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Evermind's Third Roulette v. Final Round Results

Started by Evermind, January 28, 2019, 09:53:54 AM

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Hmm. I don't know any of the remaining songs, so I wouldn't know whose tastes they align with.


wolfking: Scar Symmetry - Ghost Prototype I - Measurement of Thought
???: Atlantean Kodex - Twelve Stars and an Azure Gown
senecadawg2: Alcest - Souvenirs d'un Autre Monde
???: Lör - Spectrum
jingle.boy: Moon Safari - Lover's End Pt. 1
Parama: Sunless Dawn - Biomorph
Kwyjibo: Extreme - Am I Ever Gonna Change?
LordCost: Rishloo - Landmines
???: Believe - Memories
Kattelox: Aquaria - And Let the Show Begin
???: Textures - To Erase a Lifetime
Stadler: Mountain - Nantucket Sleighride (To Owen Coffin)
???: Communic - Waves of Visual Decay
TAC: Allegaeon - Threshold of Perception
lonestar: Maestrick - I A.M. Living
Sacul: Goldfrapp - Stranger
???: Patrick Watson - Lighthouse
Indiscipline: Toto - Better World

Bonus hangman (rejected songs):

Elite: Structural Disorder - The Fool Who Would Be King
romdrums: DGM - Ghosts of Insanity
Elite: VOLA - Smartfriend

Participants not guessed in the main hangman:


Letters guessed: BANG CHOMPS DEFTLY

Anyone can guess a letter if they so desire

Chad did indeed send Moon Safari, but Elite didn't send Alcest.
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


No idea if people already guessed these and were wrong, but:

Alcest = seneca?
Lör = Puppies?


Quote from: Elite on February 11, 2019, 03:34:51 AM
Did I send two banned songs?

How did you know?

Quote from: Bolsters on February 11, 2019, 04:12:53 AM
No idea if people already guessed these and were wrong, but:

Alcest = seneca?
Lör = Puppies?

Got one out of two, not bad!
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

The Walrus


Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.




As it seems the guessing has subsided, here's the completed hangman:

wolfking: Scar Symmetry - Ghost Prototype I - Measurement of Thought
Puppies_On_Acid: Atlantean Kodex - Twelve Stars and an Azure Gown
senecadawg2: Alcest - Souvenirs d'un Autre Monde
Elite: Lör - Spectrum
jingle.boy: Moon Safari - Lover's End Pt. 1
Parama: Sunless Dawn - Biomorph
Kwyjibo: Extreme - Am I Ever Gonna Change?
LordCost: Rishloo - Landmines
Lethean: Believe - Memories
Kattelox: Aquaria - And Let the Show Begin
romdrums: Textures - To Erase a Lifetime
Stadler: Mountain - Nantucket Sleighride (To Owen Coffin)
Luoto: Communic - Waves of Visual Decay
TAC: Allegaeon - Threshold of Perception
lonestar: Maestrick - I A.M. Living
Sacul: Goldfrapp - Stranger
Tyrias: Patrick Watson - Lighthouse
Indiscipline: Toto - Better World

Bonus hangman (rejected songs):

Elite: Structural Disorder - The Fool Who Would Be King
romdrums: DGM - Ghosts of Insanity
Elite: VOLA - Smartfriend
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.



Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.



Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey



Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.

The Walrus


Round 2 Results:

Luoto: Communic – Waves of Visual Decay

First impression: Each minute I was expecting growls to begin, and they didn't! This is great.

Honestly, that was to be expected if anyone actually have heard this song, because this is exactly the kind of dark progressive metal music that was all over my latest Top 50 Albums Thread. Need, Wolverine, Evergrey, Vanden Plas, those kind of bands. This doesn't invent anything new in the genre. This band simply takes the usual formula for dark progressive metal and gives it a little spin of their own, with the singer that sounds a bit rough, but also belts some unexpected high notes.

Catchy, changing, never overstaying its welcome even though it's over eight minutes, engaging the listener with both well thought out melodies and fitting riffs, this scratches my itch for the progressive metal I've been into lately, and this band goes straight on my check out list. I'm impressed. Why the hell did I even give you immunity? You would've nailed this even without it. Welcome to the main part, maybe this time you will get it right.


LordCost: Rishloo - Landmines

First impression: I'm not convinced by what transpires in the middle of the song, but the ending is ridiculously good, the most memorable thing in this round so far.

