Official Distance Over Time discussion thread

Started by bosk1, February 20, 2019, 08:28:57 AM

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Quote from: genome on February 21, 2019, 09:01:30 AM
Quote from: MirrorMask on February 21, 2019, 08:59:08 AM
Quote from: erwinrafael on February 21, 2019, 08:56:21 AM

One minute of space sound. I feel cheated! :lol

Mangini, WTF? Yes, you have fast hands, stop showing off.

Djent Theater?  :lol Feels like JP is following Mangini and not the other way around.

Star Wars feel with the keys! :p

Chorus not that catchy. Sounds like a typical JP-written chorus.

Now that instrumental is crazy. It's like DT trying to write a song with vocals around The Dance of Eternity.

Not really my cup of tea (I don't like TDOE) but I get why some progheads are impressed with this one.

Hmmm...a bit of a letdown compared to the awesomeness of the previous songs in that almost all these songs leveled up in their outros. This one peaked with the instrumental section.

I hope this won't be my reaction... I dearly and fondly love the subject matter and I hope the song is equally as beuatiful as the speech that inspired it!

Give it a few listens, there's so much going on in that track. It's not really a beautiful track though. It's actually got a bit of a sinister vibe to it.

The instrumental section is mind-boggling.

Yeah, I agree with Genome.  Erwinrafael, my initial reaction was VERY similar to yours.  But the song has grown on me a LOT with repeat listens.  I actually felt that way with S2N at first as well.  I was initially disappointed.  But after taking it all in for a few listens and understanding what they were doing, it shot way up for me.


Quote from: erwinrafael on February 21, 2019, 09:07:56 AM
Song rankings for me

At Wit's End
Room 137
Barstool Warrior
Out of Reach
Viper King
Pale Blue Dot
Fall into the Light
Untethered ANgel

OK, I'm game, let's do this. For me it's:

At Wit's End
Barstool Warrior
Room 137
Pale Blue Dot
Fall into the Light
Out of Reach
Untethered Angel

5-9 are subject to change somewhat. 1-4 ain't.



It beautiful. From start to finish. Im so happy they are back in full power.


Mangini wrote a cool post on fb today, he's calling D/T his "first album with the band".
The post makes it sound like he feels he's still not all in with MOST of the fans, which I disagree with, it's time to leave the Portnoy people behind and stop getting affected by their hassles.
Kinda also disappointed cause I told him to his face after a show in the ADTOE tour, "Welcome to the band Mike, you are freakin amazing!", I mean.. take my word for it man! hehe


My initial rankings, if you're interested:

Barstool Warrior
At Wit's End
Pale Blue Dot
Fall Into the Light
Room 137
Untethered Angel
Out of Reach


Quote from: Samsara on February 21, 2019, 07:10:02 AM
Best DT record since SFAM, at least for me.


I also think it's their best album since SFAM and probably on par with Awake.


After 2 listens or so I'd say this is what I think. I expect some changes to happen in the first 6, perhaps 7 songs but from 8-9-10 I probably won't listen to again if I can help it. Overall I like the album. I hope they are not part of the setlist (along with 90% of The Astonishing) when I go to see them in the summer.

1. Paralyzed
2. At Wit's End
3. Untethered Angel
4. Pale Blue Dot
5. Fall Into The Light
6. Room 137
7. S2N
8. Viper King
9. Barstool Warrior
10. Out Of Reach

It's too early to rank the album but it's probably their best since Octavarium, so I guess technically it is in the top 10 :D.

Max Kuehnau

it's in my top 3, along with Dramatic Turn and DT12. I expected more notes though.
All my natural instincts are begging me to stop
But somehow I carry on, heading for the top
A physical absurdity, a tremendous mental game
Helping me understand exactly who I am


Quote from: genome on February 21, 2019, 08:10:40 AM
Best album since Six Degrees. Two of the tracks made me well up with emotion and that NEVER happens.

Taking a guess here: BW and AWE?


Quote from: Samsara on February 20, 2019, 09:05:43 AM
Ok, thanks. So, I am clear to discuss it then.

I'll stay vague and just personally reflect on my feelings after listening to it a few times, more because I still want folks to enjoy it themselves the first time and not rely on other peoples' descriptions of each individual songs. Hopefully my comments help pump up the excitement and anticipation for DoT a little more.

