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Official Parasomnia album discussion thread ***SPOILERS***

Started by bosk1, February 06, 2025, 11:40:37 AM

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SjundeInseglet, FreezingPoint, rab7, Vlasto, evz, hunnus2000 (+ 1 Hidden) and 6 Guests are viewing this topic.


This is strangely nothing new for Hugh. He's done it a few times before. 
He reused Maiden's Virus single cover for Nevermore's Godless Endeavour album.  I'm quite sure there are several more examples. 


maybe now they will finally ditch him and use a proper artist



Quote from: faizoff on February 07, 2025, 09:35:38 AMThis is strangely nothing new for Hugh. He's done it a few times before.
He reused Maiden's Virus single cover for Nevermore's Godless Endeavour album.  I'm quite sure there are several more examples.

I don't think Virus and TGE are identical though - same idea (skulls on pikes) and similar color scheme on both however. 


Lazy artist is lazy enough to use his own work twice? What a surprise...


I'm sure some of the sounds on Are We Dreaming are in The Incident.


I'm enjoying reading everyone's initial takes on the album. This is what brought us together here, it's the only place to be if you're a DT fan. You all rule! The TRUE thoughts of Parasomnia will be months from today as we all enjoy the honeymoon phase of the release. Where will this eventually rank?


Quote from: Sir Walrus Cauliflower on February 07, 2025, 05:45:22 AMI used to think that final line in IT was "You'll never know the joy in life" again, just pronounced weird. I still sing "You'll never know the jore in life" despite knowing better.
Oh, so I looked the lyrics up, and they aren't "never joy know" :lol


Quote from: HOF on February 07, 2025, 07:48:32 AMIt's ok, but honestly don't think I love it. Sounds a lot like it could have been on the second disc of SDOIT or Octavarium, which is kind of a negative for me. Definite Journey references throughout, though I don't hear Gilmour so obviously. I do like a lot of what's going on instrumentally. Lyrics/vocal melodies/subject matter are the biggest issue though.

Listening within the context of the album, and the song really pops. Definitely felt like it could be a grower on that second listen.
Quote from: TAC on December 12, 2024, 05:40:22 PM"No way" is kind of strong, but I do lean with HOF.


Quote from: PMSummer on February 07, 2025, 09:24:10 AMThere's a shadow man incident here involving Hugh Syme

(Sorry dont know how to imbed images - looks like Hugh sold the same art twice)
This is just ridiculous. I'm fine with the Parasomnia artwork because, as I've said, the inconsistencies actually work (for me) within the album's overall theme—nightmares, sleep terrors, etc. But reusing the same artwork for two bands almost simultaneously? That's just unacceptable. It's not like he can claim he forgot he had already used the image elsewhere.
According to the guy from Orion, Hugh even told him over the phone that he was working on the new DT album. Hopefully, this serves as a wake-up call for DT and their management to find a new artist. But let's be real—the most likely outcome is that nothing changes, and they'll keep relying on Hugh "lazy" Syme for future projects. 


One listen through obviously won't do it justice, but I enjoyed that well enough for what it is. It's a Dream Theater album that leans heavily on the darker, more metal aspects of their music. It sounds like the type of music you should expect these 5 guys to come up with, but I don't think it's just rehashing what they've done before necessarily. It's just not my preferred style of music. There are some cool parts that jumped out though. It's not the same band that I loved back in the day, but I think it's a strong effort and a nice return to the fold from MP.
Quote from: TAC on December 12, 2024, 05:40:22 PM"No way" is kind of strong, but I do lean with HOF.


Have been through the whole thing 5 times now. Thoughts, keeping in mind that DT albums take REAL time to sink in:

- Morpheus is incredible. I haven't liked one of their instrumentals this much in *some* time.

- I've never really understood the general dislike of Night Terror. I think it's a very solid song that my appreciation of has only grown the more times I've heard it.

- Broken Man is one of the songs that I don't appreciate AS much, but I do feel it has some of the stronger JP/MP backing vocal moments on the whole record. JP's solo in this one is great too.