One week in, I'm moderately convinced by what transpires in the middle of the song, and yet the ending is still so ridiculously good, the rest of the song just can't reach it. Instead, it builds the whole thing to this perfect climax.

The beginning here is chilling and beautiful, and then the song goes on an adventure by itself. I feel like it's balancing right on the edge of madness, with those slight vocal effects and questing vocal passages, swaying from highly intense to calmer sections. I'm still not exactly convinced that was the best way to organize the main bulk of the song, but it works and I grew familiar with all the changes it offers during that short period of time; and when the song hits the calm section which goes into the guitar solo which goes into the ending, I know I'm in for a fucking good time.

I have no idea what this song is about, as the lyrics don't make any sense (sixteen points to make? mnemonic man?), but once again they make for a perfect singing material, as the singer makes those syllables flow in "I've had enough of idle reverie / I for one can only see / What dreams may come for us / I've had enough of flight and gravity / Spill me out evolved and screaming: I'm not meaningless". This ending is fantastic. This song is great. Thank you.


Sacul: Goldfrapp - Stranger

First impression: This is beautiful. One of two songs this round that sent shivers down my spine on the very first listen. I'm fairly sure you should start planning your strategy for the next five rounds.

While this song has lost a bit of its charm over the week, this is still a beautiful, warm and dusky song that still sends shivers down my spine during the wordless part after "I'm drifting deep, deeper in". I like the soft melancholy of this song, and I like her voice a lot, although she really could've enunciate some words better, because sometimes she sounds like she's trying to sing with her mouth full.

Actually, this reminds me of that album you sent in the weekly album thread, Beth Gibbons and Rustin' Man. This has a similar warm, autumn-ish atmosphere, and small wonder I enjoyed this. As I said, it lost a bit of staying power as I started to pick on her accent and way of singing, but I was always glad to hear this song come up in the rotation.


Puppies_On_Acid: Atlantean Kodex – Twelve Stars and an Azure Gown

First impression: Interesting ballad-like storytelling, and definitely the coolest song title in this batch.

This song meets the meaning of "ballad" in its original form, which I have found interesting. Epic, plodding atmosphere, anthemic chorus, and the verses slightly change the pace as the story progresses; this truly feels like an anthem, a hymn, a praising ballad.

High points here are the changing verses—I loved when the song suddenly switched into a high gear, classic heavy metal style—and the transitions between sections. Low points are the spoken word sections, which I didn't get at all, the vocals which are quite an acquired taste and, I felt, could've used more power behind them. And I would say the repetitive chorus is a problem, too. But then again, the chorus is quite good by itself, so while I do think it's repeated a little too many times in the song as it is (perhaps they should've changed it a bit each time?), I found I've enjoyed singing along with it.

While nowhere near the two best songs of this round, this song was good, simple as that.


wolfking: Scar Symmetry – Ghost Prototype I – Measurement of Thought

First impression: Each minute I was expecting growls to begin, and they did! This was somewhat engaging.

This is more like it! I stand by my words, this is indeed somewhat engaging, with great guitar tone, nice vocals and catchy songwriting. The growls, when they appear, don't detract from the song at all, and actually enhance this simple metal song to a somewhat menacing, heavier entity. The instrumental break is cohesive and in line with the rest of this track; short enough to not overstay its welcome, but long enough to evolve on the ideas presented.

One of the things this song could do a bit better is, perhaps, to make the chorus a bit more aggressive. As it stands now, the song is playing it safe until the growls come, then goes adventurous with the guitar solo, and then retreats back into a safe space behind the walls of its chorus. This was an enjoyable listen, though.


Indiscipline: Toto – Better World

First impression: Wait, they had other songs this whole time?

Well, my experience with Toto is obviously somewhat limited, as I only know one song. The most refreshing thing about the song you sent was the vocals, which were memorable and had a pleasant tone, because that's honestly more than I can say about half of the songs in this round.

I liked the restrained instrumentation during the vocal performance, tastefully done. I liked the guitar solo between the first vocal section and the last one. What I can't really comprehend is the need for a two minutes long intro, which, as it gets more progressive, doesn't fit the rest of the song at all—the song even stops before it leads into the first verse. Neither have I understood the need for the outro, which takes another minute of instrumentation I could've lived without, also not quite connected to the main bulk of the song.

This could've been a fine song under five minutes, and then it would've cracked the "good" barrier, but as it stands, more than a third of this song don't fit with the rest of it.


