Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread

Started by Quadrochosis, October 31, 2009, 09:15:18 PM

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Quote from: As I Am on January 24, 2019, 11:30:59 AM
"I Got To Run" released today. Pretty cool song, but I assume it fits in with the structure of the album. Sounds like a song from the son's anguish. One more day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Loved it!! Can't wait until tomorrow....

As I Am

Woohoo...once again my local record store hooks me up and I now have TGA in my greedy and impatient hands :hefdaddy From now until I go to sleep (probably around 2AM), I'll be listening to this...."Let The Great Adventure Begin" indeed!!!!!!!!!!! ;D


Quote from: As I Am on January 24, 2019, 01:29:45 PM
Woohoo...once again my local record store hooks me up and I now have TGA in my greedy and impatient hands :hefdaddy From now until I go to sleep (probably around 2AM), I'll be listening to this...."Let The Great Adventure Begin" indeed!!!!!!!!!!! ;D

i have a hook up as well.  i've had it a couple days......shhhh, lol

i'm waiting for tomorrow but i have thoughts.

do i like it......does it'll see.


I just completed my first complete listen of the new album. It's a lot to digest, but it sounds good so far. The last album took me a couple of weeks to really click, so I will reserve my judgement until I have many listens.

But again, it sounds really good!

As I Am

After ONLY ONE complete listen, I'll just say (IMVHO) that TGA is a VERY STRONG album, but NOT in the class of SOAD. That's not a "knock", just that for me, SOAD was PERFECTION! If I were to pick out one big difference, it would be that I didn't find TGA as "emotional" as SOAD. Even after the first listen through Similitude, I was choked up twice. Many MANY more listens to follow.


Quote from: Learning2Live on January 24, 2019, 08:01:11 AM
Got my copy in the mail yesterday and listened to it last night. First impression was that although it's not at the level of Similitude, it was still a fantastic album to listen through for the first time. To me the singles they've released so far sound so much better in their place/flow of the album as opposed to just being stand-alone tracks. MP says something along the lines of that TGA is not as great as what Similitude is, but that it is a worthy companion to sit next to it on the Making Of DVD. I think that's a pretty good way of describing it. NM/NMB fans should be quite happy with this and I can't wait to see it live next month.

Does he really?  Wow, that is surprising.  Seems like his hype is pretty subdued for this album compared to what it was for Similitude.

I will have it tomorrow, but I am seeing a lot of positive reviews so far and a fair amount of reviews that are not overly positive thus far, so we shall see.

Let's face it, though: topping or even equaling Similitude is a near-impossible task.


all i'll say for right now is i agree with MP.

TGA falls just short of Similitude.

i'll say more later.


Quote from: KevShmev on January 24, 2019, 08:51:35 PM
Quote from: Learning2Live on January 24, 2019, 08:01:11 AM
Got my copy in the mail yesterday and listened to it last night. First impression was that although it's not at the level of Similitude, it was still a fantastic album to listen through for the first time. To me the singles they've released so far sound so much better in their place/flow of the album as opposed to just being stand-alone tracks. MP says something along the lines of that TGA is not as great as what Similitude is, but that it is a worthy companion to sit next to it on the Making Of DVD. I think that's a pretty good way of describing it. NM/NMB fans should be quite happy with this and I can't wait to see it live next month.

Does he really?  Wow, that is surprising.  Seems like his hype is pretty subdued for this album compared to what it was for Similitude.

I will have it tomorrow, but I am seeing a lot of positive reviews so far and a fair amount of reviews that are not overly positive thus far, so we shall see.

Let's face it, though: topping or even equaling Similitude is a near-impossible task.

In my opinion they did it. TGA needs more listens still, but I think I might like it even a little more than TSOAD.


Quote from: KevShmev on January 24, 2019, 08:51:35 PM
Quote from: Learning2Live on January 24, 2019, 08:01:11 AM
Got my copy in the mail yesterday and listened to it last night. First impression was that although it's not at the level of Similitude, it was still a fantastic album to listen through for the first time. To me the singles they've released so far sound so much better in their place/flow of the album as opposed to just being stand-alone tracks. MP says something along the lines of that TGA is not as great as what Similitude is, but that it is a worthy companion to sit next to it on the Making Of DVD. I think that's a pretty good way of describing it. NM/NMB fans should be quite happy with this and I can't wait to see it live next month.

