I'm gonna ask it....

Started by Anxiety35, March 30, 2019, 09:31:48 AM

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With the success of the new album and the apparent success of the north American tour so far, I'm going to pose a question. After this tour cycle is over...

...should Dream Theater call it quits and retire?

Before you fling poo at me, please hear me out. For one, I would love for DT to keep making music forever but we all know that can't happen. I am not saying that I want them to hang it up, because I don't. However, all good things must come to an end, right? Why not go out when you're seemingly on top?

There are so many other bands that are still going but their newer music is mediocre or just plain bad. Fans like the classics but even the classics played live are not good anymore. YouTube is your friend. Find an older band's live material from the past year or two and you'll see what I mean.

I'm sure every band says they have one more album in them or something really special left to do musically. It's part of the artistic and creative mindset. But when do you know when it's time to call it quits?

Pro athletes usually know when to hang it up even if they could continue on. Rob Gronkowski just retired from football. All of us think he could play another 2-5 years but he knew it was time. He just went out on top after winning a Super Bowl. Others will hang on as long as they can and they are a mere shell of their former selves.

I don't want DT to be a shell of their former selves. I'd like them to go out on top. With JR turning 63 this year, MM & JLB turning 56, and the Johns turning 52, I think we're approaching this idea sooner than later.


It makes no financial sense for them to retire, as they're still going strong.

Even leaving the business aside, they're all in good shape and passionate about their craft. Why should they quit just because they're all 50 or older? when you have a lifelong passion and you're 30, one thing is assuming "Well, I guess I won't be doing this as 60". But as those 60's approaches and you're fit and healthy and still passionate, why retire? just to have people say "they went out while on top"? the new album seems generally quite acclaimed but still there are many people who think they're past their prime, so you'll have people saying anyway that they should have quit alongside Portnoy, or after The Astonishing, or earlier or later. No way a band, and especially one so divisive as DT, can retire with everyone patting themselves on their shoulders and saying "yeah, we all agree that they went out at the top". Everyone will have a different idea of what the top was / were.


Quote from: MirrorMask on March 30, 2019, 09:36:47 AM
It makes no financial sense for them to retire, as they're still going strong.

Even leaving the business aside, they're all in good shape and passionate about their craft. Why should they quit just because they're all 50 or older? when you have a lifelong passion and you're 30, one thing is assuming "Well, I guess I won't be doing this as 60". But as those 60's approaches and you're fit and healthy and still passionate, why retire? just to have people say "they went out while on top"? the new album seems generally quite acclaimed but still there are many people who think they're past their prime, so you'll have people saying anyway that they should have quit alongside Portnoy, or after The Astonishing, or earlier or later. No way a band, and especially one so divisive as DT, can retire with everyone patting themselves on their shoulders and saying "yeah, we all agree that they went out at the top". Everyone will have a different idea of what the top was / were.

I agree with you. My point wasn't due to their age although age may have something to do with it. If any band can keep on cranking out good music, it's DT. But, there will come a day when they decide to hang it up.

Dream Team

With the band dynamic they have going on, they aren't really capable of making "bad" music, so I don't understand the OP.


If they keep making good music, I'll keep buying. :)


Rob Gronkowski has had more injuries and surgery in his young life than most families will experience in their household from birth to death.  I think it's smart for him to retire and hopefully be healthy and in less pain than he might if he were to continue.

If DT aren't facing physical issues, they're still having fun, they still want to make new music, and still want to tour, I think that's exactly what they should do.


I hope they never stop..   I would rather here a watered down DT even if they were in their 80's than have no new DT at all.    That very thought scares me.


Quote from: Anxiety35 on March 30, 2019, 09:31:48 AM
With the success of the new album and the apparent success of the north American tour so far, I'm going to pose a question. After this tour cycle is over...

...should Dream Theater call it quits and retire?

Maybe a 5 year haitus? :neverusethis:
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


As someone in their age category consider the poo flung :biggrin:  Seriously, they've got many good years left in them.


No way. They're on top of their game.


Yeah it wouldn't make much sense for them to quit now.

The new album was extremely well received, they seem to be having good sell-through on the current tour, and they are still physically able to play the material live. LaBrie has struggled slightly especially on the older material, but they can make adjustments and, honestly, he sounded amazing live when I heard him on the tour. He still has gas in the tank as far as touring goes. Most importantly, fan seem to want more.

The ONLY reason they would hang it up now is if their hearts just weren't in it anymore. And that certainly doesn't seem to be the case.


Quote from: Dream Team on March 30, 2019, 10:03:37 AM
With the band dynamic they have going on, they aren't really capable of making "bad" music, so I don't understand the OP.


Quote from: MirrorMask on March 30, 2019, 09:36:47 AM
It makes no financial sense for them to retire, as they're still going strong.

And this.


Is this a troll?  What a strange topic.  The band is still at the top of their game, and the new album is probably one of my favorites.  It seems like the band still has much more to offer.


Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


They have way too much left in their tank to call it quits.  Long live the King's!!!  :metal


I don't even understand what is going on here.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Are you asking same question to the Rolling Stones which wants 15k dollar for meet and greet? Or Metallica, Judas Priest or Iron Maiden if we consider age factor?


It isn't odd that a fan of a band might acknowledge that maybe it's time for that band to retire. I felt like that about Rush several years ago, not because the band sucked, but because it seemed like the perfect time to elegantly step aside and leave us an untainted legacy. However, I personally don't think Dream Theater came to that point yet. They've got about ten more years in them, I think.


Quote from: lovethedrake on March 30, 2019, 10:35:10 AM
I hope they never stop..   I would rather here a watered down DT even if they were in their 80's than have no new DT at all.

Same here, and I'd suggest Octogenarium as a perfect album title when they get there.  :biggrin:

The Walrus

I hope they never stop and simply adapt to their age and physical abilities. I have no objections to, say, an acoustic Dream Theater album within the next 10 years.

But when they inevitably do call it a day, I hope they go out with a bang just the way Rush did. Right now? Nah, Distance Over Time shows there's still fire in that band and I think Mangini especially is more comfortable than ever. Keep the goods coming!


Why? Is this sports?

Wishing an act to stop making music before they possibly flop is akin to wishing somebody to die before they possibly croak.


Yeah, I'm with the guy above me. We're not maintaining statistics here. If there's music in them, let them keep releasing it. There's no sign that they're tired of what they're doing. I can't think of a single sensible reason for an artist to call it quits other than he or she is out of ideas. That clearly isn't the case with Dream Theater, who are still producing music of exceptional quality and seem to love doing it.


Quote from: Dream_Theater01 on March 30, 2019, 12:04:37 PM
Is this a troll?  What a strange topic.  The band is still at the top of their game, and the new album is probably one of my favorites.  It seems like the band still has much more to offer.

No. I'm not a troll. Not trying to cause controversy. I've been a DT fan since 1994. Personally, like I said in my OP, I would love for DT to keep making music forever but we all know that can't happen. I just threw it out there to see what others thought, not to bash the band. And no, I don't think it's time for them to call it a day but I'm not them either.

I love the new album. I plan to see them on this tour. As I think about it, I'm 42 years old now and DT has been my favorite band since 1994 when I was 17 years old. That's a long time. It has to end at some point.

Hey, if they still have it in them to keep going (and I hope that's the case), I'm still supporting, listening, buying, etc.


Anxiety, you are aptly named! :lol
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


I think Jordan is the only one close enough call it quits. He is 62 so he is not getting any young. Also, he is been doing a lot outside DT activities besides DT and solo albums: solo concerts, the Stanford thing,  etc. Maybe its purpose is to get his name there for a movie score or a shot to work in an orchestra as a composer...something less chaotic than traveling the world in a rock band.

Aside the above,  I don't see them stopping.


Add the fact that JLB confirmed on stage during Friday night's show they are doing another album from the same secluded area/barn as DoT, my Magic 8-Ball says all signs point to "NO".

Max Kuehnau

Quote from: DT1138 on March 31, 2019, 07:47:37 AM
Add the fact that JLB confirmed on stage during Friday night's show they are doing another album from the same secluded area/barn as DoT, my Magic 8-Ball says all signs point to "NO".
wow, really? Ok. Did he mention something else concerning that?
All my natural instincts are begging me to stop
But somehow I carry on, heading for the top
A physical absurdity, a tremendous mental game
Helping me understand exactly who I am


Quote from: Max Kuehnau on March 31, 2019, 07:57:12 AM
Quote from: DT1138 on March 31, 2019, 07:47:37 AM
Add the fact that JLB confirmed on stage during Friday night's show they are doing another album from the same secluded area/barn as DoT, my Magic 8-Ball says all signs point to "NO".
wow, really? Ok. Did he mention something else concerning that?

Nothing too specific, other than that they had a great time doing it and it went so well for them that they would be doing the next album there also.  No specific date was mentioned.  They ended the show with "We'll see you next time", so that could mean anything really.

Max Kuehnau

The fact that there will be DT15 is a relief as it is IMHO. (although I had to get used to the sound on D/T being as ambient and open as it is to be honest, but if they liked their stay there,it's logical for them to come back to there I think). Sorry about my excitement. Carry on.
All my natural instincts are begging me to stop
But somehow I carry on, heading for the top
A physical absurdity, a tremendous mental game
Helping me understand exactly who I am


They have no need for retirement as they don't have any issue to be on the road. But the thing they should really think about is that they need to think James's voice. Maybe acustic tour or new album with lower vocal lines should be considered.


I can definitely see your point here, as I am an avid sports fan and I always want my favorite players to go out on top rather than tainting their legacy with with some poor performances at the end of their career. So I've thought about this with DT as well, and here are some thoughts.

To me, there are a couple distinguishing differences between the athlete and musician as far as this goes.

First off, I think the downfall of the athlete is much more dramatic/sudden as they get older. While aging absolutely affects musicians (especially singers and drummers), I think it is much more impactful on an athlete who relies on their body, speed, strength and endurance - almost by definition of the word athlete.

Second, I think the legacy of an athlete can be more negatively impacted by poor performance in their final years, especially in individual sports such as boxing and MMA. This is because the fans of these types of sports are so infatuated with wins and losses. MMA fighter Georges St. Pierre just retired on top. He fought for years at 170 pounds, and decided to move up to 185 pounds to fight for a belt. He ended up winning, and decided to call it quits and retire on top after a couple years of indecision. Because of his amazing career and going out on top, many people consider him to be the pound for pound greatest.

On the other end of the spectrum is MMA fighter Anderson Silva. He was considered to be almost invincible when he was in his prime. 16 straight wins, many of them title defenses. But after his first loss in the UFC, he decided to take many more fights. He has won some and lost some, but he looks like a shell of his former self. A fighter who was once universally considered the Greatest of All Time, he is seldom called that anymore. Had he retired before his first loss, that air of mystery would have led many people to continue calling him the greatest.

With bands/artists, there isn't as much of an importance placed upon things like this since there are no "wins and losses". They will still always be cemented as arguably the definitive prog metal band, because albums such as I&W, SFAM, and SDoIT will always wash the bad taste out of the mouth of a poor modern album, should they release one.

Also, to echo the sentiments of your OP about them being on top - I totally agree! From what I have heard of the tour, James is on fire!!! I ordered tickets to see them in PA in a couple weeks, can't wait.

Sebastián Pratesi

Quote from: DT1138 on March 31, 2019, 07:47:37 AM
Add the fact that JLB confirmed on stage during Friday night's show they are doing another album from the same secluded area/barn as DoT, my Magic 8-Ball says all signs point to "NO".
That's nice to hear! Thanks for sharing. :)


Quote from: Sebastián Pratesi on March 31, 2019, 01:19:47 PM
Quote from: DT1138 on March 31, 2019, 07:47:37 AM
Add the fact that JLB confirmed on stage during Friday night's show they are doing another album from the same secluded area/barn as DoT, my Magic 8-Ball says all signs point to "NO".
That's nice to hear! Thanks for sharing. :)

They should stay in that barn until they have three albums then release them every two years to tour them. :)


Quote from: Anxiety35 on March 30, 2019, 09:31:48 AM

...should Dream Theater call it quits and retire?

April Fool's Day, right?


As someone that didn't really think the last 3 albums were very good... yeah, afraid so.