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DT album ranking

Started by Wrath42147, May 01, 2009, 01:43:36 PM

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Quote from: RoeDent on January 08, 2015, 01:12:30 AM
Apparently I have posted a ranking in here already, but I'm not willing to sift through 25 pages to find it and compare it with now. So here is, I think, my current ranking:
Actually this was your fourth time ranking in the thread.

Quote from: RoeDent on August 12, 2010, 08:54:19 AM
Scenes from a Memory
Images and Words
Black Clouds and Silver Linings
Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
Systematic Chaos
Falling into Infinity
Train of Thought
When Dream and Day Unite
Quote from: RoeDent on September 06, 2012, 10:38:47 AM
1. Images and Words
2. A Dramatic Turn of Events
3. Scenes from a Memory
4. Octavarium
5. Awake

6. Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
7. Falling Into Infinity
8. Black Clouds and Silver Linings

9. Systematic Chaos
10. Train of Thought
11. When Dream and Day Unite
Quote from: RoeDent on March 10, 2014, 11:58:17 AM
1. A Dramatic Turn of Events
2. Images and Words
3. Octavarium
4. Scenes from a Memory
5. Awake
6. Dream Theater
7. Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
8. Falling Into Infinity
9. Black Clouds & Silver Linings
10. Train of Thought
11. Systematic Chaos
12. When Dream & Day Unite


Wow, almost 6 years ago I ranked them like this. I lol at how high I regarded ToT and 8VM then :lol

Quote from: Zydar on May 02, 2009, 12:53:15 AM
Images And Words
Metropolis Pt 2: Scenes From A Memory
Train Of Thought
Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence
Falling Into Infinity
Systematic Chaos
When Dream And Day Unite


As of today:



I have phases where I listen to even my least favourite album for weeks on end (Dream Theater's entire catalogue is so strong), but this is a reasonably stable top 12:

Scenes From A Memory
6 Degrees of Inner Turbulence
A Dramatic Turn of Events
Dream Theater
Images and Words
Train of Thought
Systematic Chaos
Black Clouds and Silver Linings
Falling Into Infinity
When Dream and Day Unite

The Cat Of Tuscany



Scenes From A Memory
Six Degrees
Images and Words
Train of Thought
Dream Theater
A Dramatic Turn of Events
Falling into Infinity (This has grown on me exponentially. Used to be my least favorite.)
Systematic Chaos
When Dream and Day Unite
Black Clouds

Very tentative list. It varies slightly every now and then, but SFaM and SDoIT are pretty much tied as my favorite albums of all time. Love all 12 albums.


I've probably posted my ranking here before, but it changes constantly so what the heck.  DT is one of those bands where it can take even years to fully find all the little details in each album to appreciate, so I really do feel that my current list is more accurate to my actual taste than any list I've made on the past.           

12. When Dream and Day Unite: Some near ideas here, but it just doesn't feel like ST and I never was able to appreciate Dominici on vocals too much.

11. Images and Words: Sue me, but for some reason, despite this being the album that got me into DT, I just never cares for it as much as the others.  I find myself listening to it less and less as time goes on.

10. Systematic Chaos: Not a bad album, but one that just feels too muddled and all over the place to me.

9. Dream Theater: The lowest album on this list that I listen to regularly  but it's still not that great, in my opinion.  Some great songs here, but some fillers too.

8. Octavarium: Starts great and ends great, but some stuff in the middle leaves more to be desired.

7. Falling Into Infinity: Inconsistent for me, but done songs on here are just fantastic and criminally underrated.

6. Scenes From a Memory: The whole is greater than the sun of its parts, in my opinion. This album works best listened to all at once.

5. A Dramatic Turn of Events: Some of my favorites are on here.  Overall, an amazing album that  slightly with a couple fillers.

4. Awake: Simply amazing, though the first few songs do nothing for me.  Other than that, a fantastic album.

3. Train of Thought: Every song on here is a winner, nothing really bad to say about it. Actually, maybe


Sorry my phone glitched out.

3. Train of Thought: Maybe Stream of Consciousness is a bit too long, bit other than that, amazing album.

2. Black Clouds and Silver Linings: Used to be my number 1, but it got bumped down a spot.  I love this album, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

1. Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence: Perfect from beginning to end.  Once you realize how amazing Disc 1 is, this album stays with you forever.  Not a single weak song here.


Redid my rankings today.

01 - Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence (18.17)
02 - Train of Thought (30.71)
03 - Systematic Chaos (38.43)
04 - Octavarium (40)
05 - A Dramatic Turn of Events (44.56)
06 - Images & Words (46)
07 - Metropolis - Part 2: Scenes From a Memory (53.58)
08 - Black Clouds & Silver Linings (57.17)
09 - Awake (59.73)
10 - Falling Into Infinity (67.36)
11 - Dream Theater (74.67)
12 - When Dream & Day Unite (94.13)

Not much has changed since DT12 was just fresh out the plastic wrapping. SC and 8V switched places, ADToE did the same with I&W, and so did BC&SL and Awake. Other than those minor changes, I seem to maintain a rather stable view of the albums overall.


