
Video of online chat between fans and members of Dream Theater: (*no chickens were harmed during the filming of this chat)

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Started by Phoenix87x, January 26, 2020, 04:32:15 AM

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I agree with King.  Too many got back to the way of life before the pandemic.  That life as we knew it is basically over for the unforeseen future and people just don't get it or they're in denial.  ???


Quote from: lordxizor on July 14, 2020, 05:21:07 AM
Quote from: PetFish on July 13, 2020, 11:01:00 PM
I don't even know why baseball/basketball/hockey are even bothering with the way things are.

On a less cynical note, we need to figure out how to live with Covid, not just crawl under a rock and hide from it. We're going to be dealing with it for several months to maybe even a year or two. We need to figure out how to do normal life stuff while also taking some reasonable precautions. Professional sports are no different.

What we as individuals can do, is to better our health, more so now than ever. Do things to lower Heart Disease, and other diseases that can be ailed by a simple diet change. Be more physical. etc...

But I will say, I know how it can seem scary. But we have to look at it this way, and ask this question that I haven't seen asked.

Why are we (as a human race) so fearful of this pandemic? Is it for fear of death?


I think that's part of it.  Fear of death, that is.  This might sound a bit off-the-wall, and I don't have any numbers to back it up, but it seems to me that religion used to more "popular" than it is today.  It used to be far more common for people to believe in some kind of deity and/or believe that there is an afterlife.  We'll be somewhere else after we leave this life, this planet, and it's actually something to look forward to.  So people didn't fear death so much.  Also, there used to be more of a sense of duty, or whatever you might call it.  People enlisted to join the army to go over to another country to fight.  People wanted to go, they wanted the opportunity to fight and perhaps even die for what they believed in.  If they died, they go to heaven, and if it was an honorable death, things could be worse for the surviving family.

All of that is far less common today.  Most people have decided that there's no God, this is the only life we get, so it's all about maximizing your take while you're here to take it, and to have it cut short by some kind of disease would really suck.  So in that way, yeah, fearing death is more of a thing now.

Just my theory.

Cool Chris

I think you present a sound and reasoned argument, Orbert.


Quote from: Cool Chris on July 15, 2020, 05:21:31 PM
I think you present a sound and reasoned argument, Orbert.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


I don't think there's much of a mystery.  Humans, for the most part, want to live.  I'm not an expert on old pandemics, but from reading, it certainly seems that people were afraid of bubonic plague.  When this all started there were interviews with Spanish flu survivors and it seems that people were afraid then too.  I think it's totally normal to not want to die.

Shadow Ninja 2.0

Yeah, I'm not really even sure why you'd ask the question. It's sensible to fear things that can kill you, since presumably most of us aren't looking to knock off just yet. I mean, we don't ask ourselves 'Now, why are we so afraid of tornadoes?', because it's obvious you want to stay out of a tornado's way 'cause it'll fucking kill you.


The way information is disseminated today helps us along with that fear since fear drives clicks and ratings. But fear of death is certainly nothing new. Though I think Orbert may be on to something with the religion thing. I'm a Christian and while I'd say I don't necessarily fear death, I certainly don't want to die anytime soon.


Yeah, I'm not saying people haven't always feared death.  It's certainly something most people try to avoid.  But as pointed out, that's mostly instinct, self-preservation.  It just seems to me that some of the reasons people did not fear death so much -- religion and to some extent chivalry and honor -- are less prevalent today than even 50 or 100 years ago.  So with more people not unafraid of death, it stands to reason that more people are afraid, in general.  But again, I have no numbers to prove that, and I don't even think I've read any articles about it.  It's just my impression.


Orbert, that is a great response, and you understood what I was getting at in my question.

Quote from: Shadow Ninja 2.0 on July 15, 2020, 07:50:38 PM
Yeah, I'm not really even sure why you'd ask the question. It's sensible to fear things that can kill you, since presumably most of us aren't looking to knock off just yet. I mean, we don't ask ourselves 'Now, why are we so afraid of tornadoes?', because it's obvious you want to stay out of a tornado's way 'cause it'll fucking kill you.

It has to do with, would you be fine with dying this moment? If you don't fear death, this shouldn't worry you. You'd accept the fact that death is inevitable.

So should a fear of death prevent you from living freely as God/The Created/etc... Made us with freedom of choice, freewill?

Also, What about Fear of the unknown?

Can you see a trend in the subject of my questions?

Cool Chris

I would not be fine dying solely (ok, maybe 98%) due to me not wanting my children to grow up without a dad. I guess my wife could remarry and he could raise them as their new father, but I consider myself their one and only dad. And I would not want them to have to go through their childhood without me experiencing all the joys, sorrows, and everything in between every step of the way.

I do not believe in a God, afterlife, or anything other than turning in to dust and bones once I die.


Quote from: Cool Chris on July 15, 2020, 09:27:35 PM
I would not be fine dying solely (ok, maybe 98%) due to me not wanting my children to grow up without a dad. I guess my wife could remarry and he could raise them as their new father, but I consider myself their one and only dad. And I would not want them to have to go through their childhood without me experiencing all the joys, sorrows, and everything in between every step of the way.

I do not believe in a God, afterlife, or anything other than turning in to dust and bones once I die.

That is a very valid reason why you would be afraid of death.

How much risk of having that occur are you willing to chance?

People don't see a high risk in going out without a mask. For they are not afraid of dying. They will do this as they don't see it as deadly as much as other things likely to kill people.

Knowing these people will always and continue to do this due to the freewill given to us, what could we that do not want catch it due to fear of death do that will prevent us from catching it? Wearing a mask, hand washing, and sanitizing, going out less, and social distancing.

This is proving you can't force people to go against what they see as against their freewill.


I think it has more to do with "It'll never happen to me" than freewill, no?
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


Quote from: TAC on July 16, 2020, 03:42:27 AM
I think it has more to do with "It'll never happen to me" than freewill, no?

Yeah, definitively. I'd say that most people have this attitude that it's also justified up to a certain point, I mean.... how many of us consider they could be victims of a car accident when driving? we're all responsable drivers but we don't drive with the "someone can slam into my car at any moment" thought in the back of our head, we'd be paralyzed by fear.

The same with the virus, even while being careful, nobody spends a lot of time imagining themself in intensive care in a hospital. I always try to take no chances, I still avoid as much as possible to touch the gates of my home and I always wash my hands whenever I return (or use the sanitizer), and, no exception, I avoid people, turning my head away from them when they pass close to me (since yesterday in Italy, as long as there's space, you are no longer required to wear a mask in the open).

I'm not scared or paralyzed by fear, but I don't consider myself paranoid for just washing often my hands and steering clear of any person I meet. Heck, I loathe most people anyway so now I'm justified in staying away from them and not wanting them close to me  ;D


Quote from: Orbert on July 15, 2020, 05:15:07 PM
I think that's part of it.  Fear of death, that is.  This might sound a bit off-the-wall, and I don't have any numbers to back it up, but it seems to me that religion used to more "popular" than it is today.  It used to be far more common for people to believe in some kind of deity and/or believe that there is an afterlife.  We'll be somewhere else after we leave this life, this planet, and it's actually something to look forward to.  So people didn't fear death so much.  Also, there used to be more of a sense of duty, or whatever you might call it.  People enlisted to join the army to go over to another country to fight.  People wanted to go, they wanted the opportunity to fight and perhaps even die for what they believed in.  If they died, they go to heaven, and if it was an honorable death, things could be worse for the surviving family.

All of that is far less common today.  Most people have decided that there's no God, this is the only life we get, so it's all about maximizing your take while you're here to take it, and to have it cut short by some kind of disease would really suck.  So in that way, yeah, fearing death is more of a thing now.

Just my theory.

The numbers don't really support that though; even with the advent of atheism as a more accepted world view, we're in the 75% range on the belief in God (interestingly to probably only me, the wording of the question is very important; it could be as low as 65% and as high as 90%).   

I don't discount that many are afraid of this pandemic - I know I will cop to being very fearful of dying, for a multitude of reasons - but I think there are other elements to it.  I think my old standby - massive, systemic insecurity - is a part of it as well.   This is simply out of our control.  We can't take a pill, we can't hire a trainer, we can't seem to WILL our way through it.  I think the telltale sign to me is all the blaming.  We'd be through this if it wasn't for Trump/NASCAR/the kids/whatever political party we hate/Adrenaline Mob/the Chinese...  but honestly, I don't think we would be.   

TL;DR:  It's not religion/god, it's a fascinating combination of hubris and insecurity.


I dont know, I think it's human instinct to fear death.  I'm not sure how much of a role religion plays into it although I'm sure it plays a role.  The media knows this and preys upon our own fears. 


Quote from: cramx3 on July 16, 2020, 06:55:36 AM
I dont know, I think it's human instinct to fear death.  I'm not sure how much of a role religion plays into it although I'm sure it plays a role.  The media knows this and preys upon our own fears.

Religion can easily be used as a tool to make people actually embrace death.


Also, on a lighter note, this is apparently what the government in South Korea sends you if you need to quarantine because of Covid. It's almost like they understand the benefit of keeping people home.


Fake news.  There's no porn, alcohol or video games in that pile.   


Quote from: Stadler on July 16, 2020, 07:12:15 AM
Fake news.  There's no porn, alcohol or video games in that pile.

Did you miss the duck next to the cleaning supplies?


Quote from: Chino on July 16, 2020, 07:26:21 AM
Quote from: Stadler on July 16, 2020, 07:12:15 AM
Fake news.  There's no porn, alcohol or video games in that pile.

Did you miss the duck next to the cleaning supplies?



