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Official Neal Morse Appreciation Thread

Started by Quadrochosis, October 31, 2009, 09:15:18 PM

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Quote from: bosk1 on January 17, 2019, 11:29:22 AM
Well, some people just don't like awesome things.  :dunno:
That's how I feel when people say they don't like Rush.    :mehlin


I'm still holding to not listening till i have it in my hands.

the first single underwhelmed me so no more till i have it.


I haven't listened to anything outside of first single because I'm assuming that until you hear each song in it's proper place on the album it'll make no sense. If I would have heard I'm Running from SOAD on it's own I would have hated it. It now makes sense to me.


Yeah, that makes sense.  There are definitely some standout individual songs.  But for the most part, they are better within the context of the album.  It's like what I always say about SFAM--the whole is MUCH greater than the sum of the parts to me. 


That song kind of reminds me of old Spock's Beard, where there's some silliness and humor. I've always appreciated that side of Neal.

As I Am

Quote from: Mladen on January 17, 2019, 01:19:53 PM
That song kind of reminds me of old Spock's Beard, where there's some silliness and humor. I've always appreciated that side of Neal.


My question is how do these lyrics fit in at all with the "Similitude/Adventure" vibe? Just sounds like a stand alone track???


I wasn't blown away by the pre-release Similitude songs, and then I got the album and the whole thing slayed, so I suspect these songs so far I find merely "good" will become a lot better once I hear the new album in a week. 


Quote from: KevShmev on January 17, 2019, 07:42:59 PM
I wasn't blown away by the pre-release Similitude songs, and then I got the album and the whole thing slayed, so I suspect these songs so far I find merely "good" will become a lot better once I hear the new album in a week.

pretty much my sentiment. I loved the album as a whole....then....saw it live and was FLOORED by it. After the live show the album/songs increased in 'power' ten fold


Quote from: kaos2900 on January 17, 2019, 12:48:55 PM
I haven't listened to anything outside of first single because I'm assuming that until you hear each song in it's proper place on the album it'll make no sense. If I would have heard I'm Running from SOAD on it's own I would have hated it. It now makes sense to me.

I see what you did there ;)


If I can engage in some minor spoilerage for a second, that's actually a pretty major theme on TGA and is actually reflected in the lyrics.


Quote from: bosk1 on January 18, 2019, 09:05:26 AM
If I can engage in some minor spoilerage for a second, that's actually a pretty major theme on TGA and is actually reflected in the lyrics.



The Letter M

Anyone else get their shipping notification from Radiant? Looks like my copy of TGA should arrive on Tuesday and I can't wait!!!



Quote from: KevShmev on January 14, 2019, 04:48:25 PM
There is no way I can do that.  I am a fairly patient person in general, but not when it comes to new music by a favorite artist.  In those cases, I have to hear it NOW. :biggrin: :lol

There was a time I probably couldn't wait for stuff like this, but that was a while ago.

With so much music out there to enjoy, I just take the zen approach and let it all come to me when it's ready. It's not like there's a shortage of music out there now. There's more than there ever was.


I just  popped in Life and Times again earlier today and it's probably been a good few months since I've listened to it, but it was really great to hear it again. I forgot how good lyrically it is too. I realize it's nothing too serious, but I really enjoy how laid back this album is....


I was listening to some Neal era Spock's Beard songs today, and I had never thought about this before, but now I think Nick D'Virgilio's style/playing suits Neal's writing much better than MP's.

This isn't a dig at MP at all, he plays everything flawlessly, but Nick has something special in his drumming that compliments Neal's music in a way that MP's doesn't. Anyone here feels the same?

Call me crazy if you want, but I dare to say the NMB would be even better with Nick on drums :hefdaddy

The Letter M

Quote from: gzarruk on January 19, 2019, 07:51:38 PM
I was listening to some Neal era Spock's Beard songs today, and I had never thought about this before, but now I think Nick D'Virgilio's style/playing suits Neal's writing much better than MP's.

This isn't a dig at MP at all, he plays everything flawlessly, but Nick has something special in his drumming that compliments Neal's music in a way that MP's doesn't. Anyone here feels the same?

Call me crazy if you want, but I dare to say the NMB would be even better with Nick on drums :hefdaddy

That's a very interesting idea, which has prompted me to see if Nick has ever covered any of Neal's Post-Spock's solo songs, and I've found two that I could think of right away from Morsefest 2016 during the Storytellers Concert - "Jayda" and "Sing It High", which is funny considering my first thought after reading your post was to compare Snow and Testimony, both are double albums by Neal but one for SB and one with Portnoy drumming, and they came out so close to each other, but it almost feels unfair considering that by that point, Nick had been drumming with Neal for nearly a decade over 6 albums, and Mike had just started drumming with Neal only a few years prior, so their musical relationship was just beginning.

