Elite's Top X DT Songs v2: Top 20 LEAST favourite DT songs (Finished!)

Started by Elite, July 16, 2013, 05:27:40 AM

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To be clear, even though I agree on many of your points, I wouldn't rank TDOE nearly as low :D



Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey

Full Speed

I don't like the majority of DTs instramentals, but TDOE is probably my least favorite after Raw Dog.


Quote from: Full Speed on July 30, 2013, 05:02:03 AM
I don't like the majority of DTs instramentals, but TDOE is probably my least favorite after Raw Dog.
TDOE is probably my second least favorite as well, although SOC is also fighting for that position.


Quote from: ? on July 30, 2013, 01:14:31 AM
I found TDOE cool at first, but the feeling wore off pretty quickly. I don't dislike it, but I never have the desire to listen to it, either.
My feelings exactly. It's an impressive song from a technical standpoint, but it's not the sort of thing that I gravitate towards or want to listen to much.

I can definitely understand someone ranking it low, considering that the technicality of it is the only thing TDOE has going for it, and nothing else.


Hopefully Enigma Machine (?) will score better than TDOE in your list, Rich  :tup


Quote from: ? on July 30, 2013, 05:04:55 AM
Quote from: Full Speed on July 30, 2013, 05:02:03 AM
I don't like the majority of DTs instramentals, but TDOE is probably my least favorite after Raw Dog.
TDOE is probably my second least favorite as well, although SOC is also fighting for that position.

Well, to be fair, Raw Dog isn't exactly my favourite instrumental either, but for this list I chose to do tracks that were released on albums only, so that means demos and stuff like Raw Dog have not been taken into account when creating this list. As for Stream of Consciousness.. it's my favourite track on Train of Thought and my second favourite instrumental after Hell's Kitchen.

Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


I find the Outcry instrumental section a lot more complex than TDOE  :)


Quote from: Elite on July 30, 2013, 06:39:29 AM
Well, to be fair, Raw Dog isn't exactly my favourite instrumental either, but for this list I chose to do tracks that were released on albums only, so that means demos and stuff like Raw Dog have not been taken into account when creating this list.
Ignoring the existence of Raw Dog is always the right thing to do :lol :tup


Quote from: ? on July 30, 2013, 08:14:53 AM
Quote from: Elite on July 30, 2013, 06:39:29 AM
Well, to be fair, Raw Dog isn't exactly my favourite instrumental either, but for this list I chose to do tracks that were released on albums only, so that means demos and stuff like Raw Dog have not been taken into account when creating this list.
Ignoring the existence of Raw Dog is always the right thing to do :lol :tup

I didn't ignore it, I just went for my least favourite DT songs from all of their studio releases, arranged in the order of likeness that I would listen to them. Adding the demos and random other tracks would completely clutter the whole list (in my case), which is why I chose to draw from studio releases ONLY. Note that in my first top 50 I did use demos and other tracks as well, since Another Won, Eve, Raise the Knife and A Change of Seasons were on that list.
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


TDOE is not so great. I like the song and I like the technical aspect of it, and I think it fits well on the album. But it's not my favourite DT instrumental, nor is it in my top 50.


Quote from: Onno on July 30, 2013, 01:06:24 PM
TDOE is not so great. I like the song and I like the technical aspect of it, and I think it fits well on the album. But it's not my favourite DT instrumental, nor is it in my top 50.

I don't know if its my favorite DT instrumental either, but its hard for me to not like it because its so darn impressive from a technical standpoint.  I do agree that it fits well on the album and is represented there as a strong work because its a part of a larger puzzle, when you take the song standing by itself its not quite as good.


Quote from: mikeyd23 on July 30, 2013, 01:23:59 PM
Quote from: Onno on July 30, 2013, 01:06:24 PM
TDOE is not so great. I like the song and I like the technical aspect of it, and I think it fits well on the album. But it's not my favourite DT instrumental, nor is it in my top 50.

I don't know if its my favorite DT instrumental either, but its hard for me to not like it because its so darn impressive from a technical standpoint.  I do agree that it fits well on the album and is represented there as a strong work because its a part of a larger puzzle, when you take the song standing by itself its not quite as good.
Yes, that's precisely what I meant! I like the song, but it may be my least favourite DT instrumental after Raw Dog, and it's just not as epic as the 'hype' surrounding it because it's their most technical song.


The three first minutes of TDOE are fun. The rest of the song isn't.


