The Official DTF World of Warcraft Thread V. Blackwing Lair

Started by Genowyn, April 27, 2009, 08:45:59 AM

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Quote from: Anaesthesia on November 03, 2009, 01:54:43 PM
Feeling the pull again. Glad I really don't have time for it. :T

Yes... yes, you do.  It's real-life you don't have time for.


Quote from: Guitarded on November 03, 2009, 02:42:18 PM
74 DK, just ran my guildie through Hellfire Ramparts... That was tougher than I thought it'd be. Last boss had a shit ton of health but he didn't hit hard.

Get over it, you're a DK! I knew a 70 arms warrior that was running me through it back in BC :P


Bear with the double post, but you'll forgive me for this.

Best two bosses ever.

Bronjahm, Godfather of Souls for James Brown fans

Professor Putricide for Futurama fans


 :rollin Are those for real?

Professor Putricide is the shit!


3.3 might be the patch to break my resolve. It's a good thing I haven't gotten past Auriya so I won't be able to get into a guild and thus have no reason to go back :D


So what's the best spec for a DK tank? I've never even tanked before... used to dps with a lock, before that I had a priest.


Quote from: Genowyn on November 04, 2009, 05:02:43 PM
3.3 might be the patch to break my resolve. It's a good thing I haven't gotten past Auriya so I won't be able to get into a guild and thus have no reason to go back :D




I give you... Gozer the Gozerian:

Choose and perish, bitches.


I see your human and raise you one gnome.

Haven't played since May. Work with me here. ._.


You don't stand a chance against my epic gear.

Also, I found this in my old screencaps and started laughing hysterically.

In The Wake Of Poseidon


Picture was taken when we got our A Tribute of Skill achiv on 10man


"Holy fuck" is all I have to say about the new patch.


Can you post the patch notes, please? (I can't access the page at work).


Quote from: acidrainlte on November 10, 2009, 01:04:08 AM
Can you post the patch notes, please? (I can't access the page at work).
I'll have to wait until I get home. I'm at school right now and all the gaming sites are blocked.


Thanks but I've been home for nearly 7 hours now so I've read them :P


Uh, what are the patch notes? I had to download it, but I saw no notes and see no difference in-game with anything


Haven't played in forever so I didn't exactly study the notes. It looked like mostly class balancing and they turned Onyxia into a level 80 raid that drops level 80 versions of the old loot.


You guys are missing the most important thing... CROSS-REALM DUNGEONS! 

Also, objectives on map. No need for carbonite anymore.


Uh, that happened a few weeks ago. I've been farming Onyxia. But yesterday there was a patch, what was that about? :lol The site doesn't say.


It's in the 3.3 patch notes. Pretty sure the last time I tried to run a dungeon that it was only my realm... They're redesigning LFG and anyone from the same battlegroup can enter the same dungeon.


These are the children right outside of Crystal Lake. As seen in the picture above, their names are Cameron, Aaron, Lisa, Jose, John, and Dana.

I just figured out you can rearrange the letters in their names to spell "Can lose an arm or a head, join Jason."


Are there still conspiracy theories going on about those kids?  :lol

Was anything ever done with them?


See, I'd go get a good look at them, but I play on an active RP server, so that room you're in in that screenshot? Yeah, there would be people having a cybersex orgy in there, probably with some feral druids included. No thanks.


Quote from: Arcaeus on November 12, 2009, 10:54:16 AM
See, I'd go get a good look at them, but I play on an active RP server, so that room you're in in that screenshot? Yeah, there would be people having a cybersex orgy in there, probably with some feral druids included. No thanks.

I'd love to play on a strictly enforced RP server, but... there are none, from what I hear.


RP is almost never strictly enforced, especially at this point in a game's lifespan. I don't think the rules were enforced even at release. The best you can hope for is to use the "RP Server" label as a filter to pull in the people interested in that and keep out the loud mouth kids. Of course, the two aren't always mutually exclusive.


Quote from: HarlequinForest on November 12, 2009, 11:28:13 AM
Quote from: Arcaeus on November 12, 2009, 10:54:16 AM
See, I'd go get a good look at them, but I play on an active RP server, so that room you're in in that screenshot? Yeah, there would be people having a cybersex orgy in there, probably with some feral druids included. No thanks.

I'd love to play on a strictly enforced RP server, but... there are none, from what I hear.

There's hardly any RP on RP servers, but trust me, if that's what you're looking for, Moon Guard US is where it's at. It's easily the most active RP server (though that's not to say it has the best RP), and I'd go as far as to say more than 60% of the players on the server roleplay (just stay the fuck away from Elwynn to avoid a scenario like I described a few posts up). If you live in the US, you should give it a try.

I own a guild as well, so I can help ya out :)


Went to Wetlands for five minutes and go a Tiny Crimson Hatchling.

Gonna be bankin'. Drop rate's about 1 in 150,000.



RP servers aren't that bad, really, you don't see people cyber everywhere as the prejudice go. :)


Quote from: Anaesthesia on November 20, 2009, 02:55:32 AM

RP servers aren't that bad, really, you don't see people cyber everywhere as the prejudice go. :)

You can't play on American servers though, can you? You haven't seen Moon Guard US. There's literally dozens of guilds dedicated to cybering (referred to there as ERP - erotic role-play).

It ranges from random feral druids doing each other on tables on Goldshire in /e for all to see, to people that are really into roleplaying their character and form romances with fellow players and do it privately. The latter is fine, usually, as it doesn't disturb anyone else... but for the former... what is seen cannot be unseen. :|

However, the more standard RP on that server is among the best.


I will say this: the classic NE druid cat form is PERFECT for teabagging dead guildies on a raid.


Barf, guess I need to stop giving people the benefit of the doubt.



Edit: Just noticed the remaining time on the buffs. We started as soon as he popped fort, so that was a 12 minute fight.