Identifying As A Furry?

Started by emtee, April 21, 2022, 06:42:46 AM

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This will probably a topic everyone else knows about but me.

My wife's best friend is an executive assistant for the superintendent of a large school district in central  Michigan. She brought this up in a recent conversation.

Three times in the last 6 months, parents have gone ballistic with the school system and board because their child identifies as a furry. The parents want special treatment such as litter boxes. When I heard this I thought my wife's friend was pulling our leg so I Googled it. Crazy.

So many questions arise about parenting and what kind of damage this does, if any, in the development of a child...BTW, these kids were in 8th grade. She said these parents were on the verge of violence if the school didn't recognize their kids as furries and make the requested provisions.

Sorry if there are typos...this was on my phone.


Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Buddyhunter1 on April 22, 2023, 05:54:45 PMTAC got a higher score than me in the electronic round? Honestly, can I just drop out now? :lol


Quote from: emtee on April 21, 2022, 06:42:46 AM

Three times in the last 6 months, parents have gone ballistic with the school system and board because their child identifies as a furry. The parents want special treatment such as litter boxes. When I heard this I thought my wife's friend was pulling our leg so I Googled it. Crazy.

Can you share what you've found on Google? Any mention of this I've seen in the last month seems rooted in a state lawmaker's backtracked comments. Any chance your wife's best friend is just trying to stir up shit/flat out lying?

The claim was debunked by the district's superintendent, who issued a statement that said there had "never been litter boxes within MPS schools".

Still, the baseless rumor has spread across the country, and become fuel for political candidates, amid the culture wars and legislative action involving gender identification in schools.

Hours after his remarks, Bostelman backtracked and acknowledged that the story wasn't true. He said he checked into the claims with state senator Lynne Walz, a Democrat who leads the legislature's education committee, and confirmed there were no such incidents.



Yeah the logic doesn't really flow for me... wife's friend who's the assistant of the superintendent?
Already like 4 degrees of separation there.

I mean, the US is a huge country, I'm sure there are crazy things going on. Maybe, somewhere, there are some students acting out in this way. It's not out of the realm of the believable. But even if it's happening, does that mean it's a trend or are we just talking clickbait?


Quote from: Chino on April 21, 2022, 07:03:01 AM
Quote from: emtee on April 21, 2022, 06:42:46 AM

Three times in the last 6 months, parents have gone ballistic with the school system and board because their child identifies as a furry. The parents want special treatment such as litter boxes. When I heard this I thought my wife's friend was pulling our leg so I Googled it. Crazy.

Can you share what you've found on Google? Any mention of this I've seen in the last month seems rooted in a state lawmaker's backtracked comments. Any chance your wife's best friend is just trying to stir up shit/flat out lying?

The claim was debunked by the district's superintendent, who issued a statement that said there had "never been litter boxes within MPS schools".

Still, the baseless rumor has spread across the country, and become fuel for political candidates, amid the culture wars and legislative action involving gender identification in schools.

Hours after his remarks, Bostelman backtracked and acknowledged that the story wasn't true. He said he checked into the claims with state senator Lynne Walz, a Democrat who leads the legislature's education committee, and confirmed there were no such incidents.

No specific details, just that it's a thing. A real thing. I'd never heard of it.


Quote from: Skeever on April 21, 2022, 07:06:38 AM
Yeah the logic doesn't really flow for me... wife's friend who's the assistant of the superintendent?
Already like 4 degrees of separation there.

I mean, the US is a huge country, I'm sure there are crazy things going on. Maybe, somewhere, there are some students acting out in this way. It's not out of the realm of the believable. But even if it's happening, does that mean it's a trend or are we just talking clickbait?

Four degrees of separation? She works directly for the superintendent and runs the board meetings.

She's not a liar. This really happened.  She was shaken by it.


Quote from: emtee on April 21, 2022, 07:09:40 AM
Quote from: Chino on April 21, 2022, 07:03:01 AM
Quote from: emtee on April 21, 2022, 06:42:46 AM

Three times in the last 6 months, parents have gone ballistic with the school system and board because their child identifies as a furry. The parents want special treatment such as litter boxes. When I heard this I thought my wife's friend was pulling our leg so I Googled it. Crazy.

Can you share what you've found on Google? Any mention of this I've seen in the last month seems rooted in a state lawmaker's backtracked comments. Any chance your wife's best friend is just trying to stir up shit/flat out lying?