I think Nick has a play style that certainly suits some of Neal's music, but I can't really imagine him playing songs like "Author Of Confusion" or some of Neal's heavier stuff, especially like parts of Sola Scriptura. Likewise, it always sounded odd to hear Mike play SB songs with Neal, mostly because I had heard those songs so much with Nick.

I think at this point in his career, Neal's music definitely suits Mike's playing, and vice versa, because they have developed such a great relationship and I think Neal tends to cater his songs to fit Mike's playing style as much as Mike caters his style to Neal's songs. I will say, though, that it was great to hear Nick play on "Falling For Forever" with Neal's writing again, though I am sure having the Snow Live show definitely reignites the urge to see Neal and Nick reunite for a band again (whether it's SB or not).



It took me a few listens before I figured it out, but those harmonies at the end of the chorus in Vanity Fair are very reminiscent of those in The Who's Christmas. I knew it sounded like something and then it finally hit me.



You're right about the heavier stuff, Portnoy suits that style better, but I still think Nick is the ultimate drummer for Neal's music, specially the more progressive stuff. As you say, I hope playing Snow live made them want to collaborate again on something.


I'm still on the fence about taking the trek to Lawrence to see them in March. If the album is as good as the reviews are saying I may have to just do it.


Regarding the drummer discussion, I will simplify it: 

NDV is a great drummer.

Mike Portnoy is a great drummer.

Both do a tremendous job when playing Neal's music.

See, sometimes the answer is that easy. :biggrin:


Quote from: kaos2900 on January 21, 2019, 06:20:47 AM
I'm still on the fence about taking the trek to Lawrence to see them in March. If the album is as good as the reviews are saying I may have to just do it.

Well I decided to pull the trigger and got tickets and meet & greet for the Lawrence show. I would have deeply regretted not going. Now I just have to cross my fingers that the weather cooperates for my 3.5 hour drive.

The Letter M

Quote from: thunderdog10 on January 22, 2019, 11:37:31 AM
My cd arrived today!!!

Mine is out for delivery right now, but I am stuck at work til at least 5, so just a couple more hours until I can hold it in my hands!




The Letter M

It's almost 1AM, but here I am, watching the Making Of DVD for TGA, about a third of the way through it's hour-long run time. I've only heard the first few songs from the album so far, but I wanted to watch this DVD first! Some funny and interesting moments so far, like Neal singing "Broadway Melody of 1974" during the jam session of "I Got To Run".

I will try to give the whole album a solid listen tomorrow after work! I've just been watching a lot of other stuff lately, so I just gotta squeeze in a good 105 minutes to devote to this album! Loving what I am hearing so far, though!


As I Am

Friday morning CANNOT get here quick enough!!!! :corn


Got my copy in the mail yesterday and listened to it last night. First impression was that although it's not at the level of Similitude, it was still a fantastic album to listen through for the first time. To me the singles they've released so far sound so much better in their place/flow of the album as opposed to just being stand-alone tracks. MP says something along the lines of that TGA is not as great as what Similitude is, but that it is a worthy companion to sit next to it on the Making Of DVD. I think that's a pretty good way of describing it. NM/NMB fans should be quite happy with this and I can't wait to see it live next month.


Personally, I liked Similitude and love TGA.  But to each their own.  I think most would agree that it is at least a "very good" album.


I'm trying to show some restraint in not saying that it's the best thing they've ever done based off of just 1 listen. I really enjoyed it and will sure that in time the 2 albums will be on par with each other as time goes on and I give it more listens. I just personally liked some of the recurring themes in Similitude better and think Broken Sky/Long Day had a more emotional impact for an ending than what A Love That Never Dies has.

That all said, I'm sure Similitude and TGA will be on equal footing in time.

As I Am

"I Got To Run" released today. Pretty cool song, but I assume it fits in with the structure of the album. Sounds like a song from the son's anguish. One more day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I love the "music box" and chimes parts in Dark Melody and I Got To Run that remind me of the Daredevil opening credits music.

The Letter M

Over the last couple of busy days, I've managed one casual listen of the whole album, and I've got to say, I do enjoy it. It hasn't clicked with me in the same way that TSOAD has, but that album has had 3 years to settle in my mind, so I've got to give TGA some time before I can form any super-solid opinions on it, but over-all I didn't dislike any part of it! I did remember thinking that the album has more memorable choruses and verses than solos, as it felt like some of the solos were very typical, and none stood out to me (yet). Maybe with more time, I'll discover just how good they are...

As was stated already, and as MP said on the DVD, this is a perfect companion to TSOAD, so if it doesn't top it, it definitely walks beside it.

On another note, I may burn a 3-CDr version of TSOAD and TGA:
Disc 1 - Tracks 1-17 of TSOAD (up to "Sloth")
Disc 2 - Tracks 18-23 of TSOAD, Chapters 1 & 2 of TGA
Disc 3 - Chapters 3-5 of TGA

It'd save me the trouble of having to change discs in my car one less time  :lol And it would maximize the disc space as well!
