Anyone a fan of Unleash the Archers? Phantoma Out NOW

Started by Samsara, February 27, 2019, 12:10:24 PM

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Enjoying Phantoma today. Love the 80s pop rock of Give It Up Or Give It All.

Obvs, I'm completely new to the band but, the way they've shifted the style on this one seems very smart/tasteful to me and impresses me a lot. I get a bunch of subtle 70s vibes too. Even a tiny whiff of ABBA on one track.


Quote from: DoctorAction on May 29, 2024, 08:20:51 AM
Enjoying Phantoma today. Love the 80s pop rock of Give It Up Or Give It All.

Obvs, I'm completely new to the band but, the way they've shifted the style on this one seems very smart/tasteful to me and impresses me a lot. I get a bunch of subtle 70s vibes too. Even a tiny whiff of ABBA on one track.

Yeah, there's definitely a shift, especially the back half of the album, but there's still a chunk of "classic' UtA songs that are really good IMO.  I really like the 80s pop rock influences personally, so they kind of hit a nail on the head for my tastes, but those who don't like it, I understand too.


Well, this is slowly but surely winning me over. I'm still pretty sure it won't touch Apex/Abyss (also still not loving the production), but it's growing with every listen. And I keep going back to it, which is obviously a good sign. I, too, enjoy the 80s pop rock influence in the songs, so that part is a win for me.

And Give it Up or Give it All is awesome  :) The part starting around 1:30 is melodically so good but, really, the whole song is a gem of melodic rock.


I could go for a full album like that song. Pure Heart worship. Mix in some more muscular Survivor nods as well and it'd probably be my favourite record of the 21st century!


Quote from: DoctorAction on May 30, 2024, 06:27:16 AM
I could go for a full album like that song. Pure Heart worship. Mix in some more muscular Survivor nods as well and it'd probably be my favourite record of the 21st century!

Wow! I like that!!!! Lets make it happen somehow...



Phantoma growing more. Brittany's vocals are really, really good. There's a lot that reminds me of Anneke on Dev's stuff, which also reminds me of ABBA. Very much enjoying.


Quote from: DoctorAction on June 03, 2024, 12:20:11 PM
Phantoma growing more. Brittany's vocals are really, really good. There's a lot that reminds me of Anneke on Dev's stuff, which also reminds me of ABBA. Very much enjoying.

I have Apex a good listen for the first time. It was good, but a bit cliche power metal.

Listening to the album after that now. Liking it.

Your post makes me excited for that album too.

Thank goodness for Spotify premium!
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Quote from: DoctorAction on June 03, 2024, 12:20:11 PM
Phantoma growing more. Brittany's vocals are really, really good. There's a lot that reminds me of Anneke on Dev's stuff, which also reminds me of ABBA. Very much enjoying.

She's incredible.  I think a lot of the "whoas" kind of get overused, but I still really like them so I'm ok with it.


Quote from: cramx3 on June 03, 2024, 12:36:29 PM
She's incredible.  I think a lot of the "whoas" kind of get overused, but I still really like them so I'm ok with it.

She's a beast. In my opinion only Kate French is better.


Quote from: Glasser on June 03, 2024, 02:13:37 PM
She's a beast. In my opinion only Kate French is better.

Floor Jansen or Simone Simons probably get my nods, but she's not far behind.  I've also been listening to the other two much longer so there's room for change in my rankings over time.


Quote from: Glasser on June 03, 2024, 02:13:37 PM
She's a beast. In my opinion only Kate French is better.

Not sure who Kate French is but we're blessed with an abundance of insane female singers, of which Brittney is definitely among. Floor and Simone, Anneke, Tatiana, and probably a lot more. That's not even counting the entire population of Japan that RJ can vouch for.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Kate French is from later Chastain, Vainglory, and Tantrum.  I prefer the 80s Chastain material with Leather Leone, but Kate's pretty good. 

It's really its own topic, there are just so many styles, and it's hard to compare a belter like French with more operatically inclined ones like Simone, more ethereal ones like Sharon den Adel, or poppier ones like Melissa Bonny, etc.  Of the power singer types a few other favorites though are Magali Luyten, Tinna Karlsdotter (All Ends), Gemma Fox (Collibus), Lzzy Hale, Noora Louhimo (Battle Beast), Nienke de Jong (Dejafuse, ex-Autumn), Natalia Terekhova (ex-Dark Princess), and Ida Haukland (Triosphere). 

I still need to listen to this album.  I'm still way behind on new releases, and most of the singles were a bit underwhelming, but they could grow on me. 


Quote from: LithoJazzoSphere on June 04, 2024, 09:53:47 AM
I'm still way behind on new releases, and most of the singles were a bit underwhelming, but they could grow on me.

