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Star Wars Discussion Thread v. Rise of Skywalker / Mandalorian (merged)

Started by XJDenton, December 13, 2017, 03:06:08 PM

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Quote from: bosk1 on December 23, 2019, 08:39:06 AM
@Gary:  The Finn thing could very well be true.  It is consistent with something he says fairly late in the film, so you could very well be right.  But while I would like to know what he was getting at, I'm fine not knowing, that's all.  And part of me actually likes the fact that it was kept a mystery.

Apparently JJ confirmed Gary's theory.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Quote from: gmillerdrake on December 23, 2019, 08:37:19 AM
Quote from: bosk1 on December 23, 2019, 08:32:05 AM
To me, ROS was such a great film and so superior to TLJ to me that I feel like TLJ really suffers in comparison.  :dunno:  Oh well.  :lol

I feel like ROS completely ignores TLJ. Outside of Luke and Snoke dying and Ren becoming the Supreme leader......TLJ seems like a massive waste of time now after watching ROS. I really thing with some tweaks ROS could have/should have been the follow up to TFA.....leaving a final film of a major battle between a fully trained Jedi in Rey and Ben Solo and Palpatine.

Yeah, I saw that you said the same thing the other day.  I wholeheartedly disagree.  But that's fine.

And in case you saw it, sorry about your other post.  I thought I hit the "quote" button and was responding, and then after I posted it, realized I hit the "modify" button and actually changed YOUR post.  So I had to go back into your post and reconstruct it.  :lolpalm:

EDIT:  Gahhhh!  Just did the same thing again with another post!


Quote from: bosk1 on December 23, 2019, 08:39:06 AM
@Gary:  The Finn thing could very well be true.  It is consistent with something he says fairly late in the film, so you could very well be right.  But while I would like to know what he was getting at, I'm fine not knowing, that's all.  And part of me actually likes the fact that it was kept a mystery.

Yeah, it doesn't detract from it at all not knowing 'what' Finn was wanting to say. It just seemed odd to me that there were SO many instances of it being brought up and then nothing??

  Part of me thinks that with the way the entire show ends....that this isn't the last major motion picture we will see with Finn, Poe and Rey in it. They may have concluded the old Skywalker sage but they certainly left the door open for more with this new cast of characters should they choose to.


^Yeah, I thought about that as well, and it wouldn't surprise me.  I wouldn't mind seeing more from these characters.


Quote from: bosk1 on December 23, 2019, 08:45:19 AM
^Yeah, I thought about that as well, and it wouldn't surprise me.  I wouldn't mind seeing more from these characters.

I think with the 'old' lore/characters out of the way that would free them from the need to 'have' to include or touch on particular aspects. They'd essentially have free reign on what story they'd want to tell with no real obligations to throw in there.


JJ Abrams has come out and said that Finn secret he wanted to the Rey was that he is force sensitive.


Ep. VI - Return of the Jedi

I lined up for this one outside the theater EARLY in the morning for the first showing.  It was one of those theaters where you bought your tickets at the window outside, and then go inside.  And each window had above it one of those little black boards with the white letters that you can clip in to show the different movies and times.  When we got there, the line in front of the window with the board that had "Return of the Jedi" on it was already stretching into the parking lot.  We got in line and waited.  Counting the number of people ahead of us, we would definitely get into the first showing, but probably wouldn't have great seats.  I had a walking cast on my left leg, so I was moving slowing, and Richard would have to go in and quickly grab out seats after we got tickets.  But...well, people sometimes don't think things through properly.  Once the ticket windows opened up, they weren't likely going to staff all the windows.  Not that early in the day.  But another window or two would be open.  And people didn't seem to realize that, the way this theater did things, there wasn't a single line for all windows.  You lined up behind whichever window you were going to.  So when the staff later arrived and they prepared to open the windows, we saw which other window they were going to open that did NOT say "Return of the Jedi" above it, and Richard strolled right up to that window and got our tickets instantly, and we went in with our great seats.  /strategy

Anyhow, my 12-year-old self enjoyed the heck out of this movie.  The only thing that didn't work is my main slight annoyance to this day, which I will touch on below.  But as a whole, this was such a great then-ending to the Star Wars trilogy.  It took the dark ending of TESB, acknowledged it, built on it, and brought us back to the light with a suitably triumphant victory over the evil empire and the redemption of the galaxy's most feared villain.

