Wrote a song about internet discourse [Industrial Metal]

Started by ddtonfire, June 20, 2022, 01:42:35 PM

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Took lots of NiN influence. I used my EBMM JP7 and JP15-7 for this through a Mesa JP-2C, plus an Axe-FX in some spots.

I'd love to hear what you think about the composition, performance, mixing, mastering, etc.




I gave this listen and I've got to say I'm impressed.

You've got a solid mix of elements there, the playing and production is top-notch, and I seriousy think you consider fleshing out an E.P. I even dug the vocals (which is where I feel these recordings typically fall flat).

I'm a huge '90s industrial fan, and this definitely hits that pocket.


Thanks a ton! It's definitely not my usual style, but I'll have to try a few more things like it.


I like it,  great job man!  To me, it has an element of Porcupine Tree as well as NIN.  The guitar solo is awesome and the outro is  :metal.
The overall theme of the song is catchy and is still stuck in my head after listening only once.


Not my genre, so I don't know the ins-and-outs very well, but it's certainly very well done.  I would be proud.

I keep reading the title as "I wrote a song about intercourse", though.  :) :) :) (I'm not digging at you; like I said, well done on what counts, the music.)


@Architeuthis thanks a ton! It's a great compliment to be stuck in your head!

@Stadler It's honestly not my genre either, but it was fun approaching from the outside. Haha I'd write that next but I think enough has been written on the topic.