.....and.....had they only referenced Finn needing to tell Rey something once I'd be fine with them not addressing it. The fact they made it a sticking point in the movie and referenced it multiple times then never addressed it really bugs me. I assumed in the movie and now know due to Abrams confirming that he wanted to tell her he was becoming Force sensitive....but, that's a large 'miss' IMO on them.


Quote from: gmillerdrake on December 30, 2019, 07:52:15 AM
Quote from: hefdaddy42 on December 30, 2019, 06:33:05 AM
the hyperspace jumping at the beginning of the film, or how Palpatine's return was not really explained at all, or who the hell all of those people in the Sith temple were and where did they come from (given the godforsaken Rule of 2).  I also thought it would have been better storytelling if C3PO's memory weren't restored before the end of the film.  That kind of takes away the sacrificial element of what happened to him.  Also, the fact that Finn never got to tell Rey what he was trying to tell her is kind of unforgivable.

These were my largest issues as well. But, I can overlook Palpatine's return not being explained well.....I assume the folks in the Sith temple were just worshipers of some sort, not really 'sith'. Totally on board with C3PO's memory restoration ruining what should have been a good 'send off' of sorts.....and.....had they only referenced Finn needing to tell Rey something once I'd be fine with them not addressing it. The fact they made it a sticking point in the movie and referenced it multiple times then never addressed it really bugs me. I assumed in the movie and now know due to Abrams confirming that he wanted to tell her he was becoming Force sensitive....but, that's a large 'miss' IMO on them.

I read that it's more likely an indication that Finn knew Rey's true parentage and that Leia told that to him before departing. I forget the exact setup but a couple of scenes hinted at Finn knowing Rey's parents through Leia. I have to watch the movie again as there are so many things that happened in the movie at breakneck speed, 2 weeks later I don't remember them all.

I kinda wish they really had killed off Chewie and permanently wiped C3POs memory. But I would think it would've left the movie on too much of a downer with Leia gone along with two other characters from the OT.


It's been 10 days, small font shouldn't last this long.  ( :tup to those who get the lyrical reference)

I'm with faizoff - despite what JJ said.  There was the part before sailing out to the crashed Death Star where Finn says to Poe "You don't know what she's dealing with, but Leia does" ... or something along those lines.  I interpreted that line to be that Finn knew she was a 'Palpatine'.
Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


I already posted this link a while back, but people apparently missed it.

JJ Abrams confirmed that the secret was that Poe is force sensitive.


Quote from: Kattelox on December 27, 2019, 05:21:42 AM
Quote from: Adami on December 27, 2019, 05:05:37 AM
Quote from: contest_sanity on December 26, 2019, 09:10:09 PM
I liked Kevin Smith's recap/review of ROS:

I loooooove Kevin, but I generally only watch his reviews when I want to be reaffirmed that I loved whatever he's reviewing.

I assume he loves it, thinks it's the best of the trilogy, cried a whole lot during it, maybe cried during the review itself, thanks JJ for being a genius, and said it gave him ALL the feels?

Add in a bunch of F bombs and I think you got it

:lol  That pretty much nailed it.  ...and I have NO problem with that.  I love his review.  For his reviews of anything Marvel or Star Wars, he is very up front about being a completely biased fanboy, and he tends to mention it repeatedly to reinforce it.  But his love of both the content and film making in general really makes his reviews very enjoyable to me.

Quote from: jammindude on December 28, 2019, 07:58:30 PM
And you really should watch the show.   It's got the feel of the old Kung Fu TV series and the old Clint Eastwood "Man With No Name" spaghetti westerns.     It's extremely well done and well written.   

For the first time in decades, Star Wars fans are NOT arguing about the pros and cons of a Star Wars product.   Everyone pretty much agrees that this show is all thumbs up.