Three things that worked:
-Jabba's palace rescue, as a whole.  Yeah, there were some moments that, in retrospect, were perhaps a bit too silly or slapstick.  But that sequence as a whole was so much fun.  And it nicely set up that Luke has legitimate powers now, as well as a potential dark side.
-Vader's conflict and redemption.  Yeah...
-Luke's arc as a whole...he has come so far.  He isn't the whiny kid anymore.  He has seen a lot of things and been through a lot of things that changed him, and it works.
-3.b:  Seeing walkers outside the snow.  Yeah, minor thing.  And after the passage of so much time, it doesn't even really seem like a thing.  But at the time, I and others just had it in our heads that, like the snowspeeders, AT-ATs and AT-STs belonged in the snow.  It was a little thing, but it was cool to see them in the forest.

Three things that didn't:
-Parts of the battle of Endor.  As a whole, it was great.  But at times, it crossed over to be a bit too silly/slapstick to the point where it momentarily took me out of the moment a few times.  I don't hate ewoks.  But there were times when I just felt like the cute/silly factor was taken just a bit too far and crossed the line.  And when you add in Chewbacca doing a Tarzan yell...
-C3PO:  3PO as comic relief had now officially crossed the line for me.  He wasn't yet the abomination he would become in the PT.  But I felt it was definitely over the line.
-I struggle to come up with a third, so I'll go with something I haven't harped on TOO much yet:  Re-done scenes.  I don't remember many outside Jabba's palace.  But a lot of what was added felt not only unnecessary, but detracted from the overall feel of the film for me.

Minor tweaks that could have made it better:  Eh, as I've said in the two previous installments, there isn't too much I'd mess with.  Yeah, there are things I think could have been done better.  But overall, the trilogy was great, so I don't feel like it's beneficial for me to substitute my own personal judgment for that of the filmmakers at the time.  I just subjectively wish Lucas would have dialed back the silly just a bit.  Again, it's pretty subjective.  But he could have still appealed plenty to the people he was trying to appeal to without making others potentially eyeroll at parts.


Quote from: gmillerdrake on December 23, 2019, 08:43:56 AM
Quote from: bosk1 on December 23, 2019, 08:39:06 AM
@Gary:  The Finn thing could very well be true.  It is consistent with something he says fairly late in the film, so you could very well be right.  But while I would like to know what he was getting at, I'm fine not knowing, that's all.  And part of me actually likes the fact that it was kept a mystery.

Yeah, it doesn't detract from it at all not knowing 'what' Finn was wanting to say. It just seemed odd to me that there were SO many instances of it being brought up and then nothing??

  Part of me thinks that with the way the entire show ends....that this isn't the last major motion picture we will see with Finn, Poe and Rey in it. They may have concluded the old Skywalker sage but they certainly left the door open for more with this new cast of characters should they choose to.

Lucasfilm has confirmed that they will not do any more trilogies with this set of characters (Rey, Poe, & Finn), but they will appear in future Star Wars films. 


So much to catch up on, as well as opinions to echo and share. 

Thoughts on whether we can dispense with small font now?  Pretty much everyone here has seen it now, yes?
Quote from: Jamesman42 on September 20, 2024, 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on September 20, 2024, 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


Just to be considerate of any who may not have, let's keep the small font for a bit longer.  It's only been a few days since release. 


Quote from: bosk1 on December 23, 2019, 11:01:49 AM
Just to be considerate of any who may not have, let's keep the small font for a bit longer.  It's only been a few days since release.

