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How many songs from Master of Puppets are in your Metallica top 10?

Started by KevShmev, May 18, 2021, 05:28:09 AM

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How many songs from Master of Puppets are in your Metallica top 10?


Voting closes: February 28, 2027, 04:28:09 AM


Quote from: WildRanger on May 18, 2021, 08:01:24 AM
Probably these 3: Sanitarium, Battery and Disposable Heroes.

IMO the title track is over-praised.

Thank you.  I agree with this whole post.


I've never compiled a Metallica top-10. All of those tracks would come from Lighting through Justice though. So I'd probably say maybe...two or three would be from Puppets. I'd have to sit down with Lightning, Puppets, and Justice and do it. But my guess is, I'd have three from Puppets, three from Lightning, and four from Justice.

11-20 would have a another track or two from each of those, plus something from KEM, the Black album, and probably Bleeding Me.


I'm listening to Train's version of Zeppelin II right now, but I may try to put a Met Top 10 together.  It's going to be hard though.  I would predict that there are no songs from MoP on there, or at the most one.


Not sure but I know that MOP as an album is a 10/10. I dunno If I could fault it.

I can understand people preferring Ride The Lightning but Escape isn't the best and Ktulu isn't as good as Orion.

But I can't understand people preferring And Justice For All. As it's so monotonous and boring. Sounds like cack and To Live Is To Die is just terrible.

I'd even put Suicide And Redemption above To Live is to Die as an instrumental.


Quote from: Kotowboy on May 21, 2021, 04:54:54 AM
Not sure but I know that MOP as an album is a 10/10. I dunno If I could fault it.

I can understand people preferring Ride The Lightning but Escape isn't the best and Ktulu isn't as good as Orion.

But I can't understand people preferring And Justice For All. As it's so monotonous and boring. Sounds like cack and To Live Is To Die is just terrible.

I'd even put Suicide And Redemption above To Live is to Die as an instrumental.

I prefer Justice, despite the mix and I think TLITD is an amazing song. Tastes vary I guess.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Quote from: Kotowboy on May 21, 2021, 04:54:54 AM
Not sure but I know that MOP as an album is a 10/10. I dunno If I could fault it.

I just don't see that.  I listened to it in it's entirety yesterday and it was "meh". Just the vocals (the sound, not the quality) bring it off a 10.   Sanitarium was pretty good, as was Orion, but it was good in the sense of "interesting", not in the sense of "oh, my, GOD that changes the game!",  like I got with something like The Number Of The Beast.   I guess there's something to the freshness and enthusiasm of youth, but I think Metallica has a LOT better, more mature, more resonant music in the catalogue.   It's the hit, I get it, so hardcore fans might not see it this way, but both "Enter Sandman" and "Nothing Else Matters" are better than anything on MOP. 

FOR ME.  I get that others might disagree.


I think that's just a personal preference where you stand on Thrash Metal vs Heavy Metal (which is more what Black Album falls under).

Metallica did mature but in terms of an energetic metal album, Master of Puppets is just full of top tier riffs and even if the singing is a bit raw and the production might sound a bit flat by more recent standards, it's the energy and the riffs that really make that album IMO.

I agree that as great of an album Ride the Lightning is, it does have a few songs like Escape that definitely feel weaker than the rest and drag it down just a notch. And Justice For All suffers a bit from the production but it also brings in some more progressive elements and I can see someone preferring it to MoP for those reasons.


Quote from: Zantera on May 21, 2021, 07:28:29 AM
I think that's just a personal preference where you stand on Thrash Metal vs Heavy Metal (which is more what Black Album falls under).

That's probably pretty accurate.  For me, one who isn't a thrash fan, Metallica is sort of the "Nirvana" of thrash, meaning, they were the ones that brought it to the mainstream, but they may not have been the purest version of it (as Soundgarden, Mudhoney, and Mother Love Bone were to grunge).   Of all the "thrash" bands, I like Metallica best, and only really Megadeth comes close, and it should surprise no one that my favorite song is "A Tout Le Monde", and "Cryptic Writings" is my favorite album.


