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Started by Phoenix87x, January 26, 2020, 04:32:15 AM

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Quote from: Kattelox on February 10, 2020, 06:05:59 PM
You say that like you wouldn't also be eating the humans! You just get to do work on top of it, and you can't quit working, else they'll eat you, too. Nah man. What you do is poison their portions, it's obvious. Then you win.

RJ... that's a little scary.  :lol

I'll jump on that bandwagon and point out that being the chef allows you to poison the cannibals. Thus, fantastic position.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com

The Walrus

Yeah. So in the end I guess I ceded to your side after all, but for a better reason.



What's scarier is when it comes down to it, breaking down a human and breaking down a pig are very similar, so I probably wouldn't need to even learn on the go. :lol

The Walrus

Quote from: lonestar on February 10, 2020, 08:07:36 PM
What's scarier is when it comes down to it, breaking down a human and breaking down a pig are very similar, so I probably wouldn't need to even learn on the go. :lol

So, don't piss off RJ. Got it.  :lol



RJ can cook up some seasoned cramx3 rump for you all, make my ass taste nice and tasty for the survivors of the coronavirus


If you eat the ass of someone with Caronavirus, do you then get the disease as well?

Northern Lion

This is great!   :rollin  Thanks for turning the thread around to something more light hearted!  I admit I was getting a little stuck in the fear/emergency side of things.

And no, I don't think you can get the virus from eating someones rear end.  It's a respiratory pathogen and isn't spread like Ebola would be.  So I think we're safe eating each other's ()()'s  :tup


Quote from: Chino on February 11, 2020, 06:21:04 AM
If you eat the ass of someone with Caronavirus, do you then get the disease as well?

I mean, I feel like there's only one way to find out.

Let us know.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Quote from: Northern Lion on February 11, 2020, 06:44:10 AM
This is great!   :rollin  Thanks for turning the thread around to something more light hearted!  I admit I was getting a little stuck in the fear/emergency side of things.

And no, I don't think you can get the virus from eating someones rear end.  It's a respiratory pathogen and isn't spread like Ebola would be.  So I think we're safe eating each other's ()()'s  :tup

I heard that as long as you cook the meat medium well, that should kill all the virus particles. I usually like it medium rare, but I guess I'll make an exception in this case  ;D


Quote from: Chino on February 11, 2020, 06:21:04 AM
If you eat the ass of someone with Caronavirus, do you then get the disease as well?

Well, apparently there is a building in Hong Kong that has been evacuated because the poop pipes and the air pipes intertwined at some point and they think that caused people to get infected. So I'm gonna go with a yes

Northern Lion

True, but that problem is caused because of the virus floating around in contaminated air, not from the meat itself.  Eating ()() should still be OK.  :tup  Medium well, Of course.  :biggrin:

The Walrus

I was thinking of a different kind of ass eating.


Quote from: Kattelox on February 11, 2020, 08:16:22 AM
I was thinking of a different kind of ass eating.

paired with a side of balls?
Quote from: TAC on July 31, 2021, 06:55:07 PMIf I can do it, it's idiot proof.
Quote from: Stadler on January 03, 2024, 09:00:00 AMThat's a word salad - and take it from me, I know word salad
Quote from: hefdaddy42 on November 04, 2021, 05:14:36 AMI fear for the day when something happens on the right that is SO nuts that even Stadler says "That's crazy".

The Walrus

Quote from: jingle.boy on February 11, 2020, 10:05:44 AM
Quote from: Kattelox on February 11, 2020, 08:16:22 AM
I was thinking of a different kind of ass eating.

paired with a side of balls?

I thought it was a given I'd be eating the ass sans testes, monsieur.


"So, how's the ass?"
"Ass is Ass."
"Ass IS ass.  That is very profound.  By the same token, could you say balls are balls?  I don't think so."

Northern Lion

Well, I thought I would rudely take the levity away and steer back the discussion with some conspiracy and doomsday stuff.

Current numbers:

And China may be burning thousands of dead bodies:

Anyway, happy Wednesday everyone!  :tup


I've seen in passing online that the dead bodies burnt thing was already debunked.

Come on, it's 2020, not 1020.

Northern Lion

Quote from: MirrorMask on February 13, 2020, 08:22:51 AM
I've seen in passing online that the dead bodies burnt thing was already debunked.