Quote from: Orbert on July 15, 2020, 05:15:07 PMMost people have decided that there's no God

:lol  Yeah.  I wonder how God feels about that.  "He who sits in the heavens laughs."  (Ps 2:4)

On another subject, our state is going a bit nuts right now.  Our governor ordered another shutdown earlier in the week.  Most if not all schools are announcing distance learning only for this Fall.  It's pretty crazy.




Quote from: bosk1 on July 16, 2020, 08:09:30 AM
Quote from: Orbert on July 15, 2020, 05:15:07 PMMost people have decided that there's no God

:lol  Yeah.  I wonder how God feels about that.  "He who sits in the heavens laughs."  (Ps 2:4)

On another subject, our state is going a bit nuts right now.  Our governor ordered another shutdown earlier in the week.  Most if not all schools are announcing distance learning only for this Fall.  It's pretty crazy.

Wait.... why would you need chairs in heaven?  How do chairs work in clouds or in a magical world?  Do legs and backs hurt in heaven so we need to sit?  And those in heaven laugh?  Are they laughing all at a joke of some kind, or do they do it all the time in a weird way like a crazy person?  Are they in chairs laughing at people who are not in heaven?  That would seem mean. 
Asking for a friend.


Quote from: eric42434224 on July 16, 2020, 08:58:23 AM
Wait.... why would you need chairs in heaven?

Gotta stay comfy while listening to Hendrix on harp on fiday nights.


Quote from: lonestar on July 16, 2020, 08:55:38 AM
Someone shared this, is this a viable solution?

Since the date on it is over 2 months ago, and there had not been global reporting on it, I doubt it is legit.


Got word from my son-in-law that his boss tested positive for covid-19...and we spent a couple of hours with him (my s-i-l) last week for his birthday. We social distanced, and did not hug, but I'm now having to stay at home until he gets his test results back tomorrow or Monday. Depending on the results, we (Mrs. P and I) may need to get tested again. If so, it will be my third.


Quote from: Podaar on July 16, 2020, 09:51:18 AM
Got word from my son-in-law that his boss tested positive for covid-19...and we spent a couple of hours with him (my s-i-l) last week for his birthday. We social distanced, and did not hug, but I'm now having to stay at home until he gets his test results back tomorrow or Monday. Depending on the results, we (Mrs. P and I) may need to get tested again. If so, it will be my third.

That's a drag, Gregg. Best of luck, and maybe I'll give you a Scene update to sweeten the wait  :laugh:

King Postwhore

Damn Gregg.  You son in law have any idea where he got it?
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'." - Bon Newhart.


Quote from: Stadler on July 16, 2020, 07:12:15 AM
Fake news.  There's no porn, alcohol or video games in that pile.   

Distribution of pornography is illegal in South Korea.
"I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it."
― Terry Pratchett



Quote from: Indiscipline on July 16, 2020, 10:20:10 AM
Quote from: Podaar on July 16, 2020, 09:51:18 AM
Got word from my son-in-law that his boss tested positive for covid-19...and we spent a couple of hours with him (my s-i-l) last week for his birthday. We social distanced, and did not hug, but I'm now having to stay at home until he gets his test results back tomorrow or Monday. Depending on the results, we (Mrs. P and I) may need to get tested again. If so, it will be my third.

That's a drag, Gregg. Best of luck, and maybe I'll give you a Scene update to sweeten the wait  :laugh:

What if I told you I might be COVID positive?  Another Scene?

<trying to lighten the mood>
Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!


Quote from: jingle.boy on July 16, 2020, 10:56:30 AM
Quote from: Indiscipline on July 16, 2020, 10:20:10 AM
Quote from: Podaar on July 16, 2020, 09:51:18 AM
Got word from my son-in-law that his boss tested positive for covid-19...and we spent a couple of hours with him (my s-i-l) last week for his birthday. We social distanced, and did not hug, but I'm now having to stay at home until he gets his test results back tomorrow or Monday. Depending on the results, we (Mrs. P and I) may need to get tested again. If so, it will be my third.

That's a drag, Gregg. Best of luck, and maybe I'll give you a Scene update to sweeten the wait  :laugh:

What if I told you I might be COVID positive?  Another Scene?

<trying to lighten the mood>

Another roulette.

Northern Lion

Quote from: Chino on July 16, 2020, 06:59:11 AM
Quote from: cramx3 on July 16, 2020, 06:55:36 AM
I dont know, I think it's human instinct to fear death.  I'm not sure how much of a role religion plays into it although I'm sure it plays a role.  The media knows this and preys upon our own fears.

Religion can easily be used as a tool to make people actually embrace death.

Well, I can't speak for all religions of course, but mine doesn't.  In fact it teaches the exact opposite.  That's a creepy as heck picture though.  I could see that coming out of an 80's horror film.


72 NFL players have tested positive for Covid.