Tyrias: Patrick Watson - Lighthouse

First impression: If it ain't broke, don't fix it, I've got your strategy here.

This is very different from Miðaftann, of course. This song has a floating, dreamy vibe, with just the piano in the background and the lightest touches of instrumentation, and the singer quietly wails over them. I always associate lighthouses with something dramatic, you know, probably because of White Pearls, Black Oceans song by Sonata Arctica, but even then, my recent favourite lighthouse song by iamthemorning is still pretty dramatic. This song isn't dramatic, although the grand ending with trumpets (are those trumpets?) may suggest so; it's more like a... very relaxed ballad. While this is nice, I feel that the ending either didn't had enough buildup, because for me, it comes out of nowhere, and the rest of the song was too dreamlike, lacking real substance.

Well, your strategy still worked, because I enjoyed, but it's not even close to Miðaftann or even Stranger, the song that robbed you of another 0.5 bonus for your ability.


jingle.boy: Moon Safari – Lover's End

First impression: Man, this might rival Spandau Ballet in how deliberately sweet this is.

Look, I've never said "deliberately sweet" is a bad thing.

Of course, this is not exactly the songs I usually tend to love. Happy songs often don't quite excite me—though sometimes they do—and while I'm afraid this also falls under the "happy" label in my book, this has this almost wistful quality to you that does have a certain impact on me. The chorus here is a bit annoying, and overall the song balances on a brink of being too sweet, but somehow it manages to balance on it all the way through and land somewhere between average and good.

I won't go out of the way to listen to this song, and—you would probably think it a blasphemy—I liked the Spandau Ballet song more, but this is decent. Not sure if it puts it in the upper or the lower half of this round.


Lethean: Believe - Memories

First impression: This definitely has potential, although I feel the singer isn't doing this song justice.

This might be the most frustrating song of this round, because it does a lot of things right: the mournful beginning, good transition into heavy guitars, fantastic usage of strings, and even the verses work alright in context of the song. And that's where the horrible chorus comes in.
Not only the chorus exposes this nasal whining tone of the singer on "I'm lonely, all in my memories", it also does it while the strings are playing happily in the background (at least the first few times the chorus appears), and I half expected to see a Russian traditional dance ensemble to spin away happily on scene while this chorus was playing. And the chorus is actually not bad when it's toned down in the final part of the song, but the way he holds those notes during faster parts is akin to nails on a chalkboard for me.

I feel I shouldn't be that fixated on a bad chorus, because the rest of the song actually works quite well. In fact, the only thing that doesn't work is two choruses in the middle of the song. This certainly have enough good aspects to warrant a score above average, but thanks to the chorus, not only does it not qualify as good, is also fails to award you bonus points for your ability.


TAC: Allegaeon – Threshold of Perception

First impression: Each minute I was expecting clean vocals to appear, and they didn't! This is... salvageable.

Well, at first I thought you were running away with it, as the beginning of this tune rivaled the Human Supremacy Illusion with its brilliant slow start effortlessly flowing into the ever-going guitar shredding along with female choir (or probably synth effect). Then it turned out that this song is full-growls, no clean vocals.

This song was a huge advantage over the other growl-fronted songs in this round. It's neither plodding, nor it's a full blast beat assault. It keeps moving, it keeps the riffs going, chugging at the fast pace, and it also gives the song a little space to breathe with the instrumental interludes before it launches into another growl assault. It also seems like there are two singers here, which is a welcome variety.

So what I dislike here is that I feel that the full-on growling vocal technique all the way through the song makes this song extremely one-dimensional. There are no vocal melodies on this song, not like on some of the Insomnium songs, even with growls, Ephemeral comes to mind. I can't sing along to this. To draw some comparisons, this is also like a heavy freight train chugging along the tracks at the highest pace. It doesn't get into a trainwreck, but if you aren't a particular fan of trains, it's not that engaging to watch it going forward and forward.

Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


Kattelox: Aquaria – And Let the Show Begin

First impression: This reminds me of some promo albums I've received while writing for LOMM, except better executed—which, to be honest, isn't a high bar to set. Not sure what I think of this yet.

So, here's a little story. When I was writing for Lady Obscure Music Magazine, they used to send out promos via e-mail, and there would be a lot of different albums by basically unknown bands, or well-known in certain circles but not yet popular on metal scene. This is how I discovered Need, Temperance and some other great bands, and this is also how I discovered some of the shittiest power metal I've ever encountered. But mostly power metal was average, you know. Elves, dwarves, shadows over Lothadruin, a touch of evil, nasty monsters overcoming the land, with loads of double bass and somewhat weak or average vocals with the guitarist who thought he was the next whoever's doing great solos in power metal. And fake orchestra in the interludes, because that, apparently, was almost a requirement, can't go anywhere without fake orchestra.

So what am I telling you this? Because this reminds me of that kind of power metal, and to be honest, I'm a bit over it. I found it funny that you claimed to be over your power metal phase, and then a lot of power metal songs got more than a 9 (including Serious Black, which actually rocks and is a lot of different from this song), and I find it a bit funny that I actually like this song somewhat—in a stupid kind of way, because it brings me back those hilarious memories of all those promo albums I've been listening to.

So, I wish the double bass wasn't as prominent here, and I wish they didn't rely on these fake orchestral sounds, and I wish for a lot more, but this is just what the genre is; only taken to eleven. I don't think it's bad, in fact, I think this is relatively well executed compared to a lot of happy, fantasy-based power metal. It's happy, it's over the top, it's praising light, it does a lot of things right. But I definitely don't care about this as much as I should. And I guess that's it.


Elite: Lör - Spectrum

First impression: none. The song wasn't in yet during that part.

This kind of viking epic metal can be a little hit or miss with me, and your song came very late because of two songs I had to reject, so that may be the reason, although I managed to squeeze five full listens, but this doesn't do much for me, I'm afraid. Oh, it has interesting stuff going on, and the growls here are at least totally justified, but it feels quite generic to me.

I would say the little calm sections are where this song shines the brightest, especially the one at 5:30, preparing the listener for the final showdown, except the showdown feels like a Disney-sounding Viking-themed fake orchestral section, and then choir vocals over the blast beats. I don't know, either I haven't managed to crack this song in five listens, or this is simply just not for me. It's not even bad, it's just very average.


Stadler: Mountain – Nantucket Sleighride (To Owen Coffin)

First impression: While this is pretty inoffensive, especially compared with some other songs here, I'm not sure it offers anything more than that, at least after one listen.

Rereading my first impression now, well, looks like I was correct. This song goes on for six whole minutes, and I remember how it goes, and I can even hum you the verses and the choruses, but, honestly, whenever it comes up, I'm just sitting there for six minutes, fighting boredom. It's a good one to fall asleep to during my morning commute, that's for sure. It's probably more a knock against my tastes than against the song, because I'm sure there are people who enjoy it, and I can appreciate it for what it is — a well-written song.

But as far as I'm concerned, this song could've been missing from my rotation for the last week, and I wouldn't have felt neither relief nor regret. This is the very definition of an average song for me. You mileage may vary, of course.


Kwyjibo: Extreme – Am I Ever Gonna Change?

First impression: I expected something more forceful than this, but I guess they say "fucking" in the chorus, so it counts?

With the name like Extreme I expected some extreme metal, man, this left me disappointed. Seriously though, it has left me disappointed, but not because it's not extreme metal with growls, and not because they only have "fucking" in one chorus. It's just a very safe and very unexciting song.

I think the problem may simply be with my age, the songs you guys perhaps find exciting and generation-shaping just don't do anything for me in context of this roulette, and I keep favoring newer prog songs over them—although, in my defense, I really liked that MSG song Stadler sent me, so that may not be the case after all. I also can't quite articulate what about this (Extreme) song and the Mountain song doesn't grab me, because, to be honest, it's pretty much nothing. It's just so bland for me. In fact, you have been consistent in your performance, because Steve Lukather's instrumental left me feeling almost exactly the same. Nice, listenable, but pretty average.


senecadawg2: Alcest - Souvenirs D'Un Autre Monde

First impression: It's as if someone is singing a lullaby while another guy decided to practice his black metal guitar technique in the background, taking breaks every now and then.

I can definitely see how "post-rock shoegaze" is an apt description to this song. The rhythms are very Agalloch-like, which would've been the first thought that popped up in my head, if not for the peculiar juxtaposition between the music in the heavier parts and a mind-numbingly boring, droning vocal track. Once again, I realize that this is an intentional choice for this genre, and this singer at least has nice voice, but the vocal track killed all the excitement I may have had for this song. I guess you can call this vocal delivery soft and dreamy, but there's something about it that struck a particularly wrong chord with me.

