Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rise of Skywalker / Mandalorian (merged)

Started by XJDenton, December 13, 2017, 03:06:08 PM

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Anyone else watching the ILM documentary on D+? I'm 4 episodes in and find it fascinating. We take for granted now how ground breaking the effects on Star Wars really were.


Quote from: lordxizor on August 18, 2022, 11:38:39 AM
Anyone else watching the ILM documentary on D+? I'm 4 episodes in and find it fascinating. We take for granted now how ground breaking the effects on Star Wars really were.
Just finished it.  Great, great stuff.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.




Looks great. Seeing/hearing that Bo Katan's storyline is expanded in this. Love that!


When you've just finished watching The Clone Wars and get an email about your groceries delivery...

Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on May 10, 2023, 05:59:19 PMAriich is a freak, or somehow has more hours in the day than everyone else.
Quote from: TAC on December 21, 2023, 06:05:15 AMI be am boner inducing.


Quote from: ariich on September 21, 2022, 02:40:23 AM
When you've just finished watching The Clone Wars and get an email about your groceries delivery...




James Earl Jones is stepping back from voicing #DarthVader

End of an era  :'(


Aren't they still going to use his voice? I thought they had recorded his voice for eternity.... PS what's with that andor show? Why isn't it good?


Quote from: YtseJam on September 25, 2022, 04:36:02 PM
Aren't they still going to use his voice? I thought they had recorded his voice for eternity.... PS what's with that andor show? Why isn't it good?

You he signed off the his voice to be used with AI if needed.

There's a thread for the Andor show, and IT IS GOOD. Better than Bobacrap.



Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Season 2 of Star Wars: Visions I would assume? Or perhaps they'll be doing a full length feature?


I'm thinking Visions... A full length we're collectively not worthy of.


Zen - Grogu and Dust Bunnies, a hand-drawn animation by Studio Ghibli, is streaming tomorrow


Quote from: Jamesman42 on September 20, 2024, 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on September 20, 2024, 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


I started watching Tales of the Jedi.  They're like 20 minutes each, so I watched the first three so far.  Not bad.  Basically backstory we never asked for, but which is nice to have.  The first one, about Ahsoka, was interesting, but the second and third ones together are already pointing us towards something, so that's cool.  Good stuff.  Kinda like the Marvel shorts that accompany the Avengers movies; not required, but some welcome backstory and additional info.


Quote from: Orbert on December 15, 2022, 09:13:28 AM
I started watching Tales of the Jedi.  They're like 20 minutes each, so I watched the first three so far.  Not bad.  Basically backstory we never asked for, but which is nice to have.  The first one, about Ahsoka, was interesting, but the second and third ones together are already pointing us towards something, so that's cool.  Good stuff.  Kinda like the Marvel shorts that accompany the Avengers movies; not required, but some welcome backstory and additional info.

What I dug about the Ahsoka backstory is although we didn't 'need' to have any further evidence or proof of how she was able to navigate the onslaught of blaster fire from the Troopers who turned on her for Order 66......what they did with the 'training' that Anakin implemented was pretty neat. Then the closing scene tied right in to TCW episode.

And I really dug the backstory on Dooku.


Yeah, you could see the wheels turning in Dooku's mind about what's going on.  Subtle, but definitely there, which can be hard to achieve with animation.  Also, I didn't remember that Dooku was Qui-Gon's master, or maybe we didn't even know that before, so that was cool.  Windu's voice actor was pretty good, too.  Not quite SLJ, but pretty close, and you could always use the excuse that it's a younger version of the character.


Quote from: Orbert on December 15, 2022, 10:19:40 AM
Yeah, you could see the wheels turning in Dooku's mind about what's going on.  Subtle, but definitely there, which can be hard to achieve with animation.  Also, I didn't remember that Dooku was Qui-Gon's master, or maybe we didn't even know that before, so that was cool.  Windu's voice actor was pretty good, too.  Not quite SLJ, but pretty close, and you could always use the excuse that it's a younger version of the character.

I still need to watch these.  And yes, we did know that Dooku was Qui-Gon's master - he said it directly to Obi-Wan in AotC.
Quote from: Jamesman42 on September 20, 2024, 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on September 20, 2024, 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


Ah, I wondered about that.  I've only seen Attack of the Clones once.