- Some of the lyrics in Dead Asleep...woof. ESPECIALLY the last line. That line sticks out like an extremely sore thumb- but instrumentally this song is AWESOME. Especially the section leading up to the vocals coming in. I'd agree with those who say this song is reminiscent of Beyond This Life; I very much hear it both instrumentally and in the lyrics.

- Midnight Messiah was my least favorite of the singles, and is my token "song I don't really feel much at all" on this record (each DT release has had one of these for me). The references in the lyrics feel forced, the music doesn't really do much for me at all....this song just doesn't have "it" going on. But I respect those who do love it all the same.

- Are We Dreaming is a very interesting little interlude; love the organ sounds in the background for this. Wish it was a little longer.

- I'm definitely not loving Bend the Clock nearly as much as a bunch of you seem to be by reading through this thread, but it's still a very "solid" song. A recent interview with JP mentioned Journey as an influence for this song and I don't think he could have hit the nail harder on the head- I get EXTREME Journey vibes from this.

- The lyrics in The Shadow Man Incident are not grabbing me one bit- but the music is *very* cool, especially the piano break around 13 minutes in. I also love how this song ends- it is a CRYSTAL clear nod to how Scenes ends, and I love that.

Need some more time with it- we all do. But as of this moment, I think that James sounds amazing here, with several specific lines highlighting what he's still capable of. JP and MP both sound awesome, even if MP does less really "interesting" stuff here than of previous DT albums he's played on. Jordan and JM don't have as many standout moments (yet- they maybe reveal themselves in time), and the production is absolutely superb.


Withholding comments for at least 2 weeks and possibly longer until I have had multiple spins.

I will say that I overplayed the singles and consequently, on my first spin--because it was 2am this morning and I was half asleep--I skipped the singles and only listened to the new songs. This was a disservice to the album and against my self-imposed listening rules.

During the next few weeks I will give it proper headphone spins.


Quote from: PMSummer on February 07, 2025, 09:24:10 AMThere's a shadow man incident here involving Hugh Syme

(Sorry dont know how to imbed images - looks like Hugh sold the same art twice)

What a farce. Completely unacceptable at that level.

Now, if people like the artwork of Parasomnia is fine, art is art and it's subjective to personal interpretation. If you look at the artwork and go "I don't notice / don't care for the supposed errors, they add to the theme of nightmares of the album" that's fine. But what is the most likely explanation for those errors - that Syme spent a lot of time wondering on how he could visually portray the themes of sleep disorders, or that a lazy artist just doesn't care enough to fix lightning errors that any amateur spots within 10 seconds?


Quote from: HOF on February 07, 2025, 10:25:53 AMOne listen through obviously won't do it justice, but I enjoyed that well enough for what it is. It's a Dream Theater album that leans heavily on the darker, more metal aspects of their music. It sounds like the type of music you should expect these 5 guys to come up with, but I don't think it's just rehashing what they've done before necessarily. It's just not my preferred style of music. There are some cool parts that jumped out though. It's not the same band that I loved back in the day, but I think it's a strong effort and a nice return to the fold from MP.

This is pretty well said.  I put on SDOIT just to compare and take a break from Parasomnia and the contrast is pretty stark in terms of sound quality, mix, and overall composition.  The way they blended JR and JP together back then was magical and that was Labrie at his absolute peak IMO.

Parasomnia is a fun energetic record but far from what they used to be. 

However, that is to be expected when comparing bands 16th album to the peak of their prime.

I still need tons of listens to fully digest though of course. 


Logain Ablar

I'm definitely guilty of overplaying the singles ahead of the full release.

It takes quite a few listens to have them "bed in" in their proper context of the album.


Man, Dead Asleep is one of the darkest most depressing songs I've ever heard. The music is awesome but the subject matter drags it down, especially if it's based on a true story. Why would someone want to write a song about that?
I would had rather the sleepwalker be dangling on the edge of a cliff or roof top and live to tell about it. Or end up waking up in the middle of the woods lost and trying to find his way home, while being stalked by a bear or something. Then his wife shakes him and wakes him up. You know,  a dream within a dream..


I won't lie, I completely forgot this was coming out today. Haven't heard any of the singles, so this will be a fresh experience for me!


Quote from: Architeuthis on February 07, 2025, 10:51:13 AMI would had rather the sleepwalker be dangling on the edge of a cliff or roof top and live to tell about it.
Would it be at the Roof Top Of The World?


I'm a long way away from giving my full thoughts on the album. I don't even fully understand it yet, I need to listen way more. But the lyrics to Dead Asleep definitely caught my attention. Pretty hardcore. :omg:


Quote from: breaktheprisonwall on February 07, 2025, 10:31:47 AM- I've never really understood the general dislike of Night Terror. I think it's a very solid song that my appreciation of has only grown the more times I've heard it.

- I'm definitely not loving Bend the Clock nearly as much as a bunch of you seem to be by reading through this thread, but it's still a very "solid" song.
I really like Night Terror as well. Just feels like a 'pure Dream Theater first single' to me. I tend to like those tracks - they're never usually my favourites on the album, but always a good representation of the band. Untethered Angel is a similar example I really like, but many others aren't that interested by it. Those sort of songs are often described as 'DT by the numbers', so I guess some peoples reasons for liking them are the same as others reasons for disliking them, it just depends a bit on what you want from the band, in terms of which side of the line you fall between liking and disliking it.

Bend the Clock hasn't clicked so quickly with me yet either. Still good, but hoping its a grower!
Whoaaaahh, ohhh, ohhhhh. Whoaaaahh, ohhhhh, ohhhhhh. Waaah, ahhh, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaowwwwww


Quote from: Architeuthis on February 07, 2025, 10:51:13 AMMan, Dead Asleep is one of the darkest most depressing songs I've ever heard. The music is awesome but the subject matter drags it down, especially if it's based on a true story. Why would someone want to write a song about that?
I would had rather the sleepwalker be dangling on the edge of a cliff or roof top and live to tell about it. Or end up waking up in the middle of the woods lost and trying to find his way home, while being stalked by a bear or something.

I take it you don't read any Stephen King or anything like that.  :lol Sometimes dark and depressing things just make for interesting stories.


Quote from: Architeuthis on February 07, 2025, 10:51:13 AMMan, Dead Asleep is one of the darkest most depressing songs I've ever heard. The music is awesome but the subject matter drags it down, especially if it's based on a true story. Why would someone want to write a song about that?
I would had rather the sleepwalker be dangling on the edge of a cliff or roof top and live to tell about it. Or end up waking up in the middle of the woods lost and trying to find his way home, while being stalked by a bear or something. Then his wife shakes him and wakes him up. You know,  a dream within a dream..

Well, I can certainly tell you're not a horror fan.

Dream Theater have had their share of dark lyrics before, this isn't totally out of the ordinary.


Parasomnia is probably one of he most cohesive conceptual masterclass of DT, it has tasty mixture of almost everything they did in the past, adding the new element of half scary and misty vibes is only a plus.

My moment on the first listen was Shadow Man Incıdent's instrumental part, Riff was some alternate version of Overture Dance of Eternity, melody was another alternate version from the previous album, a View from Top Of the World. That was so smart and shows the loyalty to their own legacy including MM era. 


Quote from: krands85 on February 07, 2025, 10:56:34 AMI really like Night Terror as well. Just feels like a 'pure Dream Theater first single' to me. I tend to like those tracks - they're never usually my favourites on the album, but always a good representation of the band. Untethered Angel is a similar example I really like, but many others aren't that interested by it. Those sort of songs are often described as 'DT by the numbers', so I guess some peoples reasons for liking them are the same as others reasons for disliking them, it just depends a bit on what you want from the band, in terms of which side of the line you fall between liking and disliking it.

Bend the Clock hasn't clicked so quickly with me yet either. Still good, but hoping its a grower!

Interestingly enough- I'm also in the camp that adores Untethered Angel. This is probably an *extremely* hot take, but I genuinely think that's one of the best songs they wrote during Mangini's tenure, full stop.


More listens to come, but the first listen definitely told me that there is potential there.  As I have mentioned before, their heavier albums usually take me longer to absorb, and it felt like much of this album was a relentless onslaught of metal, so I am not passing any judgment on this for a while.

It took me a while to place it, but the chorus in the long epic (the one that first appears around 8-9 minutes in) totally sounds like part of the score from the film Mr. Mom (of all things).


First listen complete. I'm at work, so it isn't cranked, but I as able to focus a bit on it. Solid. It's about what I expected from Dream Theater at this point. Someone made a comparison that it is sorta like Train of Thought meets BC&SL. I think that's a pretty good comp. No complaints here. I'm sure as repeated listens happen, some favorites will rise up.  No new ground broken, at least to my ears. Which is again, what I expected. This is a nice career retrospective album of the types of songs Dream Theater fans enjoy. It'll be interesting to see what they play from this album on the 40th tour.
My books available for purchase on Amazon:

Jason Slater: For the Sake of Supposing
Roads to Madness: The Touring History of Queensrÿche (1981-1997)


Quote from: breaktheprisonwall on February 07, 2025, 11:11:26 AMInterestingly enough- I'm also in the camp that adores Untethered Angel. This is probably an *extremely* hot take, but I genuinely think that's one of the best songs they wrote during Mangini's tenure, full stop.

Untethered Angels has a good blend of melodies and riffs and easily memorable imo, but not that complex comparing with thier own repertuar.

For Mangini era the best song was Pale Blue Dot, becuase it was a different try for them. and I feel they also liked this song, becuase you can still hear some hidden elements  and vibes from it, especially in longer epic songs up until following records.


Quote from: wkiml on June 08, 2012, 09:06:35 AMwould have thought the same thing but seeing the OP was TAC i immediately thought Maiden or DT related
Quote from: Stadler on February 08, 2025, 12:49:43 PMI wouldn't argue this.


So I have had one listen only,  as I only got the album at midnight last night. I listened right as I downloaded the album, and I haven't had a chance to replay it because of work. 
The song that I remember the most because it gave me goosebumps was Bend the Clock. I just thought what a beautiful arrangement of their signature rising emotional themes and phrasing.  It touched me musically and lyrically. I JUst wanted to stop the album and replay this one
Dead Asleep's riff is what I remember.
AT 1245PM, as I was nodding off,the Shadow Man Incident was playing. Timely.  I enjoyed the ride.but need to hear this again as I was in and out.
I will be blasting this after work today and dive into these tracks much more and update my review!


Quote from: breaktheprisonwall on February 07, 2025, 11:11:26 AMInterestingly enough- I'm also in the camp that adores Untethered Angel. This is probably an *extremely* hot take, but I genuinely think that's one of the best songs they wrote during Mangini's tenure, full stop.

I'm right there with you.  I fell away from the band after ADTOE came out, and didn't buy or really give much thought to the next couple of albums.  I heard about D/T coming out and heard Untethered Angel, and something clicked.  It's just a solid song, and it got me back into the band along with the rest of D/T.

Peter Mc

Quote from: Glasser on February 06, 2025, 07:33:34 PMDefinitely a grower. Sadly I have a lot in common with the song.  :-\

Keep telling yourself that!

I can confirm though that I am finally starting to get to grips with this song.  Not a favourite yet but I'm beginning to appreciate it more.


The very start of Morpheus with the traffic noises and cars gives me a strong vibe of The Camera Eye. Rush strikes again! 


So many thoughts. So much to digest. JP riffs are just at another level.

Initial Take: this album is DT at its core. Someone said there were elements similar to even WDADU and I can see that on  Shadow Man Incident. This is an album you can tell thet made for them (MP I think said this) and it shows.

Albums should leave you wanting to start from the beginning: this one does.

The theme concept is something DT does superb. Love the little nuggets sprinkled through it and I have a feeling I will picking on more with further listen.

Dead Sleep stands out for me like Sleeping Giant did last time. Not the MVP but such a good track. Shadow Man is what DT does best. I can't wait to see them perform and I hope the continue to lean into epics in future albums.

This is a fun record - can't wait to listen again tonight.