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Top 100 Dream Theater songs countdown (Top 2 revealed!!)

Started by KevShmev, December 09, 2021, 07:38:25 PM

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Setlist Scotty

Quote from: Ben_Jamin on January 05, 2022, 11:44:23 PM
Quote from: Setlist Scotty on January 05, 2022, 04:21:12 AM
Quote from: Ben_Jamin on January 04, 2022, 07:19:04 PM
69 - Hollow Years:  #92

I like the demo pre-chorus that was cut from the studio, if you combine this with the L@B version, it would be my definitive version of the song. The build-up it has in it's arrangement, especially the Budakon version is awesome.
Then you'd probably love the version of HYears they played on the BCaSL tour!
I loved everything about that version. Thanks for sharing.
You're welcome! There's quite a few BCaSL bootlegs out there, so while there's no officially released live release with that version, you can still have it as a part of your collection.   :)
Quote from: BlobVanDam on November 13, 2015, 07:37:14 PMAs a basic rule, if you hate it, you must solely blame Portnoy. If it's good, then you must downplay MP's contribution to the band as not being important anyway, or claim he's just lying. It's the DTF way.
Quote from: TAC on July 10, 2024, 08:26:41 AMPOW is awesome! :P


Been following this thread... very fun. I didn't have time to do my rankings but I'm following along.

So far nothing has made me angry which is good haha.  I will say "one last time" is ranked too low, I've always loved that song and it's such a cool change of pace from the songs preceding it.   The petrucci guitar licks are off the charts.

Peruvian skies is a great song but I think it may get ranked a little lower due to it being a bit derivative of Metallica.   

Anyways.... Excited to see more songs unveiled.   We are getting pretty close to "classics" territory now.


Since it was announced earlier that there are no more TA tracks after #68, I am slightly surprised that 'Chosen' didn't rate.  I had it at #71.

70. S2N (#65) Who shines more on this Rush inspired track?  Trick question, as they all do!  To show how much I like D/T, this was my lowest rated song.

69.  Hollow Years (#9) another of my wife's favorites.  My prior two studio purchases were ToT and SC when I finally got my hands on FII in '09, so I rate the LP higher than most here. This song 'reached' me.  And, oddly, for this old guy, the Budokan version raised my rating about ten notches .  Also enjoyed the alternate version live in Philly with a friend who still lists this as his favorite.

68. A New Beginning (NR) I did a cut and paste mistake that Kev caught when I sent the list (the man obviously worked hard on this :tup).  This must have been my original choice at #76. So, you can blame me that it didn't come in at #67 😉

67. Beneath the Surface (#39) a surprising final album track that fits nicely.  Made me think of Journey placing 'Open Arms' at the end of 'Escape', and Queen placing 'My Melancholy Blues' after the rocking 'It's Late' to end 'News of the World'.  The lyrics and the time of its release pushed its rating up for me.

66. The Ministry of Lost Souls (#63) It closes out my version of SC.  Good live performance.

65. One Last Time (#26) given the high rating as part of the medley.  So 'Pavlovian' for what follows.
(hopefully I made lovethedrake feel better with my placement 😉 )

64.  Behind the Veil (#80) when I was revisiting the discography, there's hints of The Astonishing LP in this song, from its spacey beginning to what follows.  Just thinking aloud..... that this could have been the stand out track had it been on TA (with adjusted lyrics, of course).  Killer instrumental and finish.

63. Caught in a Web (#91) Should have rated it higher just for the distinctive beginning. 

62.  The Shattered Fortress (NR) Had not listened to this for ten years until today, and then only snippets.  Before being chastised, and to be fair, I grew up on The Beatles, fell in love with Queen in '74, there are songs I have deleted on my album versions of theirs, and have not heard in decades.  Good intro and instrumental, but the MP vocals ruin it for me.  Still surprised they played it on tour with MM. 

61.  Peruvian Skies (NR) I like it, but the lyrics are obviously a bit on the down side.

Getting to the point where I can tell that there will be more than a few songs I rated that won't be listed, as well as ones that I did not rate.  That's the variety of the band and its fans.

Quote from: frogprog on January 05, 2023, 05:45:48 PM...going along with Dragon Attack's Queen discography thread has been like taking a free class in Queen knowledge. Where else are you gonna find info like that?!
QUEEN Discography  [url=""][/url]


That did make me feel better haha... thanks Dragon Attack!


