Taylor Swift

Started by Stadler, December 03, 2020, 07:26:53 PM

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I find it interesting that it could be an album not for the masses, but also every Target in the country is outfitt3d with a Taytay kiosk stocked with four different color variants.


Quote from: Skeever on April 20, 2024, 08:27:01 AM
I find it interesting that it could be an album not for the masses, but also every Target in the country is outfitt3d with a Taytay kiosk stocked with four different color variants.

The 2 hour version of the album is particularly offensive. But it will be interesting to see how she bounces back from dropping mainstream pop's equivalent to The Astonishing. ;)


Quote from: Zantera on April 20, 2024, 08:30:05 AM
The 2 hour version of the album is particularly offensive. But it will be interesting to see how she bounces back from dropping mainstream pop's equivalent to The Astonishing. ;)



I have a question...

How many of you "Swifties" would take a Taylor Swift college course on her music and albums?


I can barely make it through a song of hers much less a whole semester lol

I can see why some would though, she definitely represents a huge swath of Americana.


Quote from: lonestar on April 20, 2024, 08:55:53 AM
I can barely make it through a song of hers much less a whole semester lol

I can see why some would though, she definitely represents a huge swath of Americana.

Here's a description of the class...


It's also using jukebox musicals. So I wonder if they are also going to mention the group Post Modern Jukebox that plays cover songs in a retro musical style.


As someone enjoyed Taylor in the early days (pre-Red) but has just followed along in disinterest since 1989, it's interesting to see how the public opinion is shifting.

People are pointing out things ("cringe lyrics", "weak melodies") that, IMO, have been pretty present on a lot of her albums. To me, she hasn't really changed much, but the level of saturation has changed. People got really sick of seeing and hearing about her over the course of the NFL season. People thought it was tacky and self-important to announce her new album during the industry awards ceremony. And so on. People are just tired of her, and they are starting to notice the aforementioned flaws that once seemed to be evidence of the humanity of the artist therein.

I perused both Tone Deaf Poets and Midnights, and I hear the same stuff I'd heard for awhile now. I look at the recent album art, which looks like a lingerie catalogue advert catered to depressed white women, I think it says a lot about the artist: this ultimately vapid thing is trying so hard to convince me of its importance and profundity. For pop stars, I get that artistic expression and branding are often the same thing. For Taylor, it seems like it is never anything else.


Quote from: Ben_Jamin on April 20, 2024, 08:45:18 AM
I have a question...

How many of you "Swifties" would take a Taylor Swift college course on her music and albums?
That would be an easy "A" and I would take it in a heartbeat, and I don't even like her music. But classes like this are more interesting than they actually sound.


Quote from: Metro on April 19, 2024, 06:29:01 AM
I have no interest in anything Taylor Swift, but this new album title is the most laughably pretentious thing I've ever heard.
Quote from: Stadler on April 19, 2024, 09:20:53 AM
"Tales from Topographic Oceans".    "The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway".   "Emerson, Lake and Palmer, Works, Vol. 1".   

:) :) :) :) :)

A View From The Top Of The World  :lol
Quote from: Jamesman42 on Today at 12:38:03 PM
Quote from: TAC on September 19, 2024, 05:23:01 PMHow is this even possible? Are we playing or what, people??
So I just checked, and, uh, you are one of the two who haven't sent.
Quote from: Puppies_On_Acid on Today at 12:46:33 PMTim's roulette police card is hereby revoked!



"H To He Who Am The Only One"


Quote from: KevShmev on April 20, 2024, 07:32:17 AM
The Tortured Poets Department is not an album for the casual fan or to initiate someone into the Taylor Swift fandom. I could tell right away that it was going to be a grower.  The big pop hooks are mostly non-existent, and the album is long (31 songs over two hours), so you have to be invested and be willing to give it a handful of chances over a period of time, which I get that dislikers of it right away won't do since it's pretty common to just move to the next thing in the streaming era when there are a billion other songs at your fingertips.  Quite a few of the songs still seem a bit boring and like a blur to me, but many of the songs sounded very good to me so far, so I will be interested to see how this really lands for me months from now once I have had a chance to live with it for a while.  With all due respect to some here, passing final judgment on it when the album is not even 24 hours old (or 72 hours if one grabbed the leak on Wednesday) is something a serious music fan just doesn't do.  Doing that is just as mindless as those declaring it a masterpiece after one or two listens.

This is not an album meant for the masses, but because of her stature, it is impossible for it not to be massive (the streaming numbers are already breaking records).  I can say confidently already that if someone asked me today which Taylor Swift album they should listen to to try and turn them into a fan, this is the last one I would recommend, and not because it isn't good (I think it is pretty good overall so far, with a handful of songs I am really loving, but, again, I won't know for a while how good I really think it is), but because it does not have the immediacy of any of her other albums. 

Also, I think many really miss the point about who she is always writing and singing about (I did as well until recently).  It's easy to say, "Oh, she's singing about an ex again," but, no, the relationship that she has consistently written about over the years is the one with herself.  Whether she is singing about an ex, a current boyfriend, her mom or a friend, she is writing about herself and how that particular relationship affects her relationship with herself.  Call it her feelings or emotions or whatever you want, but that is the constant in her history. 

I would keep in mind as well that her lyrics are not always quite literally a factual delivery of what really happened in her life. Take a song like But Daddy I Love Him, where she gives a fictional ending to a real story (since we all know she didn't marry Matt Healy).

To those who will continue to listening with an open mind, happy listening!  :hat :hat

I heard that was about Harry (not joking or pulling your leg).


Quote from: lonestar on April 20, 2024, 08:55:53 AM
I can barely make it through a song of hers much less a whole semester lol

I can see why some would though, she definitely represents a huge swath of Americana.

I would take it in a heartbeat.  I love that shit.


Heard more of the album. I wonder if she's aware she has recycled so many of her vocal melodies. Still a blur of slow interchangeable bland songs.


Quote from: Stadler on April 20, 2024, 06:14:54 PM
I would take it in a heartbeat.  I love that shit.

Same here, just couldn't do it with Taylor. Do the same type of class with Marvel/DC comics or Star Wars and I'm all in


Focusing mostly on the "main" album, I'm enjoying it...favorite tune for now is Guilty As Sin? Really nice mix of different sides of her sound. Other highlights for me - Who's afraid of little old me?, But Daddy I love Him, Fortnight (especially how it builds to its conclusion). Loml is a lovely song too.

I've only listened to the "bonus" 15 songs once and I guess it's a much more "intimate" and minimalistic set. Honestly I got a bit lost...things start to blur after a while ;) but I'm sure I'll have the chance to revisit...TS is pretty popular in this household ;)

The Realm

Quote from: nick_z on April 21, 2024, 07:19:02 PM
Focusing mostly on the "main" album, I'm enjoying it...favorite tune for now is Guilty As Sin? Really nice mix of different sides of her sound. Other highlights for me - Who's afraid of little old me?, But Daddy I love Him, Fortnight (especially how it builds to its conclusion). Loml is a lovely song too.

I've only listened to the "bonus" 15 songs once and I guess it's a much more "intimate" and minimalistic set. Honestly I got a bit lost...things start to blur after a while ;) but I'm sure I'll have the chance to revisit...TS is pretty popular in this household ;)

Nicely written Nick. I happen to agree with all of the above.


I like the album too. Haven't listened to the "bonus" songs yet though.


Managed to hear the album twice, the "Astonishing version" as someone called it  :rollin

Can't really pass any early judgement but yeah, feels a bit same-y. I don't think there's even an Anti-Hero (a song quite catchy and istantly recognizable), even though the title track is kinda catchy.

Early favorite is Florida, most likely nothing else will beat it for me and it's gonna be my favorite on the album, Florence's voice suits the song very well.

Also, what's up with so many names used as song titles?  :P one of them in the bonus disc is quite cool but I don't remember which, possibly Peter.


Quote from: MirrorMask on April 22, 2024, 12:43:53 AM

Early favorite is Florida, most likely nothing else will beat it for me and it's gonna be my favorite on the album, Florence's voice suits the song very well.

Yeah that's the only track that stood out as anything special.  I just think she's completely regressed from Folkmore - or maybe those albums were a fluke?  She just seemed like she'd grow up as an artist there, now listening to Midnights and this I just feel the lyrics are back to young adult levels.  Musically and sonically this album feels too low-fi and meloncholy - which is fine, but that needs to be balanced with beauty or melody, which these songs mostly lack. It's like food without seasoning it's all just a little bland (this is just from the first 16 tracks).


I've just finished listening to the whole lot again.

I think it's fabulous she's obviously in a rich vein of creativity but this is one case where I think there'd have been a real benefit in paring the whole lot down, focussing on the best ideas and working them into something better (read: songs I'd prefer, let's be honest). And that's just the first set!

"I'm not just liking Dream Theater to get in your pants."


Quite a few listens later, this album is really, really good.  Definitely a grower, but it has been getting better and better with each listen.  And I still think it's not for the casual fan.

To anyone who still hasn't really dug into the second disc, I implore you to listen to How Did It End, I Hate It Here and Peter. Those are three of the most gorgeous songs she's ever written. 

Quote from: Stadler on April 20, 2024, 06:10:57 PM
I heard that was about Harry (not joking or pulling your leg).

I think it is about Matt Healy (and that seems to be consensus), as are quite a few songs on the main album.  The bridge is a dead giveaway, which is pretty much telling everyone to take their opinions and stick 'em where the sun don't shine with regards to whom she dates. (many fans mouthed off on Twitter when she was linked with him last spring for their brief entanglement)

Poor Joe Alwyn.  Six years and he couldn't even get a breakup album to himself.  :lol :lol



Spinning this as a bit of background. Had no particular expectations but like it so far. I think the minimal synthy sounds are slightly more 80s-sounding than Midnights? Which is good for me. Not heard that one since soon after it came out, though.

Actually, I don't know why I'm posting. I have v little context. But quite nice to my ears.


Quote from: The Realm on April 21, 2024, 07:23:57 PM
Nicely written Nick. I happen to agree with all of the above.


Quote from: KevShmev on April 22, 2024, 05:08:48 AM
Quite a few listens later, this album is really, really good.  Definitely a grower, but it has been getting better and better with each listen.  And I still think it's not for the casual fan.

To anyone who still hasn't really dug into the second disc, I implore you to listen to How Did It End, I Hate It Here and Peter. Those are three of the most gorgeous songs she's ever written. 

Yep, liking it more with additional listens...and How Did It End/I Hate It Here were songs I definitely took note of in my first listen of the "bonus" stuff.

Quote from: DoctorAction on April 22, 2024, 09:11:10 AM
Spinning this as a bit of background. Had no particular expectations but like it so far. I think the minimal synthy sounds are slightly more 80s-sounding than Midnights? Which is good for me. Not heard that one since soon after it came out, though.

Actually, I don't know why I'm posting. I have v little context. But quite nice to my ears.

I was having similar impressions regarding the synths...the ending of Fortnight could easily be considered synthwave...really liking that mood...


Checking out I Hate It Here again, really good...and now I remember my first impression...especially the verse has a similar vibe to Paramore's Misguided Ghosts. Kev, if you don't know that one, check it out. Great song.


So far this album is my Metallica's 72 Seasons.

Is there a song that totally blows and sucks beyond belief? no.
How many songs I essentially like? basically everyone.
How many songs make me go "whoah this is absolutely awesome"? nobody.
Do I feel there's a lot of variety? not really.

I confirm that Florida is a great track, and also some other stuff here and there is catchy, guess I'll have to take time to wade through a sea of same-y before finally the songs start to stand out on their own.


I think that last line is the most important.  Even bands I love, it's the rare occasion when a new work will be instantly unique and plant itself in my brain.  It took a handful of listens before the second disk of "Senjutsu" settled in and differentiated, same with the two epics on Innocence and Danger.


Not sure how many are there like me but I think Clara Bow is my favorite track from the album. It's so serene, calming and really catchy.


As Taylor Swift albums go, this certainly is one.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.

Dream Team

It does seem a lot of folks are trying to talk themselves into liking it, which is exactly what a bunch of us were accused of for liking The Astonishing.


Quote from: MirrorMask on April 22, 2024, 02:11:49 PM
Is there a song that totally blows and sucks beyond belief? no.
How many songs I essentially like? basically everyone.
How many songs make me go "whoah this is absolutely awesome"? nobody.
Do I feel there's a lot of variety? not really.
Basically. I like some lyrics, find some bits really nice sounding, Fortnight is great when coupled with the video, but this is the Evermore to Midnights' Folklore and I didn't really need it. I love moody synthy pop, my favorite bits of 1989 and Reputation and Lover all sound like Midnight Torture Department, but slightly over 50 songs of it within 18 months is a bit too much. I understand I can pick and choose but if I'm asked to share my opinion on the material as it is presented, that's what it is.


Quote from: Dream Team on April 23, 2024, 11:33:05 AM
It does seem a lot of folks are trying to talk themselves into liking it, which is exactly what a bunch of us were accused of for liking The Astonishing.

This. A lot of TS fans talk themselves into liking her music. And talk themselves into buying 4 copies of everything. And talk themselves into going to see the movie of the tour they already paid $500 to see, which they also talked themselves into


Quote from: TheHoveringSojourn808 on April 23, 2024, 12:47:45 PM
This. A lot of TS fans talk themselves into liking her music. And talk themselves into buying 4 copies of everything. And talk themselves into going to see the movie of the tour they already paid $500 to see, which they also talked themselves into
Or maybe they actually like it?

I didn't love this album (or the last one), but fuck me, life is short.  If people like it and want to spend their money on it, what is it to me?  If it brings them joy, why  should you or I give a fuck?
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


Quote from: TheHoveringSojourn808 on April 23, 2024, 12:47:45 PM
This. A lot of TS fans talk themselves into liking her music. And talk themselves into buying 4 copies of everything. And talk themselves into going to see the movie of the tour they already paid $500 to see, which they also talked themselves into

Just stop.  It was wrong to ridicule fans of The Astonishing and it's wrong here too.  My daughter didn't have to "talk herself" into liking anything.  She liked it from the jump and has been listening to it ever since.  If it didn't register with you so be it.

For every fan that had to be "talked into" liking it, I'm sure there are 100's if not 1,000's of fans like those here that give their artists the benefit of the doubt, and let the album settle in (or not) as the case may be. 

What I'M most fascinated by is the amount of attention being paid to whether someone gets personal joy - or not - by the latest artistic output of a famous musician.  Why not just let people enjoy it, or not, without judgment?