Agreed with the first paragraph.  As for the second...I guess you haven't been on many review sites.  :lol

Quote from: Orbert on December 28, 2019, 09:31:21 PM
I currently have a dumb TV (no means of connecting directly to the Internet) and my Blu-ray player was apparently one of the last ones made before they started putting wi-fi in them standard.  I bought a cheapo "smart" Blu-ray player specifically because it has wi-fi, and haven't hooked it up yet because it means crawling down under and behind the entertainment center.  Pain in the ass.  Now that the holidays are mostly past, I don't really have any excuse any more.  Basically, I already bought the thing, might as well hook it up.  I'm just not looking forward to the hassle involved.  It's literally been years since I was back there.  But once I do, I plan to check out some online stuff, see what all the fuss is about.

If your TV is a flatscreen, it has at least one HDMI input, even if it is old, right?  If you have a laptop with an HDMI port, you can simply plug the laptop right into your TV and watch it that way (which is basically what we do, except we plug the laptop into our receiver so we get awesome sound as well).



Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Quote from: bosk1 on December 31, 2019, 06:26:27 AM
Quote from: Orbert on December 28, 2019, 09:31:21 PM
I currently have a dumb TV (no means of connecting directly to the Internet) and my Blu-ray player was apparently one of the last ones made before they started putting wi-fi in them standard.  I bought a cheapo "smart" Blu-ray player specifically because it has wi-fi, and haven't hooked it up yet because it means crawling down under and behind the entertainment center.  Pain in the ass.  Now that the holidays are mostly past, I don't really have any excuse any more.  Basically, I already bought the thing, might as well hook it up.  I'm just not looking forward to the hassle involved.  It's literally been years since I was back there.  But once I do, I plan to check out some online stuff, see what all the fuss is about.

If your TV is a flatscreen, it has at least one HDMI input, even if it is old, right?  If you have a laptop with an HDMI port, you can simply plug the laptop right into your TV and watch it that way (which is basically what we do, except we plug the laptop into our receiver so we get awesome sound as well).

Good point.  Via HDMI, the TV is basically just a big monitor for the laptop, and the laptop has pretty good wi-fi.  I have options, but I'm lazy, and I've been busy enough lately that the priority gets bumped down due to even the modest amount of effort involved.  Fear not, it'll happen eventually.


Small font just in case....

Anyway, very short review - I liked it. Felt good and a nice conclusion to a saga, for sure it didn't leave a bad taste in the mouth like Game of Thrones. It was satisfying.

Some considerations here and there....

- I still think that bringing back Palpatine is lame and an admission of defeat, "we can't get this thing appreciated so let's bring back one of the most iconic villains of the story", but I like how they got it out right away. "You all know that Palpatine is gonna be back, I assume you expect a big reveal in the middle of the movie that will serve as no surprise at all... here, watch him 2 minutes into the movie"

- I guess in the time between movies Rey got skilled up and now we can assume she's a badass jedi uh? (see the first time we meet her doing all the cool training in the forest)

- Shallow me thought Finn wanted to tell Rey he loved her. Glad they didn't stick in another love triangle. But yeah, not mentioning it was bad storytelling, he wouldn't even have had to spell it out he's force sensitive, there should have happened a situation where Finn reacted to something or someone and Rey understood it with a surprise smile on her face and Finn could have just said "...that's what I wanted to tell you", she would have understood.

- Ah, the trope of the adorable scoundrel who left on bad terms with someone of the opposite sex with whom clearly there's a hate/love relationship.

- Wouldn't have been funny if C3PO got *all* of his memory restored, prequel trilogy events included? but after all it would have been very ham-fisted and gratuitous to have him say "oh, Darth Vader created me".

- What was the significance of Leia and Ben's bodies becoming one with the Force together? Leila was somehow operating through Ben when he came back from the pit to save Rey?

- Speaking of that, since the title was "The Rise of Skywalker", I really though Ben would literally rise from the abyss where Palpatine shoved him to kick his ass once and for all.

- Badass cameo from Luke, Han Solo's was a little more gratuitous but it was nice.