I really, really like this album, and its the first one, for me personally, in FOREVER that continues to grow on me the more I listen. The record, for me, clearly has this combination of Images & Words, Awake, SFAM, and Train of Thought going on that hits a sweet spot for me. The songs are shorter, but aren't any less technical. There's a warmth to the recording that really makes it come alive.

A few individual song comments that I'll keep brief: At Wit's End is every bit as good as the hype. The outro solo on it is not overly technical, and repeats the same riff motif, but its SO emotional. It just pegs something musically to match the topic, and I love it. I really enjoyed Barstool Warrior as well. Viper King doesn't really fit stylistically, but it was fun to listen to. It could have fit really well onto FII with the Jon Lord-inspired keyboards.

If you've followed my posts over the years, you know I haven't been a big fan of what Dream Theater has done post-Train of Thought. And that wasn't the heaviness. I am not sure how to describe it, but I felt like the influences of the band came to the surface too much, the songs were more focused on technicality and lost some mood and feeling, etc. I know all of that is really personal to each person, and that's how I thought. Even with the switch to Mangini, I wasn't blown away, and I drifted a bit further from DT.

I'm from Long Island. Lived there the first 25 years of my life, and I still consider myself a Long Islander, and I'm proud of the musicians from my home. I became a Dream Theater fan with ACOS and then FII, going backwards to get Awake and Images. I saw them live for the first time (twice) in 1998 (opening for Deep Purple and ELP, and then the 12/29/98 holiday show in NYC). I've seen them 13 or 14 times total, all across the United States. So, what I'm trying to say is, I beat the drum as a fan of theirs through Train of Thought. And even after that, when I really wasn't a fan of what they were doing, I still was a Dream Theater supporter. But I haven't been a FAN in quite some time.

Thankfully, thanks to DoT, I am again a FAN of what the band is doing. It brilliantly captures Dream Theater's past in a way that makes it completely modern, without sacrificing both technicality and melody. I liken it to the same feeling I got with Fates Warning's Theories of Flight a couple years back. It expertly weaves all eras of the band's sound and presents it in a way that sounds fresh, exciting and inspiring.

My personal favorites (so far):

At Wit's End
Pale Blue Dot

Thanks Dream Theater. I needed this one. If you're an old school fan that really separated from DT over the last decade or so, give this one a spin. You won't regret it.

King Postwhore

bosk1, your new avatar should be a pale blue dot with your face on it with stick figure arms and legs.
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


Quote from: CirclesSquared on February 21, 2019, 08:59:24 AM
Quote from: Samsara on February 21, 2019, 07:10:02 AM
Best DT record since SFAM, at least for me.

Pretty much echoing your sentiments! The best since SFaM (or at least SDOiT) –  for me certainly. And I realize this is a bold statement that may have been voiced on some previous occasions, but I feel it really rings true this time.

But before I get to the gist of things - hello everyone! Great to be here on DTF, where I lurked for years but was never prompted to partake – until now. What enticed me to join just now is pure excitement of what we got with Distance Over Time.

Though I am new to these neck of the internet woods, I am by no means a DT newbie – I started listening to the band in late 2003 and in fact my first album was the freshly released Train of Thought. And even though I hold that album in relatively high regard due to sheer sentimental reasons, my favorite records are SfaM and IaW. I am leaning more towards a prog-side of things than heaviness when it comes to DT music (although I do not refrain from heavy, quite the contrary! It's just that I prefer certain kind of heaviness to that kind which became prevalent in latter stage of their career)

And that is exactly why I decided to join just now – in order to get off my chest how awesome I think Distance Over Time is and how it rekindled my passion for this band.

(And the funny thing is I wasn't even that convinced by the three singles that preceded it, though two of them grew on me quite a bit)

Though I should say that I am belonging to that rather underpopulated camp of The Astonishing aficionados – I have a thing for conceptual, operatic pieces and TA was such a breath of fresh air for me, albeit marred by some excessive material. Still, there's at least 55 minutes of top-notch DT music there which was much more than what we used to get per album since Scenes (just a side note that I loathe SC and BC&SL – needed to get that off my chest too).