The claim was debunked by the district's superintendent, who issued a statement that said there had "never been litter boxes within MPS schools".

Still, the baseless rumor has spread across the country, and become fuel for political candidates, amid the culture wars and legislative action involving gender identification in schools.

Hours after his remarks, Bostelman backtracked and acknowledged that the story wasn't true. He said he checked into the claims with state senator Lynne Walz, a Democrat who leads the legislature's education committee, and confirmed there were no such incidents.

No specific details, just that it's a thing. A real thing. I'd never heard of it.

So it's a real thing with no specifics?

I'd love to see the social media posts from your wife's best friend. I bet I could guess another half dozen or so other things that that individual has tried to warn the public about.


Quote from: TAC on April 21, 2022, 06:49:04 AM
So...teacher's pet?

I just got strange looks from my co-workers after laughing at this! :rollin


Quote from: emtee on April 21, 2022, 07:13:32 AM
Quote from: Skeever on April 21, 2022, 07:06:38 AM
Yeah the logic doesn't really flow for me... wife's friend who's the assistant of the superintendent?
Already like 4 degrees of separation there.

I mean, the US is a huge country, I'm sure there are crazy things going on. Maybe, somewhere, there are some students acting out in this way. It's not out of the realm of the believable. But even if it's happening, does that mean it's a trend or are we just talking clickbait?

Four degrees of separation? She works directly for the superintendent and runs the board meetings.

She's not a liar. This really happened.  She was shaken by it.

Did it really happen, or was it some asshat at a board meeting saying "I heard that in Iowa kids want to shit in boxes and call themselves cats, and there are concerns that it is happening or could happen here."? Did it really happen, or was it some parent projecting their concerns to the board based on some meme they saw on Facebook?


Furries are definitely a thing, but not normally as young kids.
Quote from: BlobVanDam on December 11, 2014, 08:19:46 PMHef is right on all things. Except for when I disagree with him. In which case he's probably still right.


There are numerous similar stories that I've found on line. The kids identify as humans with animal characteristics.

And my wife's friend was present at a meeting with the principal, superintendent and the parents.


Quote from: emtee on April 21, 2022, 07:24:02 AM

There are numerous similar stories that I've found on line. The kids identify as humans with animal characteristics.

And my wife's friend was present at a meeting with the principal, superintendent and the parents.

You provided a link to what a furry is. That's nothing new (well, maybe new to you). Nobody is denying furies are a thing.

The arguments I'm making is that your wife's best friend is full of shit, litterboxes are not being put in schools (or even requested), and no parents are actually complaining about their child not getting one. Any argument surrounding the putting of litterboxes is school is stemming from straight up bullshit that all started with one guy's recanted comments. Litterboxes in schools holds as much water as Hillary running a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza joint. It's completely fabricated, and the subject is being introduced at school board meetings by people who are dancing too close to the Q watering hole.


Quote from: hefdaddy42 on April 21, 2022, 07:23:36 AM
Furries are definitely a thing, but not normally as young kids.

I was at a concert, Epica, and chilling outside in the smoking section between sets and some random dude I was chatting with goes "you know, I'm a furry" and I almost spit out my drink laughing.  Didn't mean to offend the guy, just thought it was such a random thing to tell someone.  I had never met one before then, but yes, furries are definitely a thing. 


Quote from: Chino on April 21, 2022, 07:30:25 AM
Quote from: emtee on April 21, 2022, 07:24:02 AM

There are numerous similar stories that I've found on line. The kids identify as humans with animal characteristics.

And my wife's friend was present at a meeting with the principal, superintendent and the parents.

You provided a link to what a furry is. That's nothing new (well, maybe new to you). Nobody is denying furies are a thing.

The arguments I'm making is that your wife's best friend is full of shit, litterboxes are not being put in schools (or even requested), and no parents are actually complaining about their child not getting one. Any argument surrounding the putting of litterboxes is school is stemming from straight up bullshit that all started with one guy's recanted comments. Litterboxes in schools holds as much water as Hillary running a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza joint. It's completely fabricated, and the subject is being introduced at school board meetings by people who are dancing too close to the Q watering hole.

You seem very worked up. Did I say they put a literbox in the school? No? The parents were furious when the request was shot down, along with all the other outlandish requests the parents made.
The point I'm trying to make is that parents are requesting this. This is not rational to me. It seems detached from reality.

Anyhoo...sorry I even brought it up. I thought I might learn something from more informed people on the subject. I guess I was mistaken.


Quote from: emtee on April 21, 2022, 07:48:38 AM
Quote from: Chino on April 21, 2022, 07:30:25 AM
Quote from: emtee on April 21, 2022, 07:24:02 AM

There are numerous similar stories that I've found on line. The kids identify as humans with animal characteristics.

And my wife's friend was present at a meeting with the principal, superintendent and the parents.

You provided a link to what a furry is. That's nothing new (well, maybe new to you). Nobody is denying furies are a thing.

The arguments I'm making is that your wife's best friend is full of shit, litterboxes are not being put in schools (or even requested), and no parents are actually complaining about their child not getting one. Any argument surrounding the putting of litterboxes is school is stemming from straight up bullshit that all started with one guy's recanted comments. Litterboxes in schools holds as much water as Hillary running a child sex ring in the basement of a pizza joint. It's completely fabricated, and the subject is being introduced at school board meetings by people who are dancing too close to the Q watering hole.

Did I say they put a literbox in the school? No? The parents were furious when the request was shot down, along with all the other outlandish requests the parents made.
The point I'm trying to make is that parents are requesting this. This is not rational to me. It seems detached from reality.

And the point I'm making is that parents are not requesting this.

QuoteAnyhoo...sorry I even brought it up. I thought I might learn something from more informed people on the subject. I guess I was mistaken.

I guess I'm not understanding what you're trying to learn.

QuoteYou seem very worked up.

Because I'm sick of seeing time in board meetings that should be spent on bettering the education for children being used to entertain falsehoods like this. There is no teeth to this whatsoever. Schoolboards are being taken over by people who read at a 4th grade level and find people like Madison Cawthorn and Marjorie Taylor Greene as inspirational. Instead of debating in these meetings how we're going to prepare our children to compete in the digital future while country's like China pass us by, we waste our time on this shit. It's an embarrassment.

I don't want to ask too many details because of doxxing an what not, but I'd love to see the transcripts from the meeting in which the superintendent made this claim. School districts are required to keep minutes from all board meetings, and some will even record the audio and/or video of them. I'd love to see who said what. I'd love to know if a parent (3 in 6 months allegedly) of a furry actually got up to the mic and voiced opposition to their child not being given a litterbox. 10:1 says that never happened. And if it did, it was some asshole trolling, like this guy who got up in front of city council to argue that the phrase "boneless chicken wings" should be removed from menus because it's not actually meat from the wing of a chicken:


Not sure why some seem to be deliberately misreading what emtee wrote and are putting words into his mouth, but you might try reading and addressing what he actually posted rather than projecting something else onto it.


Quote from: bosk1 on April 21, 2022, 08:04:18 AM
Not sure why some seem to be deliberately misreading what emtee wrote and are putting words into his mouth, but you might try reading and addressing what he actually posted rather than projecting something else onto it.

I assume this is directed at me.

emtee said
QuoteThree times in the last 6 months, parents have gone ballistic with the school system and board because their child identifies as a furry. The parents want special treatment such as litter boxes. When I heard this I thought my wife's friend was pulling our leg so I Googled it. Crazy.

I asked for the google results that backed up the claim that "parents want special treatment such as litter boxes" and I've yet to see it.


The claim is anti-trans and it isn't hard to see that while it is possible that someone called up a school and asked for a litter box for their child - the likelihood this was a pathetic attempt to mock trans-kids in schools having accommodations was the intended goal of such a call.  Fear and hatred is just that prevalent out there.

It is easy to do a Google search and see that the Michigan school superintendent has said that this story about litter box requests for school kids is false.  And it only takes a few clicks to find if one wants to check it out.


Quote from: Chino on April 21, 2022, 08:09:53 AM
Quote from: bosk1 on April 21, 2022, 08:04:18 AM
Not sure why some seem to be deliberately misreading what emtee wrote and are putting words into his mouth, but you might try reading and addressing what he actually posted rather than projecting something else onto it.

I assume this is directed at me.

emtee said
QuoteThree times in the last 6 months, parents have gone ballistic with the school system and board because their child identifies as a furry. The parents want special treatment such as litter boxes. When I heard this I thought my wife's friend was pulling our leg so I Googled it. Crazy.

I asked for the google results that backed up the claim that "parents want special treatment such as litter boxes" and I've yet to see it.

And he clearly said this was NOT something he found online, but was something that someone who was present at the meetings actually witnessed in person, so asking for Internet searches has nothing to do with what he is talking about. 

Maybe he actually is mistaken, or the person he talked about is.  But you are completely talking past what he said and raising issues that have nothing to do with his post.

El Barto

Quote from: emtee on April 21, 2022, 07:48:38 AM
Anyhoo...sorry I even brought it up. I thought I might learn something from more informed people on the subject. I guess I was mistaken.
The lesson to be learned is that the more outrageous outrage is, the more likely it is to be manufactured for sociopolitical gain.


Why would there be anything posted online about private meetings between school leadership and parents?

I'm telling you this happened. You don't have to believe it or care but I think this is going to become a bigger issue moving forward and my discussion intent was: is it harmful for a parent to enable this behavior? And how far will some parents go in an attempt to protect their children at any costs.


Quote from: Harmony on April 21, 2022, 08:13:55 AM
The claim is anti-trans and it isn't hard to see that while it is possible that someone called up a school and asked for a litter box for their child - the likelihood this was a pathetic attempt to mock trans-kids in schools having accommodations was the intended goal of such a call.  Fear and hatred is just that prevalent out there.

It is easy to do a Google search and see that the Michigan school superintendent has said that this story about litter box requests for school kids is false.  And it only takes a few clicks to find if one wants to check it out.

This isn't even the same school. You jumped to an incorrect conclusion and in doing so, call into question my integrity as well as that of someone I have known for over 40 years.


Do these parents have litter boxes at home for their children and clean them?


Quote from: cramx3 on April 21, 2022, 08:43:43 AM
Do these parents have litter boxes at home for their children and clean them?

Yes. In all three cases. However, I don't believe they are used in place of a toilet. It's more like a total immersive type of behavior. They lick their paws and pretend to eat from bowls on the floor. They hiss and purr and generally adopt the animals behaviors.


Quote from: bosk1 on April 21, 2022, 08:26:37 AM
Quote from: Chino on April 21, 2022, 08:09:53 AM
Quote from: bosk1 on April 21, 2022, 08:04:18 AM
Not sure why some seem to be deliberately misreading what emtee wrote and are putting words into his mouth, but you might try reading and addressing what he actually posted rather than projecting something else onto it.

I assume this is directed at me.

emtee said
QuoteThree times in the last 6 months, parents have gone ballistic with the school system and board because their child identifies as a furry. The parents want special treatment such as litter boxes. When I heard this I thought my wife's friend was pulling our leg so I Googled it. Crazy.

I asked for the google results that backed up the claim that "parents want special treatment such as litter boxes" and I've yet to see it.

And he clearly said this was NOT something he found online, but was something that someone who was present at the meetings actually witnessed in person, so asking for Internet searches has nothing to do with what he is talking about. 

Maybe he actually is mistaken, or the person he talked about is.  But you are completely talking past what he said and raising issues that have nothing to do with his post.

I respectfully am not seeing it that way.

What are the issues in his post? His wife's friend works for someone who is making claims. Claims that are being propagated by this train of he-said-she-said. We have one person's word to go one here.

The original post said "So many questions arise about parenting and what kind of damage this does, if any, in the development of a child...BTW, these kids were in 8th grade. She said these parents were on the verge of violence if the school didn't recognize their kids as furries and make the requested provisions."

I'm claiming (I could be entirely wrong) there were no such threats of violence, and am merely pointing out that every similar claim to this point has been debunked.

If this is a thread on whether or not letting your kid be a furry is damaging to childhood development, fine. I'll bow out now and shut up. But that's not how the original post read. This thread was started specifically to address "parents were on the verge of violence if the school didn't recognize their kids as furries and make the requested provisions" and "Three times in the last 6 months, parents have gone ballistic with the school system and board because their child identifies as a furry. The parents want special treatment such as litter boxes. When I heard this... .

I'm arguing, based on everything I've found on Google up to this point, nobody is requesting such provisions.


Quote from: emtee on April 21, 2022, 08:48:41 AM
Quote from: cramx3 on April 21, 2022, 08:43:43 AM
Do these parents have litter boxes at home for their children and clean them?

Yes. In all three cases. However, I don't believe they are used in place of a toilet. It's more like a total immersive type of behavior. They lick their paws and pretend to eat from bowls on the floor. They hiss and purr and generally adopt the animals behaviors.

This is sick


Quote from: emtee on April 21, 2022, 08:40:53 AM
Why would there be anything posted online about private meetings between school leadership and parents?

Because education is taxpayer funded (I just realized I made the assumption this is a public school) and transparency in such meetings has been deemed important. Schoolboard meetings often go over things like curriculum and budgeting, and tax payers have a right to see that process play out as it impacts the lives of their families and the value of their house.

Waterbury CT has the videos of every DOE meeting dating back to July 2015 on their website.

QuoteI'm telling you this happened. You don't have to believe it or care but I think this is going to become a bigger issue moving forward and my discussion intent was: is it harmful for a parent to enable this behavior? And how far will some parents go in an attempt to protect their children at any costs.

What's going to be a bigger issue/Is what harmful? Letting your kid be a furry, or fighting for your kid to have a litter box in school? It seems this conversation has split into two different topics unless I'm misreading things.


Wow!  Don't think I could've lived another minute without seeing this.  Looks like the forum is desperate for material these days huh?

*points to sig*


Quote from: Chino on April 21, 2022, 08:52:46 AM
Quote from: bosk1 on April 21, 2022, 08:26:37 AM
Quote from: Chino on April 21, 2022, 08:09:53 AM
Quote from: bosk1 on April 21, 2022, 08:04:18 AM
Not sure why some seem to be deliberately misreading what emtee wrote and are putting words into his mouth, but you might try reading and addressing what he actually posted rather than projecting something else onto it.

I assume this is directed at me.

emtee said
QuoteThree times in the last 6 months, parents have gone ballistic with the school system and board because their child identifies as a furry. The parents want special treatment such as litter boxes. When I heard this I thought my wife's friend was pulling our leg so I Googled it. Crazy.

I asked for the google results that backed up the claim that "parents want special treatment such as litter boxes" and I've yet to see it.

And he clearly said this was NOT something he found online, but was something that someone who was present at the meetings actually witnessed in person, so asking for Internet searches has nothing to do with what he is talking about. 

Maybe he actually is mistaken, or the person he talked about is.  But you are completely talking past what he said and raising issues that have nothing to do with his post.

I respectfully am not seeing it that way.

What are the issues in his post? His wife's friend works for someone who is making claims. Claims that are being propagated by this train of he-said-she-said. We have one person's word to go one here.

The original post said "So many questions arise about parenting and what kind of damage this does, if any, in the development of a child...BTW, these kids were in 8th grade. She said these parents were on the verge of violence if the school didn't recognize their kids as furries and make the requested provisions."

I'm claiming (I could be entirely wrong) there were no such threats of violence, and am merely pointing out that every similar claim to this point has been debunked.

If this is a thread on whether or not letting your kid be a furry is damaging to childhood development, fine. I'll bow out now and shut up. But that's not how the original post read. This thread was started specifically to address "parents were on the verge of violence if the school didn't recognize their kids as furries and make the requested provisions" and "Three times in the last 6 months, parents have gone ballistic with the school system and board because their child identifies as a furry. The parents want special treatment such as litter boxes. When I heard this... .

I'm arguing, based on everything I've found on Google up to this point, nobody is requesting such provisions.

How can you possibly insist that the claim was somehow "debunked" when you don't know anyone who was present at the meeting and have no sources for anything that was said or done at the meeting?  Yes, it is one person's word that we are going off of.  But, according to emtee, that one person was present and was an eyewitness.  You were not.  And you have not talked to or seen posts from anyone who was, correct?

And, again, what does "everything [you]'ve found on Google" have to do with anything?  Who ever said anything about this meeting being posted on the Internet?  Again, his original post is clear that this was overheard and seen at an in person meeting, and not something posted on the Internet.  Why are you making these assumptions that have nothing to do with what he posted?


Quote from: emtee on April 21, 2022, 08:43:33 AM
Quote from: Harmony on April 21, 2022, 08:13:55 AM
The claim is anti-trans and it isn't hard to see that while it is possible that someone called up a school and asked for a litter box for their child - the likelihood this was a pathetic attempt to mock trans-kids in schools having accommodations was the intended goal of such a call.  Fear and hatred is just that prevalent out there.

It is easy to do a Google search and see that the Michigan school superintendent has said that this story about litter box requests for school kids is false.  And it only takes a few clicks to find if one wants to check it out.

This isn't even the same school. You jumped to an incorrect conclusion and in doing so, call into question my integrity as well as that of someone I have known for over 40 years.