Quote from: Ruba on July 31, 2013, 03:54:25 AM
The three first minutes of TDOE are fun. The rest of the song isn't.

This is true enough for me. Even when I used to listen to it regularly I would usually skip the part from the bass solo to the ending.


It's back! Sorry for the absence, I have had a busy week of barely being home, so I simply didn't have the time and means to type out the next write-up. I'll see if I can be a little quicker with the remaining 12.

12. A Nightmare to Remember

Another weird pick for a bottom list I suppose. Although this song is barely featured in top 50 lists and even more rarely so at the top, it's also never the subject of criticism, which makes me suspect most DT listeners (at least on these boards) feel a little indifferent about this song, not exactly knowing what to 'do' with it. I'm in this group too, but being indifferent to a song automatically places it in the 'never listen to' section, exactly what I'm doing in this countdown. Well, let's be clear here, this song has a lot of strong points! The beginning is pretty awesome and also a fantastic opener to an album. The 'beautiful agony' section is also beautiful - and probably one of the best sections on the whole album, but aside from those two aspects, the songs is pretty lacking to me. Song other forum member here (can't remember who) recently said that A Nightmare to Remember is a bit tedious to listen to; too long basically, and that's how I feel about it too. The strong points get drowned in mediocre riffs and solo sections in the latter half of the song, lyrics that aren't as strong as DT's other lyrics. These lyrics suffer from a similar syndrome as the TCOT lyrics too: they're too describing and therefore get a little bland and to me; pretty bad. Then of course there's the RORORO section. Well, you know, that could actually have been pretty awesome, but MP's voice just isn't made to do that and the growled lyrics are absolutely horrendous to me. So yeah, they survived, that's good then isn't it? Absolutely no need to growl those lyrics, if you ask me. I honestly believe that with a bit of trimming of riffs (especially in the latter part), better lyrics and a properly growled section, this song could have been very, very good and even more unique in DT's total library of songs than it is now. Now it just seems unfinished, as if you have to imagine what it could be like. Again, the 'beautiful agony' section is, well, beautiful, but it's not enough to make me listen to the song all the way through, partly because I get turned off by partly the lyrics, partly the wankery solos after the 'beautiful agony' section (that's Rudess mostly) and the tediousness of everything that follows after the 'Day after day' section. This is nowhere near Dream Theater's 12th 'worst' song and like I said, it could have been very good, but I find little enjoyment in listening it all the way through.
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


I used to love ANTR, but nowadays I think the song gets really meh after Beautiful Agony, which is a shame because the song is really good up until that point.


I agree. The song could easily have been five minutes shorter. It suffers from beeing way to stretched out instrumentally, and the RORORO-section and the blastbeat-section is completely pointless.
The song is great up to (and including) Beatiful Agony. After that i usually skip it..


Full Speed

I was never big on the heavy parts of ANTR. Wouldn't make my top 50, but it wouldn't be in my bottom 20 either. Purely because of Beautiful Agony. I love that part so much. Usually when I listen to BCSL these days I just fast forward to Beaultiful Agony and skip to TCOT once the heavy part kicks back in. If they fleshed that section out as its own song I think it could be top 10 DT material for me.

Tom Bombadil

Used to like this song, but it hasn't aged well at all. It now just seems long for the sake of being long, and some of those MP vocals just start to sound silly after a few listens.



I can definitely agree with it being too long, I think they should have wrapped it up right after the last verse. But the rest of it is so good... Yes, I'm one of the four people who really enjoys the "Day after day" section (this despite the fact that I've never been too heavily into growls...). I'd probably put in my top 40 or 50. So, yeah, we disagree here.


Quote from: 425 on August 08, 2013, 07:22:59 AM
Yes, I'm one of the four people who really enjoys the "Day after day" section (this despite the fact that I've never been too heavily into growls...)
I feel like I've stumbled upon a unicorn, or a leprechaun, or something. :laugh:


Quote from: 425 on August 08, 2013, 07:22:59 AM
Yes, I'm one of the four people who really enjoys the "Day after day" section (this despite the fact that I've never been too heavily into growls...)

Ehm.. you'll find a lot of forum users love that section.. I even said I really like it in my write-up.
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


The "four people" was a hyperbolic joke based on the widespread hatred of that part. If I was being more literal I would have said "part of the minority," because I think it is a minority but not by much (I think the people who don't like it are more vocal about it than those who do).

I also want to say that I like the section even with its current lyrics. While it might have made somewhat more sense with other lyrics, I don't think the disconnect is nearly as big as it initially seems. That lyrical section is actually very dark aside from the final few lines. The whole first part of it is about how the memory of the accident is a "recurring nightmare haunting my dreams," and then the next lines are about how it was tragedy for which no one was prepared. Then the last few lines may have made MORE sense if James had sung them, but those are not exactly cheerful either. They imply that the father was severely injured and everyone only just barely survived. The cut lines from this section (which, for anyone who hasn't heard them, can be found on a version MP uploaded to his forum at one point where both he and James sang on this part), "Glass and steel inside his head, makes no sounds, he should be dead" support this. Maybe those lines would have made more sense with James, but the rest of the section makes just as much sense with Mike and it would ruin the momentum of that section to switch singers at that point.

Plus, as I think was your point in your original description (which I also feel I should mention because I feel somewhat like I'm hijacking your countdown thread), Mike's vocals fit perfectly with that section musically, and I think making musical sense is more important than making lyrical sense, though it is best to have both and I think ANTR largely does.


I love ANTR, my favorite on the album besides probably TCOT. I only dislike the "day after day" part, the rest is pure proggy goodness to me.

I kinda like that it's stretched out more than what seems necessary, and sort of drives through. It's like you're going deeper and deeper, not sure where you're going or where it's going to take you, until it comes in with a great reprise and outro. It's like a journey (I'm talking musically here).

Beautiful Agony is great of course, and i like the instrumental/solo sections too.

In the end I can see why some would dislike it.

I obviously enjoy this song musically more than lyrically, however. I agree the lyrics are bland, but it doesn't bother me on this song. The lyrics do bother me during the last few minutes of TCOT though *cringe*


I love the atmosphere of that song, and as a fan of Opeth, I loved when Mikael Åkerfeldt sang the RORORO part on stage with them. If only Mikael were on the studio version too...


I understand. A Nightmare to Remember has some great moments, like the main melody. But it's streched. 3-4 minutes off and we're good.


This is taking WAY too long already, I'm sorry. Here's 11, I'll get the top 10 out a bit quicker I hope.

11. The Shattered Fortress

I almost had This Dying Soul in its place, but then I realised I disliked The Shattered Fortress a bit less. So, from #11 to #20 we've had half of BC&SL. Guess what's my least favourite Dream Theater album... What goes wrong in The Shattered Fortress is mainly the complete repetitiveness of riffs, over exaggerated solo sections and vocals that don't stand out at all. From MP's laughable shouts of 'Inventory!' and 'Analysis!' and the liked and JLB's forgettable lines in pretty much every other part, vocally this song has absolutely no great stuff at all. Add to that the most repetitive riffing DT has ever done, not only copying riffs from within this track ad infinitum, but also completely slaughtering some of the cool riffs in the other AA-Suite tracks by playing wankery noodling solos over them (I'm talking about the keyboard solo that goes on for about 2 minutes to long and the guitar solo that adds next to nothing) and we get one of the most boring things Dream Theater has ever done. Although it's pretty fun to play through this track on a guitar, once again I never ever have the desire to go and listen to The Shattered Fortress. Those 13 minutes could easily be spent on some fantastic music by this same band. It's pretty weird to consider that the band that wrote fantastic tunes on Images & Words would write something like this 17 years later. Very weird indeed.


The list so far:

20. Scene Five: Through Her Eyes
19. Prophets of War
18. New Millennium
17. Build Me Up, Break Me Down
16. The Count of Tuscany
15. Never Enough
14. Take Away My Pain
13. Scene Seven: I. The Dance of Eternity
12. A Nightmare to Remember
11. The Shattered Fortress
10-1. ?

Guesses for the top 10?
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


I like TSF, though it's definitely not my favourite of the 12SS. As for top 10 guesses: You Not Me, Burning My Soul, Just Let Me Breathe, maybe Status Seeker?

Tom Bombadil

Agree with TSF. I actually think the end part (a.k.a the stuff not from another AA song) is pretty good, but the first 8 minutes is just like "I've already heard this before". Glad to see you continue this thread. I'm guessing You Not Me, Burning My Soul, and AROP will be in the top 10.


TSF is basically a combination of different riffs from 12 Step Suite. It's not bad, but I wish they would've done something more original.


I really like TSF from the calmer part on, and Petrucci's solo is amazing, but the first few minutes are definitely a little lackluster. I still enjoy it from time to time though.


Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey