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Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rise of Skywalker / Mandalorian (merged)

Started by XJDenton, December 13, 2017, 03:06:08 PM

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Old thread was over 150 pages, and with the new film out it seems like a good place to start a new one.

Old one here:
"I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it."
― Terry Pratchett


So, on topic. Saw the film tonight. A lot different to what I was expecting.
"I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it."
― Terry Pratchett


Try not to chalk up too many pages till Monday when I see it guys, ok?


Different is good in my books. 24 hrs to go. Don't think I've waited for a movie with so much anticipation in forever.


I'm starting to like The Last Jedi more and more, as i'm going through it in my head.

I't cannot be overstated how different and unexpected this is!

Logain Ablar

As a last minute decision I went to the midnight showing last night.

I'm sorry to say that it was a disappointment for me.  :'( Maybe my expectations were unrealistic going in, but for me it didn't live up to the hype. There were too many moments that were so jarring that they took me out of the movie.

I'll say more when others get a chance to watch it and weigh in here..


What an odd film.  On one side it's not what I expected at all....yet depict a lot of things happening (it's a very busy film) nothing much actually happens.   I'd say the big questions we had from 'The Force Awakens' mostly remain unanswered (or in one case, dismissed rather than answered!), and this films asks a couple of new ones.  Anyone expecting a film darker in tone probably won't be happy - there is a lot of slapstick in this film (tonally I actually got a Marvel vibe).

At the end I feel it's a bit of a placeholder, albeit a interesting placeholder, happy to stall the story for the 3rd part.   Not as enjoyable as 'Force Awakens' for me. 


It is a weird movie, that's for sure!

But, i'm finding myself enjoying it more and more as i think about it. It throws a curveball to the Star Wars fans and puts them out of their comfort zone. And i like that!

I enjoyed the central themes of the film, but let's not go to the spoilers just yet! It doesn't open in the America until tomorrow, correct?


Okay, hold on, can we just talk about how freakin' good this movie was? I just came back from seeing it, & honestly, (while I'm by no means one to judge the accurate quality of a film), the level of tension I felt in this movie rivaled that of when I saw Empire for the first time. I'll admit I went in with very little hype (I've ignored most of the press surrounding the movie) & I'm by no means a die-hard Star Wars fan, but I think this movie delivered in every front it could've for me & it's hard to say I've ever been more exhilarated by a Star Wars movie in my life (again, besides maybe Empire).  :hefdaddy :hefdaddy :hefdaddy :hefdaddy

So anyway, what'd you guys think of it?


Quote from: IDontNotDoThings on December 14, 2017, 04:13:25 AM

So anyway, what'd you guys think of it?

As my previous post.  I think I'd give it a 6/10 - It was interesting and fun but ultimately didn't really do much, and the slapstick was over the top - then there is Leia's space Mary Poppins sequence that is probably the worse Star Wars moment since that conversation about sand.   Also there were a couple of unexpected moments, that I didn't see coming - but actually felt flat.

Not sure if we are doing spoilers in here or not....but to be safe.

Snoke - really, that's it?  and Luke is just totally wasted, his hologram fight/death is a massive WTF moment.

I get the feeling it's going to be a very marmite film with the real hardcore fans.


Quote from: soupytwist on December 14, 2017, 04:43:09 AM
Quote from: IDontNotDoThings on December 14, 2017, 04:13:25 AM

So anyway, what'd you guys think of it?

As my previous post.  I think I'd give it a 6/10 - It was interesting and fun but ultimately didn't really do much, and the slapstick was over the top - then there is Leia's space Mary Poppins sequence that is probably the worse Star Wars moment since that conversation about sand.   Also there were a couple of unexpected moments, that I didn't see coming - but actually felt flat.

Not sure if we are doing spoilers in here or not....but to be safe.

Snoke - really, that's it?  and Luke is just totally wasted, his hologram fight/death is a massive WTF moment.

I get the feeling it's going to be a very marmite film with the real hardcore fans.

