Senecadawg's Top 50 Least Disliked DT Songs

Started by senecadawg2, January 12, 2013, 03:31:01 PM

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Glass Moonlight

Awesome, all those are on par with my positions.


Quote from: BlobVanDam on January 22, 2013, 09:20:02 PM
Space Dye Vest would make my bottom 10 for being a droning borefest for being jam-packed with hyperbolic teen-aged emotion and feeling.


Oh, and, Home rocks hard Senecadawg. I like your choice there!

Glass Moonlight

I am really wondering what number 5-1 will be.


3 awesome songs right there in spite of what Blob says that heartless basterd....


Quote from: Nekov on January 23, 2013, 07:33:14 AM
3 awesome songs right there in spite of what Blob says that heartless basterd....

No, you see, if anything I have more heart than everyone else! That's why KM's emotionless drone doesn't even register on my heart scale. :P


I'm with Nekov. Just because it doesn't register on your scale doesn't mean it isn't of the kind to register all the way up in some others.
But of course, as a reasonable person, you do know that :heart


Well of course I do know that, opinions etc, but the thing is, I honestly can't figure out what people see in that song at all.
I can listen to other songs I dislike and think "yeah, I can see why others like it, but not my thing". I can listen to songs I like and think "I can see why others wouldn't dig this like I do", but with SDV, it's really like we're listening to completely different songs. Zero emotion. Blandtacular vocal delivery. Drawn out sample section. Repetitive. :dunno:

Then I listen to a gorgeous song like Vacant, with such emotive vocal delivery, that dark and subtle piano playing, and that cello pouring out those beautiful, sad melodies, and it doesn't get anywhere near the recognition it deserves.


Quote from: BlobVanDam on January 23, 2013, 07:54:05 AM
Well of course I do know that, opinions etc, but the thing is, I honestly can't figure out what people see in that song at all.
I can listen to other songs I dislike and think "yeah, I can see why others like it, but not my thing". I can listen to songs I like and think "I can see why others wouldn't dig this like I do", but with SDV, it's really like we're listening to completely different songs. Zero emotion. Blandtacular vocal delivery. Drawn out sample section. Repetitive. :dunno:

Then I listen to a gorgeous song like Vacant, with such emotive vocal delivery, that dark and subtle piano playing, and that cello pouring out those beautiful, sad melodies, and it doesn't get anywhere near the recognition it deserves.
I have been trying to pin-point what first hit me about it and when but I honestly can't remember much. I just know it always first weirded me out and then depressed me a lot until I came to loving it but I honestly don't know :lol I read all your points and they may be objectively true but they aren't what constitutes the song for me, it's all somewhere else.

People tell me "eh you must like that song because you sympathize with Kevin/like his music" all the time but it just always did something amazing for me back when I barely knew who wrote what of them and before I knew what the song was about. I just can't explain it. And I've met a lot of people who have that sort of connection to it as well, or just enjoy it, and I've met a lot of people who are repulsed by it as well.

I suppose I'm rambling but I like talking about that song. The thing is, I can totally imagine why would you feel like that about it, but I also can't imagine myself living in a Universe where I play it and feel nothing, it just can't happen :lol


Vacant is quite alright, but it doesn't do too much for me. Maybe it's just the fact that, being so short, I don't feel it going anywhere. Space-Dye Vest, on the other hand, takes me on a journey.


Quote from: senecadawg2 on January 23, 2013, 01:21:49 PM
Vacant is quite alright, but it doesn't do too much for me. Maybe it's just the fact that, being so short, I don't feel it going anywhere. Space-Dye Vest, on the other hand, takes me on a journey.

A song doesn't need to be long to go anywhere or to achieve what it sets out to do. And not every song is intended to be a "journey". Some songs are more of a "snapshot" of a moment in time. Vacant feels like it's just capturing the emotion of one moment. Any longer, and I feel like it would have been redundant or excessive to the purpose of the song. I don't feel like SDV achieves anything extra with its length anyway.


In hopes of diverting the conversation away from SDV, I will now reveal the next two songs on my list.

7. Lines In the Sand

Let's first consider the album Falling Into Infinity. I always have trouble ranking it, because while it certainly holds some of Dream Theatre's most contemptible songs (Burning My Soul, Just Let Me Breathe, and You Not Me) it also showcases Dream Theater at its peak. Lines In the Sand, coming in at just over 12 minutes, is incredibly fresh, unique, and an overall doggone emotional experience.


Pros: I love Myung's vocal contributions as the back up in this song, and I'm shocked that he hasn't been utilized more over the years in that role. But the real prize comes from 5:50 to 7:30 as one of my favorite solos ever. Then of course there's the astounding interplay between the guitar and the keys, and when James LaBrie leaves the ground from 7:58 up until 8:32 I find myself having to pick my jaw off the floor (yes, I realize its not a particularly shocking vocal line, but there's something about it that never fails to grab me). Last but not least is the general 'fusion' feel of this song, highlighted by the jazzy keys and JP's mixed in harmonics.

DoL: 101

6. The Count of Tuscany

When I first signed up to present my list, many moons ago, I sat down and came up with a rough estimate. The Count of Tuscany was somewhere in the middle. Of course, once ADTOE was released, I felt obliged to have another crack at my list. I ended up making a lot of revisions to fit in the newer songs and adjust to my changing tastes, but this most certainly made the biggest move. Often obsessing over lyrical merit, I used to dismiss this song for its inadequacies in that very area. Then I had a realization that the lyrics weren't inadequate at all. In the context of this song, they serve their role perfectly: displaying the kooky adventure aspect of this song's story. And that's exactly what this song is... an ADVENTURE.

Cons: Too much Mike Porntoy 'singing' in this song. Even though his counterpart, Mike Portnoy, does a fantastic job on the drums.

Pros: I think it's safe to say, from my perspective, that this is by far the most underrated Dream Theater epic (proportional to the overratedness[?] of Octavarium). The intro gets the song moving along at a lovely pace, never straying in to the land of boredom and repetitiveness. And just as it appears that the song may not actually be going anywhere, the singing kicks in and introduces the start of a, frankly speaking, cheesy story. And what's not to love about a cheesy story? Especially when you recognize that that's all it's meant to be and treat it as such. The most fun part of the story definitely comes in at the chorus, though that's not the best part of the song. Finally, after climax, the listener is then transported into a vastly different world, in which gravity is only mentioned in whispers and all cares are washed away by the caress of chimes across the eardrums. This transition is startling, yet so fitting and well executed that I cannot imagine 'part one' ending any other way, and does a great job of setting up the best outro Dream Theater has ever made. That's right, THE BEST, and its not even close!

DoL: 105

5 and 4 tomorrow.


More great choices! I don't know where I'd rank LITS, but it would be highly, probably second to ToT for my favourite from the album.
Nice writeup for TCOT. All that needs to be said. I wouldn't rank it quite as high, but I think it's a great song.


Quote from: senecadawg2 on January 23, 2013, 08:55:57 PM
and does a great job of setting up the best outro Dream Theater has ever made. That's right, THE BEST, and its not even close!

But... In the name of god... :-\


Quote from: SomeoneLikeHim on January 24, 2013, 02:18:31 PM
Quote from: senecadawg2 on January 23, 2013, 08:55:57 PM
and does a great job of setting up the best outro Dream Theater has ever made. That's right, THE BEST, and its not even close!

But... In the name of god... :-\

is terribly overrated.
Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


Quote from: SomeoneLikeHim on January 24, 2013, 02:18:31 PM
Quote from: senecadawg2 on January 23, 2013, 08:55:57 PM
and does a great job of setting up the best outro Dream Theater has ever made. That's right, THE BEST, and its not even close!

But... In the name of god... :-\

It's quite epic, especially the L@B version. But as Elite said... also very overrated.


Quote from: Elite on January 24, 2013, 02:59:26 PM
Quote from: SomeoneLikeHim on January 24, 2013, 02:18:31 PM
Quote from: senecadawg2 on January 23, 2013, 08:55:57 PM
and does a great job of setting up the best outro Dream Theater has ever made. That's right, THE BEST, and its not even close!

But... In the name of god... :-\

is terribly overrated.




Elite is not overrated in the slightest, and neither are these next couple songs!!!

5. Metropolis, Pt. 1: The Miracle and the Sleeper

If forced to choose one single song in summation of Dream Theater's entire catalog, this would be it. I hardly need to tell you lot, but this here fan favorite is deserving of all the love it gets. Definitely suggestive of Dream Theater's earlier sound, this song easily blows all of DT's more recent music out of the water.

Pros: James LaBrie flies in this; arguably his most powerful performance ever. Add to that the excellent progressive rock elements of Dream Theater music, exemplified by the slew of solos, each showcasing what makes each musician so special to the band. It's never boring, and impossible for me to pick out favorite moments, because it's ridiculously high quality from start to finish. Also very interesting lyrically, with a personal favorite of mine...

I was told there's a miracle for each day that I try
I was told there's a new love that's born for each one that has died
I was told there'll be no one to call on when I feel alone and afraid
I was told if you dream of the next world
You'll find yourself swimming in a lake of fire

DoL: 110

4. Trial of Tears

Here we have it, edging out Lines in the Sand, as the best song from Falling Into Infinity. Comprised of three parts, this song strokes all the right spots to drive me crazy in the best way imaginable. I'll admit that I definitely overlooked this one when I was first getting into Dream Theater, but when it began to grow on me later, there was no stopping it. While not displaying Dream Theater's more classic sound, as Metropolis does, Trial of Tears experiments more, and passes with flying colors.

Pros: It makes more sense to go through this song part by part, so that's what I'll do. First is the opening It's Raining, lasting for about 6 minutes. The intro, more slowed down and ambient, foreshadows the tone of the forthcoming Wasteland. Of course, once it does get going it wastes no time, and everyone is on top of their game. As far as instrumentals go, the middle section: Deep In Heaven, is perhaps my favorite. John Petrucci's solo blows me away every time, only to be matched by the equally impressive keyboard solo. But finally, after 9 minutes and 53 seconds, Deep In Heaven transitions beautifully into the best part of the song. Welcome to the wasteland!!! Shivers down my spine I tell ya, every single time! As far as transitions go, there's no topping this. Utilizing a couple odd techniques to perfection, namely the wind and the other sound effect which I cannot name, I am transported from somewhere deep in heaven, into a place even deeper. Suffice it to say that everything about the wasteland, from LaBrie's eargasmic singing to Myung's incredible lyrics, melts my heart. Unfortunately, as hard as I try, no words can describe how this song makes me feel. Maybe it's because I'm not nearly eloquent enough to be tasked with such an assignment, or maybe it's just because some things must speak for themselves. While more likely a combination of the two, in regards to the latter I suggest you take the time to let this song speak to you. It has so much to say.

DoL: 120

And that's it for now. You can expect 2 more tomorrow. Obviously, getting this high into the list, 5-1 are pretty much interchangeable depending on mood.

Any predictions for the top 3?

The Letter M

"A Change Of Seasons" has to be up there...



Quote from: senecadawg2 on January 24, 2013, 08:17:21 PM
Elite is not overrated in the slightest, and neither are these next couple songs!!!

Well the second part is most definitely right! Both winners. :tup

Quote from: The Letter M on January 24, 2013, 08:20:31 PM
"A Change Of Seasons" has to be up there...




I agree with everything you said about TCOT. I also feel the outro is the best  one theyve ever done.


Metropolis is overrated. There. I said it.



Quote from: SomeoneLikeHim on January 25, 2013, 07:55:53 AM
3. Learning to Live
2. Six Degrees
Meh. I'm thinking more

3.Six Degrees
1.The Occasional Status Seeker joke
Real 1.Learning To Live



Quote from: Lolzeez on January 25, 2013, 07:54:32 AM
Metropolis is overrated. There. I said it.

Apparently I think so as well if you've read my list.

I really love your placement of Trial Of Tears.


Quote from: Lolzeez on January 25, 2013, 07:54:32 AM
Metropolis is overrated. There. I said it.

Well congratulations on saying it, but that doesn't change the fact that you are wrong.  ;D


Quote from: senecadawg2 on January 25, 2013, 10:27:06 AM
Quote from: Lolzeez on January 25, 2013, 07:54:32 AM
Metropolis is overrated. There. I said it.

Well congratulations on saying it, but that doesn't change the fact that you are wrong.  ;D
I was gonna write a reply with a huge paragraph but then I remembered that Blob will always be the better "weird opinion guy".   :-\



Destiny Of Chaos


Trial of Tears is soooooooo beautiful. :heart

Metropolis ain't too shabby either.


Dammit I just accidentally deleted what I was about to post for number 3. I'll have to do it later now.

And yes, Trial of Tears is beautiful

EDIT: Let's do it now.

3. Disappear

All of you who predicted SDOIT were not far off, you just chose the wrong song. But here we have it, Dream Theater's best ballad, and the best song they've released in the last decade. In a single word, this song is ethereal. From the spacey riff to the distant-sounding vocals, but most of all in the otherworldly way it affects me emotionally.

Pros: The fact that something so simple as a piece of music can produce such a strong response is miraculous, and the band deserves all the credit for that. First and foremost: LaBrie's really on the top of his game here, both as a lyricist and a vocalist. His ability to pull me in, and convince me that he is feeling the same kind of pain that the song expresses, cannot be understated. Everything else about this song is relatively simple, and everyone plays their role to perfection. The product is haunting, and no matter how many times I listen to this song I feel that I've been invited into an incredibly intimate moment.

And I'll carry on, the best that I can without you here beside me

DoL: 125


Insert a couple songs which hurt me to leave off the list

Pull Me Under: Dream Theatre's biggest hit, this song really sets I&W off on a great start. But, in the grand scheme of things, it's really rather average by DT standards.

Outcry: Very cool song from the most recent album. Oddly enough, when it was first released this was one of my favorite songs. Since then it has severely faded out of my stream of consciousness. As much as I want to love it, it just doesn't really do anything for me.

Forsaken: Despite all the hate this song gets, its pretty damn fun.


Didn't you say that Octavarium was your least favorite epic?