About DoT: the four-song run of Barstool Warrior/Room 137/SN2/At Wit's End is UNREAL. Vintage DT – think the missing piece between IaW and Awake, or between Awake and FII – that's how these songs sound. They're energetic, fresh, LOADS of fun and for some reason, when listening for the first few times (each time with a huge grin on my face and a feeling of euphoria I haven't felt for DT in a long while) I couldn't memorize any of the musical parts clearly – and then it hit me why:

There is so much going on in those 4-6 minutes of each of these songs' (except AWE which clocks at more than 9 minutes and is packed with ear candy – such a fitting acronym for this song, btw) that it's just ridiculous. Level of variety and diversity that we didn't for quite some time. AWE is, alongside BAI, the best Mangini-era song for me and one of DT's finest moment - a perfect song all throughout, not a second wasted - as is Barstool Warrior.

Out of Reach is a very lovely ballad. I am not big on ballads myself, but this one I don't mind at all, in fact it is akin of some of their more successful ventures of this ilk, a la Through Her Eyes and Anna Lee. Pale Blue Dot is terrific and just as engaging – although it does seem to miss that X factor that makes it an instant jaw-dropper like the aforementioned four songs that are a highlight for me.

Oh, and – the sound of the record, the production, the mix – is absolutely out of this world. Petrucci's guitar leads have never sounded better, Myung is on absolute fire (finally!), Rudess is measured and collected throughout, Mangini shos off some proper tricks and got his sound right and La Brie does some super interesting things with his vocals and sings great throughout (it seems like he's singing in a range that's more comfortable for him now and as a result he just sounds right).

As a band rejuvenated, that's how this album sounds.

So yeah – nice to be here and SO nice to have DT at the top of their powers back!

Welcome and I completely agree with everything you said.  (And I've been a fan of the band since 1993)


Quote from: CirclesSquared on February 21, 2019, 08:59:24 AM
About DoT: the four-song run of Barstool Warrior/Room 137/SN2/At Wit's End is UNREAL.

Quote from: erwinrafael on February 21, 2019, 09:07:56 AM
That run from Barstool Warrior to At Wit's End is especially amazing.

Already two people agreeing on FOUR songs? wow  :metal

It's so contagious erwinfael to read your impressions, you sound like a kid in a candy store  :lol


Can you let me review track by track? I'm so hyped and I'm so excited. After one listen I'll write something. It'll be like first impact but that's what I want now.

In 1 hour I'll start to listen.


Quote from: CirclesSquared on February 21, 2019, 08:59:24 AM

But before I get to the gist of things - hello everyone! Great to be here on DTF, where I lurked for years but was never prompted to partake – until now. What enticed me to join just now is pure excitement of what we got with Distance Over Time.

Welcome. I've lurked for years too  :lol


Quote from: kingshmegland on February 21, 2019, 10:31:46 AM
bosk1, your new avatar should be a pale blue dot with your face on it with stick figure arms and legs.



Haven't heard it yet (except for the singles), since it's still thursday 3:36 pm here in Brazil.

I had a good felling about the album, but you guys saying it's better than 6DOIT...that's a BOLD claim.  :eek

Will post my thoughts on it after 2 or 3 listens tomorrow.


Quote from: pfillion on February 21, 2019, 10:32:18 AM
Quote from: CirclesSquared on February 21, 2019, 08:59:24 AM
Quote from: Samsara on February 21, 2019, 07:10:02 AM
Best DT record since SFAM, at least for me.

Pretty much echoing your sentiments! The best since SFaM (or at least SDOiT) –  for me certainly. And I realize this is a bold statement that may have been voiced on some previous occasions, but I feel it really rings true this time.

But before I get to the gist of things - hello everyone! Great to be here on DTF, where I lurked for years but was never prompted to partake – until now. What enticed me to join just now is pure excitement of what we got with Distance Over Time.

Though I am new to these neck of the internet woods, I am by no means a DT newbie – I started listening to the band in late 2003 and in fact my first album was the freshly released Train of Thought. And even though I hold that album in relatively high regard due to sheer sentimental reasons, my favorite records are SfaM and IaW. I am leaning more towards a prog-side of things than heaviness when it comes to DT music (although I do not refrain from heavy, quite the contrary! It's just that I prefer certain kind of heaviness to that kind which became prevalent in latter stage of their career)

And that is exactly why I decided to join just now – in order to get off my chest how awesome I think Distance Over Time is and how it rekindled my passion for this band.