I'm kind of questioning the choices of the singles.  Those aren't bad songs, but they are all in the bottom half of the album for me.


Finished Abyss.

Really great musically, though their lyrics

Hoping on the new album they break away from the power metal a bit. So much talent and potential.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Quote from: LithoJazzoSphere on June 04, 2024, 09:53:47 AM
Kate French is from later Chastain, Vainglory, and Tantrum.  I prefer the 80s Chastain material with Leather Leone, but Kate's pretty good. 

It's really its own topic, there are just so many styles, and it's hard to compare a belter like French with more operatically inclined ones like Simone, more ethereal ones like Sharon den Adel, or poppier ones like Melissa Bonny, etc.  Of the power singer types a few other favorites though are Magali Luyten, Tinna Karlsdotter (All Ends), Gemma Fox (Collibus), Lzzy Hale, Noora Louhimo (Battle Beast), Nienke de Jong (Dejafuse, ex-Autumn), Natalia Terekhova (ex-Dark Princess), and Ida Haukland (Triosphere). 

I still need to listen to this album.  I'm still way behind on new releases, and most of the singles were a bit underwhelming, but they could grow on me.

Her song on the Tigress album is great! She would be the ultimate replacement for Todd in QR. :neverusethis:


Quote from: Adami on June 04, 2024, 10:49:15 AM
Finished Abyss.

Really great musically, though their lyrics

Hoping on the new album they break away from the power metal a bit. So much talent and potential.

Hoping the next one has some more treats for ya. The extra 80s cheesy sheen gives it an extra attraction to these ears.

I find the band pretty charming in their up-front nerdery. Posting multiple videos of their D&D sessions on YouTube is just great. They're clearly so into this stuff that it makes me forgive certain lyrical slants that would otherwise usually grate on me.


I really enjoyed Phantoma.

They still aren't great at lyrics, but such is life. I also wish they'd grow a bit more beyond power metal. The guitarists and Brittney are clearly capable. Their new bassist seems to be..there...I guess, but their drummer seems solely and strictly in the power metal camp.

And yea, way too many YEAAAAAs or WOAAHHHHs.

Still really good album, I hope they keep growing and developing!
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Great interview. She sounds super interesting and down-to-earth.

(I have both volumes of that Tokyo Ghost comic she mentioned. Fully recommended.)


Been spinning Abyss this weekend. Joins Apex and Phantoma in my "enormously enjoyable" box. There's a lot going on in this one - even a little Metropolis nod, if I'm not mistaken. I really appreciate the fun, uplifting vibe they have.


Bonus song from Phantoma, a cover of Tarzan Boy

Not sure how much I care for this, I think some of that is the mix from whoever digitalized the vinyl but it's just nothing special either.  Cool for a bonus though.


Meant to get to this much earlier, but I was swamped with other things when it came out and had found the singles a bit underwhelming.  The best one was "Ghosts in the Mist", which is still my favorite, what a catchy chorus.  Several others (including another single or two) stood out more with the full album experience as well.  I'm not sure this is on the level of their last two yet, but I could see it getting there.  I'll have to read back through the thread again and see what I missed now that I have the full context in mind. 


I just saw the band the other night, and in preparation, found myself listening to Phantoma a bunch, since they were playing 3 songs from the album.  When it came out, I wasn't too excited about it - it didn't hit as hard as Abyss did, with that title track just knocking your socks off.

But the more I listen to Phantoma, the more I've begun to really enjoy it.  There's still plenty of power metal all over it, even if the guitars aren't as crunchy as I'd like or if some other influences have crept in.

Hearing three songs live really helped too -  Ghosts in the Mist so far is my favorite tune from the record, which came off super heavy live and the guitarist really killed it on the growls.  As for the live performance, the band was awesome and Britney was dead-on perfect.  Hearing her sing such massive high notes with ease was really cool to see and I made sure to record the beginning of Tonight We Ride so I could hear it back later on.   The one regret is that I didn't want to take the time to buy a tour shirt from them - the merch lines were ridiculously long at the show.


Kind of wish they played some more of the new album, specifically Buried by Code, but I'll be happy to see them again (as I just put on my UtA tshirt for today)


I'm envious. I missed their recent UK festival appearance as was elsewhere in the country but would love to see them.

Phantoma is one of my AOTYs and has grown to be my favourite of their's (but am still a new fan so could easily change).

Hope they come back over here sometime soonish.

EDIT: Listening to Abyss now, mind, and love the synths and increased synth/pop/rock elements on this.

ATM I'd rank the last 3 as:

1. Phantoma
2. Abyss
3. Apex

But really enjoy them all.


I really enjoy the last three. But I'd go:

1. Apex
2. Phantoma
3. Abyss