Does he really?  Wow, that is surprising.  Seems like his hype is pretty subdued for this album compared to what it was for Similitude.

I will have it tomorrow, but I am seeing a lot of positive reviews so far and a fair amount of reviews that are not overly positive thus far, so we shall see.

Let's face it, though: topping or even equaling Similitude is a near-impossible task.

I can't remember the exact phrasing he used as I only watched the DVD once (and was working while watching it so my full attention wasn't given to it). He wasn't trashing TGA by any means, but he wasn't proclaiming it to be the next Tommy or The Wall like he did with Similitude. At least that's how I remember that part of the DVD (last few minutes of the movie) - hope my memory isn't failing me!


My copy is out for delivery! Very excited for this. TSOAD has become my favorite album of all time. I very personal connection to the album from somethings that happened in my life around the time it was released so it's going to be hard for TGA to surpass it. We'll see.


Quote from: Learning2Live on January 25, 2019, 05:39:08 AM
Quote from: KevShmev on January 24, 2019, 08:51:35 PM
Quote from: Learning2Live on January 24, 2019, 08:01:11 AM
Got my copy in the mail yesterday and listened to it last night. First impression was that although it's not at the level of Similitude, it was still a fantastic album to listen through for the first time. To me the singles they've released so far sound so much better in their place/flow of the album as opposed to just being stand-alone tracks. MP says something along the lines of that TGA is not as great as what Similitude is, but that it is a worthy companion to sit next to it on the Making Of DVD. I think that's a pretty good way of describing it. NM/NMB fans should be quite happy with this and I can't wait to see it live next month.

Does he really?  Wow, that is surprising.  Seems like his hype is pretty subdued for this album compared to what it was for Similitude.

I will have it tomorrow, but I am seeing a lot of positive reviews so far and a fair amount of reviews that are not overly positive thus far, so we shall see.

Let's face it, though: topping or even equaling Similitude is a near-impossible task.

I can't remember the exact phrasing he used as I only watched the DVD once (and was working while watching it so my full attention wasn't given to it). He wasn't trashing TGA by any means, but he wasn't proclaiming it to be the next Tommy or The Wall like he did with Similitude. At least that's how I remember that part of the DVD (last few minutes of the movie) - hope my memory isn't failing me!

Maybe he's just finally learning that no one believes him anymore when he promotes every album or project like this.

The Letter M

Regarding MP's comment that TGA doesn't surpass TSOAD, but merely compliments it as an equal/companion, I got the feeling that he grew to accept the album as a sequel to TSOAD. Throughout the video, he seemed the most resistant and reluctant to turn their follow-up into a sequel, especially in the beginning. I think he (and maybe the others) eventually let Neal have his way with the album, but as we all know, it was a BAND effort, so despite Neal steering the ship towards sequel-land, he could not have done it without the rest of his crew.

Also, Eric was oddly quiet throughout the whole video as well. He barely spoke or at least he wasn't shown as talking as much as the others... I wonder why that is? Now I'm curious if he spoke more on the DVDs for TGE and TSOAD...



I've been with the album a couple days now.  I know a guy.....anyway I really like this record. Really like it.

First thing i liked the darker vibe this album has.'s not the dark heavier sola Scriptura thing i pictured when it was first announced but the vibe change was just enough to notice it.  also i was able to follow the story just fine having never read the book and not intending too, lol

as i suspected i actually liked welcome to the world more within the album.....i really wasn't too hot on it at release.  The great stuff on here my actually be some of my fav stuff he's put out. Actually  on first listen i was highly let down.  but things revealed themselves a lot and now I really do enjoy this album.  so this makes this album more of a grower than TSOAD.  which for me was instant love.  Anyway some highlights.

Overture (love the echo of the ending of Similitude here)
Dark Melody
I got to run
To the River (this is beautiful)
Venture In Black (this has a great hook and dark groove)
Fighting with Destiny (kick ASS)
Vanity Fair (this sounds like a Neal Era Spock's ditty)
Child of Wonder (why oh why is this song so short?)
The Great Despair ( um....... :metal :metal :metal)
Freedom Calling.

So that's a LOT of great meterial  and the band is on fire playing it.....AND I love the little musical nods to TSOAD throughout.

now......having said that.......i do think this album is a tad weaker. 

First thing.  and the number 1 thing that popped out......"Damn they are really leaning on this Love That Never Dies theme HARD, lol.  it pops up so many many times.  to the point that the album becomes way less varied.  and this then directly impacts the Finale to the point when i get to it.......and i hear the theme......AGAIN.  it sounds anti-climactic and tossed off.

in fact both finales to both discs are kind of a let down.

Also i just don't think this flows as well as TSOAD.  some transitions  just seem kinda clunky. Like they should have let some stuff cook a little more before calling it finished.

I've had over a dozen plays.  and i can say.......this really does not beat Similitude.....BUT.  it's a great companion.  and i will play it a whole lot........but Similitude will just get played more.

so after multiple plays......i go



Quote from: bluefox4000 on January 25, 2019, 06:54:42 AMlso i just don't think this flows as well as TSOAD.  some transitions  just seem kinda clunky.

Really?  I think the transitions are really cool.  But in some ways, they are very different.  One thing I noticed right off the bat was that quite a few songs have major transitions right in the middle, and then that ending half flows right into the next song, and then that next one will do the same thing, and on and on...  So it's almost like the actual track/song breaks occur right in the middle of songs.  Do you understand what I am saying?  Listen for it and tell me whether you agree. 


I've had my first listen and all in all I like it. I didn't care for the singles when they were released but dig them WAY more now that I've heard them in context. With any Neal release....this is going to take multiple listens to digest and appreciate but I do like what I've heard. I can say that it's not quite on the level of TSOAD but that's not exactly a bad thing. TSOAD is pretty incredible in my eyes and will always be a tough one to surpass. BUT...I'm seeing this performed live in a month and if it's anything like my experience with TSOAD.....after I saw that live my 'like' increased I'm expecting after seeing this live I'll have more appreciation as well.


Quote from: bosk1 on January 25, 2019, 09:26:53 AM
Quote from: bluefox4000 on January 25, 2019, 06:54:42 AMlso i just don't think this flows as well as TSOAD.  some transitions  just seem kinda clunky.

Really?  I think the transitions are really cool.  But in some ways, they are very different.  One thing I noticed right off the bat was that quite a few songs have major transitions right in the middle, and then that ending half flows right into the next song, and then that next one will do the same thing, and on and on...  So it's almost like the actual track/song breaks occur right in the middle of songs.  Do you understand what I am saying?  Listen for it and tell me whether you agree.

Oh really....maybe that's what came off as Clunky....i'll listen again.  nothing says it all won't grow on me more.


For those who got the bonus edition with the DVD documentary, is there a section with Jaci Gillette telling everyone how this is a BAND effort? :corn


As I Am

Quote from: bluefox4000 on January 25, 2019, 06:54:42 AM
I've been with the album a couple days now.  I know a guy.....anyway I really like this record. Really like it.

First thing i liked the darker vibe this album has.'s not the dark heavier sola Scriptura thing i pictured when it was first announced but the vibe change was just enough to notice it.  also i was able to follow the story just fine having never read the book and not intending too, lol

as i suspected i actually liked welcome to the world more within the album.....i really wasn't too hot on it at release.  The great stuff on here my actually be some of my fav stuff he's put out. Actually  on first listen i was highly let down.  but things revealed themselves a lot and now I really do enjoy this album.  so this makes this album more of a grower than TSOAD.  which for me was instant love.  Anyway some highlights.

Overture (love the echo of the ending of Similitude here)
Dark Melody
I got to run
To the River (this is beautiful)
Venture In Black (this has a great hook and dark groove)
Fighting with Destiny (kick ASS)
Vanity Fair (this sounds like a Neal Era Spock's ditty)
Child of Wonder (why oh why is this song so short?)
The Great Despair ( um....... :metal :metal :metal)
Freedom Calling.

So that's a LOT of great meterial  and the band is on fire playing it.....AND I love the little musical nods to TSOAD throughout.

now......having said that.......i do think this album is a tad weaker. 

First thing.  and the number 1 thing that popped out......"Damn they are really leaning on this Love That Never Dies theme HARD, lol.  it pops up so many many times.  to the point that the album becomes way less varied.  and this then directly impacts the Finale to the point when i get to it.......and i hear the theme......AGAIN.  it sounds anti-climactic and tossed off.

in fact both finales to both discs are kind of a let down.

Also i just don't think this flows as well as TSOAD.  some transitions  just seem kinda clunky. Like they should have let some stuff cook a little more before calling it finished.

I've had over a dozen plays.  and i can say.......this really does not beat Similitude.....BUT.  it's a great companion.  and i will play it a whole lot........but Similitude will just get played more.

so after multiple plays......i go


I could not have said this better. I agree almost word for word. Two things I'll add. First, for me, NOT ENOUGH Eric Gillette lead vocals. Secondly, TGA is much less emotional than SOAD. I also would rate this an 8/10 while SOAD is a clear cut 10/10!

As I Am

Quote from: gzarruk on January 25, 2019, 10:21:32 AM
For those who got the bonus edition with the DVD documentary, is there a section with Jaci Gillette telling everyone how this is a BAND effort? :corn


Quote from: As I Am on January 25, 2019, 11:05:20 AM
Quote from: bluefox4000 on January 25, 2019, 06:54:42 AM
I've been with the album a couple days now.  I know a guy.....anyway I really like this record. Really like it.

First thing i liked the darker vibe this album has.'s not the dark heavier sola Scriptura thing i pictured when it was first announced but the vibe change was just enough to notice it.  also i was able to follow the story just fine having never read the book and not intending too, lol

as i suspected i actually liked welcome to the world more within the album.....i really wasn't too hot on it at release.  The great stuff on here my actually be some of my fav stuff he's put out. Actually  on first listen i was highly let down.  but things revealed themselves a lot and now I really do enjoy this album.  so this makes this album more of a grower than TSOAD.  which for me was instant love.  Anyway some highlights.

Overture (love the echo of the ending of Similitude here)
Dark Melody
I got to run
To the River (this is beautiful)
Venture In Black (this has a great hook and dark groove)
Fighting with Destiny (kick ASS)
Vanity Fair (this sounds like a Neal Era Spock's ditty)
Child of Wonder (why oh why is this song so short?)
The Great Despair ( um....... :metal :metal :metal)
Freedom Calling.

So that's a LOT of great meterial  and the band is on fire playing it.....AND I love the little musical nods to TSOAD throughout.

now......having said that.......i do think this album is a tad weaker. 

First thing.  and the number 1 thing that popped out......"Damn they are really leaning on this Love That Never Dies theme HARD, lol.  it pops up so many many times.  to the point that the album becomes way less varied.  and this then directly impacts the Finale to the point when i get to it.......and i hear the theme......AGAIN.  it sounds anti-climactic and tossed off.

in fact both finales to both discs are kind of a let down.

Also i just don't think this flows as well as TSOAD.  some transitions  just seem kinda clunky. Like they should have let some stuff cook a little more before calling it finished.

I've had over a dozen plays.  and i can say.......this really does not beat Similitude.....BUT.  it's a great companion.  and i will play it a whole lot........but Similitude will just get played more.

so after multiple plays......i go


I could not have said this better. I agree almost word for word. Two things I'll add. First, for me, NOT ENOUGH Eric Gillette lead vocals. Secondly, TGA is much less emotional than SOAD. I also would rate this an 8/10 while SOAD is a clear cut 10/10!

Agreed.  totally.  and like i said the biggest offender is the Love that Never Dies theme.  i just completed another listen.  and it's a pretty melody but you hear it near constantly on the record.  it's almost funny to me, lol  but that DOES to my ears drain the emotional impact of the finale cause by that time it's about the 7th time we've heard it, lol.

i could almost hear them.  "what do you do for an ending.  uh......stick the theme in!!!"

but it's still a great record.  just my eyes were dry in the end, lol.

and i was kinda miffed at no Bill solo number. he was singing all over but no SOLO number.

but that's minor.


Quote from: bluefox4000 on January 25, 2019, 11:45:21 AM
Quote from: As I Am on January 25, 2019, 11:05:20 AM
Quote from: bluefox4000 on January 25, 2019, 06:54:42 AM
I've been with the album a couple days now.  I know a guy.....anyway I really like this record. Really like it.

First thing i liked the darker vibe this album has.'s not the dark heavier sola Scriptura thing i pictured when it was first announced but the vibe change was just enough to notice it.  also i was able to follow the story just fine having never read the book and not intending too, lol

as i suspected i actually liked welcome to the world more within the album.....i really wasn't too hot on it at release.  The great stuff on here my actually be some of my fav stuff he's put out. Actually  on first listen i was highly let down.  but things revealed themselves a lot and now I really do enjoy this album.  so this makes this album more of a grower than TSOAD.  which for me was instant love.  Anyway some highlights.

Overture (love the echo of the ending of Similitude here)
Dark Melody
I got to run
To the River (this is beautiful)
Venture In Black (this has a great hook and dark groove)
Fighting with Destiny (kick ASS)
Vanity Fair (this sounds like a Neal Era Spock's ditty)
Child of Wonder (why oh why is this song so short?)
The Great Despair ( um....... :metal :metal :metal)
Freedom Calling.

So that's a LOT of great meterial  and the band is on fire playing it.....AND I love the little musical nods to TSOAD throughout.

now......having said that.......i do think this album is a tad weaker. 

First thing.  and the number 1 thing that popped out......"Damn they are really leaning on this Love That Never Dies theme HARD, lol.  it pops up so many many times.  to the point that the album becomes way less varied.  and this then directly impacts the Finale to the point when i get to it.......and i hear the theme......AGAIN.  it sounds anti-climactic and tossed off.

in fact both finales to both discs are kind of a let down.

Also i just don't think this flows as well as TSOAD.  some transitions  just seem kinda clunky. Like they should have let some stuff cook a little more before calling it finished.

I've had over a dozen plays.  and i can say.......this really does not beat Similitude.....BUT.  it's a great companion.  and i will play it a whole lot........but Similitude will just get played more.

so after multiple plays......i go


I could not have said this better. I agree almost word for word. Two things I'll add. First, for me, NOT ENOUGH Eric Gillette lead vocals. Secondly, TGA is much less emotional than SOAD. I also would rate this an 8/10 while SOAD is a clear cut 10/10!

Agreed.  totally.  and like i said the biggest offender is the Love that Never Dies theme.  i just completed another listen.  and it's a pretty melody but you hear it near constantly on the record.  it's almost funny to me, lol  but that DOES to my ears drain the emotional impact of the finale cause by that time it's about the 7th time we've heard it, lol.

i could almost hear them.  "what do you do for an ending.  uh......stick the theme in!!!"

but it's still a great record.  just my eyes were dry in the end, lol.

and i was kinda miffed at no Bill solo number. he was singing all over but no SOLO number. and i don't count that wimpy end to disc 1. lol.

but that's minor.


Quote from: gzarruk on January 25, 2019, 10:21:32 AM
For those who got the bonus edition with the DVD documentary, is there a section with Jaci Gillette telling everyone how this is a BAND effort? :corn
I'm on my first listen and there's a spoken word piece by Eric's wife about this very particular subject if you let the first disc play long after Beyond the borders ends. Always good to discover a hidden track.


After one listen, which was an off-an-on one at work today on the ear buds when I had time, I can tell this will be a grower.  It has an odd and different feel to it at times, but it will just take some getting used to.  Hard to pick out bright spots already, but I can safely say that A Love That Never Dies is gonna be ridiculous live.  The live crowds will eat that one up.

Many more listens to come...


I think The Great Despair is going to be outrageous live as well.

As I Am

Quote from: bosk1 on January 25, 2019, 01:58:24 PM
I think The Great Despair is going to be outrageous live as well.

ABSOLUTELY! I agree that BOTH TGD and ALTND will both be live showstoppers! Basically, anything that Eric is deeply involved in is PURE GOLD! What an amazing musician! :hefdaddy :hefdaddy :hefdaddy And NO, this isn't JACI hacking As I Am's post :rollin


Quote from: bosk1 on January 25, 2019, 01:58:24 PM
I think The Great Despair is going to be outrageous live as well.

This i can't wait for!!!!


Quote from: Mladen on January 25, 2019, 12:22:04 PM
Quote from: gzarruk on January 25, 2019, 10:21:32 AM
For those who got the bonus edition with the DVD documentary, is there a section with Jaci Gillette telling everyone how this is a BAND effort? :corn
I'm on my first listen and there's a spoken word piece by Eric's wife about this very particular subject if you let the first disc play long after Beyond the borders ends. Always good to discover a hidden track.

Quote from: As I Am on January 25, 2019, 02:11:07 PM
Quote from: bosk1 on January 25, 2019, 01:58:24 PM
I think The Great Despair is going to be outrageous live as well.

ABSOLUTELY! I agree that BOTH TGD and ALTND will both be live showstoppers! Basically, anything that Eric is deeply involved in is PURE GOLD! What an amazing musician! :hefdaddy :hefdaddy :hefdaddy And NO, this isn't JACI hacking As I Am's post :rollin

:rollin to both posts


I guess its time I have a listen to both SOAD and TGA.

The Letter M

So, I can't be the only one bothered by this but... it bugs me that people are abbreviate The Similitude Of A Dream as "SOAD" without the "T", but will abbreviate The Great Adventure as TGA, *including* the T. Like...where's your consistency?! Either use SOAD and GA, or TSOAD and TGA, and if you use SOAD, start using GE for the first NMB album abbreviation! AHHHHH!!!!! :facepalm: :lol



Yeah.  There are certain people who rightly get VERY bothered if you omit the T.  :ipitythefool:

As I Am

Quote from: bosk1 on January 25, 2019, 03:10:26 PM
Yeah.  There are certain people who rightly get VERY bothered if you omit the T.  :ipitythefool:

The Letter M

Quote from: bosk1 on January 25, 2019, 03:10:26 PM
Yeah.  There are certain people who rightly get VERY bothered if you omit the T.  :ipitythefool:

:omg: :rollin

Fools will be pitied...



Finally....  starting my first listen to The Great Adventure.  I have not gotten myself overly hyped for this.  TSOAD was actually not something I was head over heels for.  I mean, I like it, it's great, but I prefer most of Neal's catalog over it.  Can't wait to see what I think of this one!


Received my copy yesterday. Watched the Documentary last night but decided to wait until tonight to listen to it and TSOAD together to set the scene. After 3.5 hours of music I'm finally done so here's some of my initial thoughts.

I agree that this is a worthy follow up and sequel to TSOAD but it's definitely not better. It's not bad though, I really enjoyed this album.
TSOAD has a better flow to it. The first disc(Of TSOAD) especially flows very well and doesn't feel like almost an hour's worth of music. Of course I've had a little over 2 years to digest TSOAD and I'm a lot more familiar with it, but TGA definitely feels like an hour and 45 minutes. Perhaps that will change over time. This album is a lot to digest though, and initially, not a lot of individual songs stand out to me yet. I think Hey Ho Let's Go could've been left off the album and it wouldn't hurt. I think I Got to Run's chorus is catchy, but in an annoying way. Now it's stuck in my head again dammit

The recurring theme "Love that never dies" is repeated waaaaay too many times throughout the album. By the time the finale comes along the message has been said so many times that, to me, it lacks the emotional punch they were looking for.

With the past two albums, I've realized that Neal's strength as a songwriter lies not in his many epics, but in the shorter songs. Both albums could've easily had the same concept behind them, but with 5-6 epic songs 10+ minutes each, but I like this shorter song approach. It allows the songs to be more fleshed out and to have their own identity, whereas with the Epic approach, some of these songs would be relegated to just be a 3-4 minute section shoved into a 30 minute song just for the sake of having a longer song. I think when the next album comes along, we're probably in for an album of longer songs. Or maybe we'll get The Similitude of a THREEm. it's late and that joke sounded better in my head