Senecadawg's Top 50 Least Disliked DT Songs

Started by senecadawg2, January 12, 2013, 03:31:01 PM

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I must admit, creating this list was one of the most difficult things I've ever done. Continuing this confession (a sort of 'coming out'), I must also admit that I don't particularly like Dream Theatre, or their music. The difficulty in creating this list was trying to separate the bad from the worst. Disliking almost all of their material, the dreadful task before me was to search for hours upon hours to find any sections which I could appreciate. It was then, in a most dark hour that I experienced the briefest spark of brilliance. An epiphany that completely changed my mindset, I decided to turn my focus away from the good things Dream Theatre has done, and instead focus on the bad things.

Much easier to spot, I began to rank the albums by the degree to which I hated them. I then proceeded to the individual songs and, finally, I had a general idea of what my list would look like by simply flipping the aforementioned lists upside down. Interestingly enough, those songs with rare impressive moments also ended up being those with which I took the least offense. After a short amount of shuffling, I can now present, with confidence, my 50 least disliked Dream Theatre songs.

Many of you will disagree with me on my placement of these songs, and perhaps on the entire premise of the proceeding list. Maybe... just maybe, for whatever reason, you poor souls actually like Dream Theatre. While I pity you that fall into this category, I cannot deny the satisfaction that this list brought me. Dream Theatre deserves to be called out on the garbage they've produced, and I'm thrilled to be able to help in that effort.



I don't like Dream Theatre either.  Bunch of talentless douchebags.

Marion Crane

Cedar redaC


So, are you planning on also doing a Dream Theater list in the future? Those guys are at least alright.

Pols Voice

Cedar redaC

Is there actually a band called "Dream Theatre"? Is that the joke, or are you serious Seneca?


The Letter M

Can't be any worse (or better?) than the Bottom 50 Least Disliked...right? Or wrong?




I think it's pretty ridonkulous to stay at a message board of a band you basically hate just because the community is pretty cool.


Quote from: Zook on January 12, 2013, 04:15:49 PM
I think it's pretty ridonkulous Awesome to stay at a message board of a band you basically hate just because the community is pretty really cool.


Marion Crane

Ok so do realize that "least disliked" is a double negative right? It translates to "most liked."



Quote from: Marion Crane on January 12, 2013, 04:24:54 PM
Ok so do realize that "least disliked" is a double negative right? It translates to "most liked."


Bit harsh, probably.

I don't hate Dream Theater, but I am actually mildly interested in your perspective. Will be following.

The Letter M

Quote from: fibreoptix on January 12, 2013, 04:34:43 PM
Quote from: Marion Crane on January 12, 2013, 04:24:54 PM
Ok so do realize that "least disliked" is a double negative right? It translates to "most liked."


Bit harsh, probably.

I don't hate Dream Theater, but I am actually mildly interested in your perspective. Will be following.

As well, only if it's actually meant to be a "least favorite" list and not "least disliked"/"favorite" list. I just want to see if mostly-dislike songs like "You Not Me" or "Prophets Of War" make it to the top (bottom?) of the list.



you seriously dont like Dream Theater?
im so confused... why be on this forum at all?


this thread is giving me good vibes arleady



Really looking forward to reading this one.

Destiny Of Chaos

This will be an interesting take.

Just hope that everyone stays respectful.


This is seneca and he does it right. Best thread of 2013 so far for me.

Quote from: Lolzeez on November 18, 2013, 01:23:32 PMHey dude slow the fuck down so we can finish together at the same time.  :biggrin:
Quote from: home on May 09, 2017, 04:05:10 PMSqu
scRa are the resultaten of sound nog bring propey


This can't be serious  :lol but if it is, I'm interested in following the list.

Madman Shepherd

I don't really like Dream Theater either but I had internet access and nothing to do tonight so what the fuck.



Let's see if seneca will be as eloquent as his namesake.  :azn:




Let's get this show on the road.