Musically, this is not bad, especially without black metal guitars in the background. The acoustic parts are beautiful. Perhaps what they tried to achieve here is to treat vocals just like another instrument, and as the rest of the music isn't very flashy, so are the vocals. But hell, each time the vocals just stopped me dead in my tracks. I couldn't get past them. Never thought I'd say it, but this song would've been better with growls. I would say the instrumental parts balance out the droning vocal track a bit in terms of the score, but still, if this is a good representation of what this band sounds like, I'll pass.


lonestar: Maestrick – I A.M. Living

First impression: A lot of songs in this round have this cheerful, happy vibe I'm not exactly a fan of. Either this one will grow on me, or you're going to be disappointed in the score.

It didn't.

Most of the times, happy prog doesn't quite do it for me, although there are certain exceptions I'm always glad to find, so I'm sincerely thankful you guys keep trying it out, because perhaps I will find something that suits my tastes in happy progressive music... but it won't be Maestrick, that's for sure.

This song, man, it just does nothing for me. The melodies are bland and forgettable, the instrumentation is nice enough, but not enough to save this song. The instrumental break is where it gets somewhat interesting, but that's it. The only part where I'm at least a bit engaged in the song. I thought perhaps Unpuzzle! was a odd one, because I know some DTFers love that one, but I guess it just isn't for me.

It's unfortunate to send you packing your bags, RJ, especially after you sent me a lot of great stuff in the first two roulettes, but if Zero Hour and Maestrick is the best you've got left in those deep coffers of yours, perhaps it's best to let some of the young blood shine. Thanks for participating!


romdrums: Textures – To Erase a Lifetime

First impression: Each minute I was expecting growls to begin, and they did! This didn't work at all.

Look, good news for you is that you should rely on your instincts in roulettes more, they're apparently quite fine-tuned. DGM song would've fared way better than this, and I'm not even the biggest fan of DGM, although Ghosts of Insanity rocks indeed. Bad news is that you will probably be out after this fiasco.

This song unfolds like a inevitable trainwreck—you can just guess where the whole situation is going as the train is chugging along the track just a little too fast, and then it goes off the rails, and while you can't tear your eyes away as it's too fascinating to watch, you can't shake the feeling that something terrible has just happened. This song is exactly like that, it started out nice enough, but something underneath the melodies just hinted at the upcoming growls. When they came, I thought, hey, fine, a bit of growls won't hurt... then the song turned into a cookie-monster fest with headache-inducing guitar rhythms and then a fullblown blast beat massacre with growls all over it.

I don't know about a lifetime, but I would surely love to erase the last three or four minutes of this song.


Parama: Sunless Dawn - Biomorph

First impression: Well, that certainly was a handful.

I'm not entirely sure if you did this just out of spite, or you really thought I may enjoy a fifteen minutes long song which has only a few clean vocals overall. You know, sometimes they say that if you don't have anything positive to say, you should stay silent, so for once, let's focus on the positive things here.

The intro, aka Biomorph I – Polarity Portrayed, is nice and sets the tone for the rest of the fantastic folk metal song that never comes. The whole suite has a few great guitar solos and instrumental passages. The whole suite is better than The Hirsch Effekt. I found it curious that just as The Hirsch Effekt yells NIIIICHTS NIIIICHTS NIIIICHTS NIIIICHTS, this one ends this brilliant suite with BIOMOOOOORPH BIOMOOOOORPH BIOMOOOOORPH with the ever present blast beats.

The intro was really good though.



Luoto: 17 (immunity)
Tyrias: 16.5
LordCost: 16
TAC: 15 (immunity)
Sacul: 15
jingle.boy: 14.5 (immunity)
Puppies_On_Acid: 14.5
Stadler: 13.5
Indiscipline: 13.5
Kattelox: 12.5
wolfking: 12.5
Lethean: 10.5
senecadawg: 10.5 (immunity)
Kwyjibo: 10
romdrums: 9.5
Elite: 9
lonestar: 7
Parama: 5
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


The "I've had enough of idle reverie" line in Landmines gives me chills. Just amazing.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


I don't really understand how you sent some of the stuff you sent me in my last roulette and then turn around and rate the two songs I sent this roulette this low but whatevs man  :P


I spent three months searching out music for your roulette, and I really did a good poker face at how much I liked some of those, to be honest.

Quote from: TAC on February 12, 2019, 10:58:04 AM
The "I've had enough of idle reverie" line in Landmines gives me chills. Just amazing.