I'll respond to in tiny-text mode because I don't think the thread's spoiler-ready yet,

Honestly I wasn't too bothered by Leia's space-force-thing scene, but I can see why some others may find it odd (it was certainly paced weirdly). & to be honest, I thought Luke's final few scenes were some of the highlights. Yeah, I'll admit it was really weird seeing him survive the full onslaught empty handed (hell, I think even the movie itself made fun of it), but I think when that twist that it was a spirit was finally revealed, it sort of gave a last "ohhh shit what a twist" moment of the film while his actual death at the end still gave closure to the whole "wtf why isn't he dead" mentality that enters your mind when you first watch the scenes. Plus I feel like part of it was in response to people calling Rey overpowered in ep 7, where this time when a character seemed to have what seemed like the ultimate overpowered moment, it still resolves with the closure of knowing that that's all he could save within himself & that we know he was able to push himself to the limit to save everyone at the end.

As for Snoke, yeah, that was totally a shock, but I never felt it as a "really? that's it?" moment because of how much buildup was put into that scene. I feel like it was just the right amount where you knew something big was about to happen but there weren't quite enough clues to make it totally obvious. Plus with all that happening & with the "holyshititssilentandtheresanexplosionandalaserwentthroughtheshipohmygod" part afterwards, I honestly felt like it was the true climax of the movie, which is the main criticism I'll give it - it feels like the part around the 2hr mark is the overall climax part of the film &
the continuance on from that point had to do a lot to get me back into again. But like I said, it was definitely a satisfying set of events once it picked up again.

Okay I'll stop gushing about this movie, but you get the point, I really liked it & I didn't feel like the flaws were as pronounced as I'm sure some fans will make them out to be (not that there's anything wrong with that, they just didn't bother me as much personally).

So yeah  :corn

Logain Ablar

I totally agree, soupy. I said to the guys in work this morning it was a 6/10 as well.

That amount of slapstick humour has no place in a Star Wars movie, in my view. The odd moment, yes ok, but this was far too much. I was cringing within the first 5 mins at a particular thing.

There were good points too, but overall I'd say that for me at least, it's worse that TFA.



I thought it was ok. Story-wise, I sorta don't feel it justified the run time, but on the other hand, it didn't feel bloated at all and was well paced throughout, so I guess it was fine.
The movie definitely had unexpected turns, but I'm not sure how I feel about some of those. The stuff with Snoke, and Rey's past/lineage felt like they undermined what was set up in TFA (unless that was a swerve for now), and it didn't set up enough of its own points imo. Also, the humour was very oddly placed and for me hurt many if not most scenes, at least in the first 2/3 of the film. Every scene you knew they would deflate the moment with some predictable sitcom humour. After the start with Hux, I got this sinking feeling with Rey/Luke meeting that they'd do something similarly silly, then when the music stopped I knew it was coming, and then he just tosses the lightsabre. I actually groaned out loud there. Also it again undermined TFA. Not that I was in love with TFA, but I think they hurt the trilogy with some of their choices. I feel like the humour got wedged in there to make it more family friendly, but I found it too jarring. Star Wars should be fun, but there's also a time and a place for it. Too many scenes had that obvious joke setup and instant predictable payoff.

On the plus side, the Porgs were fine, and used fairly well as comic relief. I liked how much the resistance took a beating, and how Poe learned from it. The reunion between Luke and Leia was touching especially in light of Carrie Fisher's death. I can see why they didn't make any changes to kill her off in this movie, given Luke's ending. Yoda's cameo was fun. Nice to see the classic puppet look and movement.

Overall, I definitely enjoyed it, but I didn't love it. I'd give it 6 or 7/10, depending on how generous I'm feeling.


Full spoiler mode ahead, click away if have not seen it!

As i said, i like it more as i think about it!

One of the things that i enjoyed so much in this film, was the theme of heroes and family.

Two years people have been speculating about Rey's parentage, how can she be so powerful? She must be related to this or that. In the end, it didn't matter where she came from. She came from nothing, her parents were abusive drunks who sold her to that junk dealer for some gambling money! She ended up becoming The Last Jedi.

Rose also comes from nothing, yet she also becomes a hero in the end after saving Finn! That slave boy on the casino planet also can become a hero one day, after being inspired by Rose.

