The Official DTF World of Warcraft Thread V. Blackwing Lair

Started by Genowyn, April 27, 2009, 08:45:59 AM

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I actually enjoyed Warhammer Online quite a bit, but its performance is horrible.  Leveling was pretty tedious, too.


It's decent on its own right, I was just expecting it to be a DAoC 2. Also, it's likely gotten better by now, but it was nowhere near what I could dare call "balanced."


In The Wake Of Poseidon

Bosses from Vanilla and TBC sucked dick, they had the complexity of an orange. Fights like Mimiron, Yogg, Twin Valks hardmode, Thorim all are amazing. And Sarth 3d was a kickass fight as well.



Quote from: In The Wake Of Poseidon on October 25, 2009, 07:49:41 PM
Bosses from Vanilla and TBC sucked dick, they had the complexity of an orange. Fights like Mimiron, Yogg, Twin Valks hardmode, Thorim all are amazing. And Sarth 3d was a kickass fight as well.

I wholy disagree, first on the fact that they sucked, second on the fact they weren't as complex, and third on the premise that complexity makes a fight good.  For me, Sarth 3d exemplifies why complexity is not inherently good; it's got so many mechanics that, to me, it is much more annoying than it is difficult.

In The Wake Of Poseidon

I dont know, nearly every fight in MC and BWL bored me to tears because of how simple it was. Or it was probably the god awful design of MC that bored me. But I stopped playing after those 2 raids so i cant comment on AQ and Naxx.


Quote from: In The Wake Of Poseidon on October 25, 2009, 07:49:41 PM
Bosses from Vanilla and TBC sucked dick, they had the complexity of an orange. Fights like Mimiron, Yogg, Twin Valks hardmode, Thorim all are amazing. And Sarth 3d was a kickass fight as well.

Unnerfed Kael is both more complex and more difficult than any of the bosses you mentioned, perhaps minus Mimiron if you throw hard mode on. Only then he's more compex, but still not more difficult.

And Kael still smashes him in awesomeness, and this is coming from a lover of gnomes.


Seriously, the satisfaction of bringing Kael down for the first time has been unmatched by anything in Wrath so far. If Arthas is even approaching that level of encounter I might consider renewing my subscription :p


In The Wake Of Poseidon


Oh god not this shit again. I thought I got away from it when I left the game...

Anal Deathgrip




Come play Guild Wars with me instead  :yarr


Quote from: ehra on November 02, 2009, 09:42:56 AM
Come play Guild Wars with me instead  :yarr

Don't make me laugh :neverusethis:

WoW is my crack of choice, although Guild Wars did look interesting for the 2 minutes I've seen it played, I dug the cloak effects.


I have Factions, can't stand it. WoW is the only MMO for me.


I'm mostly playing it again so I'm caught up on the lore when GW2 comes out. They've also got a neat system where the endgame titles, weapons, armor, and other things can be donated to a "Hall of Monuments" which will carry over some kind of benefits in GW2.

Cataclysm looks interesting, but I can't see myself subscribing again. If I pay for another MMO it'll either be City of Heroes/Villains or The Old Republic. They'd have to radically change the old world and outland (or let you skip outland altogether) for me to get into it again. And a huge change to the old world is what Cataclysm's supposed to bring, but we'll see if it's enough.

Quote from: Arcaeus on November 02, 2009, 09:47:48 AM
I have Factions, can't stand it. WoW is the only MMO for me.

Yeah, I could see how people wouldn't like it. I get a Magic the Gathering vibe from the PvP. Your skill loadout is just as important as being good at the game.


At least when I start again (OH GOD I JUST TYPED WHEN?!?), I'll roll a healbot, maybe I'll convert my dr00d.


One of the big problems I always had with leveling new guys in WoW is the ridiculous amount of trash in the old world instances. In a hour long instance you might spend 10-20 minutes fighting something that actually requires half the group to be awake. It's just full of design decisions that, compared to Northred or other MMOs, are just bad. Which is what Cataclysm will fix, hopefully. I loved Northred, but I didn't have any friends playing at the time so I didn't stick around.


Running instances is an inefficient way of leveling.  I love most of the Vanilla instances, though.



-50 DKP for having an alternate character in your name.


In The Wake Of Poseidon

I am the druid, the pic is after out first TOTC heroic win.



I'm kidding of course Guitarded, you actually look pretty badass. What's the weapon and shoulders?

And Poseidon - Durids for life :metal


Druid is the only class I haven't leveled to at least 60...  Probably because I hate both the Tauren and Night Elf starting areas, so I get bored before I even get past level 10.  I'm working on getting some heirlooms in order to level one, though.  (Well, technically, I'm getting the heirlooms to level my Goblin Rogue.)


Quote from: HarlequinForest on November 03, 2009, 09:18:32 AM
Druid is the only class I haven't leveled to at least 60...  Probably because I hate both the Tauren and Night Elf starting areas, so I get bored before I even get past level 10.  I'm working on getting some heirlooms in order to level one, though.  (Well, technically, I'm getting the heirlooms to level my Goblin Rogue.)

Soon there will be Troll and...what was the other? Human?

Wow, fail. How could I not remember the armory?

Here's my most-recent-main, Sçith, for those interested. Destro's pulling me guys...


Of my 80s, here's my 5k DPS arcane mage, the one I raid with:

And my prot paladin:

Quote from: XianL on November 03, 2009, 10:59:21 AM
Quote from: HarlequinForest on November 03, 2009, 09:18:32 AM
Druid is the only class I haven't leveled to at least 60...  Probably because I hate both the Tauren and Night Elf starting areas, so I get bored before I even get past level 10.  I'm working on getting some heirlooms in order to level one, though.  (Well, technically, I'm getting the heirlooms to level my Goblin Rogue.)

Soon there will be Troll and...what was the other? Human?

Worgen. But they can shapeshift into (well, from) humans, so :\


Feeling the pull again. Glad I really don't have time for it. :T


I've almost snap activated my account twice now.

This thread is now a meeting place for Wowheads Anonymous.


74 DK, just ran my guildie through Hellfire Ramparts... That was tougher than I thought it'd be. Last boss had a shit ton of health but he didn't hit hard.