Come on, it's 2020, not 1020.

I really hope that's true.

I haven't seen that news myself but there's a lot of news surrounding this whole thing out there with varying degrees of accuracy.  (And I don't pretend that the sources I read or watch are necessarily accurate either).

If you find a source, would you mind posting it?  I would definately like to read it.


I hear Coronavirus pairs well with Lyme disease  :neverusethis:

Northern Lion

So I found this article which I thought was very interesting:

Apparently the risk factor in getting the coronavirus is very race dependant.  This might explain why we haven't seen much spread of the virus and 0 deaths outside of those with asian descent.

I feel really bad for Asians right now, I can't imagine how scared people over there are right now.


I would take it with grain of salt honestly. I'm not completely sober rn but their main source seems to be:, as you can see in t comments there are definitely some problems/oerstatements in the article.

These rxiv papers are not peer reviewed and (I'm not in the this exact field so it might be different here) people post unfinished work here, that they will later try to prove/verify, just so that they can be the first who proposed it.


Three cases in Lombardy, in Italy, in a town that is - as Google Maps informs me - 50 minutes away from where I live.

A guy came back from China and infected the wife and a friend. I wonder why they didn't think to quarantine each and every single person coming back from China.

Oh, and in a slightly off topic moment, for the "Severe stuff that for the moment nobody gives a damn about", may I remind you that Africa is being swamped by locusts? crops are being devoured by impressive swamps of locusts, screwing up the crops and plunging several nations into a dire food crisis.

So far 2020 gave us:
- Three days into the year, a (nuclear) war scare
- Australia devastated by fires, which no doubt this summer are gonna plague Siberia and parts of the USA again
- Coronavirus
- Locusts epidemic in Africa

Anything else, 2020?


If we take coronavirus as a sort of pestilence of livestock (pigs have been killed in china for this), can we say we've had 3 out of the 10 plagues?


Can't wait for the death of the firstborn and Metallica's Creeping Death being played all over the news  :metal


BTW, 2 days ago I wrote there were three cases in north Italy.

Situation 48 hours after:

- 130 cases, mainly in Lombardy, but also in other regions of the north
- Cities where the cases started sealed, nobody gets in or out
- Two deceased, even though it's important to remember they were old and suffering from other pathologies. The virus itself is NOT lethal, who knows how many people got it, healed it and thought they just caught the common flu
- Football matches canceled in Lombardy
- Every school of Lombardy closed for at least a week


And this weekend I over dressed, sweated a bit, got an innocent cold (nose is a bit clogged up), and tomorrow I'll have to take for 45 minutes the subway to go to work.

Wish me luck  :lol (and more than luck, wish me to remember to do a thing so easy and yet so vital to get rid of the virus: wash profusely with soap the hands)


So one of my coworker's girlfriend is from China and she has a son still over there. My coworker told me that she has decided to travel over there knowing full well about being quarantined and not being able to actually see her son although they can communicate over the phone there. That's all fine and well but when she does return (seems like a couple of months per my co-worker) I'm assuming anyone traveling from China will be heavily monitored but the whole situation doesn't give me a warm fuzzy considering at the absolute worst what my coworker might bring back into the office.


Quote from: orcus116 on February 23, 2020, 01:01:34 PM
So one of my coworker's girlfriend is from China and she has a son still over there. My coworker told me that she has decided to travel over there knowing full well about being quarantined and not being able to actually see her son although they can communicate over the phone there. That's all fine and well but when she does return (seems like a couple of months per my co-worker) I'm assuming anyone traveling from China will be heavily monitored but the whole situation doesn't give me a warm fuzzy considering at the absolute worst what my coworker might bring back into the office.

Mandatory 2 week quarantine at the airport when you arrive from China, my chinese coworker currently is on week 2 in quarantine.  I think it's a really bad idea to travel there.


Quote from: orcus116 on February 23, 2020, 01:01:34 PM
So one of my coworker's girlfriend is from China and she has a son still over there. My coworker told me that she has decided to travel over there knowing full well about being quarantined and not being able to actually see her son although they can communicate over the phone there. That's all fine and well but when she does return (seems like a couple of months per my co-worker) I'm assuming anyone traveling from China will be heavily monitored but the whole situation doesn't give me a warm fuzzy considering at the absolute worst what my coworker might bring back into the office.