I did no such thing.  I even gave your friend an out by saying people could have called into the school as a way to push their own agenda.  Maybe try re-reading what I posted again and refrain from jumping to false conclusions.

If you have any evidence aside from hearsay that this is an issue in ANY school in Michigan I'd be certainly happy to read it. 


Quote from: bosk1 on April 21, 2022, 09:01:04 AM
Quote from: Chino on April 21, 2022, 08:52:46 AM
Quote from: bosk1 on April 21, 2022, 08:26:37 AM
Quote from: Chino on April 21, 2022, 08:09:53 AM
Quote from: bosk1 on April 21, 2022, 08:04:18 AM
Not sure why some seem to be deliberately misreading what emtee wrote and are putting words into his mouth, but you might try reading and addressing what he actually posted rather than projecting something else onto it.

I assume this is directed at me.

emtee said
QuoteThree times in the last 6 months, parents have gone ballistic with the school system and board because their child identifies as a furry. The parents want special treatment such as litter boxes. When I heard this I thought my wife's friend was pulling our leg so I Googled it. Crazy.

I asked for the google results that backed up the claim that "parents want special treatment such as litter boxes" and I've yet to see it.

And he clearly said this was NOT something he found online, but was something that someone who was present at the meetings actually witnessed in person, so asking for Internet searches has nothing to do with what he is talking about. 

Maybe he actually is mistaken, or the person he talked about is.  But you are completely talking past what he said and raising issues that have nothing to do with his post.

I respectfully am not seeing it that way.

What are the issues in his post? His wife's friend works for someone who is making claims. Claims that are being propagated by this train of he-said-she-said. We have one person's word to go one here.

The original post said "So many questions arise about parenting and what kind of damage this does, if any, in the development of a child...BTW, these kids were in 8th grade. She said these parents were on the verge of violence if the school didn't recognize their kids as furries and make the requested provisions."

I'm claiming (I could be entirely wrong) there were no such threats of violence, and am merely pointing out that every similar claim to this point has been debunked.

If this is a thread on whether or not letting your kid be a furry is damaging to childhood development, fine. I'll bow out now and shut up. But that's not how the original post read. This thread was started specifically to address "parents were on the verge of violence if the school didn't recognize their kids as furries and make the requested provisions" and "Three times in the last 6 months, parents have gone ballistic with the school system and board because their child identifies as a furry. The parents want special treatment such as litter boxes. When I heard this... .

I'm arguing, based on everything I've found on Google up to this point, nobody is requesting such provisions.

How can you possibly insist that the claim was somehow "debunked" when you don't know anyone who was present at the meeting and have no sources for anything that was said or done at the meeting?  Yes, it is one person's word that we are going off of.  But, according to emtee, that one person was present and was an eyewitness.  You were not.  And you have not talked to or seen posts from anyone who was, correct?

And, again, what does "everything [you]'ve found on Google" have to do with anything?  Who ever said anything about this meeting being posted on the Internet?  Again, his original post is clear that this was overheard and seen at an in person meeting, and not something posted on the Internet.  Why are you making these assumptions that have nothing to do with what he posted?

Because he said:

"Four degrees of separation? She works directly for the superintendent and runs the board meetings.

She's not a liar. This really happened.  She was shaken by it."

I read that as this happening in a board meeting(s). Something there should be a record of. I didn't read this to mean these discussions were had in a private setting.

I wasn't googling for the board meeting specifically, but more the topic of litterboxes in schools in general, and the trend seems to be that every time this pops up somewhere it's immediately debunked.

QuoteHow can you possibly insist that the claim was somehow "debunked"

I didn't claim this one was debunked. I'm saying every similar claim I've come across so far has been debunked, and one could infer that this one would follow a similar path if it was dug into


Well, I was going to talk about what I know about the whole furry thing but seeing as this thread seems to have to devolved into war I will pass. emtee does not deserve the tone being sent his way. Sorry about that, man.
Quote from: ProfessorPeart on November 14, 2023, 11:17:53 AMbeul ni teh efac = Lube In The Face / That has to be wrong.  :lol / EDIT: Oh, it's Blue! I'm an idiot.
Quote from: Indiscipline on November 14, 2023, 02:26:25 PMPardon the interruption, but I just had to run in and celebrate the majesty of Lube in the Face as highest moment in roulette history.


I have no ill will toward emptee. I'm saying I think the superintendent is lying and/or there's a lot being lost in translation and this isn't really happening regardless. That's all.