Copy that.
Quote from: Jamesman42 on September 20, 2024, 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on September 20, 2024, 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


The Walrus


Quote from: Kattelox on December 23, 2019, 11:47:17 AM
Babies are gross.  :yeahright

Keep in mind that I have two kids of my own.  They're teenagers now.

A colleague had a baby about a month ago.  A few weeks ago, her supervisor said to me, "hey, did you see the picture of [name's] baby?"  My response was along the lines of:  "Nope.  I assume it looks like pretty much every other baby?" and he responded in the affirmative.

That said, that's an awesome thing for the nurses to do.

The Walrus

Quote from: pg1067 on December 23, 2019, 01:32:51 PM
Quote from: Kattelox on December 23, 2019, 11:47:17 AM
Babies are gross.  :yeahright

Keep in mind that I have two kids of my own.  They're teenagers now.

A colleague had a baby about a month ago.  A few weeks ago, her supervisor said to me, "hey, did you see the picture of [name's] baby?"  My response was along the lines of:  "Nope.  I assume it looks like pretty much every other baby?" and he responded in the affirmative.

That said, that's an awesome thing for the nurses to do.

:lol :lol


www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Ep. VII - The Force Awakens

When The Phantom Menace was first announced, there was a palpable excitement surrounding it.  Star Wars was coming back!  Then...the prequel trilogy happened.

Years later, Disney told us they were going to make good on Lucas' promise that Star Wars was going to be a trilogy of trilogies.  And we were excited again.  For me, I was cautiously optimistic because, you know, the prequels.  But judging from the MCU, if anyone could pull off something amazing with the Star Wars universe, Disney could.  And when all was said and done, they delivered.  We got great characters, a great story, great imagery, and great callbacks to all the stuff that made many of us fall in love with Star Wars in the first place.  It was the perfect blend of new and familiar, and gave us the beginning of the next chapter of Star Wars in a way that was as close to perfect as fans could reasonably ask for.

Three things that worked:
I have to pick only three?
-1.  The entire opening sequence.  Just as when Vader was first introduced in Ep. IV, we quickly learned that Kylo was not to be trifled with.  And as the story progressed, we also got a wonderfully multifaceted, flawed villain.
-2.  Wreckage on Jakku.  There was no time wasted on dialog to give the back story.  We knew something big happened, and the imagery of those wrecked ships was one of the most marvelous things in Star Wars in a very long time.
-3.  Old friends.  Han, Chewbacca, Leia.  The hope of Luke.  And it was all just SO well done.

Three things that didn't:
-1.  OK, broken record time...STILL going back to timelines and things happening too instantaneously.  Han and Chewie not only find the Falcon, but also get to it, within about 2 minutes of it taking off?  The First Order's weapon takes out multiple worlds in seconds?  Just build in some time!
-2.  Rathtars.
-3.  Is there even a third minor complaint I could raise?  Phasma maybe?  :dunno:

Minor tweaks that could have made it better:  Well...nothing, really.  It was pretty great.  There is nothing about the story itself that really could have used some tightening up to make the overall product better.  It just worked.

The Walrus

TFA is definitely the strongest of the trilogy. Except we still never find out how Maz Kanata found Luke's lightsaber but BIG SHRUG to that I guess


Those of you who have Disney Plus.....there's a pretty neat documentary on there called  "Empire of Dreams: The Story of the Star Wars Trilogy".

It details the making of the OT. I hadn't ever seen anything this detailed before. I'm sure something like this has been out there but it's my first look at how difficult it was to get ANH then the others made. Pretty neat stuff.


Yeah that's an awesome documentary. It was included in the first DVD release back in 2004 I think. Im very surprised it didn't get included in the Blu-ray or subsequent releases.

It's the reason I never got rid of my DVD set.


Quote from: faizoff on December 24, 2019, 09:27:12 AM
Yeah that's an awesome documentary. It was included in the first DVD release back in 2004 I think. Im very surprised it didn't get included in the Blu-ray or subsequent releases.