- As someone pointed out.... who knows what was written first, these scripts go through many drafts and changes, and hell, in late 2019 we see Carrie Fisher who passed away three years earlier, but "I have all the Sith with me" / "and I have all the Jedi" is totally riffing off "I am inevitable / I am Iron Man". Maybe it was written first, but it came out after, so everyone will think it's been "copied".

- When the new robot asked Rey what was her name, and she said "just Rey", I thought "come on, just say Rey Skywalker". Funny enough, that was the line that closed the movie, you kinda saw it coming but I still crossed my finger silently urging her with my mouth to say it. And when she said I celebrated like when your team scores  :D

- Speaking of Rey's identity, I like that she's a Palpatine way, way better than the predictable outcome of her being a Skywalker or a Kenobi, but come on, what a cop out. To have her a grandaughter of someone who was never shown to have family or a relationship is basically like introducing an evil twin.

- As self referencing and fan pleasing it was.... come on, the final shot of Rey in the Tattoine desert was great. A nice ending going back to the movie that started it all.

- More generally, it was all nicely wrapped up with a bow, but in the end, wasn't Return of the Jedi like this? the protagonist redeems his father who kills the evil Emperor while the good guys defeat in battle the bad guys with no main casualties. Same here. But hey, this isn't Game of Thrones, death of protagonists was never to be anticipated.

- And finally.... am I a dirty and shallow old man for spending at least half of the movie thinking how I'd totally and gladly bone Rey? girl, you've been through so much, blow off some steam, you deserve it!

Final non spoilerish thoughts... as I said I liked the movie quite a lot. I won't argue it's the best movie evah or the likes, if you want to point out anything you find wrong or cliched or predictable with this movie be my guest, I won't defend it to death.... I don't consider myself a huge Star Wars fan, I watch the movies and then I move on, I'm not invested like I was for example with Game of Thrones. I enjoy them for what they are, sci-fi movies and I don't see them through the lens of a dedicated fan who spent years rewatching them and following every companion movie or book or cartoon or anything else there is to follow.... and taken as "just a movie", it was great. Then again - I'm not gonna argue to death with someone who has a well presented and rational list of flaws, I'll probably agree. But I walked out of the theatre with a smile and a sense of satisfaction and that's all I could have asked for.


I joked with my son right after we saw it that The Rise Of Palpatine should have been the title. A few days on, and I really think they screwed the pooch not naming it that. A nice double curveball.

I am not of the over-analyze group that has hernia's over these films. It entertained me, I enjoyed it and don't really have any issues. I do think The Last Jedi was the best of this trilogy. The only thing that doesn't quite sit well with me is Rey taking the name. Not sure why, but that bugs me just a bit.
Quote from: ProfessorPeart on November 14, 2023, 11:17:53 AMbeul ni teh efac = Lube In The Face / That has to be wrong.  :lol / EDIT: Oh, it's Blue! I'm an idiot.
Quote from: Indiscipline on November 14, 2023, 02:26:25 PMPardon the interruption, but I just had to run in and celebrate the majesty of Lube in the Face as highest moment in roulette history.


I concur with virtually each and every one of MirrorMasks points on the movie.
Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!



Was I the only one who felt that the unmasking of the Mandalorian was disappointing? It should have been more shocking, he just looked like some goober that you'd see at ShopRite buying milk.


Quote from: YtseJam on January 01, 2020, 04:06:41 PM
Was I the only one who felt that the unmasking of the Mandalorian was disappointing? It should have been more shocking, he just looked like some goober that you'd see at ShopRite buying milk.

I think that's what made it good. It wasn't a big presentation or some coronation.....just a normal moment.


Watched SOLO again last night, had only watched it once in the theater. It's really a fun, good movie. It's not R1 level.....but it's certainly not horrible by any stretch. I think it was well done.


Quote from: gmillerdrake on January 02, 2020, 06:27:14 AM
Watched SOLO again last night, had only watched it once in the theater. It's really a fun, good movie. It's not R1 level.....but it's certainly not horrible by any stretch. I think it was well done.

I agree and I still feel that the negativity around the film would have far less if it was released 6 months later.