You may want to copy this article and slip it in your co-worker's mailbox.

Man returns to US from China on a work trip and develops symptoms of illness.  He does the responsible thing and goes to get it checked at a local hospital.  Now, he's getting the bill for it.

QuoteBut two weeks later, Azcue got unwelcome news in the form of a notice from his insurance company about a claim for $3,270.

Northern Lion

Quote from: MirrorMask on February 23, 2020, 05:04:25 AM
BTW, 2 days ago I wrote there were three cases in north Italy.

Situation 48 hours after:

- 130 cases, mainly in Lombardy, but also in other regions of the north
- Cities where the cases started sealed, nobody gets in or out
- Two deceased, even though it's important to remember they were old and suffering from other pathologies. The virus itself is NOT lethal, who knows how many people got it, healed it and thought they just caught the common flu
- Football matches canceled in Lombardy
- Every school of Lombardy closed for at least a week


And this weekend I over dressed, sweated a bit, got an innocent cold (nose is a bit clogged up), and tomorrow I'll have to take for 45 minutes the subway to go to work.

Wish me luck  :lol (and more than luck, wish me to remember to do a thing so easy and yet so vital to get rid of the virus: wash profusely with soap the hands)

That's scary stuff.  Italy looks like it's getting hit hard.  Be well MirrorMask :tup


I may have posted this already, but here's constantly refreshing up to date map of all the cases world wide

Its like this:


Quote from: Northern Lion on February 24, 2020, 04:28:05 PM
Quote from: MirrorMask on February 23, 2020, 05:04:25 AM
BTW, 2 days ago I wrote there were three cases in north Italy.

Situation 48 hours after:

- 130 cases, mainly in Lombardy, but also in other regions of the north
- Cities where the cases started sealed, nobody gets in or out
- Two deceased, even though it's important to remember they were old and suffering from other pathologies. The virus itself is NOT lethal, who knows how many people got it, healed it and thought they just caught the common flu
- Football matches canceled in Lombardy
- Every school of Lombardy closed for at least a week


And this weekend I over dressed, sweated a bit, got an innocent cold (nose is a bit clogged up), and tomorrow I'll have to take for 45 minutes the subway to go to work.

Wish me luck  :lol (and more than luck, wish me to remember to do a thing so easy and yet so vital to get rid of the virus: wash profusely with soap the hands)

That's scary stuff.  Italy looks like it's getting hit hard.  Be well MirrorMask :tup

Italy seems to be the next big hot spot, but what I was reading online was that the thought is Italy may have the most accurate count and is a good data point compared to China for tracking the spread.  Italy's numbers are high and it could be because they are on top of it, hopefully.

I did read another doctor type says 60-70 percent of the world will have been infected by it come the fall.  I don't know, but I'm almost anticipating getting this flu/cold at some point next fall.  Luckily I am in good health so it's not truly worrisome to my immediate self, but I can imagine lots of elderly and young who aren't healthy to potentially die off from this once it gets out there to everyone to consume. 


Yeah, for the fast spreading of the virus, the sanitary system here seems to work, and as a famous virologist said (he became famous by mercilessly trolling and telling to piss off anti vaxxers and people uneducated in medicine making ignorant and ridiculous claims), "you can't find something that you're not searching for".

The controls and the precautions are working, it was only inevitable that, with an incubation period of 14 days, the first ones would be slipping away. Of course the situation got a bit out of hand with people's attitude, a lot of them are wearing masks (even though they're meant for people with the virus or dealing with ill people) just for the sake of it, the supermarkets have been assaulted (evidently for many people "virus" means "nuclear holocaust"), and hands detergents are being over-over-sold on Amazon and the likes...  :facepalm:

As for me, smart working is not an option, I simply take the empty subway (gods how great it is to take an empty subway and sitting the whole time), wash my hands as soon as I get to work (and I use gloves on the subway anyway) and sneeze or cough inside my arm. And I enjoy all the memes online about it because at least the virus didn't take away people's humour  :D


Anyone think there will be a summer Olympics this year?   :sad:


MirrorMask, I did PM you. We have a trip planned to Italy this summer.

I think I'm less worried about catching it than I am being let back into the US.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol