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Cobra Kai

Started by gmillerdrake, May 04, 2018, 06:47:45 AM

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I thought season 4 was better than season 3 and overall the show is still really good.

I will agree with some others here in that Daniel is not a very likeable character.  His son is even more unlikeable. They have some very odd family dynamics there. 


Yeah I thought Johnny was a more likeable character in the story line, but his acting is better too.


I finally was able to finish this season while somehow avoiding spoilers.

I'll try and condense all my thoughts into one brief statement:

I really hated the tournament announcer.

- It was weird not seeing Miguel win and not only that but it was an injury that mostly did it but I also knew that his heart wasn't in it.
- Also, not having Robbie win either was weird.  That guy looked so badass this whole season.  Must be the haircut but his whole demeanor and body language was just "I own you" and I believed it.
- Sam sucks.  She was pushing Tory every chance and she didn't need to.
- At least Tory seemed to be trying.
- Terry Silver is way scarier than Kreese.
- Larusso is a terrible teacher.  If you win but not "the right way" then he gives you shit for it.
- Johnny is still awesome but he's also "my way or the highway".
- It's not until the kids start learning both styles that they show the senseis it's being versatile and adaptive is the way to truly evolve.
- "Hi, I'm blah blah and my pronouns are she/her."  "There's no pronouns here but sensei and student."  Gold.
- Framing Kreese was a nice twist, but I'm sad that Stingray lied about it.  Did Silver pay him off also?  I can't remember but I know he was struggling.

I knew that Cobra Kai was going to win, it had to, but when it actually happened I was like "nooooooooooooo" and how are they going to make this work?  And then the reveal of Tory finding out Silver bribed the judge I was like "yeeeesssssssss" now Tory and Sam can be BFFs with Robbie going against his little protege who's turning into a real dick.

Anyway, a series that's way better than anyone would think, so it's good times.


Even though he's over the top I have always loved Terry Silver, and he really delivered for season 4. But that could just be my bias talking. 

Karate Kid 1 & 2 nail the serious tone and I love them, but I'm always entertained by part 3.


Ugh, Part 3, I thought we were never going to talk about Part 3.

Part 1 - Goes on a real journey and learns a lot about karate and himself.  Wins karate tournament.

Part 2 - Goes on a real journey to a foreign land and learns more about karate and himself and Mr. Miyagi's culture and history.  Stands up to bullies.  Wins karate death match with guy who really wants to kill him.  "This not tournament.  This for real."

Part 3 - Goes on no journey and decides to rollback his life to when he was a weak-ass pussy.  Gets bullied by thugs and and cries and whines and is a total wimp.  Wins something but nobody cares.

I just don't get how he can be leveling up through karate, tournaments, and fighting for his life and then all of a sudden he's getting roughed-up by bullies and is helpless and weak.  He should have been confident and skilled enough to destroy these losers but instead he's a sniveling little shit.  It makes no sense that all he's been through and he's back to square one.


Came here directly after the Ukraine thread and thought we were still talking about Trump and Carlin for a second.



Just a reminder that the new season is out. :)


Binged the whole season in one night. By far the best season so far. The action gets a bit over the top, but given that's it's a sequel to an 80's movie series I can forgive it. I think the next season has to be the final one. And they did an excellent job of setting up the next season.


My wife and I caught the first two episodes of the new season yesterday, and we both had the same reaction.

Not sure if the nostalgia factor blinded us to it before, or what, but this show is way too cheesy to have this many bad actors in it.

We aren't sure if we will even finish the season.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Quote from: hefdaddy42 on September 12, 2022, 06:58:51 AM
Not sure if the nostalgia factor blinded us to it before, or what, but this show is way too cheesy to have this many bad actors in it.

We aren't sure if we will even finish the season.

I'll finish the season but I'm right there with ya. I enjoyed the heck out of the show in the early goings.......last season I started rolling my eyes a bit at how campy it was and just how 'bad' these actors are......I'm 4 episodes in to this season and it's pretty brutal. Nostalgia can't even save it. I'll hammer out the Season because it's an easy watch but man, what once was a fun show has now become pretty laughable and not in a good way.


Love the show.  Two episodes in and I'm enjoying this season so far - but I've gotta admit the writing on the Mexico side of the story is pretty weak so far.


I've always looked past the cheesiness - this show really weaves the story of the legacy characters with the story of the kids perfectly. 

At the beginning of this new season, I started to get tired of the legacy characters' not being able to get over their feud with Terry Silver / Cobra Kai.  How long can this go on?  But they ramped up some intensity with Terry and Daniel and it got me back into the story with some mystery about Terry's plans.  Working on finishing up the season today, so we'll see how it goes. 


Also 2 episodes in and agree with others.  The cheesiness is a bit too much this season so far plus the bad acting really hurts what is otherwise a pretty solid story so far.  Definitely feels like a show that is wearing thin season after season, but it's still entertaining enough.  I don't plan on stopping watching though.


Terry Silver is so much fun to watch though. I just love the whole 'Bond villain on cocaine' vibe he has going on and I think he might be even more fun to watch than Kreese.

Overall I thought the season was solid. I gotta say I appreciate certain characters like Johnny actually maturing and moving forward as a character. Heck, same with Robbie and Miguel. Sam and Tory. For a show that has been treading waters a bit when it comes to personal conflict, it actually feels nice this season that some characters are moving past that.


Quote from: soupytwist on September 12, 2022, 07:26:46 AM
Love the show.  Two episodes in and I'm enjoying this season so far - but I've gotta admit the writing on the Mexico side of the story is pretty weak so far.

Burnt though the rest of the season tonight.  The first 3 (maybe 4) episodes are a mess - way to many coincidences and misunderstanding (either for pushing the plot on or comedy) and the rampant silliness of the show goes a little to far, in particular with the introduction of Mike Barnes.  But then the second half of the season really picked up and knocked it out of the park, really good stuff and a nice setup for season 6.


Miguel's father: will we ever see him again?


I was surprised to see the Mexico storyline wrap up so quickly. I thought Miguel's dad might see Miguel getting into a car with two guys wearing FBI shirts and have his goons follow them or something.


I'm just starting the new season.  Can't wait.  For the most part, I've really enjoyed the show up to this point.

I'm legitimately surprised about the "bad acting" comment above.  If that related solely to this season, I guess I'll have to wait and see.  But as far as the past seasons, I feel the acting side has been mostly VERY well done.  Now, if people have a problem with the over-the-top or cheesy nature of the writing, I have no problem with that.  It is both of those things.  And, in my opinion, it is both of those things for effect, and it works well in the context of what the show is and the Karate Kid legacy.  But I get it if that isn't working for some people.  But the acting?  I'm sure there may have been isolated moments here and there in the earlier seasons that may not have been up to par, but nothing stands out in my memory.

EDIT:  Okay, if that comment was directed toward sensei Kim and her crew, I can't overly disagree.  They were definitely acted very cartoonishly.  In context of the show, it was fine.  But I get the criticism on that side. 


The whole show is fairly cartoonish and over the top, and good acting isn't really required to pull it off.  Now, there is a lot of gray area between good and bad, but I don't think I have watched a second of this show and thought, "Wow, that is some damn good acting."   There is probably a reason most of the actors from the original Karate Kid films haven't been seen in much since, Elisabeth Shue being an exception, and even her appearance was pretty short-lived.  William Zabka looks like an Oscar winner next to Ralph Macchio, who has never been anything more than a decent actor at best, but even his acting is largely a one-trick pony (look and talk like a dick).  I watch this show for the entertaining absurdity, not for stellar acting or great storytelling.


Quote from: KevShmev on September 14, 2022, 04:48:18 PMThe whole show is fairly cartoonish and over the top, and good acting isn't really required to pull it off. 

