
Video of online chat between fans and members of Dream Theater: (*no chickens were harmed during the filming of this chat)

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The Boys (Amazon Prime exclusive)

Started by The Walrus, August 01, 2019, 05:24:11 AM

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At least as far as the satire of the Right goes, I agree with Gary.

It was insanely lazy. Not all of it, but a good good chunk of it.

Luckily there is a lot more to the show than their political satire, and I think the season was really well done on most other grounds.
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Quote from: Adami on July 20, 2024, 06:26:59 AMAt least as far as the satire of the Right goes, I agree with Gary.

It was insanely lazy. Not all of it, but a good good chunk of it.

Luckily there is a lot more to the show than their political satire, and I think the season was really well done on most other grounds.

I do like A Trains's interesting that at this point of the show Homelander has been torn down from this all powerful being who seemingly was also extremely intelligent in S1 to being nothing more than a foot soldier of people more intelligent than he.

The political aspect of the show really detracted from the story for me though.


Of all the things you could accuse Homelander of being in season 1, intelligent wouldn't be a word I use. Calculating maybe, but he was always a man driven by ego and a desperation to be adored, continually made bad decisions made in the spur of the moment, and was easily manipulated by the Stitwells and Stormfronts of the world: the people who knew how to turn the screws on his insecurities.
"I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it."
― Terry Pratchett


Quote from: XJDenton on July 21, 2024, 04:16:44 PMOf all the things you could accuse Homelander of being in season 1, intelligent wouldn't be a word I use. Calculating maybe, but he was always a man driven by ego and a desperation to be adored, continually made bad decisions made in the spur of the moment, and was easily manipulated by the Stitwells and Stormfronts of the world: the people who knew how to turn the screws on his insecurities.

calculating is a better word for it. He was portrayed as being 'more together' and seemingly having a plan. His slow unravel from the curated image has been interesting to watch.


So I miscalculated the release timetable and I ended up watching the show too late, I could have started a week earlier at least and join in the discussions.

Anyway, it's over, another great ride!


I agree that the dosed up sheeps were the most absurd and hysterical thing of the series  :lol

Not convinced about Neuman's death, by Butcher's hand of all people. I mean, I'm all for things going the wrong way for the protagonists, but all of the other main characters agreeing to "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and then Butcher coming him and violently shit all over their plan without listening to reason.... feels cheap.

I also don't like the "Sage orchestrated everything" angle. How can you imagine, predict and orchestrate Butcher snapping and killing Neuman? the general point "Neuman is too indipendent to be tamed" I can get on board with, but Sage orchestrating a spur of the moment decision from Butcher......... weak stuff.

I'll be naive, but I did NOT see it coming that Neagan was imaginary. That was a good revelation.

I didn't really suffer any spoilers but I saw some online buzz about the social commentary and the political satire of the show, as in "people realized only now that they were mocking the alt-right and that Homelander is an horrible person"?

Trying to not get too political, but the funny thing about satire is exagerating, bringing to the extreme certain things you want to make fun of.
However when reality surpasses imagination, that's where it all seems heavy-handed and in-your-face. There's a joke about how to deal with conspiracy theorists, to one-up them on the absurdity: "You think we never went to the moon? pffffh do you believe that the moon is real?"

So in a comedic situation you can, as satire, show a bunch of people that believe the moon does not exist. However if in reality should there be for real many people insisting that the moon is fake, that probably it wouldn't be so funny.

At the same time, when you exagerate for comedic and satirical effect all the conspiracy theories, having a character (Firecracker) spreading them, "jewish space lasers" should be just an absurd exageration. But when there's an actual person who said that, and she even got ELECTED FFS..... well, not so funny now I guess. So I can understand the complaints about "it's too heavy handed" but well, it's not the writers' fault that jewish space lasers is not an absurd and satirical conspiracy.

"I hate the Illinois nazis" from Blues Brothers was funnier when there weren't people proudly parading around nazi flags.

Anyway, back to The Boys - I'm glad that season 5 will be the last, things are so dramatic now in the show that the tension won't be able to be dragged out much longer, we're in the end game.

I think it's safe to say that eventually Homelander will be destroyed, but how they will get there, who survives and how much of a "happy ending" can be considered.... it's all up in the air!

Oh, and if something bad happens to Kimiko, we riot.