58 Surrender to Reason
Appeared on 19 of 26 entrees
Top 10 finishes: 1
Highest Ranking: 6 (Laughingplace56)

I had this at 57, and it was my highest ranked song from the self-titled album.

57 Innocence Faded
Appeared on 20 of 26 entrees
Top 10 finishes: 1
Highest Ranking: 5 (Elite)

This is from Awake, so it being great is a given.  :hat :hat

56 The Enemy Inside
Appeared on 24 of 26 entrees
Top 10 finishes: 0
Highest Ranking: 18 (Laughingplace56, erciccio)

I was impressed with how liked this song was, as it appeared in almost every list.

55 A Nightmare to Remember
Appeared on 23 of 26 entrees
Top 10 finishes: 1
Highest Ranking: 9 (geeeemo)

I had this at 84, but it likely would have been 50 spots higher if the second half of the song was as great as the first half.  Not that the latter half is bad or anything, but it just doesn't live up to the first half, IMO.


Alright, let's see if I can get the rest of the way caught up.

Before I get started, I'll also comment on Chosen, which Ben_Jamin and Dragon Attack both mentioned. That's one of my favorites on The Astonishing, and I had it at #50, behind only A Life Left Behind. I suspect it suffers due to the perception that there are a lot of ballads on the album, but I think it deserves more recognition than it gets.

70. S2N
My ranking: Unranked (approximately #142)

Near rock bottom for me. It's not a bad song, it just doesn't really do a whole lot for me, like a significant chunk of Distance over Time. There are some cool riffs, and I like the outro, but the melodies are really bland to me, especially the chorus. Cool that some people get a lot out of it, though!

69. Hollow Years
My ranking: #32

This song comes across as a pretty simple ballad, but it just grew and grew on me over time. There's a lot of powerful atmosphere and emotion to it. To me, the Budokan version is the definitive version, because the solos are just so good. But the studio version would still make my top 50.

68. A New Beginning
My ranking: #72

Not my personal choice for top song on The Astonishing, but I wouldn't argue too strongly with it—it's definitely a highlight on the album, and was so even more when I saw it live. The reason, of course, is the solo, which absolutely deserves it. What holds the song a little bit back for me is that I don't think the vocal melodies are all that special. The best ones are Arabelle's bridge and Nafaryus's "This man's a fraud and a hoax."

I also don't like how quickly Nafaryus's turn comes in the run of the song. It feels like he has no reaction to this revelation about his past and Faythe's besides basically saying "ok fine I'll meet him," which he says right after Faythe's revelation with barely enough time for James to take a breath between. That said, the instrumental side of the song makes up for these shortcomings.

67. Beneath the Surface
My ranking: #88

I think this is a pretty ballad, and an interesting way to close ADTOE after the majesty of Breaking All Illusions. It's on the lower end of my list mainly because it feels a little long for what it is, which isn't a huge deal, but it matters when splitting hairs. I've always liked the entry into the keyboard solo.

66. The Ministry of Lost Souls
My ranking: #35

Detractors of this song complain that it's the epitome of Dream Theater's tendency to write really long during this era, and I understand why people feel that way. But I think this song makes really good use of every second of its 14:57. TMOLS is just full of beautiful, grand, emotional melodies, starting with the main theme, but including a number of others as well. And it's a masterful buildup. I know some complain about the instrumental section, and I get it, but I really like what Mike does to bring the song into that section from "I gave you life" through that big melodic transition.

And then there's that solo. Going through this list has really cemented to me the extent to which Petrucci is the core of Dream Theater. Not that others don't contribute a lot, but he's easily the one I've mentioned the most, and deservedly so.

My sense is that the popular opinion on this song has improved considerably since I become a DT fan, which is nice to see. Listening to it now, I think #35 might be a somewhat conservative ranking for this one. I could easily see it creeping up into the 20s.

65. One Last Time
My ranking: #39

I love One Last Time. It's awesome to see some love for it from others besides me, even though it fell too low on the list at the end of the day. I think this is the Scenes track where music and storytelling are most in sync. And, narratively speaking, it's the climax of the album ("I'm finally shown what I have always known / Coincidence I can't believe / As my childhood dreams slowly come true / Are these her memories awakened through my eyes?"), so I vehemently oppose the idea that it's a "transitional song" (also, thinking of a nearly four minute song a "transition" is a very prog fan thing to do :lol). That final vocal section, "Here I am inside his home" to the end, is also one of the most evocative and emotional parts of the album, to me.

64. Behind the Veil
My ranking: Unranked (approximately #123)

This song falls down there in my "good song, doesn't stand out enough" section. I think this song has a lot of good ideas and good parts, but doesn't fully come together. The chorus is the weak link, in my opinion. The verses and the solo are quite good, but the chorus just doesn't quite bring the point home.

63. Caught in a Web
My ranking: #34

I love this song. Excellent grooves, excellent heavy riffs, awesome atmospheric keyboards, and low key one of JLB's best-ever studio performances. Just a lot to love. I feel like it's been underappreciated by the band and the fans over the years. It is to me what The Mirror seems to be to others. It's the song I think of when I think of Awake.

62. The Shattered Fortress
My ranking: #81

I think #81 is an under-rank on this one. When thinking about it, it's easy to think of it as "the one with all the reprises," but it's a good song in its own right. The first and last sections are really good, and the middle section isn't a big let down or anything. Right now I'd say it probably does belong in the 60s. Inventory!

61. Peruvian Skies
My ranking: Unranked (approximately #120)

Kev, I'll admit to being one of the guilty parties on this one! This song is in my "good but doesn't stand out" section. It's a nice song, I enjoy listening to it, but it doesn't have as much impact as at least 100 other songs.

59. Lie
My ranking: Unranked (approximately #119)

Yeah, it's in the same territory. It's fun to listen to and sing along to, but it's just not at the level of the top 100 for me.

59. Lost Not Forgotten
My ranking: #89

I slept on this one for a while, but it's a really solid song. I stand by putting it in the high 80s/low 90s range because I think it's a tiny bit long for what it is, but there are some awesome riffs here, and I really like the "An epic novel no one's read... "The ghosts of yesterday" part.

58. Surrender to Reason
My ranking: #73

This is a really good song. Just a lot of strong melodies and good moments all over it. I feel like it's one I overlook when I'm just thinking about Dream Theater songs, but when I listen to it, I remember what makes it so good (thus, it might be a tiny bit low, although it's hard to say what I'd push down for it). This really deserves a good live version. Did they ever play it?

57. Innocence Faded
My ranking: #59

Another really good one off Awake, and a moment here where I'm almost completely in line with the consensus. I really like how we get this softer song that still has a lot of energy and fits in with the atmosphere of the album. And some amazing JLB moments here, of course, along with a great guitar solo. It may be controversial, but to me, the best three song run on Awake is the first three.

56. The Enemy Inside
My ranking: Unranked (approximately #104)

Quote from: KevShmev on January 06, 2022, 05:40:53 PM
I was impressed with how liked this song was, as it appeared in almost every list.

Well, this is awkward...

It's near the top of that "good but doesn't stand out" territory, which is the fate of a disproportionate number of songs on DT12. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it, I like the intro a lot, and the verses are pretty good. It just doesn't quite have enough going for it to break my top 100.

55. A Nightmare to Remember
My ranking: #29

For my first two or three years of listening to Dream Theater, this song was one of my favorites. It's fallen off a bit, mainly owing to a second half that I will freely admit is not as good as the first half. But it's still one I enjoy a lot. The intro is massive, and I love the work the song does establishing motifs that it will return to, even if it revisits some of them one time too many. Also, Mike does some awesome drumming, particularly in the first half of the song. Blast beat notwithstanding.

I'm pro-Day-After-Day, although these days I'd rather Mike had done the full growl instead of the tough guy. And in general, I like the backing vocals on this song. I know some just simply don't enjoy them, and I respect that, but I like the blend of multiple voices they had going in the 00s.

Whew. Finally caught up. Unless Kev has made a second post while I was typing this. :lol


Innocence Faded is awesome. Really a quintessential DT song. 57 seems waaay too low. I have it at number 12.

Quote from: 425 on January 06, 2022, 07:29:48 PM

56. The Enemy Inside
My ranking: Unranked (approximately #104)

Quote from: KevShmev on January 06, 2022, 05:40:53 PM
I was impressed with how liked this song was, as it appeared in almost every list.

Well, this is awkward...

It's near the top of that "good but doesn't stand out" territory, which is the fate of a disproportionate number of songs on DT12. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it, I like the intro a lot, and the verses are pretty good. It just doesn't quite have enough going for it to break my top 100.

Truthfully, I had to put 100 songs on my list, and there are some that made it by default. This would be one of them.

Cool Chris

Quote from: HOF on January 06, 2022, 08:52:05 PM
... "good but doesn't stand out" territory, which is the fate of a disproportionate number of songs on DT12. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it...

That sums up well how I feel about that album as a whole. All the songs are good, there is nothing wrong with any of them. Yet... none of them stand out in any significant way.


Just a few words on the Enemy Inside (#18 for me, I am one of the two top rankers)

It's my favourite "metal" song by Dream Theater, followed by The mirror and Home.

I think it's the only one where everything is just perfect: the riff, the melody during the verses (one of the traditional weak points in other DT metal songs), the chorus, the bridge (again, one of the few situations where they built the "right" melody over diminished chords, unlike The Glass Prison or Beyond this life for example), the solos and even the outro.

I also think that the production is perfect- while I understand the complaints concerning DT12 production on other songs (Along for the ride in primis) I think the settings are just perfect for this kind of tune.

I think that the song is underrated because of the album it belongs to, because it was a relatively "pop" single, and because of the horrible video...but it's a great song!

It's also in my wife's top 10!


STR - Had it at number 30.
IF - 17.  In the 50's is way too low!
TEI - Number 38 for me
ANTR - Had it at number 23


Quote from: KevShmev on January 06, 2022, 05:40:53 PM
57 Innocence Faded
Appeared on 20 of 26 entrees
Top 10 finishes: 1
Highest Ranking: 5 (Elite)

This is from Awake, so it being great is a given.  :hat :hat

Whoo!!! One of my top 10 entries made the list :) Of course, at #57 it's not even close to being high enough, but I expected it to land somewhere halfway I guess. Needless to say, I absolutely love Innocence Faded, else I hadn't placed it at #5. It's been my second favourite song from Awake for as long as I can remember. I don't exactly know what it is about this song that draws me towards it so much, but it's got to be the combination of the lyrics, the structure and of course the amazing ending. As a youngster (I was about 15-16 when I first heard Awake), this song about losing one's innocence, growing up and finding a place in the world spoke to me a lot and to this day it still does. Absolutely astounding track, I did not put this at #5 just for the hell of it. This would be my favourite Dream Theater song, if there weren't 4 I love even more.

Quote from: KevShmev on January 06, 2022, 05:40:53 PM
56 The Enemy Inside
Highest Ranking: 18 (Laughingplace56, erciccio)


I had it at #19! Two people even higher!
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey



58 Surrender to Reason -
A very good song and it has an amazing JP/JM/MM interplay during the solo - I wish that part was longer.

57 Innocence Faded # 96
Love this one. I think DT should do more often songs like this, The Looking Glass and Transcending Time.

56 The Enemy Inside # 60
Amazing single and, in retrospect, it should begin DT12, showing the unleashed MM!

55 A Nightmare to Remember # 26
Amazing song from start to finish, although it could be trimmed just a bit and I don't know what to think about the "night after night" part until this day! :D


Thinking about this again. Innoncence Faded got left off of 6 top 100 lists?

Setlist Scotty

Quote from: HOF on January 07, 2022, 09:05:59 AM
Thinking about this again. Innoncence Faded got left off of 6 top 100 lists?
Yes. Mine was one of them.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on November 13, 2015, 07:37:14 PMAs a basic rule, if you hate it, you must solely blame Portnoy. If it's good, then you must downplay MP's contribution to the band as not being important anyway, or claim he's just lying. It's the DTF way.
Quote from: TAC on July 10, 2024, 08:26:41 AMPOW is awesome! :P


Quote from: Setlist Scotty on January 07, 2022, 09:28:14 AM
Quote from: HOF on January 07, 2022, 09:05:59 AM
Thinking about this again. Innoncence Faded got left off of 6 top 100 lists?
Yes. Mine was one of them.

It's all subjective and everybody has songs they just don't connect with. Just hard to imagine it being that low on anyone's list.


62 the Shattered Fortress  - 75.  Its good. I like the heaviness.

61 Peruvian Skies  - 15.  I love this song! It never gets old and the different variations are fun, especially to watch JP live when he was younger and was more animated.

59 Lie  - 68.  I would be higher for me if it were as one with The Mirror.  :biggrin:

59 Lost Not Forgotten - 94.  I am a bit surprised it's not higher. But it's my least favorite on that record. Which means it's still great!

58 Surrender to Reason - 63.  This one has grown on me. As I have listened more to this record. It's a bit mellow, so it slips for that reason.

57 Innocence Faded - NR - I just can't get into this song. One of the rare skips.  James is beautiful here.  Who knows though, if I listen more, I could change my mind.  :)

56 The Enemy Inside - NR - Another that just doesn't do it for me.  Much prefer IT - it's my #3.   i must say though, DT skips are usually better than most other music!

55 A Nightmare to Remember - 9.  Again, one of my first DT finds.  When I turned my best girlfriend onto DT, (she's not even into metal) this became her favorite! I'll never forget the last tour. It was in CA, so I hadn't seen the set-list. I was with my son. This started playing. We were both Soooo excited! It was probably the loudest concert I have been to, (painfully loud - but perfect for my bucket-list  to see live song, Home) so we just looked at each other and mouthed the it??? and nodding yes with big smiles.  A moment!

Setlist Scotty

Quote from: HOF on January 07, 2022, 09:47:55 AM
Quote from: Setlist Scotty on January 07, 2022, 09:28:14 AM
Quote from: HOF on January 07, 2022, 09:05:59 AM
Thinking about this again. Innoncence Faded got left off of 6 top 100 lists?
Yes. Mine was one of them.
It's all subjective and everybody has songs they just don't connect with. Just hard to imagine it being that low on anyone's list.
Honestly, given that there are 70+ songs that won't make the cut, I'm surprised that IF made as many lists as it did, especially in comparison to some of the other songs that didn't make as many top 100 lists.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on November 13, 2015, 07:37:14 PMAs a basic rule, if you hate it, you must solely blame Portnoy. If it's good, then you must downplay MP's contribution to the band as not being important anyway, or claim he's just lying. It's the DTF way.
Quote from: TAC on July 10, 2024, 08:26:41 AMPOW is awesome! :P


Quote from: Setlist Scotty on January 07, 2022, 02:19:17 PM
Quote from: HOF on January 07, 2022, 09:47:55 AM
Quote from: Setlist Scotty on January 07, 2022, 09:28:14 AM
Quote from: HOF on January 07, 2022, 09:05:59 AM
Thinking about this again. Innoncence Faded got left off of 6 top 100 lists?
Yes. Mine was one of them.
It's all subjective and everybody has songs they just don't connect with. Just hard to imagine it being that low on anyone's list.
Honestly, given that there are 70+ songs that won't make the cut, I'm surprised that IF made as many lists as it did, especially in comparison to some of the other songs that didn't make as many top 100 lists.

Admittedly, I am not representative of the broader DT fan base. Still, seems like a classic song from a classic album would be up there for more than 75% of the fan base (not that the 25 of us who submitted lists are necessarily a representative sample either).


I had mentioned earlier that three songs did not make the top 50 despite being number 1 on someone's list.  We had only seen one of the three so far.  The other two we seen tonight!

54 6:00
Appeared on 22 of 26 entrees
Top 10 finishes: 2
Highest Ranking: 1 (HOF)

I had it at 37, which almost seems too low, but I stand by everything I had ahead of it.  Still, this song is killer.  :metal :metal

53 Sacrificed Sons
Appeared on 21 of 26 entrees
Top 10 finishes: 1
Highest Ranking: 7 (DragonAttack)

This is one of those that, for me, has all of the elements that made DT great, but doesn't totally stick to landing.  I like it, but I do not love it.  It did not make my top 100.

52 Erotomania
Appeared on 22 of 26 entrees
Top 10 finishes: 1
Highest Ranking: 6 (KevShmev)

This is the first featured song where I had the highest ranking.  Like Peruvian Skies, it made me a little sad to see it ranked low on some lists or left off four completely, but it is what it is.  I think this song is just totally awesome.

51 This Dying Soul
Appeared on 18 of 26 entrees
Top 10 finishes: 2
Highest Ranking: 1 (wolfking)

A lot of good things going on in this song, but there are parts I do not care for all that much.  Some really love it though, which is why it finished at 51 despite being left off eight lists, mine included.


62 The Shattered Fortress
I didn't rate this.

This was a really disappointing finish to the 12 Step Suite. Cool to see it live though. I actually did enjoy that and I'm glad it made an actual live album.
The "I am responsible" part at the end is fantastic though.

61 Peruvian Skies
I had this at #23.

My FII was and always will be a three song EP featuring Peruvian Skies, Lines In The Sand, and Trial Of Tears.

60 (t) Lie
I didn't rate this.

59 (t) Lost Not Forgotten

Highest Ranking: 15 (TAC)

Great tune. Love everything about it.

58 Surrender to Reason
I rated this at #55.

Love the Rush feel to this.

57 Innocence Faded
I rated this at #34.

My first impression of Innocence Faded was so bad. For that first year, I thought Awake started on Voices, and sometimes Erotomania. IF is a top James moment in the catalog. The Score version is amazing. I don't know how he pulled it off.
I'm glad I got to see it twice on the Awake tour before they pulled it.

56 The Enemy Inside
I had this at #60.

Another song I feel I should rate higher. Damn ranker! This song rocks!!

55 A Nightmare to Remember
I had this at #74.

I should like this more. This song takes so long to wind down. Most of it is really good though. Those MP vocal parts really don't do a lot for me.

54 6:00
I had this at #87.

This is the first new DT music I heard post I&W. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement.

53 Sacrificed Sons
I had this at #44.

Kev, that's interesting when you mention them sticking the landing. I feel like the landing is fine, but the take off is a bit shaky. Still, an above average tune.

52 Erotomania
I had this at #62.

This is a great instrumental.

51 This Dying Soul

Highest Ranking: 1 (wolfking)

I had this at #19.

Wolfking knows what's up! This is Top 20 material for me. The "These tormenting ghosts of yesterday" part is one of my favorite passages in the catalog. Great tune. :metal

Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Cool Chris

Two more #1s.

I like 6:00 but those movie samples are gawd awful. Looking at my list, it is #30, which is much higher than I would have expected.

This Dying Soul didn't make my list. Some cool music in the first part, but horrible vocals. The first instance of "Seriously guys, you have James LaBrie in your band, and this is how you are asking him to sing?"


Quote from: KevShmev on January 07, 2022, 06:11:02 PM
54 6:00
Appeared on 22 of 26 entrees
Top 10 finishes: 2
Highest Ranking: 1 (HOF)

Quote from: TAC on January 07, 2022, 06:38:35 PM
54 6:00
I had this at #87.

This is the first new DT music I heard post I&W. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement.

LOL! At least TAC ranked it though, unlike the 4 heathens who left it off altogether! :P

6:00 is a perfectly executed prog song in a five and a half minute package. It's like the DT equivalent of The Spirit of Radio. One of those formative songs that shaped my view of what prog was or could be.

It just hits you right between the eyes with the opening drum fill (probably my favorite MP moment) and never stops, aside from a perfectly placed pause with the "pain inside coming outside" section. The lyric is perfect, and James really nails it. It's been kind of a personal purpose statement kind of song since I was about 16, and it still resonates at 39 (maybe more so). Not all of DT's music connects with me the way it did when I was in high school, but this one does.


54 6:00 (#21)
Well, HOF said it all... maybe my personal favorite drumming of all the time. Hearing this song for the first time when the album was released was an amazing feeling! :o :heart


6:00 was one of the few Awake songs that grabbed me right away at first.  Awake is my favorite DT album, but it was a little bit of a grower, as it was so different from I&W.  6:00 and Voices (the beginning at least) were the two I liked right away, and I liked that Caught in a Web intro a ton as well. The entire second half (four songs of which ended up in my top 25 here) was like a blur the first few times. :lol   But that is not unusual for an album to be a bit of a mystery at first and then reveal its true self only after a handful or so of listens.


Quote from: KevShmev on January 08, 2022, 06:21:32 AM
6:00 was one of the few Awake songs that grabbed me right away at first.  Awake is my favorite DT album, but it was a little bit of a grower, as it was so different from I&W.  6:00 and Voices (the beginning at least) were the two I liked right away, and I liked that Caught in a Web intro a ton as well. The entire second half (four songs of which ended up in my top 25 here) was like a blur the first few times. :lol   But that is not unusual for an album to be a bit of a mystery at first and then reveal its true self only after a handful or so of listens.

I was horrified when I first heard Awake. I had played I&W to death, as well as Live At The Marquee.
6:00 did nothing for me, and CIAW did even less. When Innocence Faded started with it's poppy feel, I was bummed big time. Oddly, it wasn't until I got to Space Dye Vest that I thought the album offered anything new or interesting. This was my FIRST listen impression.
I quickly came to love Voices and Scarred. Especially Scarred. My ride to work for months would consist of those 3 songs.

These days, I think Innocence Faded is amazing, but I'm still lukewarm on both 6:00 and CIAW.
Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol

Wim Kruithof

58 Surrender to Reason #-
57 Innocence Faded #51
56 the Enemy Inside #75
55 a Nightmare to Remember #33
54 6:00 #62
53 Sacrified Sons #97
52 Erotomania #85
51 This Dying Soul #7

Nice to see Wolfking had This Dying Soul even higher ranked. I love every bit, from the very start till the last note. It is one of those pieces which made Metallica step aside. And one of those who really burp-up al the shame and pity, that I didn't know about Dream Theater when I was young. Although I very very much love Mangini and his role in the band, Portnoy has a special place in my heart, for his Twelve Step suite.

Interesting HOF, that you place 6:00 as you number 1. Although I love Awake as being one of my all time favorites, I don't like all those samples Portnoy weaved in and 6:00 for (ex)ample, is one of those that just doesn't do it for me. The mellow part in between, that you call the 'pain inside, coming outside-section' is not really for me. I love the piece, although not highly as you.


Quote from: TAC on January 08, 2022, 06:25:20 AM
Quote from: KevShmev on January 08, 2022, 06:21:32 AM
6:00 was one of the few Awake songs that grabbed me right away at first.  Awake is my favorite DT album, but it was a little bit of a grower, as it was so different from I&W.  6:00 and Voices (the beginning at least) were the two I liked right away, and I liked that Caught in a Web intro a ton as well. The entire second half (four songs of which ended up in my top 25 here) was like a blur the first few times. :lol   But that is not unusual for an album to be a bit of a mystery at first and then reveal its true self only after a handful or so of listens.

I was horrified when I first heard Awake. I had played I&W to death, as well as Live At The Marquee.
6:00 did nothing for me, and CIAW did even less. When Innocence Faded started with it's poppy feel, I was bummed big time. Oddly, it wasn't until I got to Space Dye Vest that I thought the album offered anything new or interesting. This was my FIRST listen impression.
I quickly came to love Voices and Scarred. Especially Scarred. My ride to work for months would consist of those 3 songs.

These days, I think Innocence Faded is amazing, but I'm still lukewarm on both 6:00 and CIAW.

Yep, it was a culture shock.  I&W was so bright and glossy, and then Awake was so dark and gritty.  It didn't even sound like the same band.  In fact, our local radio station advertised that they were going to play the new Dream Theater song in 1994 during the 7:00 hour on a Sunday night (this was like a week or two before Awake's official release), so my brother and I turned it on to hear it, and when Lie (the single) came on, we didn't even realize it was Dream Theater, so we turned the volume down a little and kept on talking and not paying attention to the song and then when it was over, the deejay was like, "Okay, that was the new Dream Theater song," and we were like, "Wait, what?" :facepalm: :facepalm: :lol :lol


(I was touching up my Word copy to this post, and five people responded in that time!) 
59. (t) Lie (#90) low on my list, but I do enjoy it.

59. (t) Lost Not Forgotten (NR) Gets off to a great start for two minutes, but that next thirty seconds (ouch).  Choruses reminded me of Iron Maiden's 'Run To The Hills'.

58.  Surrender to Reason (NR) Another nice Rush beginning and ending.   

57.  Innocence Faded (NR) A killer ending, yet I'm not a fan of the vocals (but I'm OK with tunes like 'Lie' and BMUBMD  :huh:).  Not included on my 'Awake' version

56.  The Enemy Inside (#50) Balls to wall 'opener', and I feel like I have PTSD watching the video.  Began to appreciate it more after TA was released.

55.  A Nightmare to Remember (#99) Other than the 'day after day' segment (which I removed) I really liked it, but it has not aged well for me.  I'll always remember the first of my BTB shows in 09 where only half the curtain dropped. 

Whether this is new to some or not, I thought I'd include it (setlist scotty is mentioned)

54. 6:00 (NR) I'm one of the heathens😉 I just now realized that when I transferred the original list to Excel, I did a 'find and replace', replacing the numbers in front of all the songs with spaces.  So, this title disappeared. :facepalm:  If this were titled 'Six O'Clock', I'd have placed it about #80. I do try my best to hear it as the first song on Christmas Day.

53. Sacrificed Sons (#7) captures just about every emotion from that day and afterwards for me.  The '09 tour had various pix on the back screen throughout, Portnoy's drumming is 11+, and there was something where I 'felt' as if his angst eight years later was still wanting him to pound holes in his kit.  I've been to NYC thirty times since then (never before), and listen to it when lower Manhattan becomes visible.  James provides perhaps the most insightful lyrics of any of their songs.

I often listen to 8vm in three segments, PA/NE/SS as segment or 'side' two. SS would have made a great album closer.  My wife even had the chorus as her ringtone for my calls up until two years ago :D

52. Erotomania (#13) perfect on its own or as part of the trilogy.  Fortunate as well to see it performed in '09 the night before. 

51. This Dying Soul (NR) The first 3:41 is killer, and then goes in and out of places that aren't for me so often on ToT.

Quote from: frogprog on January 05, 2023, 05:45:48 PM...going along with Dragon Attack's Queen discography thread has been like taking a free class in Queen knowledge. Where else are you gonna find info like that?!
QUEEN Discography  [url=""][/url]


Quote from: DragonAttack on January 08, 2022, 06:49:57 AM

54. 6:00 (NR) I'm one of the heathens😉 I just now realized that when I transferred the original list to Excel, I did a 'find and replace', replacing the numbers in front of all the songs with spaces.  So, this title disappeared. :facepalm:  If this were titled 'Six O'Clock', I'd have placed it about #80. I do try my best to hear it as the first song on Christmas Day.

Ha! Well, I suppose that is forgivable!  :lol


Erotomania on the other hand finished about right. I had it a little higher at 43, but this range feels appropriate.


Quote from: Wim Kruithof on January 08, 2022, 06:28:49 AM
Interesting HOF, that you place 6:00 as you number 1. Although I love Awake as being one of my all time favorites, I don't like all those samples Portnoy weaved in and 6:00 for (ex)ample, is one of those that just doesn't do it for me. The mellow part in between, that you call the 'pain inside, coming outside-section' is not really for me. I love the piece, although not highly as you.

I wonder if that was a Portnoy thing or a Kevin Moore thing with the samples. I always assumed it was Kevin's doing since both 6:00 and SDV were so heavy on them and they act almost as part of the musical structure of the song.

Personally I love the "Six o'clock on a Christmas morning, and for what!" clip. Such a random movie to pull from. We watched it in literature class in college when we were studying The Dead, and I had no idea that's where the clip came from until the scene hit. I was jumping up and down in my seat, being the only person in the class who knew or cared! I also loved that that movie had Colm Meany (Chief O'Brien in Star Trek DS9) in it. Other that that I don't remember any of it though!

This clip still cracks me up:


Though I don't have specific evidence of this, I really think the samples on 6:00 are Kevin Moore thing, seeing as Space Dye Vest and Eve are probably the most sample-heavy DT songs and are very KM-driven (SDV being exclusively his). Plus, Eve and 6:00 both feature samples from adaptations of James Joyce novels, which is probably not a coincidence.

Not to say that Mike didn't push for the use of samples in other songs (I imagine the ones in Honor Thy Father are his choice, for example), but I think the 6:00 ones were KM.


Quote from: 425 on January 08, 2022, 08:18:31 AM
Though I don't have specific evidence of this, I really think the samples on 6:00 are Kevin Moore thing, seeing as Space Dye Vest and Eve are probably the most sample-heavy DT songs and are very KM-driven (SDV being exclusively his). Plus, Eve and 6:00 both feature samples from adaptations of James Joyce novels, which is probably not a coincidence.

Not to say that Mike didn't push for the use of samples in other songs (I imagine the ones in Honor Thy Father are his choice, for example), but I think the 6:00 ones were KM.

Yep. And Kevin has always used lots of samples in Chroma Key and OSI as well. MP may have done the samples on The Mirror and ACOS though.

Setlist Scotty

Quote from: HOF on January 08, 2022, 08:11:39 AM
I wonder if that was a Portnoy thing or a Kevin Moore thing with the samples.
It was both. In the songs where MP wrote the lyrics, MP was behind the samples. Where KM wrote the lyrics, it was KM.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on November 13, 2015, 07:37:14 PMAs a basic rule, if you hate it, you must solely blame Portnoy. If it's good, then you must downplay MP's contribution to the band as not being important anyway, or claim he's just lying. It's the DTF way.
Quote from: TAC on July 10, 2024, 08:26:41 AMPOW is awesome! :P