Official DT Top 50 Thread Mark II (bss4life15 up now - starting page 79)

Started by hefdaddy42, November 12, 2011, 04:17:06 AM

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ACOS! Now I am even more confused as to your potential number 1...
Quote from: LithoJazzoSphere on November 28, 2024, 04:50:14 PMThe senecadawg who won 11 roulettes is dead and gone.  He is now diogenesdawg2. 



Yay, another ADTOE song ranked very high, always makes me happy. And the remaining three are all brilliant, obviously.


Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


It is a problem... all the normally obligatory number one songs have been removed. Maybe Take the Time? Scarred? SDOIT? More likely... You Not Me.
Quote from: LithoJazzoSphere on November 28, 2024, 04:50:14 PMThe senecadawg who won 11 roulettes is dead and gone.  He is now diogenesdawg2. 

Silver Tears



I'm glad you guys like this :)

Unfortunately for you though, no more of the list until Sunday, going to Whitby now :) I'm sure you can wait that long!


Take your time.  Gives me a chance to come up with some guesses for your top ten.  =D


Quote from: LithoJazzoSphere on November 28, 2024, 04:50:14 PMThe senecadawg who won 11 roulettes is dead and gone.  He is now diogenesdawg2. 


Sup bitches! After an amazing weekend of dressing up how I wish I could every day, getting blown away and soaked by ridiculously heavy rain, and ending up on a witch hunt (I don't even know >.<) It's time for the next three of my top 50! Also, pics to come soon in the Post Your Picture thread, my brother in law and sister ended up taking plenty...None of which I've seen yet

13:  Home
   I should really go and count how many Scenes From a Memory songs are on this list, but you know what? I'm far too lazy. This album has such a diverse range of...Well, everything going on. This is a song that I imagine every weed smoking Dream Theater fan has gotten high to. Mind you, I wouldn't know, I'm a good girl who never smokes weed.

   Little known fact is that guitar 'Wub wub' actually inspired the entire Dubstep genre in an attempt to recreate a song on this level. All attempts to imitate this song have failed, abysmally.

   Excuse my whilst I sing along. SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE, LAKE OF FIRE. Who doesn't love that line. Hell, who doesn't love this song? All of your opinions are invalid if you can't at least appreciate this song. James doesn't quite sound like James on this song, I'm not quite sure what it is. Maybe they had to bring in another singer because James was still lost (refresh yourselves, go back and read my Dance of Eternity write up). Nope. Wait, this is definitely James.


   You can tell the poor guy is really missing Canada when recording this song. Bless him. This song also contains the most successful talking in a song, ever. I generally hate singers who break out of song to just...speak. Why I like Scarsick so much is a mystery, so much speak-talking.

   I don't think I can write non-stop for another 6 minutes or so. Or is it 5? Oh, wait, I can it's all good, I have characters to write about. I have to admit, they could have worded 'Help, he's my brother, but I love her'. Dream Theater really don't seem to have much luck when it comes to mentioning brother's in songs, I mean, Home, The Count of Tuscany...Brother lyrics are always the worst. But then we're back in the groovy (God I hate that word) sitary type thing. Oh, and guess what.


   I think that's a good note to leave it on, I'm not in the mood to ramble incessantly about the amazing instrumental and the performance of Myung, Petrucci, Portnoy, and Rudess, but I wont.

   Instead, I'll take a sip of my coffee (can you tell I've injested far too much caffeine today?) and listen to the ending of the song. I bid you farewell...

12: One Last Time
   ...Until I move onto another song from Scenes From a Memory. I really wish I had the time to just listen to this album in it's full glory again with no distractions, but alas! Exam season is upon me, and I just went into hysterics for half an hour about how I'm going to fail everything...

   And I just missed my chance to talk about those awesome keys, and only just enough time to talk about James' gorgeous vocals on the verse...Or not as the case may be. How can a man be allowed to sing that high, that much like a woman...How the hell is that even fair? Jesus Christ I'm a woman and the highest I can go at a very big push is a high D...But he does it effortlessly. Bitch.

   I love this song, moreso in the context of the whole album that by itself, I have to admit. You can tell that the story is beginning to draw to a close, it's setting everything up for the conclusion of the tale, you can feel it in your bones, the tone, the build up of the instruments, it's all slowly leading into the epic conclusion of the story. Blooming genius.

   Oh god, doing this list has become my thing to de-stress. Dear lord.

11: Disappear

   I like Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence, disk one, but I don't think I've mentioned any songs from the album so far...Possible spoilers? Ha...No.

   It took me that whole creepy, screechy intro to type that out, I think my brain is dying on me from my emotional burn out precisely one hour ago now. I haven't even been on the Wii. I'm going to get fat.

   No. Shut up Alice. Think about the damn song you stupid, stupid woman! Ok, Chorus.

   Oh god, it's a creepy fun fair. I need better speakers. I CAN'T APPRECIATE MY MUSIC THROUGH THESE SPEAKERS ARGOS! Soft drumming, everythings building up, my god I'm getting chills...I can really appreciate the lyrics of this song, they're very deep and it's something they lost in Systematic Chaos and oh my these chills are actually making my spine spazz out slightly, I just sat up straight and was rendered unable to type for a moment.

   Electric guitar. Chills gone. Can type properly now...But not for long. 'So I'm moving on...' oh God they're back, the damn chills are back oh god I give in Dissappear! I'm not typing any more! You win! Argh!


Great to see One Last Time and Disappear, those are really great songs :)



Hmmm.  I'd been betting on Disappear to be in your top 5. 

Anyway, awesome update.


Home is orgasmic  ;)

Disappear is gorgeous, my favorite DT ballad.
Quote from: LithoJazzoSphere on November 28, 2024, 04:50:14 PMThe senecadawg who won 11 roulettes is dead and gone.  He is now diogenesdawg2. 


One Last Time is an amazing song. It definitely deserves to be high up there. Disappear's haunting intro is second to none



I'm listening to Home right now, it sure is a great song.


I've always considered Home way overrated considering the much, much better songs on the album, although I still like it.
Disappear is amazing though, and it's nice to see it get the love. One Last Time is great, although I wouldn't place it so high.

Another interesting group. :)


Silver Tears


Great ones. Always awesome to see appreciation for Disappear.  :tup


Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


A positive response to my list....The fuck? I'm sure I wont be getting that with these next three...

10: Misunderstood
   Return of the interesting iTunes facts: I can never type Misunderstood correctly in iTunes. It always goes 'Misunderstoof'. Whoops. Yep. This opening is why I am the 'emo' of my group at school. I'd hardly call it being emo though, I'd call it being appreciative of other genres of music. Although, in complete contradiction, I fucking hate emo music.

   Now, instead of rambling incessantly about the song, I'm going to ramble incessantly about the nostalgia that is linked to this song. Not so long ago, when Jon was still in school and I was still certain that I was going to be a doctor (lolno.) We used to work at my Nanna's pub on a Sunday morning. He'd clear out the carpark, empty the bottles, and sweep up like a good groundskeeper...And I cleaned out the guinea pigs. Long story short, we ended up singing Misunderstood whilst picking up fag ends from the car park gutter. Is it any wonder we were...Misunderstood?

   I cut that story short. I'm sorry. No. Actually, I'm not sorry, not in the slightest, so ha.  I just want to sit and listen to this song. it's bloody amazing.


   Genius. I'm singing along. I just woke up my little brother, he's pretty pissed. I'll go onto one I can't sing along to now.

9: Wait For Sleep
   A song less than 5 minutes long in the top 10? What is this wizardry? Oh believe me, you haven't seen anything yet.

   It's simple. It's good, soulful, simple and beautiful music. Nothing more to say about it really. Honestly there isn't. I spent a minute mesmerised and now I don't have much more time to type. At all.

8: The Ministry Of Lost Souls
   I'll go dig my own grave now...Right guys? That's how it's meant to go right? Someone shows some kind of appreciation for The Ministry of Lost souls and you ass rape them. Painfully.

   I'll just leave it to The Count of Tuscany to explain this to you, because I have no chance. Because, I could talk about how it is the highlight of Systematic Chaos (Not hard, let's face it...Dark Eternal Night? Really?) I could talk about how it has a really chilling, gothic feel to it that gives me the shivers that, like Disappear, render me unable to type, or how I simply really, really, really like the image of a poor young woman fading away on the other side of a metaphorical river.

   But no, let the Count answer your outrage. He'll just tell you to chill out and have a taste...Of a rare vintage.

   Laced with soldiers who hid in barrels filled with wine.


Misunderstood. :tup :tup A great song from DT's best.

WFS and TMOLS........... well, no. :lol But it's refreshing to see a unique list instead of the predictable stuff like ACOS.


Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


Misunderstood is way to high, and so is Wait For Sleep. The Ministry of Lost Souls on the other hand I can very much accept at this position.


Love Misunderstood and WFS.   Ministry of Lost Souls?  It isn't a horrible song, but in my mind it typifies some of the SC and BCSL songs that just are sort of long to be long.  I find that my mind wanders about 2-3 minutes in and at some point the next song starts up and I don't feel like I really missed anything.  :P


Quote from: BlobVanDam on April 30, 2012, 09:57:52 AM
Misunderstood. :tup :tup A great song from DT's best.

WFS and TMOLS........... well, no. :lol But it's refreshing to see a unique list instead of the predictable stuff like ACOS.
My thoughts exactly.


Amazing. I also adore those there songs. Great to read an amazing top 50


Ministry Of Lost Souls is great  :tup Other two are too but much higher than I'd have them. Actually, Ministry Of Lost Souls is higher than I'd place it too but it's closer than where it appears on most people's list. No idea why it's not considered so good on this forum.


Yay! Wait for Sleep is really cool, Misunderstood is epic and The Ministry of Lost Souls is too! Awesome!



Misunderstood!!! Hell yes!!! The Ministry of Lost Souls. Hell no. There's some great sections but the instrumental ruins it.


TMoLS and Misunderstood are top 15 if not top 10 for me! nice!

On the Backs of Eagles

Great to see The Ministry of Lost Souls this high! I really enjoy it, also the instrumental section. While arguably being a bit out of place in this song, it contains some great sections and interesting tonality changes (every solo section is in a different tonality), which creates that sort of "dramatic" feeling. The unison at the end of the instrumental section (10:08) is amazing and so is the outro solo. I think it's a very emotional and spine-tingling melody, which once again builds up in different tonalities. Well, I am not doing the write-ups, so I am gonna stop at this point.   ;) Anyways, nice pick, Alice!  :metal