Hey all I am new here  :blush but I've been listening to DT since 2008 so I'll post my album ranking here:

1. Images And Words
2. Awake
3. Scenes From A Memory
4. Train Of Thought
5. Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence
6. Black Clouds And Silver Linings
7. Octavarium
8. Dream Theater
9. Systematic Chaos
10. A Dramatic Turn Of Events
11. Falling Into Infinity
12. When Dream And Day Unite


First time I've ever actually ranked all the albums so I'm not sure how this is going to go. I've only been listening to ADToE and DT12 for about a month (I was really hesitant about listening to DT without MP, my love for DT was reignited a few months ago after discovering Progarchives and I've been listening to them loads recently)

1. Scenes from a Memory (Pretty obsessed at the moment)
2. Images and Words (Album that really got me into them)
3. Octavarium (First album I ever heard by them, I love metal so I love all the heavy shit on here)
4. Black Clouds and Silver Linings (Just love it and can't quite put my finger on why)
5. A Dramatic Turn of Events (Still getting to know it but really enjoying it)
6. Dream Theater  (Really growing on me and I LOVE Illumination Theory)
7. Systematic Chaos (Only album I've bought as soon as it was released)
8. Awake  (Subject to change, this is REALLY growing on me, didn't like it for ages)
9. Train of Thought (It's heavy ;D but not much substance in my opinion)
10. Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence (Really don't get all the fuss, I'm sure it will hit me at some point in the future and I'll love it)
11. When Dream and Day Unite (It's ok, probably deserves way more listens than I give it)
12. Falling into Infinity (Same as WDaDU, probably the album I've listened to least)

That kind of went how I was expecting it. BCaSL the biggest surprise I  guess, wouldn't change it for the world though  :metal


Guess this could be good place for first post  ;D I never actually tried to rank them in some order so let`s try.

12. When Dream and Day Unite
11. Black Clouds and Silver Linings
10. Systematic Chaos
9. Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
8. Train of Thought
7. A Dramatic Turn of Events - 7,8 and 9 easily change spots inbetween
6. Octavarium
5. Images And Words - became too "old school" to my ears, but still classic
4. DT 12 - feeling like they went pretty safe on this one and that the new album will be really really good
3. Falling into Infinity - actually don`t like New Millennium, Burning my Soul and Just Let Me Breathe but other songs simply make it up  :millahhhh
2. SFAM - much better when listening in one piece
1. Awake - could not get into it for a long long time, then it just clicked


Quote from: MajorBoobage on February 07, 2015, 10:16:31 AM
Guess this could be good place for first post  ;D I never actually tried to rank them in some order so let`s try.

12. When Dream and Day Unite
11. Black Clouds and Silver Linings
10. Systematic Chaos
9. Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
8. Train of Thought
7. A Dramatic Turn of Events - 7,8 and 9 easily change spots inbetween
6. Octavarium
5. Images And Words - became too "old school" to my ears, but still classic
4. DT 12 - feeling like they went pretty safe on this one and that the new album will be really really good
3. Falling into Infinity - actually don`t like New Millennium, Burning my Soul and Just Let Me Breathe but other songs simply make it up  :millahhhh
2. SFAM - much better when listening in one piece
1. Awake - could not get into it for a long long time, then it just clicked
Welcome to DTF dude, and an early frontrunner for next year's Best Username in the annual awards.  :lol


My ranking has changed since I first posted here. I've become more familiar with the albums and now I feel the ranking is more accurate.

01- Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory
02- Images and Words
03- Octavarium
04- A Dramatic Turn of Events
05- Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
06- Black Clouds & Silver Linings
07- Train of Thought
08- Awake
09- Dream Theater
10- When Dream and Day Unite
11- Systematic Chaos
12- Falling into Infinity
Quote from: hefdaddy42 on November 12, 2024, 10:37:36 AMIn Stadler's defense, he's a weird motherfucker


01- Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes from a Memory
02- Images and Words
03- Octavarium
04- A Dramatic Turn of Events
05- Black Clouds & Silver Linings
06- Awake
07- Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
08- Falling into Infinity
09- Train of Thought
10- When Dream and Day Unite
11- Systematic Chaos
12- Dream Theater


 1- Train of Thought  :tup :tup :tup :tup :tup  :heart

2- Black Clouds & Silver Linings  :tup :tup :tup :tup :tup

3- Octavarium  :tup :tup :tup :tup :tup

4- Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence  :tup :tup :tup :tup

5- Systematic Chaos  :tup :tup :tup :tup

6- Dream Theater  :tup :tup :tup :tup

7- Metropolis pt 2: Scenes from a Memory  :tup :tup :tup :tup

8- A Dramatic Turn of Events  :tup :tup :tup

9- Awake  :tup :tup :tup

10- Images and Words  :tup :tup :tup

11- When Dream and Day Unite  :tup :tup

12- Falling into Infinity  :tup :tup


1. Awake
2. When Dream and Day Unite
3. Images and Words
4. Scenes from a Memory
5. Falling into Infinity
6. Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
7. Dream Theater (moving up very rapidly)
8. Train of Thought

I cannot rank the rest as I have not heard them. I took a hiatus from any new DT after ToT. I did not like it at all.I thought the last decent DT album was Six Degrees. However, after stumbling across a youtube video of Space Dye Vest, which nearly had me in tears, I decided to grab the DVD Breaking the Fourth Wall. That got me to buy the self titled album... I have a renewed hope. I may go back through the others to see what I missed..


Images And Words
Scenes From A Memory
Train Of Thought
Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence
Falling Into Infinity
When Dream And Day Unite
Dream Theater
Black Clouds And Silver Linings
A Dramatic Turn Of Events
Systematic Chaos


My ranking (remember that just because it's lower or last, doesn't mean I don't like the album.)

A Dramatic Turn of Events
Scenes From A Memory
Images And Words
Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
Black Clouds and Silver Linings
Train of Thought
Systematic Chaos
Dream Theater
Falling Into Infinity
When Dream And Day Unite


So my ranking changed a bit after two years.

1. Train of Thought
2. Black Clouds & Silver Linings
3. Scenes From A Memory
4. Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
5. Octavarium
6. A Dramatic Turn of Events
7. Systematic Chaos
8. Awake
9. Dream Theater
10. Images and Words
11. Falling Into Infinity
12. When Dream and Day Unite


Quote from: jakepriest on May 19, 2015, 01:03:45 PM
1. Train of Thought
2. Black Clouds & Silver Linings

3. Scenes From A Memory
4. Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
5. Octavarium
6. A Dramatic Turn of Events
7. Systematic Chaos
8. Awake
9. Dream Theater
10. Images and Words
11. Falling Into Infinity
12. When Dream and Day Unite

It's impressive how your ranking looks like mine.. Even more impressive because of the unpopular both are..  :lol

(I put in bold perfect matches.. To check my ranking, it's just 4 posts upwards)


3.  6DOTIT
4.  IAW
5.  Systematic Chaos
6.  Dream theater
7. Train of Thought
8.  BC&SL
9.  Octavarium
    *Change of Seasons
10.  Awake
11.  Falling into Infinity
12.  WDADU

Live Albums

1.  Score
3.  BT4thW
4.  Live at Budokan
5.  OIALIVEtime
6.  LALP
7.  Chaos in Motion
8.  LATM


1.  SFAM
2.  6DOIT
3.  Octavarium
5.  ToT
6.  Awake
7.  FII
8.  DT
9.  I&W
10.  BCSL
11.  SC
12.  WDADU


1. Images and Words

2. Awake

The rest of them are harder to rate.



1. My Penis: 2 Small For Our Meeting
2. A Drunk Toad On Vanity


Quote from: hfce354 on May 20, 2015, 09:31:00 AM
3.  6DOTIT

You're forgetting '6 Dudes On Their Immense Tangerines'..



Now, how the hell did I miss that one?  :lolpalm:


My list probably didn't change much since last time I posted here but whatever:
2. Awake
3. IaW
5. DT
6. TOT
8. FII
9. Octavarium
10. SC
12. BC&SL


1. Images & words
2. Awake
3. A change of seasons
4. Train of thought
5. Metropolis pt 2
6. Six degrees of inner turbulence
7. Falling into infinity
8. Octavaruim
9. Dream theater
10. When dream and day unite
11. Dramatic turn of events
12. Black clouds silver linings
13. Systematic chaos
(train of naught good catch, fixed spelling error lol, adult thumbs are to big for small smart phone screen buttons!)


1. Octavarium
4. Train Of Thought
5. A Dramatic Turn Of Events
6. Falling Into Infinity
7. Images And Words
08. Black Clouds & Silver Linings
09. Systematic Chaos
10. Awake
11. Dream Theater
12. When Dream & Day Unite.

That was tough because - getting into the bottom 5 - I really have to think about which album I prefer.

Quote1.  MP2SFOM

:dangerwillrobinson: This is a new one for the forum. Scenes From Our Memory ?!


1. Metropolis Pt. 2 Scenes From a Memory - 9,7/10
2. Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence- 9,2/10
3. Train Of Thought- 9,1/10
4. Black Clouds and Silver Linings 8,5/10
5. Awake 8,1/10
6. Otavarium 8/10
7. Falling Into Infinity 7,9/10
8. Images and Words 7,6/10
9,10. Systematic Chaos / Dream Theater 7,5/10
11. A Dramatic Turn Of Events 6,9/10
12. When Dream And Day Unite 4,3/10

Train of Naught

Quote from: progrockman on September 18, 2015, 08:10:56 PM
8. Octaveruim
I LOVE that album!! How could you place Octaveruim on #8?

In all seriousness:

2. I&W
4. TOT
5. SC
7. DT12
8. FII
9. BC&SL
10. 8VM
11. Awake

Dream Team

1. Images
2. Six Degrees
3. Scenes
4. Dramatic Turn
5. WDaDU
6. DT12
7. Awake
8. Train of Thought
9. Black Clouds
10. Systematic
11. OV
12. FII