It's the reason I never got rid of my DVD set.

Loved that documentary.  Been a while since we watched it.  Now that the trilogy of trilogy's is over, might have to revisit it.
Quote from: Jamesman42 on September 20, 2024, 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on September 20, 2024, 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


Quote from: jingle.boy on December 24, 2019, 09:43:44 AM
Quote from: faizoff on December 24, 2019, 09:27:12 AM
Yeah that's an awesome documentary. It was included in the first DVD release back in 2004 I think. Im very surprised it didn't get included in the Blu-ray or subsequent releases.

It's the reason I never got rid of my DVD set.

Loved that documentary.  Been a while since we watched it.  Now that the trilogy of trilogy's is over, might have to revisit it.

Had to stop watching this morning with about an hour left to go.....BUT....what I can say is that neither the Prequels or this new trilogy ever stood a chance in living up to what the OT was. It was just perfect timing and a great story for that time and a dozen other things that lined up in perfect unison for it to become a cultural phenomenon. There's just simply no way to reply-capture that.

That doesn't excuse some of the choices/writing etc etc of the prequels and New trilogy.....just an observation that with the SW fandom as rabid as they are combined with 30+ years of 'them' deifying the OT.....literally nothing was going to be good enough. 


I'll just say it right now:  The sequel trilogy is the BEST trilogy.  And I will stand by that (although fully acknowledging that, of course, the ST owes its very existence to the OT, and its depth, color, and texture relies heavily on the foundation of the OT).

The Walrus

Quote from: bosk1 on December 24, 2019, 10:32:04 AM
I'll just say it right now:  The sequel trilogy is the BEST trilogy.  And I will stand by that (although fully acknowledging that, of course, the ST owes its very existence to the OT, and its depth, color, and texture relies heavily on the foundation of the OT).

Nice bait.


I'll just say it right now: The original trilogy is the FIRST trilogy.

I'll even go a step further and say that prequel trilogy was the SECOND trilogy.

And, I'm going here.....but (and don't ban me) the sequel trilogy is the NEWEST trilogy.

Prove me wrong.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Quote from: bosk1 on December 24, 2019, 10:32:04 AM
I'll just say it right now:  The sequel trilogy is the BEST trilogy.  And I will stand by that (although fully acknowledging that, of course, the ST owes its very existence to the OT, and its depth, color, and texture relies heavily on the foundation of the OT).

I agree with you. I loved the NT and think they're more entertaining than the OT.....But I think the SW community as a whole doesn't. At least, there is a very vocal contingent on the internet (not pointing at members here or this thread) that spend a great deal of time trashing the NT in the form of 'reviews', podcasts, youtube vids etc etc.


Quote from: Adami on December 24, 2019, 10:45:58 AM
I'll just say it right now: The original trilogy is the FIRST trilogy.

I'll even go a step further and say that prequel trilogy was the SECOND trilogy.

And, I'm going here.....but (and don't ban me) the sequel trilogy is the NEWEST trilogy.

Prove me wrong.



Quote from: gmillerdrake on December 24, 2019, 10:47:48 AMAt least, there is a very vocal contingent on the internet (not pointing at members here or this thread) that spend a great deal of time trashing the NT in the form of 'reviews', podcasts, youtube vids etc etc.

Of course.  I was listening to a YouTube "review" yesterday on my drive home, and when it was over, it went to another that tried to make the case that ROS was "absolute garbage."  I think he missed the irony that it was actually his "review" that was absolute garbage.  As is the case with most of those that try to be "critical," it was just nonsense and the typical edgy for the sake of being edgy.


Quote from: Adami on December 24, 2019, 10:45:58 AM
I'll just say it right now: The original trilogy is the FIRST trilogy.

I'll even go a step further and say that prequel trilogy was the SECOND trilogy.

And, I'm going here.....but (and don't ban me) the sequel trilogy is the NEWEST trilogy.