'Bad Batch' has been fun thus far. Only three episodes in.....the animation is incredible.....story is interesting enough, I like the 'behind the scenes' feel of the story. It's doubtful that whatever the outcome of the story is adds really anything significant to the SW story....I don't know how they'd pull that off....but the little tidbits and easter eggs that they do throw in just bolster the story we already know.

The Letter M

A new trailer for Mandalorian S3 will be coming on Monday the 16th. Can't wait to see it, and the season in less than two months!



Quote from: gmillerdrake on January 13, 2023, 07:13:56 AM
'Bad Batch' has been fun thus far. Only three episodes in.....the animation is incredible.....story is interesting enough, I like the 'behind the scenes' feel of the story. It's doubtful that whatever the outcome of the story is adds really anything significant to the SW story....I don't know how they'd pull that off....but the little tidbits and easter eggs that they do throw in just bolster the story we already know.

jingle.son and I are gonna hold off on watching it for a few weeks, and binge a bunch of episodes in a row.  Looking forward to it.
Quote from: Jamesman42 on September 20, 2024, 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on September 20, 2024, 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


Wow!  I may need to re-watch Seasons 1 and 2 to get geared up for this.  And possibly some of The Book of Boba Fett (but maybe not).


Quote from: Orbert on January 16, 2023, 07:23:42 PM
Wow!  I may need to re-watch Seasons 1 and 2 to get geared up for this.  And possibly some of The Book of Boba Fett (but maybe not).
Just watch the on episode that was basically a Mandalorian episode and you should be fine.


He showed up in Episode 5 ("The Return of the Mandalorian") and I seem to remember that he stuck around until the end.  Maybe not.


Quote from: Orbert on January 17, 2023, 06:37:02 AM
He showed up in Episode 5 ("The Return of the Mandalorian") and I seem to remember that he stuck around until the end.  Maybe not.
Yeah, he was in the finale as well at least. But I don't think that's as important to rewatch.

The Letter M

New episode of The Mandalorian dropped today and I just watched it. Kind of short but a bit to the point. The opening scene was intense and great to see that kind of world building. Over-all an enjoyable first episode back for the series! Not mind-blowing but a good way to re-establish the series before we dive into the deeper episodes.



Quote from: The Letter M on March 01, 2023, 06:50:50 AM
New episode of The Mandalorian dropped today and I just watched it. Kind of short but a bit to the point. The opening scene was intense and great to see that kind of world building. Over-all an enjoyable first episode back for the series! Not mind-blowing but a good way to re-establish the series before we dive into the deeper episodes.


I 'guess' if the story is good this is fine. I know some people don't mind the shorter episodes but I personally think Disney drops the ball on episode lengths. Season premier episodes should be every bit of an hour....maybe even more and subsequent episodes shouldn't be shorter than 45 minutes....I'd prefer 50.

I 'get' that if the episode is telling a story then the length shouldn't be an issue but I just think that the fans are 'owed' a good, solid 45-50 minute episode.


Some good things, some just ok things. I think they packed way too many things in such a short episode. The emotional weight of season 2 finale seems to not matter. I kinda wished  they didn't have Mando in the Boba Fett show. Going to watch with my wife again tonight and she's going to be super confused why Grogu is back with Mando with no explanation in the recap. She bailed on the Fett show after 2 episodes and doesn't want to watch it.

The Letter M

Quote from: faizoff on March 01, 2023, 09:15:58 AM
Some good things, some just ok things. I think they packed way too many things in such a short episode. The emotional weight of season 2 finale seems to not matter. I kinda wished  they didn't have Mando in the Boba Fett show. Going to watch with my wife again tonight and she's going to be super confused why Grogu is back with Mando with no explanation in the recap. She bailed on the Fett show after 2 episodes and doesn't want to watch it.

That's fair, but you could literally watch Episodes 5 and 6 of TBOBF and get the jist of why Grogu is with Din again, and AFAIK, those episodes don't really focus on Boba Fett at all (IIRC). It might be a good prelude to season 3, just to see what Din was up to, because it sets up what his arc will be for season three (so far).

But yes, I agree, it was dumb to try and shoe-horn Season 2.5 of The Mandalorian into TBOBF's final episodes.