(And the funny thing is I wasn't even that convinced by the three singles that preceded it, though two of them grew on me quite a bit)

Though I should say that I am belonging to that rather underpopulated camp of The Astonishing aficionados – I have a thing for conceptual, operatic pieces and TA was such a breath of fresh air for me, albeit marred by some excessive material. Still, there's at least 55 minutes of top-notch DT music there which was much more than what we used to get per album since Scenes (just a side note that I loathe SC and BC&SL – needed to get that off my chest too).

About DoT: the four-song run of Barstool Warrior/Room 137/SN2/At Wit's End is UNREAL. Vintage DT – think the missing piece between IaW and Awake, or between Awake and FII – that's how these songs sound. They're energetic, fresh, LOADS of fun and for some reason, when listening for the first few times (each time with a huge grin on my face and a feeling of euphoria I haven't felt for DT in a long while) I couldn't memorize any of the musical parts clearly – and then it hit me why:

There is so much going on in those 4-6 minutes of each of these songs' (except AWE which clocks at more than 9 minutes and is packed with ear candy – such a fitting acronym for this song, btw) that it's just ridiculous. Level of variety and diversity that we didn't for quite some time. AWE is, alongside BAI, the best Mangini-era song for me and one of DT's finest moment - a perfect song all throughout, not a second wasted - as is Barstool Warrior.

Out of Reach is a very lovely ballad. I am not big on ballads myself, but this one I don't mind at all, in fact it is akin of some of their more successful ventures of this ilk, a la Through Her Eyes and Anna Lee. Pale Blue Dot is terrific and just as engaging – although it does seem to miss that X factor that makes it an instant jaw-dropper like the aforementioned four songs that are a highlight for me.

Oh, and – the sound of the record, the production, the mix – is absolutely out of this world. Petrucci's guitar leads have never sounded better, Myung is on absolute fire (finally!), Rudess is measured and collected throughout, Mangini shos off some proper tricks and got his sound right and La Brie does some super interesting things with his vocals and sings great throughout (it seems like he's singing in a range that's more comfortable for him now and as a result he just sounds right).

As a band rejuvenated, that's how this album sounds.

So yeah – nice to be here and SO nice to have DT at the top of their powers back!

Welcome and I completely agree with everything you said.  (And I've been a fan of the band since 1993)

Appreciate it - thanks a lot for the welcome (and congrats for staying with the band for so long - that's loyalty)!

As for Samsara's review - I completely echo the sentiment, especially this part which encapsulates the essence of this album:

QuoteIt brilliantly captures Dream Theater's past in a way that makes it completely modern, without sacrificing both technicality and melody. [...] It expertly weaves all eras of the band's sound and presents it in a way that sounds fresh, exciting and inspiring.


Quote from: MirrorMask on February 21, 2019, 10:36:56 AM

It's so contagious erwinfael to read your impressions, you sound like a kid in a candy store  :lol





Quote from: Dedalus on February 21, 2019, 10:37:59 AM
Quote from: CirclesSquared on February 21, 2019, 08:59:24 AM

But before I get to the gist of things - hello everyone! Great to be here on DTF, where I lurked for years but was never prompted to partake – until now. What enticed me to join just now is pure excitement of what we got with Distance Over Time.

Welcome. I've lurked for years too  :lol

:lol We rise in album-cycles times (and thanks!).


Quote from: erwinrafael on February 21, 2019, 08:29:25 AM

OK, my jaw is officially dropping. Myung and Mangini are amazing!

Mangini doing lots of hi-hat work and playing with the snare, more than the past three albums combined.  :lol

Damn it, that chorus is addictive.

Killer JP solo.

Fake ending? I haven't heard that before!

JR brings it in the outro! Like a much improved version of the TDEN outro.

My favorite D/T song so far. Peak DT song again!

Yeah mang, this song kicks All the Ass.


Quote from: CirclesSquared on February 21, 2019, 10:29:52 AM
Quote from: genome on February 21, 2019, 08:10:40 AM
Best album since Six Degrees. Two of the tracks made me well up with emotion and that NEVER happens.

Taking a guess here: BW and AWE?