No shit, this is a fantastic moment.
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


To the eliminated participants: thank you everyone for participating. I'm sad to eliminate you guys, but 18 participants is just a bit too much. I appreciated that you spared the time to play in this!

To everyone who's in:

Round 3: Open Round w/ Optional Theme: Song from 2018

The length limit is 10 minutes unless you have an ability to ignore it, in which case you're free to use it as you wish.

Please try and send for this round in 48 hours from now on.
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


At least I got to set the record for lowest average score in a roulette  :metal

I dunno why you'd send stuff you don't even like though :P I remember even asking you about that and you were like "no I really do like this stuff train was just joking about me saying I didn't like anything i was sending" or something but you didn't win anyways so ehh I don't really care which it is anyways
I might still send you an EP for the heck of it, I had an idea of one that would average about 2.5/10 per song


Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Thanks for having me.

PS: I'm not really convinded that it's an age thing. It's just different tastes.


Quote from: TAC on February 12, 2019, 10:58:04 AM
The "I've had enough of idle reverie" line in Landmines gives me chills. Just amazing.
+1  I really love that part of the song.  I'm struggling with the Rishloo album that it's on, but will always love the end of that song.


And if you check out Communic, definitely listen not only to Waves but also to Conspiracy in Mind, which imo is even better.

The Walrus

Holy balls Batman I can't believe I skated through. I'm disappointed you didn't seem to enjoy that so I don't think I'll be lasting very long, but we'll see. I think Aquaria is one of the standout bands in power metal. Very few write with the sophistication they have.

Re: power metal in my roulette, MANY of those bands are bands I've never even heard of. Big surprises there. I guess I've just been hearing a lot of bad power metal over the years.


Ok... middle of the pack.  That's cool, and you're totally fair with your assessment of the song.  If I could've, I'd have sent a different song, but their best ones are all over 10 mins.

Remind us again the 'bonus' for matching the theme?  2018 was a 'solid' year for music, but not a lot jumped out at me as God-tier... and considering my AOTY is something you were kinda 'meh' about, and #2 is Mystery I'm already dipping into not-so-God-tier music.  So, I might just forego the theme unless it's worth the risk.
Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


Quote from: jingle.boy on February 12, 2019, 11:29:04 AM
Remind us again the 'bonus' for matching the theme?  2018 was a 'solid' year for music, but not a lot jumped out at me as God-tier... and considering my AOTY is something you were kinda 'meh' about, and #2 is Mystery I'm already dipping into not-so-God-tier music.  So, I might just forego the theme unless it's worth the risk.

Bonus is 1 (one) additional point if you send the best song among the themed ones.

Quote from: Kwyjibo on February 12, 2019, 11:18:32 AM
And if you check out Communic, definitely listen not only to Waves but also to Conspiracy in Mind, which imo is even better.

I sure will, they're on my radar now.

Quote from: Kattelox on February 12, 2019, 11:20:49 AM
Holy balls Batman I can't believe I skated through. I'm disappointed you didn't seem to enjoy that so I don't think I'll be lasting very long, but we'll see. I think Aquaria is one of the standout bands in power metal. Very few write with the sophistication they have.

I don't think it was the writing itself, it was the sound that grated on my ears. Happy power metal is something I don't seem to like anymore.
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!



Well to be honest, Zero Hour was a knee jerk send, and Maestrick is your fault for not liking good music. I have other stuff loaded that I was saving for the themed rounds, now I'll just enjoy them in my solitude.

Thanks for having me bro!!


Quote from: lonestar on February 12, 2019, 11:33:15 AM

Well to be honest, Zero Hour was a knee jerk send, and Maestrick is your fault for not liking good music. I have other stuff loaded that I was saving for the themed rounds, now I'll just enjoy them in my solitude.

Thanks for having me bro!!

Fair enough. Thanks for playing!
Quote from: Train of Naught on May 28, 2020, 10:57:25 PMThis first band is Soen very cool swingy jazz fusion kinda stuff.


Maybe this time I will get it RIIIIIGHT! I'll probably send tomorrow :)

Quote from: Kwyjibo on February 12, 2019, 11:18:32 AM
And if you check out Communic, definitely listen not only to Waves but also to Conspiracy in Mind, which imo is even better.

Waves is their best album for me, followed by Payment of Existence and Conspiracy in third. While it's by no means bad the songwriting and performance on Conspiracy just isn't as mature. It has Silence Surrounds though which is simply superb (I like History Reversed and The Distance too).