It doesn't matter where you come from, everyone can be a hero! Whether it be Rey, Rose or that boy in the stables at the end..

Movie isn't perfect but i loved that subtle theme that ran across the film!

Film is 8/10 for me at the moment.



I agree a lot about many moments being jarring and taking me out of the moment. The lightsaber toss was really annoying actually, it totally undermined TFA.

This was the message I sent my friend after seeing it this morning:

Yea, some of the comedy missed the mark. Try as I might, I can't really like Poe as a character. You are spot on with Kylo Ren and his development. The scene with Smoke dying was also awesome. Bit of an anticlimax in regards to building Snoke up to be the main villain! Some of the plot was daft though. Like the slow chase as the resistance ship runs outta fuel, really lame. LOVED the Yoda force ghost scene, they fucking nailed it! Also loved a few of the call backs, like the Falcon going through the underground cave mimicking the death star run in RotJ (including the music) and the final scene with Luke calling back to the Tatooine scene in A New Hope where he's staring at the two suns 😍 biggest 'WTF' though was Leia being some sort of fucking God, where she can survive in space and that bullshit. It was ridiculous and NOT Star Wars! Just because you are a force user it doesn't mean that you can breathe in space and your body won't die from freezing temperatures. You are still a mortal!
Quote from: ariich on November 07, 2023, 12:38:53 PMJust popping in to say Luke, you were right.

Logain Ablar

I'm glad they didn't make Rey related to the Skywalker line in any way. I think that would have been too obvious.

Quote from: Polarbear on December 14, 2017, 06:14:27 AM
One of the things that i enjoyed so much in this film, was the theme of heroes and family.

Two years people have been speculating about Rey's parentage, how can she be so powerful? She must be related to this or that. In the end, it didn't matter where she came from. She came from nothing, her parents were abusive drunks who sold her to that junk dealer for some gambling money! She ended up becoming The Last Jedi.

Rose also comes from nothing, yet she also becomes a hero in the end after saving Finn! That slave boy on the casino planet also can become a hero one day, after being inspired by Rose.

It doesn't matter where you come from, everyone can be a hero! Whether it be Rey, Rose or that boy in the stables at the end..

I hear what you're saying, and I did like the Rose character, her link to her sister on the bomber, and her rescue of Finn. I think that was fine, and even inspiring the young boy. But, showing the boy using the force with the broom was a step too far. I think it's fine to say that everyone can be a hero in their own way, but it seemed to me like they were implying that anyone can be a Jedi, and I'd have a problem with that.

Now that we're not caring about spoilers, some more in-depth thoughts:

What I liked

  • Poe. I think they made a decent attempt at developing his character a bit further. We see him going from losing a lot of lives to take down the dreadnought to him realising when to pull back and retreat when it's the wisest option.
  • The dynamic between Kylo and Rey was good
  • Admiral Holdo was good, but they should have made more of the conflict between her and Poe. I liked her final act to destroy Snoke's ship
  • Rose and Finn's story was ok
  • Benicio del Toro's DJ rogue-ish character
  • Adrian Edmondson as General Hux's number two. (Though I will always think of his characters in Bottom and The Young Ones whenever I see him)

What I didn't like

  • Far too much silly humour. e.g. Poe on hold for General Hux, Luke chucking the lightsaber away, "Can you put on a shirt", Luke filling his milk flask from the four-boobed creature
  • General Hux was not furthered as a character, and made to look like a total buffoon at times
  • Snoke was dispatched too easily, without finding out any more about him or where he came from
  • The burning of the Jedi temple tree, and the ancient Jedi texts didn't work for me. This doesn't strike me as something Yoda would do
  • The editing seemed a bit jumpy sometimes. How did Rey get from Snoke's ship to the Falcon? I think I blinked and missed something there.
  • The whole Resistance fleet being in a slow pursuit for most of the movie felt a bit odd

What I'm on the fence about

  • I'm not sure about the whole astral projection thing as a force ability. I think it was ok for Luke's scenes at the end, even though it does raise a few questions, like how did he interact with Leia physically, but then be "incorporeal" with Kylo? I'm not sure this really worked between Kylo and Rey. I think a voice in each other's head would have been better.
  • Yoda's appearance. For the first few shots I think it looked a little off, but seemed to correct itself after a while.
  • Although I said he was gotten rid of too easily, I think I'm ok with Snoke not being Darth Plagueis or any of that nonsense.
  • I'm not sure where they go from here for EP IX. Instead of being left on a cliffhanger, it kinda feels like they have cleared the decks at the end of TLJ.


I did not like that stupid pointless diversion in the middle. Casino and horse racing? Fuck off. Also the final Oliver Twist scene: this is supposed to be fucking Star Wars. Did we not learn from The Phantom Menace that kids in Star Wars just DOES NOT WORK?

Honestly they could have cut 30 minutes out of the middle and it would have been a better film.

I did like some of it, though.

The Walrus

Since I won't see it til Christmas and I'm not deeply invested in Star Wars hype, I spoiled some big points of this movie for me. I really hope it's more entertaining than what I'm reading, because this sounds like it's near prequel levels of disaster for some characters and the lore.



One thing I also noticed was that I found Rose's character a lot more interesting than the main 3, despite this being (afaik) her debut. It's a real shame they killed her off near the end because I was honestly looking forward to her character developing further.


It's going to be really interesting to see what happens from here, because Kathleen Kennedy implied episode 9 was suppose to be, out of the original cast, Leia's time to shine. This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I rather have a recast than any CGI make up. Carrie will always be our Princess, no matter what.

I'm still digesting this film...i need a another viewing. There were a lot of moments I loved, and a few that I didn't care about....

And everyone's Snoke theory did indeed, suck.

And I think Kylo was toying with Rey about her lineage.


I'm going for round.2 with The Last Jedi on Monday!

I love that this is becoming a controversial film!


As I posted elsewhere, I thoroughly enjoyed it, but then again I'm a total sucker for SW films. I even liked TFA man.

Best parts- I actually was all for the whole development of Kylo killing Snoke to become the supreme master, and immediately trying to get Rey as his apprentice, thought that was a very interesting twist that made this trilogy it's own. Visuals were outstanding, highlights being the salt planet with the red dirt underneath, and when they nailed Snoke's ship, that was fucking cool as hell. (really liked how they killed the sound so you can hear all the peeps in the theater going "Holy shit" and "fuck yeah!!!"). Rose's character was awesome, and she had the best line in the movie ("Not about destroying those you hate, but saving those you love...").

Bad Parts- I agree with the humor, trying to hard in all the wrong places, especially with Luke, he's way to flippant for someone with that type of baggage to carry, that was a blown opportunity for a real emotional redemption. Finn in the leaking water suit was painful to watch, can't believe the director watched that again and said "yup, that's a keeper...". And yeah, Leah should never had made it out of outer space, that was just lame, they surely could've written that one better.

And anyone who didn't like the Porgs has no soul. :heart

Logain Ablar

I'll be seeing it again next Saturday, so it will be interesting to see if my opinions soften on it.

The porgs were fine, and played such a small part anyway that it didn't really matter. Chewy sweeping the porg from the console of the Falcon was more like classic SW humour to me. Just simple beats that temporarily relieve the tension of a scene. Not this hipster humour

The part where Chewy is about to tuck into a delicious looking roast dinner, and one of the porgs is looking on as if it's some sort of close family relation, that was ok, but just was dragged out too long and ruined the moment. Anyway, would Chewy not prefer his meat raw, like in ROTJ where they end up trapped in the cargo net?

My thought for this morning is: space bombers dropping bombs above their target in zero gravity? Maybe I'm overthinking this..  :lol

I'm glad others enjoyed it and I don't meant to spoil it for anyone. Each to their own and all that..


Lot of negativity on the net this morning regarding this film - those 'Disney buys positive reviews' comments cropping up again  :corn  ::)


Quote from: Logain Ablar on December 15, 2017, 12:49:17 AM
My thought for this morning is: space bombers dropping bombs above their target in zero gravity? Maybe I'm overthinking this..  :lol

Star war space battles have always played out more like naval battles than actual space battles, and have priorities visual clarity (at least if you ignore the prequels) over realistic physics and tactics.

The more I think over this film, the more and more I like the fact it took the lore in unexpected directions. There are some choices I wouldn't have made but overall I think its quite a strong addition, although I can understand why some hardcore fans might dislike it.

That being said :

Jesus christ that hyperdrive suicide ramming scene was awesome. Possibly one of the best moments in star wars.
"I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it."
― Terry Pratchett


That bit bothered me a bit too, and the girl not being sucked out of the ship along with the bombs (I assume they don't have the shieldy things?).
But it's plausible that the bombs had some limited propulsion to get them up to speed? (but not enough for mid-space maneuvering to change trajectory)
The thing with Leia coming back from space via the force was the bigger issue for me. I think the force in general was used in some weird ways imo. I don't know how the EU treated this stuff, but the force has just become a story shortcut.

Yes, the ram was awesome.


See, that didn't bother me at all. It's essentially just a force pull, but pulling a massive object in zero-G, which would make you move.
"I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it."
― Terry Pratchett

Logain Ablar

Agreed on the ramming thing. The fact that they cut the sound completely made it all the more powerful.

I liked the Holdo character. I just wish there was a little more made of the conflict between her and Poe.


It's not even Leia force pulling herself back to the ship. It's the fact that the Force somehow allowed her to survive in space in unimagineably cold temperatures and, you know, being in a vacuum! I don't mind (too much) some of the other force stuff that we saw in this movie, that had never been part of Star Wars lore. But the Leia thing infuriates me. She's not even a strong force user (not that I think anyone should be able to do what she did). She was sucked out into space and then unconscious! Even if you could do something to survive in space using the force (which I call bullshit on) she was unconscious! It make it look more like there was divine intervention or some bullshit. The more I think about it the more it annoys me. Luke, Vader, the emperor, they were all mortal men who could be killed like any other. If you are going to make force users more like gods then I'll be pissed off with where they take the films next!

Rant over.......for now
Quote from: ariich on November 07, 2023, 12:38:53 PMJust popping in to say Luke, you were right.


Quote from: twosuitsluke on December 15, 2017, 03:00:12 AM
It's not even Leia force pulling herself back to the ship. It's the fact that the Force somehow allowed her to survive in space in unimagineably cold temperatures and, you know, being in a vacuum! I don't mind (too much) some of the other force stuff that we saw in this movie, that had never been part of Star Wars lore. But the Leia thing infuriates me. She's not even a strong force user (not that I think anyone should be able to do what she did). She was sucked out into space and then unconscious! Even if you could do something to survive in space using the force (which I call bullshit on) she was unconscious! It make it look more like there was divine intervention or some bullshit. The more I think about it the more it annoys me. Luke, Vader, the emperor, they were all mortal men who could be killed like any other. If you are going to make force users more like gods then I'll be pissed off with where they take the films next!

Rant over.......for now

Basically that was my issue. The move itself wasn't a problem, it was the circumstances of being pulled out into space and unconscious/dead, and Leia not being a force user as far as we've been shown, just force sensitive.


Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 15, 2017, 03:03:08 AM
Quote from: twosuitsluke on December 15, 2017, 03:00:12 AM
It's not even Leia force pulling herself back to the ship. It's the fact that the Force somehow allowed her to survive in space in unimagineably cold temperatures and, you know, being in a vacuum! I don't mind (too much) some of the other force stuff that we saw in this movie, that had never been part of Star Wars lore. But the Leia thing infuriates me. She's not even a strong force user (not that I think anyone should be able to do what she did). She was sucked out into space and then unconscious! Even if you could do something to survive in space using the force (which I call bullshit on) she was unconscious! It make it look more like there was divine intervention or some bullshit. The more I think about it the more it annoys me. Luke, Vader, the emperor, they were all mortal men who could be killed like any other. If you are going to make force users more like gods then I'll be pissed off with where they take the films next!