Quote from: Kotowboy on May 21, 2021, 04:54:54 AM
Not sure but I know that MOP as an album is a 10/10. I dunno If I could fault it.

I can understand people preferring Ride The Lightning but Escape isn't the best and Ktulu isn't as good as Orion.

I rank Ktulu miles ahead of Orion, and Escape is at least better than Leper Messiah.

As far as AJFA, it's a top-heavy album.  Blackened, Shortest Straw and Dyer's Eve are head and shoulders above the rest of the album.  The heavy part of One is great, but the beginning is a slog.  The rest is fine but not good enough to overcome the bad mix.


Slog is a perfect word to describe Suicide and Redemption. I tried listening to that again recently, and it felt like hard work to get through all of it. The only part remotely interesting was the melodic part when it slows down in the middle, and even that sounds like them trying to mimic the middle part of Orion.


Quote from: Stadler on May 21, 2021, 07:20:46 AM
Quote from: Kotowboy on May 21, 2021, 04:54:54 AM
Not sure but I know that MOP as an album is a 10/10. I dunno If I could fault it.

I just don't see that.  I listened to it in it's entirety yesterday and it was "meh". Just the vocals (the sound, not the quality) bring it off a 10.

I have a really hard time with how they recorded Hetfield's voice in the 80s, especially on Puppets and Justice. It's like they layered it so many times that it sounds like he's singing in a really echo-y room. That's big part of the reason I prefer live versions for all of those songs, where it actually sounds like a human being is doing the vocals.

The Black Album was a huge improvement in production, and a big part of it is that they actually trust James's voice to be what it is.


I really enjoy the re-recorded Orion that's on the Thru The Never soundtrack.

I'd love if this year - for the 35th - they re-recorded the entire album at HQ and put it out with the next studio album as part of their 40th anniversary celebrations.

They could do one song a day for like a week. Do 3 or 5 takes and put the best one on the CD. Id love to hear that whole album with the sonics of Hardwired to Self Destruct

or even Disc 1 of Garage Inc. Which is just super crunchy and thick and still has clarity. HTSD is the closest they've come to that production since.

Plus METALLICA is 30 this year so. I'm really hoping for a lot of new Metallica stuff this year. But knowing them it'll be next year and we'll get no 40th goodies at all.

Although the band has posted a lot of pics on Insta from HQ so i'm optimistic for a new album. Even if it's December 31st I don't care.


Quote from: Kotowboy on May 22, 2021, 05:55:03 AM
Plus METALLICA is 30 this year so. I'm really hoping for a lot of new Metallica stuff this year. But knowing them it'll be next year and we'll get no 40th goodies at all.

Metallica is actually 40 this year. Fuck I'm getting old.


Quote from: TheCountOfNYC on May 22, 2021, 07:58:15 AM
Quote from: Kotowboy on May 22, 2021, 05:55:03 AM
Plus METALLICA is 30 this year so. I'm really hoping for a lot of new Metallica stuff this year. But knowing them it'll be next year and we'll get no 40th goodies at all.

Metallica is actually 40 this year. Fuck I'm getting old.

I think he meant the black album.
www. fanticide.bandcamp . com


Quote from: Adami on May 22, 2021, 09:07:39 AM
Quote from: TheCountOfNYC on May 22, 2021, 07:58:15 AM
Quote from: Kotowboy on May 22, 2021, 05:55:03 AM
Plus METALLICA is 30 this year so. I'm really hoping for a lot of new Metallica stuff this year. But knowing them it'll be next year and we'll get no 40th goodies at all.

Metallica is actually 40 this year. Fuck I'm getting old.

I think he meant the black album.

You know I'm so used to it being called The Black Album that I didn't even think about it being called by actual title lol.


Yes I called it METALLICA in capitals to make it more obvious.

Metallica the band are 40 this year and Metallica the album is 30 this year. Load is also 25 this year.  Reload is 25 next year.