3/21/19 + 3/22/19 - Wiltern Theater - Los Angeles

Started by JayOctavarium, March 18, 2019, 10:20:14 AM

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Who's going? My buddies and I will be at the Fri show :caffeine:


My 20 y/o son and I will be there. Doing VIP. A great mom/son outing!! :metal


See ya'll there Thursday (meet and greet, 2nd row pit) and Friday (front row floor).  Hope we get alternating setlists, but will be fun couple of days regardless.


I'll be at the Thursday show, up in the mezzanine. Does the show actually start at 7? Are there openers or is it just DT?


Quote from: Sigz on March 19, 2019, 11:54:37 AM
I'll be at the Thursday show, up in the mezzanine. Does the show actually start at 7? Are there openers or is it just DT?

You are alive!


No opener. I thought the doors opened at 7 but I'd need to double check


Just called Wiltern. For both nights:

7p doors

8p-855p Dream Theater Act 1

910-10p Dream Theater Act 2


Saw that too.. good, my receipt for my tickets from Sound Rink has a note about the VIP. says arrive no later than 5. I was wondering as the last VIP I went to we had to be there at 3:30 or 4.


Quote from: JayOctavarium on March 19, 2019, 12:05:55 PM
Just called Wiltern. For both nights:

7p doors

8p-855p Dream Theater Act 1

910-10p Dream Theater Act 2

Isn't SFAM long than the time noted for Act 1 or Act 2? I'm hoping there is an encore after Act 2.


Yeah, I can guarantee that it isn't a 2-hour show.  Most shows finish up just short of 11 p.m., not 10.


Quote from: geeeemo on March 19, 2019, 01:27:07 PM
Saw that too.. good, my receipt for my tickets from Sound Rink has a note about the VIP. says arrive no later than 5. I was wondering as the last VIP I went to we had to be there at 3:30 or 4.

Official M&G instructions arrived today. Email says no later than 5:30pm at Wiltern.  Yes, previous years was much earlier.



Quote from: JayOctavarium on March 19, 2019, 12:01:31 PM
Quote from: Sigz on March 19, 2019, 11:54:37 AM
I'll be at the Thursday show, up in the mezzanine. Does the show actually start at 7? Are there openers or is it just DT?

You are alive!


No opener. I thought the doors opened at 7 but I'd need to double check

I am!  And cool, thanks for the info :tup


Quote from: RaiseTheKnife on March 19, 2019, 03:43:30 PM
Quote from: geeeemo on March 19, 2019, 01:27:07 PM
Saw that too.. good, my receipt for my tickets from Sound Rink has a note about the VIP. says arrive no later than 5. I was wondering as the last VIP I went to we had to be there at 3:30 or 4.

Official M&G instructions arrived today. Email says no later than 5:30pm at Wiltern.  Yes, previous years was much earlier.

Didn't get mine yet...   :-\


I really hope they do a slightly different setlist tonight compared to last night's show so that I won't see the same exact show 2 nights in a row. But hearing SFAM again is definitely worth it.  :metal


I posted this.
Pale Blue Dot - March 22, 2019


For those who were at the show, how DT is playing Finally Free? With the drum solo at the end? With that Metropolis 2000 outro? Thanks!


Btw how does the merch look? I'm hoping the album cover made for some hella sweet shirts.


Well, I know nothing about drumming, but Mangini kicked some serious ass!  And for women (sorry) black shirt with the FItL rose petals falling onto the water. It's beautiful. I have never enjoyed a concert more! Some serious surprises!  :hefdaddy


Show was incredible. James was killer. I remember being slightly let down by his performance during the last tour (IW&B), though I saw them towards the end of that tour so I'm sure he was a bit burned out. Tonight, however, he slayed the entire night. Not sure what was going on with his mic though. Volume kept going up and down throughout pretty much the entire show. I guess they switched out Paralyzed for Fall Into The Light. SFAM was jaw dropping. I don't think I've ever connected to a performance like I did tonight. It touched my fricken soul.  My only real gripe was that the whole show was a bit loud. I wish the front of house guy would have just brought everything down two or three db. The band was on fire though! Had a good laugh at JP's mess up during the solo at the beginning of ANTR. 😆