50. A Nightmare to Remember

The title for the opening track on Dream Theatre's Black Clouds & Silver Linings is somewhat ironic. While most certainly a decent soundtrack for a nightmare, Dream Theatre fails to deliver a whole lot of memorable material, despite its inexcusable 16 minute length. I'll say it many times over the course of this list: my favorite songs are those which take me on a journey, and for the 'epics' to even stand a chance, this is a requirement. As I look back on my journey through this Nightmare I remember the cold and calculated mood more than anything. Oh yeah, and Mike Portnoy.

Cons: The length is just unnecessary, the instrumentation is verging on wankery (with practically no emotional weight), the lyrics are a bore, and the story from whence those lyrics are derived sucks. Also, Mike Portnoy goes overboard with his attempt at 'singing' 11 some minutes into the song, and the rest of the music suffers as a result.

Degree of Dislike (1-100; where 100=hate): 94

49. This Is the Life

After opening up with one of Dream Theatre's longer songs, it seems fitting to look in on one of their shorter, and less ambitious efforts. While still coming in at nearly 7 minutes, This Is the Life feels startlingly short and light when compared to the Nightmare mentioned above. Fear not though, for this life is far from perfect.

Cons: While doing nothing majorly wrong, This Is the Life also fails to do anything excellent. Consequently, this song leaves much to be desired. The pedestrian lyrics and pedestrian vocal performance are reminiscent of Another Day, with the primary difference being that this one is a hell of a lot more boring.

DoD: 90

48. Hell's Kitchen

Speak of the devil! Another shorter track, this time an instrumental from the somewhat controversial Falling Into Infinity, Hell's Kitchen falls at number 48 on my least disliked list. To be honest, I don't have too much to say for this track, only that it's one of my least disliked Dream Theatre instrumentals...

Cons: Besides Portrucci, not much happens in this song. And as great as Portrucci is, his playing alone hardly warrants a spot higher than this.

DoD: 85

47. Scene Seven II. One Last Time

The fourth song on my list comes from my least disliked Dream Theatre album ever. One of the interesting things about SFAM is that, individually, many of its songs are just okay. The whole certainly is greater than the sum of its parts, and SFAM is the perfect example. Coming near the end of the story, One Last Time provides a decent interlude between the wanktacular Dance of Maternity and the ballad Spirit Carries On. But, disregarding this truth, and focusing on the song as a stand-alone work, as I must do, One Last Time offers very little.

Cons: As I mentioned before, taken out of the context of SFAM, this song does little more than satisfy my urge for a quicky with Rudes.

DoD: 84

46. The Glass Prison

Surely the most controversial spot on my list up to this point goes to The Glass Prison, also known as Dream Theatre's most overrated song of all time. Time and time again I see this track appear on fan boys' top 10 lists, and lets be real... it doesn't deserve that spot. It's a decent heavy song, but hardly the epitome of what Dream Theatre has to offer in that regard (as I so often see it described).

Cons: The 14 minutes which this piece approaches is unnecessary, and the result is a lot of wanky filler. Now don't get me wrong, when I'm working out I love the wanky filler. But when I sit down to listen to Dream Theatre, I'm looking for something more; something which The Glass Prison doesn't fulfill. Also, similar to The Nightmare, this song suffers from a little bit too much Mike Portnoy.

DoD: 89

I think that'll do for now...


Hehe, you already butchered two of my favorite songs, this'll be fun.


I could probably verbatim quote your write-up on The Glass Prison, good call! :tup

Pols Voice

I thought the first post was the troll and the list itself was going to be written normally. Ah well.



Quote from: Pols Voice on January 13, 2013, 11:05:05 AM
I thought the first post was the troll and the list itself was going to be written normally. Ah well.


Yeah, me too. Still, this is interesting, even though I think I will outrage at some of your choices (as I already did for H'sK).

Say, this mean there are more than 50 DT song that go from 94/100 of hate to hate in your mind?


You're right, this "Dream Theatre" band sounds awful.