Prove me wrong.


:) :)


Quote from: bosk1 on December 24, 2019, 10:32:04 AM
I'll just say it right now:  The sequel trilogy is the BEST trilogy.  And I will stand by that (although fully acknowledging that, of course, the ST owes its very existence to the OT, and its depth, color, and texture relies heavily on the foundation of the OT).

Nothing is better than the Original Trilogy. I could do without Ewoks, Boba Fett's death and the Darth Vader reveal otherwise they were near perfect.


Quote from: bosk1 on December 24, 2019, 10:32:04 AM
I'll just say it right now:  The sequel trilogy is the BEST trilogy.  And I will stand by that (although fully acknowledging that, of course, the ST owes its very existence to the OT, and its depth, color, and texture relies heavily on the foundation of the OT).

I mean, the only people that will argue with that are children or man-children that can't accept differing opinions. I love that people love the new stuff. I don't, but it doesn't have anything to do with me. I think that each movie is cool on it's own (the last being less cool). But together, I think they're a failure of a trilogy. Not like "OMFG FUQ THIS SERIES THEY FAIL", but like, they actually just kind of failed to make it a great, cohesive, singular trilogy that can connect and have meaningful "first, second, third" interactions.

But I'm glad the movie didn't flop even though it didn't do great for Star Wars standards because I do want to see the series go on and to expand. Literally, I want some more Expanded Universe stuff and some more single stories. For all the crap that people give Kathleen, I like her idea of not doing any more trilogies. We've done that three times now over the entire series history. Let's try something different. It also speaks volumes that the couple times they did it, even though Solo flopped, Rogue One is still seen as one of, if not the best Star Wars out there by a good amount of people. Even if not that, it's certainly the most innovative and experimental and the fact it worked is amazing.


Quote from: bosk1 on December 24, 2019, 10:51:24 AM
Quote from: gmillerdrake on December 24, 2019, 10:47:48 AMAt least, there is a very vocal contingent on the internet (not pointing at members here or this thread) that spend a great deal of time trashing the NT in the form of 'reviews', podcasts, youtube vids etc etc.

Of course.  I was listening to a YouTube "review" yesterday on my drive home, and when it was over, it went to another that tried to make the case that ROS was "absolute garbage."  I think he missed the irony that it was actually his "review" that was absolute garbage.  As is the case with most of those that try to be "critical," it was just nonsense and the typical edgy for the sake of being edgy.

I saw a review from a prominent YouTuber who said that nothing was good about the movie except for some of its visuals. To each their own, but that seems so extreme to me. At a minimum, the Kylo storyline probably deserves at least some props, IMO.

I've seen a few people say that the plot "makes no sense". Did anyone else feel that way? I probably need to watch the movie again, but on first viewing I felt that the plot was actually fairly straightforward, just way too dense with stuff.


Saw it today and yeah, they kind of pulled a Game of Thrones season 8 for me. It is a damn mess. Buuut, I did find it an enjoyable mess? Maybe the more adventurous/lighthearted tone of Star Wars makes me more accepting to a messy plot such as this.

But at this point a crappy Star Wars film does not bother me all too much to be honest. As much as I like Star Wars in general, out of the main 8 episodes before this one only two are great and two are good. The rest ranges from solid to absolutely horrible. That is a conclusion I came to when I rewatched the entire series with friends recently.


I just watched Attack of the Clones, as I move through the OT/PT (using the Machete Order).   

- Hayden Christiansen: worse than I remember.
- Natalie Portman: lamer than I remember
- the story: better than I remember
- the visuals (first half): worse than I remember
- the visuals (second half): better than I remember

I liked it overall, and am excited for the one/two punch of Revenge/Return.

One question though: is there significance to the Jango Fett being the original "clone" and also working with Dooku?  Or is it one of those Star Wars coincidences/retcons necessary for all that follows?  It's not bugging me, but it seemed a little... awkward.