I should be preparing my classes, but here I am reading impressions and opinions on d/t   :rollin

I think the next class will be "Let's listen to the new Dream Theater album"  :biggrin:


The school committee picked a perfect week for school vacation in my town. I take the week off and:

1. The Bruins are on a West Coast trip (and I can stay up!)
2. New Dream Theater album!!!!
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: DTwwbwMP on October 10, 2024, 11:26:46 AMDISAPPOINTED.. I hoped for something more along the lines of ADTOE.


Quote from: TAC on February 21, 2019, 11:09:46 AM
The school committee picked a perfect week for school vacation in my town. I take the week off and:

1. The Bruins are on a West Coast trip (and I can stay up!)
2. New Dream Theater album!!!!

Lucky you!  :)


Quote from: Mike Mangini on FBI will be at the East Village Theater in New York City tonight for the Distance Over Time listening party with both John's. There may be a few seats left. I'm not sure. The reviews have all been just what was I was hoping for; strong, while noticing the evolving changes made by the band. Again, this is really my "first" album with DT being a part of its vibe/direction, 1 lyric, music writing (not just "song" writing, or drumming ideas,) my 2 cents with initial drum mic'ing, all while everyone else had the same input. This is the only "everyone" band album I've ever been on since demos in 1987 with the Rick Berlin Band in Boston. I really think you can feel the ebb and flow with each member's personality, which makes this unmakeable unless all 5 have a voice. Kudos to Jimmy T. and Ben too. Petrucci made some legendary decisions and did more work than anyone can imagine. This decade has meant a lot of unplanned pressure on him and maybe a few other people too in different ways. And here we are; evolved; learned and happy. That's a win. I hope you all very much enjoy this.

You can feel his pride and happiness in finally having done a DT album the way he wanted to do it. Probably and finally he's starting to feel that Dream Theater is really his band as well, and not just a band where he plays drums.

Logain Ablar

I can't wait to hear this. I'm on holiday in France this week. Wi-fi is practically non-existent and mobile data coverage is poor. It might be Saturday night when I get home that I'm able to listen to it fully, and it's killing me!  ;D


Since I am on the West Coast, this should be available at 9pm tonight!! Can't wait!!


Quote from: genome on February 21, 2019, 09:57:42 AM
My initial rankings, if you're interested:

Barstool Warrior
At Wit's End
Pale Blue Dot
Fall Into the Light
Room 137
Untethered Angel
Out of Reach
exactly my Order too ! :metal


1- Barstool Warrior.

It's classic prog rock song. The intro remind me SDOIT (2nd disc) and a bit Octavarium song itself.
Very upbeat song, kinda Surrounded V2. I love the lyrics and outro vocals.


1  - At Wit's End
2  - Pale Blue Dot       (ex aequo)
2  - Barstool Warrior   (ex aequo)
4  - Out Of Reach
5  - Room 137
6  - Paralyzed
7  - Viper King
8  - S2N                     (ex aequo)
8  - Fall Into The Light (ex aequo)
10- Untethered Angel

Fantastic album, way exceeding my expectations. My favourite since SFAM, head and shoulders above anything coming after Train Of Thought. In a way I feel this album is what Systematic Chaos would have loved to be, but never was.


Quote from: wasteland on February 21, 2019, 12:28:14 PM
1  - At Wit's End
2  - Pale Blue Dot       (ex aequo)
2  - Barstool Warrior   (ex aequo)
4  - Out Of Reach
5  - Room 137
6  - Paralyzed
7  - Viper King
8  - S2N                     (ex aequo)
8  - Fall Into The Light (ex aequo)
10- Untethered Angel

Fantastic album, way exceeding my expectations. My favourite since SFAM, head and shoulders above anything coming after Train Of Thought. In a way I feel this album is what Systematic Chaos would have loved to be, but never was.

Excuse my stupidity but what is the ex aequo representing?

Mark Levinson Jr.

Quote from: pfillion on February 21, 2019, 09:04:18 AM
I know that some of you will probably say that I'm crazy, but I think that Distance Over Time is my favorite DT album since SFAM.  :hefdaddy

And I'm dead serious guys, to me DOT is even better than Train Of Thought and Six Degrees.

This kind of talk is just blowing my mind! I have only heard the singles, so I'm counting down the hours...
But it's just so hard to believe that 30 years into their (album releasing) career that they could have some many good ideas left?

I mean, who does this so late in their career? Sure there's Rush and Maiden... but this seems like a different sort of achievement.