Rant over.......for now

Basically that was my issue. The move itself wasn't a problem, it was the circumstances of being pulled out into space and unconscious/dead, and Leia not being a force user as far as we've been shown, just force sensitive.

Good point. I'm pretty sure in the EU she trained and was able to use the force but in the films she's only ever been shown to be force sensitive. That was partly why I didn't like the bit with the kids force grabbing the broom at the end. In Star Wars lore (up until this point) you have to be trained to be able to do shit like that. No one just DOES it. Actually Rey was the first to just DO stuff in TFA, with no training. But I didn't mind that as much as she was shown to be way stronger than any other untrained force user. Plus the force had awoken in her, she was special (potentially the real chosen one to bring balance to the force). Unless this kid is in the next film (and a total badass) this doesn't sit well with me.
Quote from: ariich on November 07, 2023, 12:38:53 PMJust popping in to say Luke, you were right.

Logain Ablar

I don't really care for any of the EU stuff, but agree about the kid with the broom thing. Luke and even Anakin had to be trained to tap into the force, and it seemed like very few people could actually do it.

Implying that anyone can be a Jedi kinda weakens the whole purpose of the Jedi order and religion.


Quote from: twosuitsluke on December 15, 2017, 03:28:32 AM
That was partly why I didn't like the bit with the kids force grabbing the broom at the end. In Star Wars lore (up until this point) you have to be trained to be able to do shit like that. No one just DOES it.

I mean, unless I remember it wrong, the only thing the kid did was hold up a broom. Last I checked, you don't need the force to do that  :lol


Saw it last night and LOVED it! Easily the best Star Wars films since Empire and honestly it might end up being my new favorite. I definitely plan on seeing it again. I didn't mind the humor and didn't find it forced at all. Poe chiding Hux was a stalling maneuver so there was an actual reason for him doing that. I initially felt a little let down about Rey's parents but the more I think about it I think it was the right choice and goes a long with the theme of the film. I'll admit that the Leigh space scene threw me, but maybe in the face of death she was able to tap into the force. I also had no problem with Luke tossing the light saber. 

Now for the double edged sword. I think killing Snoke was an amazing move and totally unexpected and following fight with Rey/Kylo vs. Snokes gaurds was fantastic. With that being said who the hell was Snoke? I think that is really the only unanswered question from episode 7 so I really hope that they dive into that in episode 9. My theory is that Sidious cloned himself and that Snoke will be back again as another clone in 9. We'll see.

Any predictions for Episode 9? All signs point that it will be the conclusion of the Skywalker Saga and all future films will be focused on something else. I'm assuming the remaining rebels take down the first order, rey builds a new jedi temple since the texts survived and trains a new generation of Jedi. I'm also assuming that there will be a pretty decent time jump between 8 & 9.


Spoilers (obviously)

Disappointed here.  Maybe after seeing it again I'll warm up to it a bit.  The weird "twists" and Leia surviving in space, etc. didn't bother me, nor did the humor.  I felt the movie was missing "something" that every other Star Wars movie had.  No interesting back stories (except for the Luke/Kylo thing, but I don't know that I even really "buy" that as an "oh that makes sense" thing).  One of my favorite things in Star Wars is the bad guys and how they turn evil but now it turns out that Snoke has no back story and was beaten by someone who couldn't even beat someone who had no force related training...

All other Star Wars movies make you think, make you wonder about characters and where they're from, how they came to be who they are, etc.  This one kind of just was a glimpse into a moment of time...  I thought the ending was cheesy as hell also, "oh, it's not about just Jedi, let's just show one random kid and imply that anyone can feel the force".  I know I'm speculating, maybe he didn't even have force sensibilities and maybe was just inspired by the resistance ring.

I did however, like the Yoda part, I thought that part was written and done well.  They still didn't develop Rey's character very well I think either.  Is she wholly good?  Somewhere between?  What motivates her?  We know far more about Kylo than we do Rey.  IMO at least.

<edit> One more thing.  The ending may as well have been the ending to Episode 9.  It feels "over", there's no suspense left or things that make you excited for the next film.  It feels like it may as well have been a good ending for a trilogy or stand alone film.  Again, just my opinion and personal feelings.