Glasgow - 23rd Feb

Started by Logain Ablar, February 12, 2020, 07:15:50 AM

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Logain Ablar

Is anyone on the forum going to the show in Glasgow on the 23rd?

If there's any pre-show meetups planned, give me a shout. I'll be flying over from Belfast for it.

Logain Ablar

I'm replying to myself here, probably the first sign of madness, precious, but I just got out of the show.

Loved it. Fantastic performance. The Armadillo is a nice venue, though I think the all-seated thing kills the energy a little. I was bopping about in my seat, but I felt like I was annoying the guy beside, who sat like a statue the whole night.

The Jester

Yeah it was amazing. Brilliant performance. Loved every minute of it.