Anyways, I had a blast. Now I've seen DT play three of their albums in their entirety. Let's keep this going! Here's to SDOIT during the next tour!
My latest concept album "III: The Sparrow & The Architect" is out now!
"IV: Timber" Coming October 18, 2024!
linktree = STARCOMMANDStudios


Everything I'm seeing and hearing makes me stoked, especially the reports that James voice is in solid condition, he was quite worn at my show last year. Getting very pumped, our turn in SF is next!!!!


Was there tonight with my wife.

Agree with LordOfTheStrings- really solid show, great performances overall.  I was especially impressed by James- have no idea how he can sing that long, that late, night after night, through so many ridiculous passages.  And I constantly marvel at how JP (and MM and JM) can play so many complex things bang on note-for-note without any sheet music, charts, cheats, or guides.  Hundreds of thousands of notes, and they just go through it as if it's someone humming "She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain".  And I'm a professional musician (composer), so I'm not even saying that as a layperson.

Loved Barstool Warrior, loved beautiful agony section of Nightmare, and loved every bit of SFAM.  Highlight moment of the night for me was probably Dance of Eternity with JR on keytar, and both JR and JP ascended up the stairs to the top level of the on-stage set.  All 4 guys just going crazy, in perfect synchronization.  Stuff that's amazing to behold, and just so tightly done together.  That moment is why I love DT- I don't really see other bands do that (a few noteworthy exceptions aside).  A unified expression of technical wizardry- each part equally as strong as the others, no one person leading or putting themselves above their bandmates.

However, the night was partly spoiled (or at least certainly kept from its full potential of awesomeness) by just a RIDICULOUS volume level.  I think I'm now deaf.  Was pain-inducing almost the entire time, and totally unnecessarily so.  In fact, it ruined the sonic quality/beauty of what they were doing.  Jordan's piano patches sounded completely distorted and fuzzy rather than elegant and sweeping (picture all those SFAM moments without a nice-sounding piano...), like a piano recording being cranked to 11 through blown speakers.  And anything his high registers/octaves (piano or any other patch) was just too searing/piercing to enjoy.  MM's octoban hits were crushing- to an artificial extent.  In fact, his cymbals were his quietest bit of kit by far.  But worst of all, anything JP did was just earth-shattering- his low crunch drowned out everything (including vocals, which were way too loud on their own too, which really says something), and his beautiful soaring melodic solos were indeed amazingly performed, but also completely ear-splitting.  So much so I had to constantly plug ears and turn sideways lessen the pressure and overall noise floor.  FWIW- I was seated in loge (balcony) row 2 (BB), dead center on the aisle.

Seriously, the whole thing needed to be dialed WAY down.  I've seen many shows louder than Dream Theater before, and I've seen Dream Theater several times (including at the Wiltern before).  I've NEVER heard ANY concert anywhere near as loud as this.  And like Strings said... levels were changing all night long in weird ways.  Most obvious in James' vocals (also needed some more compression on him, to even out different singing voices/styles and high/low dynamics- which is usually NOT ideal, but necessary when the whole thing is SO freaking loud there's no detail to be enjoyed in the first place).  But everyone was constantly being pushed up, and up, and UP to come through over/above the din everyone else was already making... until the NEXT featured part by someone, when THEY were pushed to the top, and so on and so on until there's no headroom anywhere and we're just swimming in constant hammering sonic air pressure waves.  Ugh, I'm sonically exhausted all over again just thinking about it.  And now, 2 hours later, I literally feel like my head is wrapped in cotton.  Just hoping I don't have long-term damage, as my career literally depends on good hearing.  I do have some decent ear plugs, but (stupidly) forgot them.  Not sure they'd have saved me anyway- they're "only" a 20 dB reduction.

I have no idea if the volume issue was more on DT's team, or on the Wiltern.  But let others attending stops on this tour be forewarned... if this wasn't a one-off, you may really need to protect yourself and be prepared for some insane sound levels.

All that said, the performance was fantastic, and production (lights, projection, MTC/SMPTE timing/programming, etc.) was all top notch and fun to experience.  Crowd was really into it.  Saw some really old guys/girls, also had a couple kids behind me experiencing their first concert.  Awesome how multi-generational DT is, and how many different types of people it attracts.  The only real non-diversity I saw was in clothing choice... which of course was 98% black!



My latest concept album "III: The Sparrow & The Architect" is out now!
"IV: Timber" Coming October 18, 2024!
linktree = STARCOMMANDStudios


Yeah, great show overall. First set was really good and they killed SFAM, so I can die happy. It was SUPER loud as others have said, I fortunately had my earplugs so it sounded great, but even then it was still really loud. I took them out at a few points to check on the sound and it was nearly unbearable.


Killer show. I was probably 6 rows back from Music Maker and I agree... It was LOUD. Especially Petrucci's crunchy tone... Made my face hurt lmao



I have a lot to say about the show, but I'm going to at least pop in to say the following:

I love and enjoy what they're doing on this tour in so many ways, but could only enjoy to a certain extent because it was ridiculously loud and full of bad frequencies for a big echoey theater... worst of all, their awful backing tracks (now featuring tambourines and shakers every other song) was even louder and more piercing than the band. Maybe the best show I've ever seen totally ruined for the stupidest reasons. That evens out to a good/great show.  :lol

I LOVED the way Mangini played the end of FF and they're whole live ending in general. I also loved the choice of ANTR and ITPOE as well as many other things, from the stage setup to emotional musical moments that were great.


It Was loud. I was 4 rows from the stage, I felt like I couldn't have listened for another hour. I am going to see them next week in Milwaukee, so I can have a decent way to compare - Is it the venue or not. Hopefully the microphone issue will be fixed by then. I am liking James clothing choices. And I was pretty surprised by Mangini's cut arms.  :o  I think I enjoyed watching him more than anyone this time, although James was great! - did quite a bit of head banging, grooving and twirling. It looks like he plays a game with his mic stand. How much tip can he get before it falls to the floor.

Another thing though. Did the VIP. They seemed, not rushed really but more 'going through the motions' than engaged compared to the experience at another VIP. Even their signatures look rushed. I thought it was funny though - Jordan was last - and I was busy chatting with James (he always is relaxed and engaged it seems). I moved to Jordan and he is flipping through the art book. "Wow I haven't seen this yet. This is great!" I also had a bummer moment with Mangini.  I have his art displayed over my piano which has all sorts of DT, and Rush stuff on it, and have a really cool picture of the room.  So I say " I have your art" and he is like "which one?", so I tell him and ask does he  want to see a picture?  Sure he says. Now I had the picture ready on my phone. I hit it and wa laa! It is frozen and won't expand.  :facepalm:.  One last thing. The drumhead is a very cool swag piece!


Quote from: geeeemo on March 24, 2019, 09:12:11 AM
It looks like he plays a game with his mic stand. How much tip can he get before it falls to the floor.

Hahah yeah!!! I've been waiting to see that thing fall over for YEARS, it always tips so far but always comes back to center. Finally, with his new stand (during Scenes on night 1) it fell!! lol

The new ones must be not quite as center-weighted as the last several tours  :yarr


I also really enjoyed watching Mangini this time, and every time I've seen them. What he brings to the music is so neat.


I noticed on Setlist that they did a small change in the set, is that correct? Hoping they keep it, definite improvement for me.


Quote from: lonestar on March 24, 2019, 02:45:34 PM
I noticed on Setlist that they did a small change in the set, is that correct? Hoping they keep it, definite improvement for me.

Amen, brother!
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: DTwwbwMP on October 10, 2024, 11:26:46 AMDISAPPOINTED.. I hoped for something more along the lines of ADTOE.


Quote from: MusicMaker on March 23, 2019, 01:04:42 AMI have no idea if the volume issue was more on DT's team, or on the Wiltern.  But let others attending stops on this tour be forewarned... if this wasn't a one-off, you may really need to protect yourself and be prepared for some insane sound levels.

Yeah, you know, I didn't find the SF show to be quite as loud as what you guys are describing (it definitely was loud, but definitely not the loudest show I have seen).  But both JP and MM asked me if I brought earplugs before the show started, which they have not done before.  So apparently, there is a problem.  Sorry it dampened your enjoyment of the show.

Quote from: MusicMaker on March 23, 2019, 01:04:42 AMThe only real non-diversity I saw was in clothing choice... which of course was 98% black!

Funny that you mention that.  I was joking about the same thing.  It made me wish I had worn my burgundy Hawkins Middle School AV Club shirt instead of a concert shirt.

Quote from: geeeemo on March 24, 2019, 09:12:11 AMJames was great! - did quite a bit of head banging, grooving and twirling. It looks like he plays a game with his mic stand. How much tip can he get before it falls to the floor.

I had forgotten about that.  :lol  He did that at our show too.  At one point during the SFAM set, he grabbed the mic and walked to stage right, and it fell over next to JP.  James was facing away from him, so he didn't notice, and JP spent the next little bit trying to kick it out of his way without losing concentration on what he was playing.  :lol  And then James came back and saw that it was on the ground, and it got even better.  I forget which song it was now, but it was one part where the lyrics talk about Victoria being said, and he leaned over the mic stand and was gesturing like it was a dead body that he was distraught over.  :lol  The whole episode lasted maybe 5-10 seconds, but it was pretty entertaining.


Quote from: bosk1 on March 25, 2019, 01:07:58 PM
Quote from: MusicMaker on March 23, 2019, 01:04:42 AMI have no idea if the volume issue was more on DT's team, or on the Wiltern.  But let others attending stops on this tour be forewarned... if this wasn't a one-off, you may really need to protect yourself and be prepared for some insane sound levels.

Yeah, you know, I didn't find the SF show to be quite as loud as what you guys are describing (it definitely was loud, but definitely not the loudest show I have seen).  But both JP and MM asked me if I brought earplugs before the show started, which they have not done before.  So apparently, there is a problem.  Sorry it dampened your enjoyment of the show.

Quote from: MusicMaker on March 23, 2019, 01:04:42 AMThe only real non-diversity I saw was in clothing choice... which of course was 98% black!

Funny that you mention that.  I was joking about the same thing.  It made me wish I had worn my burgundy Hawkins Middle School AV Club shirt instead of a concert shirt.

Quote from: geeeemo on March 24, 2019, 09:12:11 AMJames was great! - did quite a bit of head banging, grooving and twirling. It looks like he plays a game with his mic stand. How much tip can he get before it falls to the floor.

I had forgotten about that.  :lol  He did that at our show too.  At one point during the SFAM set, he grabbed the mic and walked to stage right, and it fell over next to JP.  James was facing away from him, so he didn't notice, and JP spent the next little bit trying to kick it out of his way without losing concentration on what he was playing.  :lol  And then James came back and saw that it was on the ground, and it got even better.  I forget which song it was now, but it was one part where the lyrics talk about Victoria being said, and he leaned over the mic stand and was gesturing like it was a dead body that he was distraught over.  :lol  The whole episode lasted maybe 5-10 seconds, but it was pretty entertaining.

First of all, I am not computer savvy on this sight, so for the life of me can't separate the quotes :facepalm:

About the James and mic stand...  :lol This is why live is great! Even if it isn't pristine perfect like the studio versions. Humanity is what we all share!

And to speak to the loudness.. I guess I better start with the earplugs.  I have resisted. I think my ears are suffering.. :\ Some concerts lately haven't been over-loud, but this was. I am guessing now by your response that it won't change due to the venue. It's ok, but wish I could hear James more.  Did you notice an issue with the mic itself? I felt like it was fading in and out...