Very true.  But whether the show needs good acting to pull it off isn't really the issue.

Quote from: KevShmev on September 14, 2022, 04:48:18 PMNow, there is a lot of gray area between good and bad, but I don't think I have watched a second of this show and thought, "Wow, that is some damn good acting."   

I have.

Quote from: KevShmev on September 14, 2022, 04:48:18 PMThere is probably a reason most of the actors from the original Karate Kid films haven't been seen in much since...

Whether or not we agree on the quality of acting in this show overall, I wouldn't want to go out on a limb and agree with that.  There are plenty of demonstrably worse actors that have gotten plenty of acting work.  The reasons the original KK crew may not have are not really known.

Anyhow, now that I'm done with this season, I can say I REALLY enjoyed it.  Good continuation of the arc without getting stale (although I could understand if some might be getting tired of some of the repeated themes). 


When Chozen went off after Silver alone, I really thought he was going to die.  Especially after the revelation of his feelings for Kumiko, and him calling her and finally telling her about his feelings and wanting to get together once he gets back.  Really glad they didn't kill him off.  All in all, this season surprisingly ended on a satisfyingly positive note. 


This show is so fucking corny and stupid.

Binged it in two days. :lol


Quote from: KevShmev on September 14, 2022, 04:48:18 PM
William Zabka looks like an Oscar winner next to Ralph Macchio, who has never been anything more than a decent actor at best, but even his acting is largely a one-trick pony (look and talk like a dick).
This is certainly true. 
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Finished it last night.....and I will say....after Ep. 4 things got better. Something about the first few episodes just screamed 'low quality' to me but after Ep. 4 it returned to the 'feel' of the series and was pretty entertaining


Quote from: gmillerdrake on September 15, 2022, 08:41:11 AM
Finished it last night.....and I will say....after Ep. 4 things got better. Something about the first few episodes just screamed 'low quality' to me but after Ep. 4 it returned to the 'feel' of the series and was pretty entertaining
That's good to know.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Quote from: gmillerdrake on September 15, 2022, 08:41:11 AM
Finished it last night.....and I will say....after Ep. 4 things got better. Something about the first few episodes just screamed 'low quality' to me but after Ep. 4 it returned to the 'feel' of the series and was pretty entertaining

We finished the first 6 episodes now and I can agree, things definitely got better by episode 5.  We'll finish this weekend.


We caught another one or two episodes.

I don't know, man.  I keep rooting for LaRusso to get killed.  Is that bad?
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Quote from: hefdaddy42 on September 19, 2022, 07:22:30 AM
I don't know, man.  I keep rooting for LaRusso to get killed.  Is that bad?

:lol  I think that's a natural desire considering what they've developed his character into.


We finished over the weekend and it definitely ended better than it started but I do hope the next season is the last of this poorly acted cheese fest. The storyline is good but the writing and acting are just so poor at times. The continued tie in to the movies is great though.


Quote from: gmillerdrake on September 19, 2022, 07:41:09 AM
Quote from: hefdaddy42 on September 19, 2022, 07:22:30 AM
I don't know, man.  I keep rooting for LaRusso to get killed.  Is that bad?

:lol  I think that's a natural desire considering what they've developed his character into.

Daniel was never likable, though.  Even in the films, he was a whiny little shit who deserved the occasional beating.  Mr. Miyagi was the one I rooted for, not Daniel. 


Daniel having unlikable traits just makes him feel more relatable and that's a good thing with the show is that most characters have some nuance in their character.


Quote from: Zantera on September 20, 2022, 11:10:03 AM
Daniel having unlikable traits just makes him feel more relatable and that's a good thing with the show is that most characters have some nuance in their character.
I don't find him relatable in any way.

Of course, I don't find any of these characters relatable in any way.  Except for Daniel's wife when she just gets tired of this stupid shit.  That I can relate to.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.